Associate Professor Justine Rogers

Associate Professor Justine Rogers

Associate Professor

BA/LLB (hons)(Macq), MSc (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon)

Law & Justice
School of Law, Society & Criminology

Associate Professor Justine Rogers is a specialist in the history, workings, and future of the legal profession. Her research projects explore:

  • legal ethics and regulation
  • legal technology and innovation
  • lawyers' identity and wellbeing
  • legal education policy and practice.

Justine has published widely in international journals as well as for government and practitioner audiences. She has a special interest and expertise in empirical research, particularly qualitative approaches.



2019: UNSW Award for Teaching Excellence (Design of programs)

My Research Supervision

  • Alanna Van der Veen (PhD candidate), Killing Time: the challenges of reforming unreasonable trial delay

  • Tahlia Gordon, Understanding how incorporation of a law firm morphs professionalism (PhD awarded 2023)

  • Barbara Mescher, Corporate Lawyers: A new model of legal ethics using the moral philosophies of Aristotle and Kant (PhD awarded 2021)