Dr Jonathan Fox

Dr Jonathan Fox

Senior Lecturer
  • PhD (UNSW), Master of Sustainability (USyd), BArch (WITS), BAS (WITS), BSc (Eng)(UCT)
Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Built Environment

Lecturer in the School of Built Environment, Faculty of Arts Design and Architecture, involved in research and teaching. PhD in architecture and urban microclimates. 

by email only
Anita B. Lawrence Centre (West Wing)
  • Book Chapters | 2019
    Fox J; Osmond P; Peters A, 2019, 'The effect of building facades on outdoor microclimates - reflectance recovery from terrestrial multispectral images using a robust empirical line method', in Zinzi M; Santamouris M (ed.), Urban Overheating - Progress on Mitigation Science and Engineering Applications, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-03897-637-0
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Yang Z; Li J; Wu H; Zlatanova S; Wang W; Fox J; Yang B; Tang Y; Zhang R; Gong J; Wang X; Wang J; Wang Y; Sun S, 2024, 'Robust and accurate visual geo-localization using prior map constructed by handheld LiDAR SLAM with camera image and terrestrial LiDAR point cloud', International Journal of Digital Earth, 17, pp. 2416468, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2024.2416468
    Journal articles | 2023
    Murray A; Fox J; Sleight J; Oldfield P, 2023, 'The Online Studio: Cultures, Perceptions and Questions for the Future', International Journal of Art and Design Education, 42, pp. 108 - 124, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jade.12451
    Journal articles | 2021
    Niemi MEK; Karjalainen J; Liao RG; Neale BM; Daly M; Ganna A; Pathak GA; Andrews SJ; Kanai M; Veerapen K; Fernandez-Cadenas I; Schulte EC; Striano P; Marttila M; Minica C; Marouli E; Karim MA; Wendt FR; Savage J; Sloofman L; Butler-Laporte G; Kim HN; Kanoni S; Okada Y; Byun J; Han Y; Uddin MJ; Smith GD; Willer CJ; Buxbaum JD; Mehtonen J; Finucane H; Cordioli M; Martin AR; Zhou W; Pasaniuc B; Julienne H; Aschard H; Shi H; Yengo L; Polimanti R; Ghoussaini M; Schwartzentruber J; Dunham I; Chwialkowska K; Francescatto M; Trankiem A; Balaconis MK; Davis L; Lee S; Priest J; Renieri A; Sankaran VG; van Heel D; Deelen P; Brent Richards J; Nakanishi T; Biesecker L; Eric Kerchberger V; Kenneth Baillie J; Mari F; Bernasconi A; Ceri S; Canakoglu A; Wolford B; Faucon A; Dutta AK; Schurmann C; Harry E; Birney E; Nguyen H; Nasir J; Kaunisto M; Solomonson M; Dueker N; Vadgama N; Limou S; Rahmouni S; Mbarek H; Darwish D; Uddin MM; Albertos R; Pérez-Tur J; Li R; Folkersen L; Moltke I; Koelling N; Teumer A; Kousathanas A; Utrilla A; Verdugo RA; Zárate R; Medina-Gómez C; Gómez-Cabrero D; Carnero-Montoro E; Cadilla CL; Moreno-Estrada A; Garmendia A; Moya L; Sedaghati-Khayat B, 2021, 'Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19', Nature, 600, pp. 472 - 477, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03767-x
    Journal articles | 2020
    Haddad S; Paolini R; Ulpiani G; Synnefa A; Hatvani-Kovacs G; Garshasbi S; Fox J; Vasilakopoulou K; Nield L; Santamouris M, 2020, 'Holistic approach to assess co-benefits of local climate mitigation in a hot humid region of Australia', Scientific Reports, 10, pp. 14216, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-71148-x
    Journal articles | 2018
    Fox JL; Osmond P; Peters A, 2018, 'The Effect of Building Facades on Outdoor Microclimate—Reflectance Recovery from Terrestrial Multispectral Images Using a Robust Empirical Line Method', Climate, 6, pp. 56, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cli6030056
    Journal articles | 2016
    Alaiya AA; Aljurf M; Shinwari Z; Almohareb F; Malhan H; Alzahrani H; Owaidah T; Fox J; Alsharif F; Mohamed SY; Rasheed W; Aldawsari G; Hanbali A; Ahmed SO; Chaudhri N, 2016, 'Protein signatures as potential surrogate biomarkers for stratification and prediction of treatment response in chronic myeloid leukemia patients', International Journal of Oncology, 49, pp. 913 - 933, http://dx.doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2016.3618
  • Reports | 2018
    Prasad DK; Lan D; Yenneti K; William C; Fox J; Ding L; Fan H; Craft W; Sanchez A; Li X; Arnold P; Bouhmad K; Earley R; Wang Y; Wu J; Li F; You N; D'Aragon J, 2018, Guidelines for Sustainable Cities and Communities in China, UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, DTI/2207/PA, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27251, https://resourceefficientcities.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Guidelines-for-Sustainable-Cities-and-Communities-in-China.pdf
    Reports | 2017
    Santamouris M; Haddad S; Ulpiani G; Fox J; Paolini R; Synnefa A, 2017, Heat Mitigation Program Darwin, NT - Final Report
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Fox JL; De Pooter N, 2016, 'The effect of building facades on outdoor microclimate –dependence model development using terrestrial thermography and multivariate analysis', in Lan Ding FFPO (ed.), Procedia Engineering 180 (2017), Elsevier, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1326 - 1334, presented at International High- Performance Built Environment Conference – A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series (SBE16), iHBE 2016, Sydney, Australia, 17 November 2016 - 18 November 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.295
    Creative Written Works | 2016
    Osmond PW; Fox J, 2016, Building cool cities for a hot future, Building cool cities for a hot future, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/building-cool-cities-for-a-hot-future-57489
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Fox JL, 2014, 'The Effect of Facades on Outdoor Microclimate: A Review', in Muscio A (ed.), The Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat island, Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat island, Venice, presented at Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat island, Venice, 13 October 2014 - 15 October 2014, http://www.ic2uhi.unimore.it/

Grant activity includes:

  • 2023 BE Research Acceleration Fellowship
  • 2022 ADA Seed Funding Grant award for competitive ARC Linkage grant development 
  • CRC Low Carbon Living: Guide to urban cooling strategies (UNSW RG162627, 2016)
  • internal infrastructure (equipment) grant (UNSW Faculty of BE, 2015)

PhD in architecture and urban microclimate research with a focus on the effects of facade design on facade surface temperature and outdoor microclimate. Interest in transdisciplinarity and knowledge transfer between science and design. Current research on pedestrian outdoor thermal comfort, the effects of facade design on outdoor microclimate and the application of thermal judgement in architectural design.


BE Postgraduate Research Coordinator (acting)

BE School member, ADA SDG Working Group.

Lead, 2024 Public Lecture Series, Architecture Program. 

2018 - 2023

Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), member of Resilience Expert Reference Panel (ERP).


Panel member, Sustainable Suburbs: Designing Thermal Comfort, NSW Museum of Applied Art and Science (MAAS) event, 10 March 2019.


ABC New Radio, Western Sydney’s urban heat island, podcast and web article, 1 March 2018. http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/the-signal/why-are-australian-cities-getting-so-hot/9494774


Heat Mitigation project, Darwin, Northern Territory: Heat mitigation program: Darwin, Northern Territory (apo.org.au)

Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 10th and Saturday 11th February 2017, on-line and print article, on microclimate, thermal comfort and urban heat. http://www.smh.com.au/environment/weather/sydney-weather-how-urbanisation-creates-hot-microclimates-in-our-suburbs-20170209-gu9b02.html

2016 and earlier

The Conversation, 21 April 2016, “Building cool cities for a cool future”, on microclimate and urban heat mitigation. Co-author. https://theconversation.com/building-cool-cities-for-a-hot-future-57489

Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 20th and Saturday 21st November 2015, video and print article, on microclimate, thermal comfort and urban heat. http://www.smh.com.au/environment/weather/blowing-hot-or-cool-depends-on-where-youre-at-says-urban-microclimate-expert-20151120-gl3xa0.html


My Research Supervision

K. Daniel Yu (2022 commencement): "Computationally assessing, optimising and designing-out heat for the urban environment". Joint supervisory role.

Yuda Wibawa (2022 commencement): "Effects of building shading on pedestrian outdoor thermal comfort". Secondary supervisory role.


My Teaching

2023/4 education roles:

  • ARCH1361 - Architecture and Building Environment 2: course co-convenor and lecturer (thermal comfort)
  • ARCH7112 - Integrated Design Studio 1 (MArch, first year, term 2): course design, convenor and studio master
  • ARCH7113 - Integrated Design Studio 2 (MArch, first year, term 3): course design, convenor and studio master