Dr Jerome Ozkan

Dr Jerome Ozkan

Senior Lecturer
Medicine & Health
School of Optometry and Vision Science

About me:

Working with the School of Optometry and Vision Science, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of Ophthalmology and Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics (UNSW), my current research is looking at the microbial community characteristics in terms of identity, complexity and biogeography, of the conjunctiva and eyelid using both traditional microbial culture and culture-independent DNA analysis (sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene) to determine what consti...

+61 2 9065 5187
School of Optometry and Vision Science Level 3, Room 3.060 North Wing, Rupert Myers Building

Ozkan J. NHMRC Research Fellowship, Peter Doherty Biomedical Research Fellowship (2016 - 2020)

Ozkan J, Majzoub M, Coroneo M, Thomas T, Willcox M. The effect of face mask wear on the ocular surface and contact lens microbiome. International Society for Contact Lens Research Seed Grant (2022)

Ozkan J, Masoudi S, Thomas T, Willcox M, Coroneo M. The ocular microbiome and tear proteome as biomarkers for detection and monitoring of age-related macular degenerationMacular Degeneration Research Grant from the Estate of the late Peter Anthony John Vild (2021)

Papas E, Markoulli M, Ozkan J. Telomerase and its significance for ocular surface health. International Industry Grant -  Coopervision Corporation, USA

Ozkan J, Willcox M. Ocular microbiome in dry eye disease - Investigator-Intiated Research Grant, Johnson & Johnson, USA (2019 -2020) 

Ozkan J, Coroneo M, Thomas T, Willcox M. Assessing bacterial contamination of intravitreal injection needles. Faculty of Science Research Grant, UNSW (2019)

Ozkan J. Ocular microbiome research facility. Research Infrastructure Scheme Grant, UNSW (2019)

Ozkan J, Thomas T, Willcox M. Microbiome of the ocular surface and its stability over time. Faculty of Science Research Grant, UNSW (2016)


2023 Academic Excellence Award (Faculty of Medicine & Health, University of New South Wales

2021 Early-Career Academic Award, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales

Member - Faculty of Medicine and Health Higher Degree Committee, UNSW

Postgraduate Research Coordinator, School of Optometry and Vision Science

My Research Supervision

Host immune response to microbial keratitis: tear, corneal gene expression, genetics