Ms Katherine Thompson

Ms Katherine Thompson

Program Manager

M.A. Ed. Secondary English Education (Wake Forest University), B.A. English (Duke University)

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
ADA Administration

Katherine Thompson (B.A. Duke University; M.A. Ed. Wake Forest University) has taught in a variety of settings, including public and independent high schools, not-for-profit and summer programs (The Fresh Air Fund; WriteGirl; North Carolina Governor's School), and Mwalimu Anna Primary School in Mto Wa Mbu, Tanzania. She is currently the manager of the UNSW Matraville Education Partnership and a sessional academic within the UNSW School of Education, working in the fields of Indigenous education and community advocacy, sociocultural contexts of education, and equity in education.

+61 2 9065 2108
Morven Brown Level G or Matraville Sports High School Annexe
  • Book Chapters | 2018
    Vass G; Bishop M; Thompson K; Beller P; Murray C; Tovey J; Ryan M, 2018, 'Whose story is it anyway? Reflecting on a collaborative research project with/in an educational community', in Stanley P; Vass G (ed.), Questions of culture in autoethnography, Routledge, Ney York, pp. 167 - 181
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Lowe K; Thompson K; Vass G; Grice C, 2024, 'Transforming schooling practices for First Nations learners: culturally nourishing schooling in conversation with the theory of practice architectures', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 37, pp. 2236 - 2250,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Weuffen S; Lowe K; Amazan R; Thompson K, 2024, 'The need for First Nations pedagogical narratives: epistemic inertia and complicity in (re)creating settler-colonial education', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 56, pp. 58 - 72,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Weuffen S; Lowe K; Burgess C; Thompson K, 2023, 'Sovereign and pseudo-hosts: The politics of hospitality for negotiating culturally nourishing schools', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 131 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bishop M; Vass G; Thompson K, 2021, 'Decolonising schooling practices through relationality and reciprocity: embedding local Aboriginal perspectives in the classroom', Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 29, pp. 193 - 211,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Deakin J; Koina E; Waters PD; Doherty R; Patel VS; Delbridge ML; Dobson B; Fong J; Hu Y; Hurk C; Pask AJ; Shaw G; Smith C; Thompson K; Wakefield MJ; Yu H; Renfree M; Graves JA, 2008, 'Physical map of two tammar wallaby chromosomes: a strategy for mapping in non-model mammals', Chromosome Research, 16, pp. 1159 - 1175
    Journal articles | 2008
    Warren WC; Hillier LW; Graves JAM; Birney E; Ponting CP; Grutzner F; Belov K; Miller W; Clarke L; Chinwalla AT; Yang SP; Heger A; Locke D; Miethke P; Waters PD; Veyrunes F; Fulton L; Fulton B; Graves T; Wallis J; Puente XS; Lopez-Otin C; Ordonez C; Eichler EE; Chen L; Cheng Z; Deakin J; Alsop A; Thompson K; Kirby P; Papenfuss AT; Wakefield MJ; Olender T; Lancet D; Huttley GA; Smit AFA; Pask A; Temple-Smith P; Batzer MA; Walker JA; Konkel MK; Harris RS; Whittington CM; Wong ESW; Gemmell NJ; Buschiazzo E; Vargas Jentzsch IM; Merkel A; Schmitz J; Zemann A; Churakov G; Kriegs JO; Brosius J; Murchison EP; Sachidanandam R; Smith C; Hannon GJ; Tsend-Ayush E; McMillan D; Attenborough R; Rens W; Ferguson-Smith M; Lefevre CM; Sharp JA; Nicholas KR; Ray DA; Kube M; Reinhardt R; Pringle TH; Taylor J; Jones RC; Nixon B; Dacheux JL; Niwa H; Sekita Y; Huang X; Stark A; Kheradpour P; Kellis M; Flicek P; Chen Y; Webber C; Hardison R; Nelson J; Hallsworth-Pepin K; Delehaunty K; Markovic C; Minx P; Feng Y; Kremitzki C; Mitreva M; Glasscock J; Wylie T; Wohldmann P; Thiru P; Nhan MN; Pohl CS; Smith SM; Hou S; Renfree M; Mardis ER; Wilson RK, 2008, 'Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution', Nature, 453, pp. 175 - 184
    Journal articles | 2007
    Mikkelsen TS; Wakefield MJ; Aken B; Amemiya CT; Chang JL; Duke S; Garber M; Gentles AJ; Goodstadt L; Heger A; Jurka J; Kamal M; Mauceli E; Searle SM; Sharpe T; Baker ML; Batzer MA; Benos PV; Belov K; Clamp M; Cook A; Cuff J; Das R; Davidow L; Deakin J; Fazzari MJ; Glass JL; Grabherr M; Greally JM; Gu W; Hore TA; Huttley GA; Kleber M; Jirtle RL; Koina E; Lee JT; Mahony S; Marra MA; Miller RD; Nicholls RD; Oda M; Papenfuss AT; Parra ZE; Pollock DD; Ray DA; Schein JE; Speed TP; Thompson K; Vandeberg JL; Wade CM; Walker JA; Waters PD; Webber C; Weidman JR; Xie X; Zody MC; Graves JA; Ponting CP; Breen M; Samollow PB; Lander ES; Lindblad-Toh K, 2007, 'Genome of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica reveals innovation in non-coding sequences.', Nature, 447, pp. 167 - 177

Vice Chancellor's Teaching Award - Programs that Enhance Learning - Master of Teaching Indigenous Education Program 2021

Dean's Learning & Teaching Awards 2019 - Rising Star Award

Nominee - UNSW President's Awards 2017 - Collaboration

UNSW Staff Excellence Award: Excellence in Community Engagement - UNSW Matraville Education Partnership 2016

Aboriginal Voices/Culturally Nourishing Schools Project (2020-2024)

Cultural Residents Project (2020-2022)

Culture, Community and Curriculum Project (2016-2018)




My Teaching

EDST1108: Indigenous Perspectives in Education

EDST5115: Social and Political Contexts in Education

EDST1104: Social Perspectives in Education

EDST2070: Culture, Identity and Education

Master of Teaching Indigenous Education Intensive

Nura Gili Winter School and Pre-Education Programs