Associate Professor Liem Viet Ngo
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
- Master of Business Administration, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
- Bachelor of Engineering, HoChiMinh City University of Technology, Vietnam.
I am Associate Professor of Marketing at UNSW Business School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (UNSW Sydney). I obtained my PhD degree at University of Newcastle. I currently serve as Editor-in-Chief of Australasian Marketing Journal. I have also served on the Editorial Review Board of Industrial Marketing Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics, and Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.
At UNSW Sydney, I served as Research Coordinator (2018 to 2019), Postgraduate Research Coordinator (2014 to 2017), and Postgraduate Coursework Coordinator (2010 to 2014). I have taught postgraduate and undergraduate courses including brand management, digital marketing, and advertising. I am currently a Member of Advisory Board of Relationship Marketing for Impact, Griffith University.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2020: BSRG Research Grant for project titled “On the psychology of deprivation: Why do (and don’t) people adopt sustainable consumption?
$24,590 granted by UNSW Sydney Business School
- 2015: The Strategy 2020 Network on “Entrepreneurial Innovation in Asia”
$25,000 granted by UNSW Sydney Business School
- 2012: Australian School of Business Research Grant
$12,000 granted by the University of New South Wales
- 2011: ARC Discovery Grant 2011-2012, Project ID: DP110102197
$145,000 granted by Australian Research Council, administered by the University of Newcastle
- 2010: Australian School of Business, Special Research Grant
$10,000 granted by the University of New South Wales
- 2008: Brand orientation and brand management in international business: A study in Australia, China, India and Vietnam (2008)
$15,000 granted by the University of Newcastle
- 2007: Research Development Fellowship
$8,000 granted by the University of Newcastle
- 2019: Best Overall Conference Paper, ANZMAC 2019, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2019: Best Paper in Services Marketing Track, ANZMAC 2019, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2018: Honorary Doctor of Economics, University of Economics – HoChiMinh City, 20 Oct 2018
- 2015: Best Paper in Services Marketing Track, ANZMAC 2015, Sydney.
- 2015: Best Paper in Marketing Strategy Track, ANZMAC 2015, Sydney.
- 2015: Outstanding Reviewer, Industrial Marketing Management.
- 2011: Non-professorial Research Achievement Award, Australian School of Business, the University of New South Wales
- 2008: Highly commended award winner of 2008 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award
- 2003: Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) 2003-2006 – PhD Program
- 1995: Swiss – AIT – Vietnam Management Development Programme Scholarship 1995-1997 - MBA Program
My research has contributed to the body of knowledge on human experience, theory of mind, attitude formation and change, persuasive communications, business ethics, value creation, resources and capabilities management. This work has been applied to marketing, branding, innovation, and entrepreneurship in cross-cultural context with particular focus on the Asia Pacific region. My research has been published in International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Long Range Planning, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Brand Management, Australasian Marketing Journal, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, among others.
Keynote Speech
- “Marketing in platform ecosystems: Secrets inside”, Keynote speaker at The 3rd International Conference on Business (ICB) 2019, Ho Chi Minh City Open University (HCMC-OU), Vietnam, 5-6 November 2019.
- “Knowing the unknowns in the connected age”, Keynote speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Marketing in the Connected Age (MICA-2018), University of Da Nang, October 2018.
- “Knowledge creation in marketing research: what do we really know?”, Keynote speaker at Information Systems in Business and Management 2017, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam National University-HCMC, 2017.
- The 2016 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Economic & Financial Development, Session Chair, University of Economics, HCMC, Vietnam
- “Business growth for well-being: a research agenda”, Keynote speaker at the 13th Conference of Science and Technology, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam National University-HCMC, 2013.
Media Coverage
- “Four proven ways to foster stronger customer loyalty”, BusinessThink, UNSW Business School, 08/10/2020.
- “How the colour of food alters perceptions of texture”, BusinessThink, UNSW Business School, 20/04/2016.
- “Is customer delight enough to inspire loyalty?”, BusinessThink, UNSW Business School, 19/08/2015.
- “The transformation of marketing via the emerging digital marketplace”, Video for AGSM Marketing core subjects, UNSW Business School, 10/12/2014.
- “Getting to know you: The inclusive world of content marketing”, BusinessThink, UNSW Business School, 15/10/2014.
- “Interact and engage: social media marketing and the future of advertising”, Knowledge@Australian School of Business, 21/05/2013.
- “Taking on the troll”, The Australian, 20/04/2012.
- “Digital age etiquette: how to handle negative comments online”, Knowledge@Australian School of Business, 11/06/2012.
- American Marketing Association (AMA)
- Academy of Management (AOM)
- Australian Marketing Institute (AMI)
- Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC)
- Australian and New Zealand Management Academy (ANZAM)
- Advisory Board of Relationship Marketing for Impact, Griffith University
My Research Supervision
- Oanh Nguyen, PhD student: The Psychological Effects of Deprivation and Scarcity on Consumer Behaviors.
- Widya Paramita, PhD student: The Ethical Chameleon: Exploring Frontline Employees’ Problem-Solving Strategies Across Different Types of Ethical Issues.
My Teaching
My teaching interests combine the areas of brand management, digital marketing, marketing communication and promotion, and research methodology. Central to my teaching philosophy is that teaching and learning activities are interactive and practical relevant in which students are the central focus. Learning experience is socially co-created. Students and I work together as a community of learners with shared responsibility to co-create and complete the learning experiences necessary to achieve the desired outcomes of the course. Integrating theory and practice enables students to become more engaged in the learning process if they can see the relevance of their studies to professional, disciplinary, and personal contexts.