Dr Jess Baker

Visiting Fellow
Medicine & Health
Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing
9616 4294
L1 Mental Health Centre, Liverpool Hospital
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Pawlicka N; Eady MJ; Green CA; Harris P; Traynor V; Barkley C; Primmer J; Baker JR; Burns P, 2024, 'In their own words: An exploration of primary children's participation in a dementia education program', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 35, pp. 251 - 259, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hpja.739
    Journal articles | 2021
    Baker JR; Silove D; Horswood D; Al-Shammari A; Mohsin M; Rees S; Eapen V, 2021, 'Psychological distress, resettlement stress, and lower school engagement among Arabicspeaking refugee parents in Sydney, Australia: A cross-sectional cohort study', PLoS Medicine, 18, pp. e1003512, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003512
    Journal articles | 2021
    Burns P; Green C; Eady M; Baker JR; Harris P; Primmer J; Barkley C; Traynor V, 2021, 'Dementia knowledge, art, research and education – Teaching primary school children about dementia', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32, pp. 167 - 177, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hpja.424
    Journal articles | 2020
    Arora A; Baker JR; Tay AK, 2020, 'Parenting and Child Anxiety: The Role of Country of Birth and Acculturation in Indian-born Migrants to Australia Relative to Native-born Australians', Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, pp. 1757 - 1770, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10826-019-01633-z
    Journal articles | 2020
    Baker J; Kohlhoff J; Onobrakpor SI; Woolfenden S; Smith R; Knebel C; Eapen V, 2020, 'The acceptability and effectiveness of web-based developmental surveillance programs: Rapid review', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8, http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/16085
    Journal articles | 2020
    Smith AE; Kamm GL; Lai S; Hull MJ; Baker JR; Milte R; Ratcliffe J; Loetscher T; Keage HAD, 2020, 'A RE-AIM Analysis of an Intergenerational Dementia Education Program', Frontiers in Public Health, 8, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00248
    Journal articles | 2019
    Baker J; Kohlhoff J; Onobrakpor S-I; Woolfenden S; Smith R; Knebel C; Eapen V, 2019, 'The Acceptability and Effectiveness of Web-Based Developmental Surveillance Programs: Rapid Review (Preprint)', Journal of Medical Internet Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/preprints.16085
    Journal articles | 2019
    Baker JR; Goodenough B; Jeon YH; Bryden C; Hutchinson K; Low LF, 2019, 'The Kids4Dementia education program is effective in improving children’s attitudes towards dementia', Dementia, 18, pp. 1777 - 1789, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1471301217731385
    Journal articles | 2019
    Baker JR; Raman S; Kohlhoff J; George A; Kaplun C; Dadich A; Best CT; Arora A; Zwi K; Schmied V; Eapen V, 2019, 'Optimising refugee children's health/wellbeing in preparation for primary and secondary school: A qualitative inquiry', BMC Public Health, 19, pp. 812, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7183-5
    Journal articles | 2019
    Horswood D; Baker J; Fazel M; Rees S; Heslop L; Silove D, 2019, 'School factors related to the emotional wellbeing and resettlement outcomes of students from refugee backgrounds: Protocol for a systematic review', Systematic Reviews, 8, pp. 107, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13643-019-1016-6
    Journal articles | 2018
    Baker JR; Jeon YH; Goodenough B; Low LF; Bryden C; Hutchinson K; Richards L, 2018, 'What do children need to know about dementia? the perspectives of children and people with personal experience of dementia', International Psychogeriatrics, 30, pp. 673 - 684, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1041610217002022
    Journal articles | 2018
    Baker JR; Low LF; Goodenough B; Jeon YH; Tsang RSM; Bryden C; Hutchinson K, 2018, 'The Kids Insight into Dementia Survey (KIDS): development and preliminary psychometric properties', Aging and Mental Health, 22, pp. 947 - 953, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2017.1320703
    Journal articles | 2017
    Baker JR; Webster L; Lynn N; Rogers J; Belcher J, 2017, 'Intergenerational Programs May Be Especially Engaging for Aged Care Residents with Cognitive Impairment: Findings from the Avondale Intergenerational Design Challenge', American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias, 32, pp. 213 - 221, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1533317517703477
    Journal articles | 2017
    Silove ; Baker ; Mohsin ; Teesson M; O'Donnell M; Creamer M; Forbes D; Carragher N; Slade T; Mills K; Bryant R; McFarlane A; Steel Z; Felmingham K; Rees S, 2017, 'The contribution of gender-based violence and network trauma to gender differences in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder', PLoS One, 12, pp. e0171879, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0171879
    Journal articles | 2017
    Tay AK; Mohsin M; Rees S; Steel Z; Tam N; Soares Z; Baker J; Silove D, 2017, 'The factor structures and correlates of PTSD in post-conflict Timor-Leste: An analysis of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire', BMC Psychiatry, 17, pp. 191, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12888-017-1340-0
    Journal articles | 2016
    Baker JR; Harrison F; Low LF, 2016, 'Development of two measures of client engagement for use in home aged care', Health and Social Care in the Community, 24, pp. 363 - 374, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12213
    Journal articles | 2016
    Low LF; Carroll S; Merom D; Baker JR; Kochan N; Moran F; Brodaty H, 2016, 'We think you can dance! A pilot randomised controlled trial of dance for nursing home residents with moderate to severe dementia', Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 29, pp. 42 - 44, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2016.09.005
    Journal articles | 2015
    Baker JR; Hudson JL, 2015, 'Children with social phobia have lower quality friendships than children with other anxiety disorders', Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 28, pp. 500 - 513, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10615806.2014.978863
    Journal articles | 2015
    Low LF; Baker JR; Harrison F; Jeon YH; Haertsch M; Camp C; Skropeta M, 2015, 'The Lifestyle Engagement Activity Program (LEAP): Implementing Social and Recreational Activity into Case-Managed Home Care', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16, pp. 1069 - 1076, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jamda.2015.07.002
    Journal articles | 2014
    Baker JR; Hudson JL, 2014, 'Friendship quality and social information processing in clinically anxious children', Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 45, pp. 12 - 23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10578-013-0374-x
    Journal articles | 2014
    Baker JR, 2014, 'An investigation into the lower peer liking of anxious than non anxious children', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, pp. 599 - 611, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2014.06.007
    Journal articles | 2013
    Baker JR; Hudson JL, 2013, 'Friendship quality predicts treatment outcome in children with anxiety disorders', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, pp. 31 - 36, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2012.10.005
    Journal articles | 2013
    Baker JR, 2013, 'The course of childhood anxiety symptoms: developmental trajectories and child-related factors in normal children.', Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
    Journal articles | 2013
    Low LF; Baker JR; Jeon YH; Camp C; Haertsch M; Skropeta M, 2013, 'Study protocol: Translating and implementing psychosocial interventions in aged home care the lifestyle engagement activity program (LEAP) for life', BMC Geriatrics, 13, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2318-13-124
    Journal articles | 2011
    Barrow ME; Baker JR; Hudson JL, 2011, 'Peer liking, physical attractiveness, and anxiety disorders in children', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2, pp. 601 - 614, http://dx.doi.org/10.5127/jep.020511
    Journal articles | 2004
    Baker JR, 2004, 'Chewing gum can produce context-dependent effects on memory', Appetite
  • Conference Presentations | 2014