Dr Joanne Carson

Dr Joanne Carson

Research Associate


Medicine & Health
The Kirby Institute

Joanne Carson (BSc, MPH, PhD) is a cross-disciplinary infectious disease and data science researcher interested in novel analytics, big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence.


  • Journal articles | 2024
    Griffin S; Lee Wilkinson A; Winter R; Hajarizadeh B; MacIsaac M; Papaluca T; Holmes J; Lloyd AR; Carson J; Craigie A; Hellard M; Stoové M; Thompson A, 2024, 'Contribution of prison-based hepatitis C treatment initiations to overall treatment uptake in Victoria, Australia', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 48, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2024.101139
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hajarizadeh B; Carson JM; Byrne M; Grebely J; Cunningham E; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Treloar C; Martinello M; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ, 2024, 'Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in the prison setting: The SToP-C study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 31, pp. 21 - 34, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jvh.13895
    Journal articles | 2024
    Sacks-Davis R; van Santen DK; Boyd A; Young J; Stewart A; Doyle JS; Rauch A; Mugglin C; Klein M; van der Valk M; Smit C; Jarrin I; Berenguer J; Lacombe K; Requena MB; Wittkop L; Leleux O; Bonnet F; Salmon D; Matthews GV; Guy R; Martin NK; Spelman T; Prins M; Stoove M; Hellard M; Ke T; Zhang Y; Pedrana A; Asselin J; Dawe J; Wilkinson A; Schinkel J; Sogni P; Esterle L; Gilbert C; Merchadou L; Gillet S; Khan C; Le Marec F; Perrier A; Shaw I; Martinello M; Applegate T; Carson J; Harney B; Bryant M; Jarrin Vera I; Alejos B; Lazarus JV; Moreno C; Izquierdo R; Rava M; Wang S; Lumia J; Pexos C; Peiris H; Saeed S; Moodie E; Pick N; Conway B; Hull M; Wong A; Gill J; Barrett L; Cohen J; Cox J; Cote P; Haider S; Rouleau D; Vachon ML; Rachlis A; Sandre R; Walmsley S; Sadr A; Cooper C; Sanche S; Salazar-Viscaya L; Kusejko K; Hage K; Requena MB; Girard PM; Brucker M; Vincensini JP, 2024, 'Changes in incidence of hepatitis C virus reinfection and access to direct-acting antiviral therapies in people with HIV from six countries, 2010–19: an analysis of data from a consortium of prospective cohort studies', The Lancet HIV, 11, pp. e106 - e116, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3018(23)00267-9
    Journal articles | 2024
    van Santen DK; Stewart A; Doyle JS; Stoové MA; Asselin J; Klein MB; Young J; Berenguer J; Jarrin I; Lacombe K; Wittkop L; Leleux O; Salmon D; Bonnet F; Rauch A; Mugglin C; Matthews G; Prins M; Smit C; Boyd A; van der Valk M; Sacks-Davis R; Hellard ME, 2024, 'Cohort Profile: International Collaboration on Hepatitis C Elimination in HIV Cohorts (InCHEHC)', International Journal of Epidemiology, 53, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyad154
    Journal articles | 2023
    Beiser ME; Shaw LC; Shores SK; Carson JM; Hajarizadeh B, 2023, 'Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection in a Real-World Cohort of Homeless-Experienced Individuals in Boston', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 77, pp. 46 - 55, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciad127
    Journal articles | 2023
    Carson J; Barbieri S; Matthews GV; Dore GJ; Hajarizadeh B, 2023, 'Increasing national trend of direct-acting antiviral discontinuation among people treated for HCV 2016-2021', Hepatology Communications, 7, pp. e0125, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/HC9.0000000000000125
    Journal articles | 2023
    Carson JM; Barbieri S; Cunningham E; Mao E; van der Valk M; Rockstroh JK; Hellard M; Kim A; Bhagani S; Feld JJ; Gane E; Thurnheer MC; Bruneau J; Tu E; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Martinello M, 2023, 'Sexual and drug use risk behaviour trajectories among people treated for recent HCV infection: the REACT study', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 26, pp. e26168, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jia2.26168
    Journal articles | 2023
    Carson JM; Barbieri S; Matthews GV; Dore GJ; Hajarizadeh B, 2023, 'Corrigendum to ‘National trends in retreatment of HCV due to reinfection or treatment failure in Australia’ (J Hepatol [2023] 260–270) (Journal of Hepatology (2023) 78(2) (260–270), (S016882782203118X), (10.1016/j.jhep.2022.09.011))', Journal of Hepatology, 78, pp. 1084, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2023.02.020
    Journal articles | 2023
    Carson JM; Barbieri S; Matthews GV; Dore GJ; Hajarizadeh B, 2023, 'National trends in retreatment of HCV due to reinfection or treatment failure in Australia', Journal of Hepatology, 78, pp. 260 - 270, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2022.09.011
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hage K; van de Kerkhof M; Boyd A; Carson JM; Newsum AM; Matser A; van der Valk M; Brinkman K; Arends JE; Lauw FN; Rijnders BJA; van Eeden A; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Schinkel J; Prins M, 2023, 'Screening for Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Using a Behaviour-Based Risk Score among Men Who Have Sex with Men with HIV: Results from a Case–Control Diagnostic Validation Study', Pathogens, 12, pp. 1248, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pathogens12101248
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jessica HB; Carson J; Scott M; Patricia C; Nelson R; Helen VG; Phillip R; Hanson J; Robert M; Matthews G; Dore GJ; Martinello M; Read P, 2023, 'Effectiveness of direct-acting antiviral therapy among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with HCV infection in Australia: A national real-world cohort (REACH-C)', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 30, pp. 386 - 396, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jvh.13803
    Journal articles | 2023
    Martinello M; Carson JM; Van Der Valk M; Rockstroh JK; Ingiliz P; Hellard M; Nelson M; Lutz T; Bhagani S; Kim AY; Hull M; Cordes C; Moon J; Feld JJ; Gane E; Rauch A; Bruneau J; Tu E; Applegate T; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2023, 'Reinfection incidence and risk among people treated for recent hepatitis C virus infection', AIDS, 37, pp. 1883 - 1890, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/QAD.0000000000003651
    Journal articles | 2023
    Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon JA; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, 2023, 'Optimizing point-of-care testing strategies for diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in Australia: a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 36, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100750
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bartlett SR; Verich A; Carson J; Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Read P; Baker D; Post JJ; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle JS; Shaw D; Hellard M; Martinez M; Marks P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Applegate T; Martinello M; Hosseini Hooshyar S, 2022, 'Patterns and correlates of hepatitis C virus phylogenetic clustering among people living with HIV in Australia in the direct-acting antiviral era: A molecular epidemiology study among participants in the CEASE cohort', Health Science Reports, 5, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.719
    Journal articles | 2022
    Carson JM; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Grebely J; Byrne M; Cunningham E; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Treloar C; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Hajarizadeh B, 2022, 'Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Following Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment in the Prison Setting: The SToP-C Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75, pp. 1809 - 1819, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciac246
    Journal articles | 2022
    Carson JM; Hajarizadeh B; Hanson J; O'Beirne J; Iser D; Read P; Balcomb A; Davies J; Doyle JS; Yee J; Martinello M; Marks P; Matthews GV; Dore GJ; Post J; Batey R; Smart J; Dawson O; Hill S; Douglas M; Montebello M; Collie P; Hallinan R; Snelgar G; Baker D; Galhenage S; Soo TM; Bopage R; Faros J; Cooper L; Nelson R; Shaw D; Wilson M; Pratt W; Hinton S; Wade A; Van Gessel H; Davidson L; Dibdin M; Lucas M; Ahmad R; Smith D; Tan K; Roder C; Harney B; Holdaway S; Walsh J; Fox P; Mousavi R; Lam W; Dahal RP; Habel P; Gilliver R; Silins E; Ackerman J; Deacon R; Hall E; Everson A; Stewart J; Milner M; Ferguson C; Tate-Baker J; Bradshaw J; Duncan G; Baluran G; Watson B; Hey C; Hickey R; Orme C; Miczkova S, 2022, 'Retreatment for hepatitis C virus direct-acting antiviral therapy virological failure in primary and tertiary settings: The REACH-C cohort', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 29, pp. 661 - 676, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jvh.13705
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yee J; Carson JM; Hajarizadeh B; Hanson J; O’Beirne J; Iser D; Read P; Balcomb A; Doyle JS; Davies J; Martinello M; Marks P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Hanson J; Marks P; Byrne M; Post J; Batey R; Smart J; Dawson O; Hill S; Douglas M; Montebello M; Collie P; Hallinan R; Snelgar G; Baker D; Galhenage S; Soo TM; Bopage R; Faros J; Cooper L; Nelson R; Shaw D; Davies J; Wilson M; Pratt W; Hinton S; Wade A; Van Gessel H; Davidson L; Dibdin M; Lucas M; Ahmad R; Smith D; Tan K; Roder C; Harney B; Holdaway S; Walsh J; Fox P; Mousavi R; Lam W; Dahal RP; Habel P; Gilliver R; Silins E; Ackerman J; Deacon R; Hall E; Everson A; Milner M; Ferguson C; Tate-Baker J; Bradshaw J; Duncan G; Baluran G; Watson B; Hey C; Hickey R; Orme C; Miczkova S, 2022, 'High Effectiveness of Broad Access Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C in an Australian Real-World Cohort: The REACH-C Study', Hepatology Communications, 6, pp. 496 - 512, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hep4.1826
    Journal articles | 2021
    Carson JM; Hajarizadeh B; Hanson J; O'Beirne J; Iser D; Read P; Balcomb A; Davies J; Doyle JS; Yee J; Martinello M; Marks P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2021, 'Effectiveness of treatment for hepatitis C virus reinfection following direct acting antiviral therapy in the REACH-C cohort', International Journal of Drug Policy, 96, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103422
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Martinello M; Yee J; Read P; Baker D; Post JJ; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle JS; Shaw D; Hellard M; Petoumenos K; Carson J; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2020, 'Low hepatitis C virus reinfection rate despite ongoing risk following universal access to direct-acting antiviral therapy among people living with HIV', AIDS, 34, pp. 1347 - 1358, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/QAD.0000000000002562
  • Reports | 2023
    Hajarizadeh B; Carson J; Dore G, 2023, Monitoring hepatitis C treatment uptake in Australia: Issue #13, July 2023, The Kirby Institute, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/81wp-fr56, https://www.kirby.unsw.edu.au/research/reports/monitoring-hepatitis-c-treatment-uptake-australia-issue-13-july-2023
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Carson J; Dore G; Lloyd A; Grebely J; Byrne M; Cunningham EB; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin N; Treloar C; Matthews G; Hajarizadeh B, 2022, 'Hepatitis C virus reinfection following direct acting antiviral treatment in the prison setting: the SToP-C study', in Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier BV, Vol. 77, pp. S565 - S565, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0168-8278(22)01451-9
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Finlayson R; Carson J; Tan L, 2021, 'Tolerability and antiviral activity of bictegravir/tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine (Biktarvy) treatment switch in patients aged 55 years or older with HIV: the BIO study', in HIV MEDICINE, WILEY, pp. 95 - 96, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000711388200103&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Preprints |
    Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, , http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4267510
    Preprints |
    Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, , http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4267527

New South Wales Ministry of Health Grant Award: REACH-B-TX sub-study (2024; AUD $107,396.170)




University of New South Wales Dean’s Award for Outstanding Thesis 


Elsevier Atlas Award Winner Theme Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3), Good Health and Well-Being Publication


Kirby Institute Post-Graduate Student Prize


Top Ranked Abstract in Clinical Research- International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users Conference, Glasgow, UK


Best presentation by STAToSPHERE conference, Sydney Australia