Professor Marc Williams

Professor Marc Williams

Emeritus Professor

BSc(Econ) PhD (Lond).

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Social Sciences

Marc Williams is Associate Dean (International) UNSW Arts and Social Sciences, and Professor of International Relations at UNSW Sydney. 

Marc’s current research focuses on environmental security in the Pacific; the regulation of the sharing economy; the institutionalization of the BRICS, and race and the international order. He supervises research students working in international political economy, global environmental politics and global governance.

Marc teaches international relations ...

+61 (2) 9385 2394
116 Morven Brown

Environmental security; governance and the world trading system; the politics of sustainable consumption, and race and the international order.

Current Research Projects

Climate change and environmental security in the Pacific: The role of regional organisations
Marc Williams and Duncan McDuie-Ra, Australian Research Council - Discovery Project, Project ID: DP110105299 (2011-2013). Climate change will have a major impact on Pacific Island countries and territories. It will have profound consequences for the pursuit of sustainable development and regional stability. In particular it creates new security challenges which exacerbate existing security problems. This project with its focus on climate change and environmental security in the Pacific will promote a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the politics of climate change in the region and the intimate connection between climate change and security. Through its focus on the role of regional organisations in coordinating efforts to combat climate change and developing institutional capacity this project will be of policy relevance.

Member, International Studies Association

My Teaching

Teaching areas:
International Relations

Current teaching:
ARTS 2812 Politics of International Organization
POLS 5133 Global Civil Society and World Politics
POLS5161 Developing Countries and the International System

Areas of HDR supervision:
International political economy, global environmental politics and global governance

Current HDR supervisions:
Rebecca Pearse, PhD Politics & International Relations, The politics of emissions trading in the Asia-Pacific
Fajar Yusuf, PhD Politics & International Relations, Human rights in ASEAN
Mary Venner, PhD Politics & International Relations, Technical assistance, capacity development and aid effectiveness in Kosovo
Niveen el Moghazy, PhD. Politics & International Relations, Transnational acquisitions in land and their impact on food security

Recent HDR completions:
John Rees, PhD Politics & International Relations, 2009, The Dynamics of Religion in International Relations and Development
Giulia de Matteis, PhD Politics & International Relations, 2009, The Euro and Italian politics
Robert Nicholls, PhD Politics & International Relations, 2010, Regulating broadcasting in Australia
Kim Spurway, PhD Social Science & Policy, 2012, Decsion-making in Disaster Management
Sharon Springell, PhD Politics & International Relations, 2012, The Theory of Policy Alignment: An Ideational Explanation for Change
Mohammed Islam, PhD Politics & International Relations, 2012, Food Security in Bangladesh