Dr Katinka Van De Ven
PhD, Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC), Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate: University of Kent/University of Hamburg/Utrecht University/Eötvös Loránd University (2016)
MA Criminology, Utrecht University, NL (2011)
MSc Clinical and Health Psychology, Utrecht University, NL (2010)
Dr Katinka van de Ven is a Visiting Fellow as part of the Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) at the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) and a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Rural Criminology, University of New England. She conducts research in relation to alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment services systems, amongst others around funding mechanisms, workforce characteristics and client outcomes, such as the Horizons project. Katinka also specialises in the use and supply of performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs), which includes projects surrounding the prevention of PIED use, harm reduction policies and improving healthcare services for users. She also conducts research concerned with translating empirical evidence regarding the use and supply of PIEDs into useful information for healthcare professionals, decision makers, and other stakeholders.
Katinka is a Honorary Research Fellow at the Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University. She is a Editor-in-Chief of Performance Enhancement & Health and the Director of the Human Enhancement Drug Network (HEDN). The aim of HEDN is to provide evidence-based information, to share knowledge and experience, to provide harm reduction and human enhancement drug (HED) education, and to collaborate in this growing field of HEDs.
Broad research areas:
Alcohol and other drug use, treatment service systems, drugs and the internet, drug policy, harm reduction, performance and image enhancing drugs, anti-doping, health, nutrition and sports.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Investigator on "Demand Study for Alcohol Treatment Services in the Northern Territory". Awarded by Northern Territory Department of Health (Australia) (2018-2019).
Investigator on "Development of a National Treatment Framework for the drug and alcohol system". Awarded by Commonwealth Department of Health (Australia) (2018-2019).
Principle Investigator on "Healthcare professionals and performance and image enhancing drugs (PIED) use: improving the quality and delivery of PIED e-learning programs". Awarded by UNSW-USyd Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Comorbidity Seed Funding (2018-2019).
Investigator on "Towards quality anti-doping education in recreational sports". Awarded by European Commission, ERASMUS+ Sport (2018-2020) .
Investigator on "Scoping Project National Treatment Framework". Awarded by Commonwealth Department of Health (Australia) (2017).
The Ian Potter Foundation, Knowledge and Learning/Travel grant (Reference: 20180387) (2018)
Postgraduate Research Prize, University of Kent (2016)
Young visiting scholars programme at the Aarhus University, Centre for Idraet (2014)
University of Kent 50th Anniversary Scholarship Scheme, University of Kent, Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research (SSPSSR) (2012-2015)
Demand study for alcohol treatment services in the Northern Territory (2018-2019)
The Horizons Project: an empirical analysis of alcohol and other drug treatment funding, purchasing and workforce mechanisms (2017-2020)
Healthcare professionals and performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) use: improving the quality and delivery of PIED e-modules (Doping e-Learning Tools (DELTS) project) (2017-2020)
Development of a National Treatment Framework for the alcohol and other drug treatment system (2018-2019)
Steroid use and public health: the power of visual communication (2016-2017)
Katinka regularly act as an advisor regarding PIED policy for the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, the Police, and the Health Care Inspectorate in the Netherlands, and for the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs in the UK. She also provides PIED-related workshops to healthcare professionals.