Dr Kalinda Griffiths
PhD (epidemiology), MPH, BBMSc, Cert III in Laboratory Techniques
Kalinda is an early career Scientia Lecturer at the Centre for Big Data Research at UNSW, holds honorary positions at Menzies School of Health Research and the University of Melbourne, and is also Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research and Education Lead at the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre. Kalinda is an epidemiologist who has worked in the research sector in a number of roles for over 20 years. Her interest is in empirically addressing complex health disparities in populat...
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Dr Griffiths is chief investigator on several nationally competitive grants including:
Langton M, Russ V, Smith K, Corn A, Griffiths K, Smith L, Provost S, McEachern S, Strelein L, Porther T, Pollock-Harris A, McLaughlin A, von Gavel S, Bourke C, Mengerson K, Anderson P, Bellgard M, Thomas R, Thorpe K. Australian Research Data Commons. Improving Indigenous Research Capabilities: An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Data Commons. 2022; $1,610,830.
Brown A, Hermes A, Pratt G, Griffiths K, Mann G, Easteal S, Llamas B, Baynam G, Huebner S, MacArthur D. NHMRC. Respecting the Gift – Empowering Indigenous Communities in Genomic Medicine. 2022-2027; $5million.
Langton M, Clinch D, Smith K, Rose J, Smith L, Griffiths K, Pearson O. National Indigenous Australians Agency. Indigenous Data Network Closing the Gap on Community Data Project. 2021-2022; $380,412.
Bradley C, Ward J, Bickerstaffe A, Marshall H, Guy R, Pearson O, Jacups S, Griffiths K, Cadet-James Y. Medical Research Futures Fund. Improving surveillance infrastructure for Indigenous primary health care. $1,998,000.
Garvey G, Eades S, Anderson P, Brown A et al. National Health and Medical Research Council. National Network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Researchers. 2021; $10million.
Griffiths K & Abbey Diaz. Cardiovascular Research Network & National Heart Foundation. Developing a cardiovascular risk assessment tool for people with cancer: analysis of a linked administrative dataset of the New South Wales 45 and Up Cohort. 2021-2022; $25,000.
Smith Vaughan H, Griffiths K, Marsh R, Mayo M. Perpetual - Ramaciotti Biomedical Research Award. Ramaciotti Centre for Excellence in Building Regional and Remote Biomedical Capability. 2019-2023; $1,000,000.
Houston S, Perdue S, Griffiths K, Watts S. Commonwealth of Australia. Development of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Medical Workforce Plan (the Workforce Plan). 2019-2020. $217,382.
Miller P, Smith J, Livingston M, Guthridge S, Whyte C, Boffa J, Paradies Y, Griffiths K, Chikritzhs T, Room R, Mayshak R, Smith L, Stevens M, Paterson J, Ward J, Crane M, Thorn M, Scott D. Australian Research Council – Linkage Project. Investigating the Impacts Of The Banned Drinker Register Re-Introduction in the Northern Territory. 2019-2023; $1,191,949
Garvey G, Cunningham J, Whop L, Brotherton J, Girgis A, Olver I, Howard K, Griffiths K, Baxi S. National Health and Medical Research Council. Targeted Approaches to Improve Cancer Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. 2018-2023; $2,499,981
Dr Griffiths is also chief investigator on Indigenous community prioritised and funded research projects:
Griffiths K. Lowitja Institute. Data sovereignty tools, services and/or resources: Phase 2: Data sovereignty tools, services and/or resources: development of an education and training package for commercialisation. 2021; $64,864.
Griffiths K. Lowitja Institute. Data sovereignty tools, services and/or resources: Phase 1: identification of potential and viable tools, services and/or resources. 2020; $43,960.
2020 - Health Promotion Association of Australia, 'Thinker in Residence'.
2019 - Lowitja Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, 'Emerging Researcher Award'.
2018 - Science and Technology Australia, '2019-2020 Superstar of STEM'.
2011 - National Australian Day Council, 'Young Australian of the Year (NT)'.
Kalinda leads the the following projects:
2021 (Current): Developing a cardiovascular risk assessment tool for people with cancer: analysis of a linked administrative dataset of the New South Wales 45 and Up Cohort. UNSW.
2020-2021: Indigenous Data Sovereingnty tools, services and/or resources. UNSW & the Lowitja Institute.
2019 (Current): Evidence-based approaches to developing data governance in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research. UNSW.
2019 (Current): Exploring end-of-life care for Indigenous people diagnosed with cancer. UNSW.
She is also a chief investigator on the following projects:
2021 (Current): Improvidng Indigenous Research Capabilities: An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Commons. University of Melbourne.
2021 (Current): Respecting the Gift - Empowering Indigenous Communitites in Genomic Medicine. Telethon Institute & Australian National University.
2021 (Current): Improving surveillance infrastructure for Indigenous Primary Health Care. University of Queensland & UNSW.
2021 (Current): National Network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Researchers. University of Queensland, University of Melbourne, SAHMRI, Curtin.
2019 (Current): Pathways to Change: Building Biomedical Capability in Regional and Remote Northern Australia. Menzies School of Health Research & UNSW.
2019 (Current): Investigating the Impacts Of The Banned Drinker Register Re-Introduction in the Northern Territory. Deakin University.
2019 (Current): NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence - Targeted Approaches to Improve Cancer Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: Cancer treatment and outcomes. Menzies School of Health Research, University of Sydney & UNSW.
2016 – 2018: Towards the systematic monitoring of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer (Patient Care Experiences). Menzies School of Health Research.
I am on a number of national and international research committees such as the International Group for Indigenous Health Measurement, and also hold a number of different roles, including Deputy Editor of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
My Research Supervision
Associate supervisor - Madeline News. PhD. 'Exploring wormen's health policy and its implications for Aboriginal self-determination.' UNSW.
Associate supervisor – Skye Trudgett. PhD ‘Improving social, economic and health outcomes for high-risk young people in remote communities: the adaptation and implementation of a transdisciplinary research approach.’ UNSW.
Associate supervisor - Sarah Clifford. PhD ‘The effect of alcohol restrictions on violence against women in the Northern Territory.’ Charles Darwin University.
Associate supervisor - Fiona Shalley. PhD ‘Identity Statistics: The challenge of minority population identification to demographic methods.’ Charles Darwin University.
My Teaching
I have written and taught a number of units of study. I am currently not in a teaching position although I am available for guest lectures.
Public Health - Writer - Masters of Public Health - Menzies School of Health Research - 2009
Epidemiology - Undergraduate Health Sciences - Writer, Coordinator, Lecturer - Charles Darwin University - 2010 to 2017
Service Learning in Indigenous Communities - Multiple faculties and degree levels - Coordinator and Lecturer - University of Sydney - 2016 to 2017