Professor Martin Gallagher
Clinical Associate Dean
- University of Adelaide, MB BS 1991
- Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Fellow (FRACP) 1999
- University of Sydney, MPH (Hons) 2003
- University of Sydney, PhD 2010
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Chief Investigator A, NHMRC MRFF Project Grant (#1170347) 2019: Aldosterone bloCkade for Health Improvement EValuation in End-stage renal disease (ACHIEVE) study. Value: $2,850,988.40
- Chief Investigator A NHMRC Project Grant (#1148060) 2017: Kidney function and the effectiveness and safety of direct oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation: the KODIAK-AF study. Value: $445,493
- Chief Investigator A NHMRC Project Grant (#1127121) 2016: STARRT-AKI: Standard versus Accelerated initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury. Value: $2,112,446
- Chief Investigator A NHMRC Partnership Grant (#1103241) 2015: Reducing the Burden of dialysis catheter complications: a national approach (REDUCCTION). Value: $1,192,236, with Partner Contribution of $1,877,010
- Chief Investigator G NHMRC Project Grant (#1101765) 2015: Plasma-Lyte 148 versus Saline (PLUS) Trial. Value: $5,984,818
- Chief Investigator D NHMRC Project Grant (#1098815) 2015: Establishing Core Outcomes in Haemodialysis. Value: $300,034
- Chief Investigator E NHMRC Partnership Grant (#1055175) 2012: The Diabetes Renal Project: Better outcomes for patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Value: $628,148
- ANZ Society of Nephrology Infrastructure Grant, 2013. Value: $45,000
- Kidney Health Australia Project Grant 2013. Value: $45,000
- Kidney Health Australia Project Grant 2012. Value: $48,800
- Chief Investigator B NHMRC Project Grant (#1030973) 2011: The SHARP-ER Study: Extended follow-up of the SHARP Study cohort. Value: $1,060,000.00
- Jacquot Fellowship, RACP 2010 & 2011. Value: $90,000
- Harkness Fellowship 2009-2010. Value: ~$110,000
- Prestigious fellowship award to a single Australian health clinician or researcher to support 12 months research in USA awarded Dec 2008
- Chief Investigator B NHMRC Project Grant (#1011387) 2010: Prevention of serious adverse events following angiography (PRESERVE) Study. Value: $2,323,394.40
- Chief Investigator A NHMRC Project Grant (#632811) 2009: Extended follow up of the RENAL Study and individual patient data meta-analysis. Value: $625,000.
- NHMRC Post-graduate Research Scholarship 2008-2009. Value: ~$28,000
- NHMRC Renal CCRE Post-graduate Research Scholarship 2007. Value ~$28,000
- Senior author Kidney Health Ausrralia Best Clinical Research Award ANZSM 2021 (awarded to Dr Sradha Kotwal)
- Co-author on Best Young Investigator Award (Clinical) ANZSN ASM Perth 2016 (awarded to Emma O’Lone)
- Senior investigator on paper awarded Best Young Investigator Award (Clinical) ANZSN ASM Auckland 2012 (awarded to Dr Min Jun)
- Finalist KHA Clinical Science Award, ANZSN ASM Auckland 2012
- Co-author on Best Clinical Presentation at ANZ Society of Nephrology ASM (Awarded to Alan Cass), Hobart 2009
- Best Poster in Clinical Science at ANZ Society of Nephrology ASM, Newcastle 2008
- Kidney Health Australia Award for Best Clinical Presentation at Transplantation Society of ANZ Annual Scientific Meeting, 2007
- Finalist in Kidney Health Australia Best Clinical Nephrology Presentation at ANZSN, Gold Coast 2007
- Excellence in teaching award 2006 & 2007, Concord Clinical School, USYD
- National Institute of Clinical Studies Cochrane Users Award 2003
- National Award for application of Cochrane Database evidence into clinical practice for VTE Prevention in a large teaching hospital.
- Glaxo-Smith-Kline Travel Award for Advanced Research in Organ Transplantation at Transplantation Society of ANZ Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, 2002
- Young Investigator Award at Transplantation Society of ANZ Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, 2002
- Nominated for President’s Prize at Transplantation Society of ANZ Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, 2002
- Quality First Awards: ACT wide award for clinical practice improvement
- Safety category 2002,
- Effectiveness category 2003.
- John Graham Prize for Services to RNSH RMOA 1992