Associate Professor Jonathan Bollen
PhD (UWS) 2000
BA Hons (Sydney) 1994
I am an Honorary Associate Professor in the School of the Arts and Media at UNSW. My research in theatre studies is about performance, mobility and desire. I am the author of Touring Variety in the Asia Pacific Region, 1946–1975 (Palgrave 2020) and co-author of Visualising Lost Theatres: Virtual Praxis and the Recovery of Performance Spaces (Cambridge UP, 2022), A Global Doll's House: Ibsen and Distant Visions (Palgrave 2016) and Men at Play: Masculinities in Australian Theatre since the 19...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Teaching and Supervision
I have been Chief Investigator on two Discovery Projects: ‘Ibsen Between Cultures: The Australian Experience’ ($124,000 DP0988350) and ‘Marking Masculinity in Australian Theatre’ ($279,925 DP0210510), for which I was awarded an ARC post-doctoral fellowship. I was Chief Investigator on an ARC LIEF project for the AusStage database (LE210100007 $566,523), and three prior ARC LIEF projects for the AusStage database ($300,000 LE0775527; $650,000 LE100100028; $325,000 LE140100024).
I was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship from the Australian Research Council (2002-2004) and a research fellowship by the National Film and Sound Archive (2008). My book on Touring Variety in the Asia Pacific Region, 1946–1975 was awarded the Rob Jordan Prize in 2022 by the Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies for the best book on a subject related to drama or theatre studies. My work on the Performing Sydney project was awarded the Flinders University AusStage prize in 2021. My journal articles have received various awards, including the 2010 John Barrett Award for Australian Studies from the International Association for Australian Studies and the 2006 Marlis Thiersch Award from the Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies. In 2020 I received the UNSW Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Programs that Enhance Learning through Innovation in Curriculum Design and Pedagogical Practice with colleagues in Theatre and Performance Studies.
My Research Supervision
Frieda Lee – How can the subsidised model of Australian theatre evolve to encourage entertainment, enterprise and audience engagement? (joint supervisor)
Billy Kanafani – Category is: An ethnographic study of Ballroom culture in Sydney (primary supervisor)