Associate Professor Luis Filipe Goncalves-Pinto
Associate Professor
- Ph.D. in Finance, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, 2011
- M.Sc. in Business Administration (Specialization: Finance), University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
- M.B.A. (Finance), Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2003
- Post-Grad Degree in Financial Analysis, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2002
Business School
School of Banking and Finance
I am a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Banking and Finance. Prior to joining UNSW, I was an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I hold a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Southern California (USA), and a M.Sc. in Finance from the University of Lisbon (Portugal). My research focuses on managerial compensation and incentives, delegated portfolio management, information and liquidity in financial markets, limits to arbitrage and return predictability. It has been cited in the Financial Times, Bloomberg, NBER Digest, and many other media outlets.
UNSW Business School - Ref E12
Level 3, Room 355
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- FRC Tier 1 Research Grant, Singapore Ministry of Education, "Drivers and Spillovers of Hedge Fund Activism" [2014-2017]
- STICERD Research Grant, "Contract Horizon and Dynamic (Dis)Incentive Effects of Long-Term Executive Pay" [joint with Moqi Groen-Xu (LSE)], March 2013
- FRC Tier 1 Research Grant, Singapore Ministry of Education, "Delegated Asset Management in Illiquid Markets" [2011-2014]
- EIF Travel Grant, Europlace Institute of Finance, Paris, France, Dec 2009
- IFID Travel Grant, Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions Center, Toronto, Nov 2009
- AFA Student Travel Grant, American Finance Association Annual Meetings, in San Francisco, California, Jan 2009
- Editor's Choice in the November 2018 Volume of the Review of Financial Studies for the paper "Strategic News Releases in Equity Vesting Months"
- Semi-Finalist for Best Paper Award at the FMA Asia-Pacific Conference, April 2017
- ASX Prize for Best Paper on Derivatives / Quantitative Finance at the Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, December 2016
- INQUIRE Europe Research Award, April 2016
- Best Paper Award at International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM), December 2015
- Best Paper Award at FIRN Conference, November 2015
- CAMRI Applied Finance Research Award, July 2014
- Semi-Finalist for Best Paper Award in Investments at the FMA Annual Meetings, October 2013
- New Zealand Superannuation Fund Award for Best Paper at the Auckland Finance Meeting, New Zealand, Dec 2012
- SAC Capital Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research at the Western Finance Association Meetings, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Jun 2010
- LECG Prize for the Best Overall Conference Paper by a Ph.D. Student presented at the 36th European Finance Association Annual Meetings, in Bergen, Norway, Aug 2009
- IFID 2009 Ph.D. Student Paper Competition Award, the Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions Center, in Toronto, Canada, Nov 2009
- FCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, PhD Fellowship, 2010 - 2011
- Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Scholarship, 2006 - 2010
- USC Marshall School of Business Graduate Assistantship, 2006 - 2010
- Fulbright Scholarship, 2005 - 2010
PublisP Published papers:
- Strategic News Releases in Equity Vesting Months (with Alex Edmans, Moqi Groen-Xu, Yanbo Wang) Review of Financial Studies, 31 (2018), 4099-4141. (Lead Article, Editor's Choice)
- Why Do Option Prices Predict Stock Returns? The Role of Price Pressure in the Stock Market (with Bruce Grundy, Allaudeen Hameed, Thijs Van Der Heijden, and Yichao Zhu), Management Science, 66 (2020), 3903-3926.
- Incomplete Information and the Liquidity Premium Puzzle (with Yingshan Chen, Min Dai, Jing Xu, and Cheng Yan), Management Science (published online on Oct 12, 2020)
- How Does Illiquidity Affect Delegated Portfolio Choice? (with Min Dai and Jing Xu), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54 (2019), 539-585.
- The Invisible Hand of Internal Markets in Mutual Fund Families (with Juan Sotes-Paladino and Jing Xu), Journal of Banking and Finance, 89 (2018), 105-124.
Working papers:
- Co-Insurance in Mutual Fund Families (with Breno Schmidt), R&R at Review of Financial Studies
- Convex Incentives and Liquidity Premia (with Min Dai, Jing Xu, and Cheng Yan)
- Predictable Stock Returns, Transaction Costs, and the (Un)Informativeness of Option Prices (with Jing Xu)
- How Informationally Efficient Are Options Markets? (sole author)
My Teaching
- FINS2624 - Portfolio Management
- FINS5513 - Investments and Portfolio Selection