Dr Kristan Kang
Dr Kristan Kang joined UNSW in 2008. He was a Data Manager within the School of Psychiatry and the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA), and subsequently CHeBA’s Research Manager providing management and expertise in areas such as research governance & compliance, data management, and project management. He also managed the CHeBA Research Bank and Brain Donation Program. Kristan became the Senior Research Data Specialist (Health & Medical) at the Australian Research Data Commons (an NCRIS facility) in 2020 but retains an honorary appointment at UNSW and provides ongoing expertise and guidance to CHeBA.
Kristan has a diverse background, having worked in nuclear chemistry, cognitive and health sciences, academic teaching and research, crisis counselling and homelessness, information technology, and the performing arts. He has a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, has co-authored numerous scientific research articles, and has been awarded grants from bodies including the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping and the National Institute of Health (USA).
Both of Kristan’s parents suffer from dementia, so he has first-hand experience as a carer and appreciates the issues related to dementia on both an academic and a personal level.
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision