Ms Katherine Wong
Bachelor of Optometry (Hons) and Bachelor of Science, UNSW Sydney 2012
Master of Optometry, UNSW Sydney 2018
Medicine & Health
School of Optometry and Vision Science
Katherine is a clinical optometrist and education focused lecturer at the School of Optometry and Vision Science.
Katherine graduated with a Bachelor of Optometry (Hons) and Bachelor of Science degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) in 2012. Since graduating, she has worked in full scope private practice in Sydney, as a locum optometrist in rural Northern Territory and as a Resident Optometrist at the UNSW Optometry Clinic. She previously held the role of Senior Res...
+61 9385 4624
- Publications
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
- Clinical Optometry 4A and 4B (OPT6412 and OPTM6422)
- Clinical Optometry 5A and 5B (OPTM 8512 and OPTM8522)
- Clinical Paediatrics, Low Vision and Colour Vision - Colour vision strand (OPTM8511)