Professor John Young
- PhD (UNSW Canberra), 2005.
- BE Aero (Hons, Uni Medal), Sydney University, 1991.
My research is focused on unsteady fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) where the motion of a structure or boundary influences the flow, which in turn moves or deforms the structure. This work involves computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of moving boundary flows in laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes, and flow speeds ranging from subsonic to hypersonic. Applications are highly interdisciplinary, and include energy generation, conversion and storage engineering (energy harvesting from flapping foil water/wind turbines), zoology (flapping wing insect and bird flight), biomedical engineering (blood flow and blood vessel collapse), aerospace engineering (shock wave control and interaction with fixed and flexible structures), bioinspired design (flapping wing micro drones, noise reduction in turbines, machine learning for underwater vehicle control), and elite sports performance estimation and drag reduction (cycling and swimming).
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- The effects of free stream and kinematic perturbations on oscillating wings at low Reynolds numbers, US Dept of Airforce, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development , Sridhar Ravi, John Young, Fangbao Tian, Matthias Kramer.
- The biomechanics of miniature active venom delivery systems, US Office of Naval Research, Sridhar Ravi, John Young, Fangbao Tian, Jong-Leng Liow.
- Fluid-structure-acoustics interactions of bio-inspired flapping wings, Australian Research Council DP200101500, Fangbao Tian, John Young, Joseph Lai, Sridhar Ravi, Adrian Thomas.
- Robust flight control systems for miniature lighter-than-air robots, US Office of Naval Research, Sridhar Ravi, Fangbao Tian, Matthew Garratt, John Young.
- Computational fluid dynamics – aerodynamic study of bicycle wheels, Australian Institute of Sport, Fangbao Tian, John Young, Harald Kleine, Sridhar Ravi.
- Unit cases to investigate hypersonic fluid-structure interactions, US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Andrew Neely, Gaetano Currao, John Young.
- Fluid-structural interactions in high-speed flows, Australian Research Council DP180103480, Andrew Neely, Jack McNamara, Graham Candler, Ingo Jahn, John Young, David Buttsworth.
- Flapping wing flight and in nature
- Bio-inspired design, propulsion and noise reduction
- Bio-inspired energy harvesting from flapping foil water/wind turbines
- Blood flow and blood vessel collapse
- Hypersonic fluid-structure interaction