Professor Kenneth Hillman

Professor Kenneth Hillman




Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Professor Ken Hillman is the Professor of Intensive Care at the School of Clinical Medicine, UNSW Medicine and Health, South West Sydney Clinical Campuses, Discipline of Critical Care, University of New South Wales Sydney, the Foundation Director of the Simpson Centre for Health Services Research, UNSW and the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research.  His main interest is in Health Services Research – developing and evaluating new and innovative ways of practising health care.

Ken Hi...

The Simpson Centre for Health Services Research Level 3, The Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 1 Campbell Street Liverpool NSW 2170

  1. 2018-2021 (3 years) NHMRC Partnership Grant –APP1151923.  $504,187.80

         Reducing non-beneficial treatment at the end-of-life.  Chief Investigators: Professor Nicholas Graves, Professor Ken Hillman, Professor Gillian Harvey, Professor Leonie Calloway, Dr Magnolia Cardona-Morrell, Professor Adrian Barnett, Dr. Zing.


  1. 2020-2021 (1 year) Age and Aging CAG Flagship Project Scheme.  ($100,000)

         Empowering older, frail people to make their own end of life choices.   Chief Investigators: Dr Carla Saunders, A/Professor Ben Harris-Roxa, A/Professor Peter Gonski, Professor Ken Hillman.


  1. September 2021 – 31 August 2026 (5 years).  NHMRC Partnership Grant – APP2006753. $1,027,500.90

Establishing a digital health foundation for outcomes-based diagnostic excellence, safety and value.  Chief Investigators: Professor Andrew Georgiou, Professor Jacqueline Carter, Professor Johanna Westbrook, Professor William Rawson, Professor Kate Curtis, A/Professor Jeffrey Post, Professor Andrea Horvath, Professor Ken Hillman, Professor Janaki Amin, Professor Zoltan Endre.


  1. 2021 – (1 year) NSW Health COVID-19 Research Grants Program - $499,696

24/7 eICU Model of care for level 4 ICUs in rural NSW.  Chief Investigators: Professor Deepak Bhonagiri, Professor Ken Hillman, Professor Michael Parr, A/Professor Jack Chen.


  1. January 2022 – December 2024 (3 years).  NHMRC Ideas Grant – 20103757. $768,889

Developing a real-time machine learning rapid response and risk stratification system for in-hospital patients.  Chief Investigators: A/Professor Jack Chen, Professor Ken Hillman, A/Professor Arthas Flabouris, Professor Michael Par, Professor Daniel Chan, Dr Lixin Ou.

  1. NSW Premier’s Public Sector Award - Medical Emergency Team.  1998
  1. Bronze Cindy in Medical: Professional audience - presented by the International Association of Audio Visual Communication for the making of the video Implementation of the MET System into your Hospital – A Window of Opportunity”. 1999

      3. Stouteenbeck Award for an outstanding protocol of a clinical investigation addressing an issue relevant for clinical practice in intensive care medicine.  The award was presented during the opening session of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Congress.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands 25th September 2005.  Є10,000.

        4. Admitted to the Australian & New Zealand Intensive Care Society Honour Roll.  Presented at the ANZICS NSW Regional Meeting.  Sydney 1st December 2011.

        5. NSW Premier’s Public Sector Award 2013.  Delivering quality customer services.  BTF Program.

        6. Excellence in Teaching and Research 2014.  SWS Clinical School.

       7. Order of Australia in the General Division.  2015 Australia Day’s Honour list.     26th January 2015.   Citation: For distinguished service to intensive care medicine, as a pioneer in the introduction of the medical emergency team system, and as an advocate for the seriously ill.

        8. 2017 South Western Sydney Local Health District Quality Award in the category of Improvement in Patient Safety.  Cardona-Morrell M, Lewis E, Ticehurst M.  Hillman K.  Alkhouri H.  Turner R.  Development and validation of the CriSTAL tool.   Award presented on 1 September 2017.

Health System Research

End of Life Care for the Frail Elderly