Associate Professor Kate Poole
Dr Kate Poole is interested in how cells can "feel" their surroundings. Her research seeks to identify how cells sense and respond to changing mechanical inputs by identifying the molecules that can convert forces into electrical or biochemical signals that influence cell behaviour. Her research team is focused on two streams of research 1) characterising force sensing in cancer cells and 2) investigating what happens to our cells in microgravity (when the influence of Earth's gravity is ab...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Teaching and Supervision
K. Poole. Do mechanically activated ion channels enable cellular sensing of microgravity? AOARD (US Air Force), 21IOA035, 2021 K. Poole, K. Kilian, S. Sianati, N. Ariotti. Mechanosensors in Cancer NHMRC, APP1185021, 2020 K. Poole, B. Martinac, M. Biro, M. Baker. The role of force-sensing ion channels in melanoma migration NHMRC, APP1138595, 2018 K. Poole and B. Martinac. Mechanoelectrical Transduction in Chondrocytes, NHMRC, APP1122104, 2017 K. Poole. Cellular sensing of the physical environment, Helmholtz Association, Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine, Cecile Vogt Fellowship, 2012 K. Poole and GR Lewin, Substrate directed polarisation of mechanotransduction domains in somatosensory neurons, German Research Council (DFG) SFB958, project A09, 2011
UNSW Arc Postgraduate Council Outstanding Research Supervisor Award
Select Publications:
Silvani, G., Bradbury, P., Basirun, C., Mehner, C., Zalli, D., Poole, K. and Chou, J. Testing 3D printed biological platform for advancing simulated microgravity and space mechanobiology research npj Microgravity 8: 1-11 (2022)
Poole, K. The Diverse Physiological Functions of Mechanically Activated Ion Channels in Mammals. Annu Rev Physiol 84:307-329 (2022)
Patkunarajah, A*., Stear, J.H*., Moroni, M., Schroeter, L., Blaszkiewicz, J., Tearle, JLE., Cox, C.D., Fuerst, C., Sanchez-Carranza, O., del Angel Ocana Fernandez, M., Fleischer, R., Eravci, M., Weise, C., Martinac, B., Biro, M., Lewin, G.R., Poole, K. TMEM87a/Elkin1, a component of a novel mechanoelectrical transduction pathway, modulates melanoma adhesion and migration. eLife 9, e53308 (2020)
Bavi*, N., Richardson*, J., Heu, C., Martinac, B., Poole, K. PIEZO1-Mediated Currents Are Modulated by Substrate Mechanics. ACS Nano 13: 13545–13559 (2019).
Servin-Vences, M.R., Moroni, M., Lewin, G.R. Poole, K. Direct measurement of TRPV4 and PIEZO1 activity reveals multiple mechanotransduction pathways in chondrocytes. eLife 6, e21074 (2017)
My Research Supervision
Jessica Richardson (PhD student)