Professor Kei Lui
Research Interests:
In the field of perinatal and neonatal medicine with a particuplar interest in the clinical epidemiology in the short term and long term outcomes of newborns needing intensive care.
Broad Research Areas:
Paediatrics / Child Health, Epidemiology, Clinical Research, Inflammation, Health Policy
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Chairman, Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN) 2018 - current; Former Inaugural Chairperson, ANZNN Data Collection Operations Committee 2008-2017, Inaugural Chairperson, ANZNN Clincal Practice Improvement Committee 2015 - 2018, Chairperson, DCOC Follow up Subcommittee 2011-2017. ANZNN Operation Manager 2012 -2018.
Member of, Royal Australasian College of Physician
Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand: Chair, Organising and scientific committee for the 8th Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney 2004, Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour , Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, Co-chair, Perinatal Drug Use Special Interest Group 2002-9, Chair, NSW Branch 1999-2001,
NSW Pregnancy and Newborn Services Network , Chair, Organising committee, Consensus Workshop on Perinatal Care at Borderlines of Viability 2005 , Chair, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Working Group 2000-2
Specific Research Keywords:
Epidemiology, Clinical Trials, Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Clinical Research, Neonatology, Drug Addiction
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Recent External Competitive Grants
WHEAT Trial Australia (CIA, 2019-24 (extended due to COVID) MRFF $1.60M); LIFT Trial (CIC, 2013-7, NHMRC $2.2M) and LIFT Trial Follow up study (CIA, 2017-2020, NHMRC $1.47m) the APTS Trial (CIG, 2009-14 – extension 2017, NHMRC $2.69M) APTS Trial Follow up study (CIB, 2015-8; NHMRC $855k), TORPIDO (CIB, 2015-2019, Extension 2022, NHMRC $2.2M) and 2 data linkage project grants: Assisted Reproduction Technology Health Record Data Linkage Study (CID, 2017-19 NHMRC $463k); and Impact of neonatal care on long-term healthcare needs and outcomes (CIB, 2020-2022 MRFF $163,840). Prof Lui is the principle investigator on other relevant grants: HCF Foundation; Using a clinical registry to reduce variation in clinical outcomes in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (PI, 2018-20; $211,000) and the just awarded Canadian Institute of Health Research project grant for WHEAT International Trial to cover trial sites in Canada and UK (co-applicant, 2022-2024; CAD $2.1M).