Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Kovacic JC, 2018, 'Mouse model of wire injury-induced vascular remodeling', in Methods in Molecular Biology, pp. 253 - 268,
Book Chapters | 2016
Johnston-Cox H; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2016, 'Genetics and pharmacogenetics in interventional cardiology', in Interventional Cardiology: Principles and Practice, pp. 459 - 468,
Book Chapters | 2016
Tomey MI; Kini AS; Sharma SK; Kovacic JC, 2016, 'Aortic valvuloplasty and large-bore percutaneous arterial access', in Interventional Cardiology: Principles and Practice, pp. 546 - 557,
Journal articles | 2024
Cohen O; Sánchez-De-la-Torre M; Al-Taie Z; Khan S; Kundel V; Kovacic JC; Gracia-Lavedan E; De Batlle J; Nadkarni G; Barbé F; Suárez-Fariñas M; Shah NA, 2024, 'Heterogeneous Effects of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in Non-Sleepy Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes: Post Hoc Machine Learning Analysis of the ISAACC Trial (ECSACT Study)', Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 21, pp. 1074 - 1084,
Journal articles | 2024
Crousillat D; Sarma A; Wood M; Naderi S; Leon K; Gibson CM; Aday A; Grodzinsky A; Izard K; Kovacic JC; Lindsay ME; Phelan D; Rodriguez-Lozano PF; Scott NS; Scherer M; Sharma A; Sweis R; Sumner JA; Kim ESH, 2024, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Current Knowledge, Research Gaps, and Innovative Research Initiatives: JACC Advances Expert Panel', JACC: Advances, 3,
Journal articles | 2024
Davidson LJ; Tang GHL; Ho EC; Fudim M; Frisoli T; Camaj A; Bowers MT; Masri SC; Atluri P; Chikwe J; Mason PJ; Kovacic JC; Dangas GD, 2024, 'The Tricuspid Valve: A Review of Pathology, Imaging, and Current Treatment Options: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association', Circulation, 149, pp. E1223 - E1238,
Journal articles | 2024
Figtree GA; Doyle K; Nedkoff L; Cadilhac DA; Kovacic J; Brieger D; Chant K; Chew D; Chow C; Gall S; Greaves K; Jennings G; Larson S; Levesque JF; McNeil K; Nicholls SJ; On ML; Redfern J; Verdicchio C; Vernon ST; Wainer Z, 2024, 'The national Cardiovascular Health Leadership Research Forum: a new data-driven model placing research at the centre of improving patient outcomes', Medical Journal of Australia, 221, pp. 452 - 456,
Journal articles | 2024
Gao H; Zhang M; Baylis RA; Wang F; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JJ; Ruusalepp A; Leeper NJ, 2024, 'Computational protocol to identify shared transcriptional risks and mutually beneficial compounds between diseases', STAR Protocols, 5,
Journal articles | 2024
Hall IF; Kishta F; Xu Y; Baker AH; Kovacic JC, 2024, 'Endothelial to mesenchymal transition: at the axis of cardiovascular health and disease', Cardiovascular Research, 120, pp. 223 - 236,
Journal articles | 2024
Hodonsky CJ; Turner AW; Khan MD; Barrientos NB; Methorst R; Ma L; Lopez NG; Mosquera JV; Auguste G; Farber E; Ma WF; Wong D; Onengut-Gumuscu S; Kavousi M; Peyser PA; van der Laan SW; Leeper NJ; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Miller CL, 2024, 'Multi-ancestry genetic analysis of gene regulation in coronary arteries prioritizes disease risk loci', Cell Genomics, 4,
Journal articles | 2024
Jiang S; Wise SG; Kovacic JC; Rnjak-Kovacina J; Lord MS, 2024, 'Biomaterials containing extracellular matrix molecules as biomimetic next-generation vascular grafts', Trends in Biotechnology, 42, pp. 369 - 381,
Journal articles | 2024
Kempton H; Jones G; McCready M; Kovacic J, 2024, 'Macrotroponin in the COVID-19 Era: An Under-Recognised Cause of Persistent Troponin Elevation', Heart Lung and Circulation, 33, pp. 1147 - 1150,
Journal articles | 2024
Kovacic JC; Olin JW, 2024, 'Identifying a gene-regulatory network that drives fibromuscular dysplasia', Nature Cardiovascular Research, 3, pp. 1033 - 1034,
Journal articles | 2024
Kovacic JC; Skelding KA; Arya S; Ballard-Hernandez J; Goyal M; Ijioma NN; Kicielinski K; Takahashi EA; Ujueta F; Dangas G, 2024, 'Radial Access Approach to Peripheral Vascular Interventions: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association', Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions,
Journal articles | 2024
La Gerche A; Paratz ED; Bray JE; Jennings G; Page G; Timbs S; Vandenberg JI; Abhayaratna W; Chow CK; Dennis M; Figtree GA; Kovacic JC; Maris J; Nehme Z; Parsons S; Pflaumer A; Puranik R; Stub D; Freitas E; Zecchin R; Cartledge S; Haskins B; Ingles J, 2024, 'A Call to Action to Improve Cardiac Arrest Outcomes: A Report From the National Summit for Cardiac Arrest', Heart Lung and Circulation, 33, pp. 1507 - 1522,
Journal articles | 2024
Liou L; García-González J; Wu HM; Wang Z; Hoggart CJ; Kontorovich AR; Kovacic JC; O'Reilly PF, 2024, 'Clinical and Genomic Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease Subtypes', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology,
Journal articles | 2024
McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Muller DWM; Kovacic JC; Giannoulatou E; Graham RM, 2024, 'Understanding the Complex Genetics of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Guide for Clinicians', Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 17, pp. e004800,
Journal articles | 2024
McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Thompson JL; Iismaa SE; Tarr I; Muller DWM; Kovacic JC; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2024, 'COL3A1 Variants in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection', JACC: Advances, 3,
Journal articles | 2024
Meredith T; Roy D; Hayward C; Feneley M; Kovacic J; Muller D; Namasivayam M, 2024, 'Strain Assessment in Aortic Stenosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Utility', Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 37, pp. 64 - 76,
Journal articles | 2024
Miller MR; Landrigan PJ; Arora M; Newby DE; Münzel T; Kovacic JC, 2024, 'Environmentally Not So Friendly: Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Wildfires: JACC Focus Seminar, Part 1', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 83, pp. 2291 - 2307,
Journal articles | 2024
Miller MR; Landrigan PJ; Arora M; Newby DE; Münzel T; Kovacic JC, 2024, 'Water, Soil, Noise, and Light Pollution: JACC Focus Seminar, Part 2', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 83, pp. 2308 - 2323,
Journal articles | 2024
Mocci G; Sukhavasi K; Ord T; Bankier S; Singha P; Arasu UT; Agbabiaje OO; Makinen P; Ma L; Hodonsky CJ; Aherrahrou R; Muhl L; Liu J; Gustafsson S; Byandelger B; Wang Y; Koplev S; Lendahl U; Owens GK; Leeper NJ; Pasterkamp G; Vanlandewijck M; Michoel T; Ruusalepp A; Hao K; Yla-Herttuala S; Vali M; Jarve H; Mokry M; Civelek M; Miller CJ; Kovacic JC; Kaikkonen MU; Betsholtz C; Bjorkegren JLM, 2024, 'Single-Cell Gene-Regulatory Networks of Advanced Symptomatic Atherosclerosis', Circulation Research, 134, pp. 1405 - 1423,
Xu Y; Korayem A; Cruz-Solbes AS; Chandel N; Sakata T; Mazurek R; Mavropoulos SA; Kariya T; Aikawa T; Yamada KP; D'Escamard V; V'Gangula B; Baker AH; Ma L; Björkegren JLM; Fuster V; Boehm M; Fish KM; Tadros R; Ishikawa K; Kovacic JC, 2024, 'Inhibition of endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in a large animal preclinical arteriovenous fistula model leads to improved remodelling and reduced stenosis', Cardiovascular Research, 120, pp. 1768 - 1779,
Journal articles | 2024
d’Escamard V; Kadian-Dodov D; Ma L; Lu S; King A; Xu Y; Peng S; V′Gangula B; Zhou Y; Thomas A; Michelis KC; Bander E; Bouchareb R; Georges A; Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Wiener RJ; Costa KD; Chepurko E; Chepurko V; Fava M; Barwari T; Anyanwu A; Filsoufi F; Florman S; Bouatia-Naji N; Schmidt LE; Mayr M; Katz MG; Hao K; Weiser-Evans MCM; Björkegren JLM; Olin JW; Kovacic JC, 2024, 'Integrative gene regulatory network analysis discloses key driver genes of fibromuscular dysplasia', Nature Cardiovascular Research, 3, pp. 1098 - 1122,
Journal articles | 2024
van der Vorst EPC; Kovacic JC, 2024, 'Therapeutic targeting of cell transition: ready for clinical prime-time?', Cardiovascular Research, 120, pp. e14 - e16,
Journal articles | 2023
Adlam D; Berrandou TE; Georges A; Nelson CP; Giannoulatou E; Henry J; Ma L; Blencowe M; Turley TN; Yang ML; Chopade S; Finan C; Braund PS; Sadeg-Sayoud I; Iismaa SE; Kosel ML; Zhou X; Hamby SE; Cheng J; Liu L; Tarr I; Muller DWM; d’Escamard V; King A; Brunham LR; Baranowska-Clarke AA; Debette S; Amouyel P; Olin JW; Patil S; Hesselson SE; Junday K; Kanoni S; Aragam KG; Butterworth AS; Bakker MK; Ruigrok YM; Tweet MS; Gulati R; Combaret N; Kadian-Dodov D; Kalman JM; Fatkin D; Hingorani AD; Saw J; Webb TR; Hayes SN; Yang X; Ganesh SK; Olson TM; Kovacic JC; Graham RM; Samani NJ; Bouatia-Naji N, 2023, 'Genome-wide association meta-analysis of spontaneous coronary artery dissection identifies risk variants and genes related to artery integrity and tissue-mediated coagulation', Nature Genetics, 55, pp. 964 - 972,
Journal articles | 2023
Figtree GA; Vernon ST; Harmer JA; Gray MP; Arnott C; Bachour E; Barsha G; Brieger D; Brown A; Celermajer DS; Channon KM; Chew NWS; Chong JJH; Chow CK; Cistulli PA; Ellinor PT; Grieve SM; Guzik TJ; Hagström E; Jenkins A; Jennings G; Keech AC; Kott KA; Kritharides L; Mamas MA; Mehran R; Meikle PJ; Natarajan P; Negishi K; O'Sullivan J; Patel S; Psaltis PJ; Redfern J; Steg PG; Sullivan DR; Sundström J; Vogel B; Wilson A; Wong D; Bhatt DL; Kovacic JC; Nicholls SJ; Ademi Z; Avis SR; Chan A; Contreras O; Coorey CP; Fathieh S; Genetzakis E; Gholipour A; Giles C; Hollings M; Hyun K; Kazi S; Larance M; Marathe JA; Marquina C; Nelson A; Ng HH; Patrick E; Peter K; Tran A; Yang J; Zhu D; Zwack C, 2023, 'Clinical Pathway for Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients Without Conventional Modifiable Risk Factors: JACC State-of-the-Art Review', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 82, pp. 1343 - 1359,
Journal articles | 2023
Harper RL; Fang F; San H; Negro A; St. Hilaire C; Yang D; Chen G; Yu Z; Dmitrieva NI; Lanzer J; Davaine JM; Schwartzbeck R; Walts AD; Kovacic JC; Boehm M, 2023, 'Mast cell activation and degranulation in acute artery injury: A target for post-operative therapy', FASEB Journal, 37,
Journal articles | 2023
Hodonsky CJ; Turner AW; Khan MD; Barrientos NB; Methorst R; Ma L; Lopez NG; Mosquera JV; Auguste G; Farber E; Ma WF; Wong D; Onengut-Gumuscu S; Kavousi M; Peyser PA; van der Laan SW; Leeper NJ; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Miller CL, 2023, 'Integrative multi-ancestry genetic analysis of gene regulation in coronary arteries prioritizes disease risk loci.', medRxiv,
Kavousi M; Bos MM; Barnes HJ; Lino Cardenas CL; Wong D; Lu H; Hodonsky CJ; Landsmeer LPL; Turner AW; Kho M; Hasbani NR; de Vries PS; Bowden DW; Chopade S; Deelen J; Benavente ED; Guo X; Hofer E; Hwang SJ; Lutz SM; Lyytikäinen LP; Slenders L; Smith AV; Stanislawski MA; van Setten J; Wong Q; Yanek LR; Becker DM; Beekman M; Budoff MJ; Feitosa MF; Finan C; Hilliard AT; Kardia SLR; Kovacic JC; Kral BG; Langefeld CD; Launer LJ; Malik S; Hoesein FAAM; Mokry M; Schmidt R; Smith JA; Taylor KD; Terry JG; van der Grond J; van Meurs J; Vliegenthart R; Xu J; Young KA; Zilhão NR; Zweiker R; Assimes TL; Becker LC; Bos D; Carr JJ; Cupples LA; de Kleijn DPV; de Winther M; den Ruijter HM; Fornage M; Freedman BI; Gudnason V; Hingorani AD; Hokanson JE; Ikram MA; Išgum I; Jacobs DR; Kähönen M; Lange LA; Lehtimäki T; Pasterkamp G; Raitakari OT; Schmidt H; Slagboom PE; Uitterlinden AG; Vernooij MW; Bis JC; Franceschini N; Psaty BM; Post WS; Rotter JI; Björkegren JLM; O’Donnell CJ; Bielak LF; Peyser PA; Malhotra R; van der Laan SW; Miller CL, 2023, 'Multi-ancestry genome-wide study identifies effector genes and druggable pathways for coronary artery calcification', Nature Genetics, 55, pp. 1651 - 1664,
Journal articles | 2023
Kundel V; Cohen O; Khan S; Patel M; Kim-Schulze S; Kovacic J; Suárez-Fariñas M; Shah NA, 2023, 'Advanced Proteomics and Cluster Analysis for Identifying Novel Obstructive Sleep Apnea Subtypes before and after Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy', Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 20, pp. 1038 - 1047,
Journal articles | 2023
Lee WJ; Cheng H; Whitney BM; Nance RM; Britton SR; Jordahl K; Lindstrom S; Ruderman SA; Kitahata MM; Saag MS; Willig AL; Burkholder G; Eron JJ; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Mathews WC; Cachay E; Feinstein MJ; Budoff M; Hunt PW; Moore RD; Keruly J; McCaul ME; Chander G; Webel A; Mayer KH; Delaney JA; Crane PK; Martinez C; Crane HM; Hao K; Peter I, 2023, 'Polygenic risk scores point toward potential genetic mechanisms of type 2 myocardial infarction in people with HIV', International Journal of Cardiology, 383, pp. 15 - 23,
Journal articles | 2023
Mcgrath-Cadell L; Hessleson S; Thompson JL; Iismaa SE; Tarr I; Muller DWM; Kovacic J; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2023, 'COL3A1 mutations in spontaneous coronary artery dissection', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 44
Journal articles | 2023
Mosquera JV; Auguste G; Wong D; Turner AW; Hodonsky CJ; Alvarez-Yela AC; Song Y; Cheng Q; Lino Cardenas CL; Theofilatos K; Bos M; Kavousi M; Peyser PA; Mayr M; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Malhotra R; Stukenberg PT; Finn AV; van der Laan SW; Zang C; Sheffield NC; Miller CL, 2023, 'Integrative single-cell meta-analysis reveals disease-relevant vascular cell states and markers in human atherosclerosis', Cell Reports, 42,
Journal articles | 2023
Namasivayam M; Meredith T; Muller DWM; Roy DA; Roy AK; Kovacic JC; Hayward CS; Feneley MP, 2023, 'Machine learning prediction of progressive subclinical myocardial dysfunction in moderate aortic stenosis', Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 10,
Journal articles | 2023
Savić R; Yang J; Koplev S; An MC; Patel PL; O'Brien RN; Dubose BN; Dodatko T; Rogatsky E; Sukhavasi K; Ermel R; Ruusalepp A; Houten SM; Kovacic JC; Stewart AF; Yohn CB; Schadt EE; Laberge RM; Björkegren JLM; Tu Z; Argmann C, 2023, 'Integration of transcriptomes of senescent cell models with multi-tissue patient samples reveals reduced COL6A3 as an inducer of senescence', Cell Reports, 42,
Journal articles | 2023
Tardo D; Jabbour A; Kovacic JC, 2023, 'Getting to the cART of the Matter: Risk Stratification for Cardiovascular Events With HIV Infection', JACC: Advances, 2,
Journal articles | 2023
Wassif M; Lo P; Satouris P; Swan L; Tardo D; Kovacic JC; Muller D; Muthiah K; Kotlyar E; Bart NK, 2023, 'Acute Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccinations—A Single-Centre Retrospective Analysis', Heart Lung and Circulation, 32, pp. 467 - 479,
Journal articles | 2023
Wolhuter K; Kong SMY; Stanley CP; Kovacic JC, 2023, 'The Role of Oxidants in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction: Can We Harness Redox Signaling to Improve Clinical Outcomes?', Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 38, pp. 1022 - 1040,
Journal articles | 2023
Wong D; Auguste G; Lino Cardenas CL; Turner AW; Chen Y; Song Y; Ma L; Perry RN; Aherrahrou R; Kuppusamy M; Yang C; Mosquera JV; Dube CJ; Khan MD; Palmore M; Kalra J; Kavousi M; Peyser PA; Matic L; Hedin U; Manichaikul A; Sonkusare SK; Civelek M; Kovacic JC; Bjorkegren JLM; Malhotra R; Miller CL, 2023, 'FHL5 Controls Vascular Disease-Associated Gene Programs in Smooth Muscle Cells', Circulation Research, 132, pp. 1144 - 1161,
Bauer S; Eigenmann J; Zhao Y; Fleig J; Hawe JS; Pan C; Bongiovanni D; Wengert S; Ma A; Lusis AJ; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Maegdefessel L; Schunkert H; von Scheidt M, 2022, 'Identification of the Transcription Factor ATF3 as a Direct and Indirect Regulator of the LDLR', Metabolites, 12,
Journal articles | 2022
Bax M; Romanov V; Junday K; Giannoulatou E; Martinac B; Kovacic JC; Liu R; Iismaa SE; Graham RM, 2022, 'Arterial dissections: Common features and new perspectives', Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9,
Journal articles | 2022
Deftereos SG; Beerkens FJ; Shah B; Giannopoulos G; Vrachatis DA; Giotaki SG; Siasos G; Nicolas J; Arnott C; Patel S; Parsons M; Tardif JC; Kovacic JC; Dangas GD, 2022, 'Colchicine in Cardiovascular Disease: In-Depth Review', Circulation, 145, pp. 61 - 78,
Journal articles | 2022
Figtree GA; Adamson PD; Antoniades C; Blumenthal RS; Blaha M; Budoff M; Celermajer DS; Chan MY; Chow CK; Dey D; Dwivedi G; Giannotti N; Grieve SM; Hamilton-Craig C; Kingwell BA; Kovacic JC; Min JK; Newby DE; Patel S; Peter K; Psaltis PJ; Vernon ST; Wong DT; Nicholls SJ, 2022, 'Noninvasive Plaque Imaging to Accelerate Coronary Artery Disease Drug Development', Circulation, 146, pp. 1712 - 1727,
Journal articles | 2022
Figtree GA; Kovacic JC; McGuire HM, 2022, 'Human susceptibility to coronary artery disease: lessons from chimpanzee resilience', Nature Reviews Cardiology, 19, pp. 497 - 498,
Journal articles | 2022
Georges A; Yang ML; Berrandou TE; Bakker MK; Dikilitas O; Kiando SR; Ma L; Satterfield BA; Sengupta S; Yu M; Deleuze JF; Dupré D; Hunker KL; Kyryachenko S; Liu L; Sayoud-Sadeg I; Amar L; Brummett CM; Coleman DM; d’Escamard V; de Leeuw P; Fendrikova-Mahlay N; Kadian-Dodov D; Li JZ; Lorthioir A; Pappaccogli M; Prejbisz A; Smigielski W; Stanley JC; Zawistowski M; Zhou X; Zöllner S; de Leeuw P; Amouyel P; De Buyzere ML; Debette S; Dobrowolski P; Drygas W; Gornik HL; Olin JW; Piwonski J; Rietzschel ER; Ruigrok YM; Vikkula M; Warchol Celinska E; Januszewicz A; Kullo IJ; Azizi M; Jeunemaitre X; Persu A; Kovacic JC; Ganesh SK; Bouatia-Naji N, 2022, 'Author Correction: Genetic investigation of fibromuscular dysplasia identifies risk loci and shared genetics with common cardiovascular diseases (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (6031), 10.1038/s41467-021-26174-2)', Nature Communications, 13,
Journal articles | 2022
Hao K; Ermel R; Li L; Amadori L; Koplev S; Franzén O; D'Escamard V; Chandel N; Wolhuter K; Bryce NS; Venkata VRM; Miller CL; Ruusalepp A; Schunkert H; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'Integrative Prioritization of Causal Genes for Coronary Artery Disease', Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 15, pp. E003365,
Journal articles | 2022
Iglesies-Grau J; Fernandez-Jimenez R; Diaz-Munoz R; Jaslow R; de Cos-Gandoy A; Santos-Beneit G; Hill CA; Turco A; Kadian-Dodov D; Kovacic JC; Fayad ZA; Fuster V, 2022, 'Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Young, Socioeconomically Vulnerable Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Black Adults', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80, pp. 219 - 229,
Journal articles | 2022
Kim SK; Wing-Lun E; Chandrasekhar J; Puri A; Burgess S; Ford TJ; Kovacic J; Graham RM; Psaltis PJ; Zaman S, 2022, 'The Australian New Zealand Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (ANZ-SCAD) Registry – A Multi-Centre Cohort Study: Protocol, Background and Significance', Heart Lung and Circulation, 31, pp. 1612 - 1618,
Journal articles | 2022
Koplev S; Seldin M; Sukhavasi K; Ermel R; Pang S; Zeng L; Bankier S; Di Narzo A; Cheng H; Meda V; Ma A; Talukdar H; Cohain A; Amadori L; Argmann C; Houten SM; Franzén O; Mocci G; Meelu OA; Ishikawa K; Whatling C; Jain A; Jain RK; Gan LM; Giannarelli C; Roussos P; Hao K; Schunkert H; Michoel T; Ruusalepp A; Schadt EE; Kovacic JC; Lusis AJ; Björkegren JLM, 2022, 'A mechanistic framework for cardiometabolic and coronary artery diseases', Nature Cardiovascular Research, 1, pp. 85 - 100,
Journal articles | 2022
Kovacic JC; Boscá L, 2022, 'Immuno-Modulation to Treat Common Cardiovascular Diseases: Moving From Sledgehammer to Precision Therapeutics', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79, pp. 648 - 650,
Journal articles | 2022
Kovacic JC; Fuster V, 2022, 'Exercise, Cardiovascular Disease, and the Athlete's Heart', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80, pp. 1088 - 1090,
Journal articles | 2022
La Gerche A; Howden EJ; Haykowsky MJ; Lewis GD; Levine BD; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction as an Exercise Deficiency Syndrome: JACC Focus Seminar 2/4', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80, pp. 1177 - 1191,
Journal articles | 2022
La Gerche A; Wasfy MM; Brosnan MJ; Claessen G; Fatkin D; Heidbuchel H; Baggish AL; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'The Athlete's Heart—Challenges and Controversies: JACC Focus Seminar 4/4', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80, pp. 1346 - 1362,
Journal articles | 2022
Li L; Chen Z; von Scheidt M; Li S; Steiner A; Güldener U; Koplev S; Ma A; Hao K; Pan C; Lusis AJ; Pang S; Kessler T; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; Ruusalepp A; Gagneur J; Erdmann J; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Schunkert H, 2022, 'Publisher Correction: Transcriptome-wide association study of coronary artery disease identifies novel susceptibility genes (Basic Research in Cardiology, (2022), 117, 1, (6), 10.1007/s00395-022-00917-8)', Basic Research in Cardiology, 117,
Journal articles | 2022
Li L; Chen Z; von Scheidt M; Li S; Steiner A; Güldener U; Koplev S; Ma A; Hao K; Pan C; Lusis AJ; Pang S; Kessler T; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; Ruusalepp A; Gagneur J; Erdmann J; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Schunkert H, 2022, 'Transcriptome-wide association study of coronary artery disease identifies novel susceptibility genes', Basic Research in Cardiology, 117,
Journal articles | 2022
Ma L; Bryce NS; Turner AW; Di Narzo AF; Rahman K; Xu Y; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; d’Escamard V; Chandel N; V’Gangula B; Wolhuter K; Kadian-Dodov D; Franzen O; Ruusalepp A; Hao K; Miller CL; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'The HDAC9-associated risk locus promotes coronary artery disease by governing TWIST1', PLoS Genetics, 18,
Journal articles | 2022
Maier A; Liao SL; Lescure T; Robson PM; Hirata N; Sartori S; Narula N; Vergani V; Soultanidis G; Morgenthau A; Kovacic JC; Padilla M; Narula J; Jacobi A; Fayad ZA; Trivieri MG, 2022, 'Pulmonary Artery 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake by PET/CMR as a Marker of Pulmonary Hypertension in Sarcoidosis', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 15, pp. 108 - 120,
Journal articles | 2022
Mokry M; Boltjes A; Slenders L; Bel-Bordes G; Cui K; Brouwer E; Mekke JM; Depuydt MAC; Timmerman N; Waissi F; Verwer MC; Turner AW; Khan MD; Hodonsky CJ; Diez Benavente E; Hartman RJG; van den Dungen NAM; Lansu N; Nagyova E; Prange KHM; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Pavlos E; Andreakos E; Schunkert H; Owens GK; Monaco C; Finn AV; Virmani R; Leeper NJ; de Winther MPJ; Kuiper J; de Borst GJ; Stroes ESG; Civelek M; de Kleijn DPV; den Ruijter HM; Asselbergs FW; van der Laan SW; Miller CL; Pasterkamp G, 2022, 'Transcriptomic-based clustering of human atherosclerotic plaques identifies subgroups with different underlying biology and clinical presentation', Nature Cardiovascular Research, 1, pp. 1140 - 1155,
Journal articles | 2022
Persu A; Dobrowolski P; Gornik HL; Olin JW; Adlam D; Azizi M; Boutouyrie P; Bruno RM; Boulanger M; Demoulin JB; Ganesh SK; J. Guzik T; Januszewicz M; Kovacic JC; Kruk M; De Leeuw P; Loeys BL; Pappaccogli M; Perik MHAM; Touzé E; Van Der Niepen P; Van Twist DJL; Warchoł-Celińska E; Prejbisz A; Januszewicz A, 2022, 'Current progress in clinical, molecular, and genetic aspects of adult fibromuscular dysplasia', Cardiovascular Research, 118, pp. 65 - 83,
Journal articles | 2022
Semsarian C; Gray B; Haugaa KH; Lampert R; Sharma S; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'Athletic Activity for Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Other Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases: JACC Focus Seminar 3/4', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80, pp. 1268 - 1283,
Journal articles | 2022
Solomon AL; Ratchford EV; Armitage KB; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'Vascular Disease Patient Information Page: Vascular considerations with COVID-19 vaccines', Vascular Medicine (United Kingdom), 27, pp. 102 - 106,
Journal articles | 2022
Tarr I; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Rath E; Monger S; Troup M; Mishra K; Wong CMY; Hsu PC; Junday K; Humphreys DT; Adlam D; Webb TR; Baranowska-Clarke AA; Hamby SE; Carss KJ; Samani NJ; Bax M; McGrath-Cadell L; Kovacic JC; Dunwoodie SL; Fatkin D; Muller DWM; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2022, 'Exploring the Genetic Architecture of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Using Whole-Genome Sequencing', Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 15, pp. 267 - 277,
Journal articles | 2022
Tucker WJ; Fegers-Wustrow I; Halle M; Haykowsky MJ; Chung EH; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'Exercise for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Focus Seminar 1/4', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80, pp. 1091 - 1106,
Journal articles | 2022
Turner AW; Hu SS; Mosquera JV; Ma WF; Hodonsky CJ; Wong D; Auguste G; Song Y; Sol-Church K; Farber E; Kundu S; Kundaje A; Lopez NG; Ma L; Ghosh SKB; Onengut-Gumuscu S; Ashley EA; Quertermous T; Finn AV; Leeper NJ; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Zang C; Miller CL, 2022, 'Author Correction: Single-nucleus chromatin accessibility profiling highlights regulatory mechanisms of coronary artery disease risk (Nature Genetics, (2022), 54, 6, (804-816), 10.1038/s41588-022-01069-0)', Nature Genetics, 54, pp. 1259 - 1259,
Journal articles | 2022
Turner AW; Hu SS; Mosquera JV; Ma WF; Hodonsky CJ; Wong D; Auguste G; Song Y; Sol-Church K; Farber E; Kundu S; Kundaje A; Lopez NG; Ma L; Ghosh SKB; Onengut-Gumuscu S; Ashley EA; Quertermous T; Finn AV; Leeper NJ; Kovacic JC; Björkgren JLM; Zang C; Miller CL, 2022, 'Single-nucleus chromatin accessibility profiling highlights regulatory mechanisms of coronary artery disease risk', Nature Genetics, 54, pp. 804 - 816,
Journal articles | 2021
Barc J; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'From polygenic risk scores to integrative epigenomics: the dawn of a new era for cardiovascular precision medicine', Cardiovascular research, 117, pp. e73 - e75,
Journal articles | 2021
Bax M; Junday K; Hesselson S; Iismaa S; Tarr I; McGrath-Cadell L; Dunwoodie S; Fatkin D; Kovacic J; Muller D; Giannoulatou E; Graham R, 2021, 'Modelling Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection With iPSC-Derived Vascular Cells', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. S131 - S131,
Journal articles | 2021
Blum M; Cao D; Chandiramani R; Goel R; Roumeliotis A; Sartori S; Beyhoff N; Kelle S; Kovacic JC; Krishnan P; Sweeny J; Barman N; Baber U; Dangas GD; Kini A; Sharma SK; Mehran R, 2021, 'Prevalence and prognostic impact of hsCRP elevation are age-dependent in women but not in men undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 97, pp. E936 - E944,
Journal articles | 2021
Cohain AT; Barrington WT; Jordan DM; Beckmann ND; Argmann CA; Houten SM; Charney AW; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; Franzen O; Koplev S; Whatling C; Belbin GM; Yang J; Hao K; Kenny EE; Tu Z; Zhu J; Gan LM; Do R; Giannarelli C; Kovacic JC; Ruusalepp A; Lusis AJ; Bjorkegren JLM; Schadt EE, 2021, 'An integrative multiomic network model links lipid metabolism to glucose regulation in coronary artery disease', Nature Communications, 12,
Journal articles | 2021
Fatkin D; Calkins H; Elliott P; James CA; Peters S; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Contemporary and Future Approaches to Precision Medicine in Inherited Cardiomyopathies: JACC Focus Seminar 3/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2551 - 2572,
Journal articles | 2021
Georges A; Albuisson J; Berrandou T; Dupré D; Lorthioir A; D'Escamard V; Di Narzo AF; Kadian-Dodov D; Olin JW; Warchol-Celinska E; Prejbisz A; Januszewicz A; Bruneval P; Baranowska AA; Webb TR; Hamby SE; Samani NJ; Adlam D; Fendrikova-Mahlay N; Hazen S; Wang Y; Yang ML; Hunker K; Combaret N; Motreff P; Chédid A; Fiquet B; Plouin PF; Mousseaux E; Azarine A; Amar L; Azizi M; Gornik HL; Ganesh SK; Kovacic JC; Jeunemaitre X; Bouatia-Naji N, 2021, 'Rare loss-of-function mutations of PTGIR are enriched in fibromuscular dysplasia', Cardiovascular Research, 117, pp. 1154 - 1165,
Journal articles | 2021
Georges A; Yang ML; Berrandou TE; Bakker MK; Dikilitas O; Kiando SR; Ma L; Satterfield BA; Sengupta S; Yu M; Deleuze JF; Dupré D; Hunker KL; Kyryachenko S; Liu L; Sayoud-Sadeg I; Amar L; Brummett CM; Coleman DM; d’Escamard V; de Leeuw P; Fendrikova-Mahlay N; Kadian-Dodov D; Li JZ; Lorthioir A; Pappaccogli M; Prejbisz A; Smigielski W; Stanley JC; Zawistowski M; Zhou X; Zöllner S; Amouyel P; De Buyzere ML; Debette S; Dobrowolski P; Drygas W; Gornik HL; Olin JW; Piwonski J; Rietzschel ER; Ruigrok YM; Vikkula M; Warchol Celinska E; Januszewicz A; Kullo IJ; Azizi M; Jeunemaitre X; Persu A; Kovacic JC; Ganesh SK; Bouatia-Naji N, 2021, 'Genetic investigation of fibromuscular dysplasia identifies risk loci and shared genetics with common cardiovascular diseases', Nature Communications, 12,
Journal articles | 2021
Giudicessi JR; Ackerman MJ; Fatkin D; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine Approaches to Cardiac Arrhythmias: JACC Focus Seminar 4/5 (vol 77, pg 2573, 2021)', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 78,
Journal articles | 2021
Giudicessi JR; Ackerman MJ; Fatkin D; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine Approaches to Cardiac Arrhythmias: JACC Focus Seminar 4/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2573 - 2591,
Journal articles | 2021
Hartman RJG; Owsiany K; Ma L; Koplev S; Hao K; Slenders L; Civelek M; Mokry M; Kovacic JC; Pasterkamp G; Owens G; Björkegren JLM; Den Ruijter HM, 2021, 'Sex-Stratified Gene Regulatory Networks Reveal Female Key Driver Genes of Atherosclerosis Involved in Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype Switching', Circulation, 143, pp. 713 - 726,
Journal articles | 2021
Iismaa SE; Hesselson S; McGrath-Cadell L; Muller DW; Fatkin D; Giannoulatou E; Kovacic J; Graham RM, 2021, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia: Vasculopathies With a Predilection for Women', Heart Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. 27 - 35,
McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Tarr I; Iismaa S; Bax M; Junday K; Dunwoodie S; Fatkin D; Kovacic J; Muller D; Giannoulatou E; Graham B, 2021, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) and a Family History of Aortic Artery Dissection—A Case Series', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. S252 - S252,
Journal articles | 2021
McGrath-Cadell L; Iismaa SE; Hesselson S; Muller DW; Fatkin D; Giannoulatou E; Kovacic JC; Graham RM, 2021, 'Recent Updates on Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia', International Journal of Integrative Cardiology, 3,
Journal articles | 2021
Miller CL; Kontorovich AR; Hao K; Ma L; Iyegbe C; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine Approaches to Vascular Disease: JACC Focus Seminar 2/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2531 - 2550,
Priori SG; Mazzanti A; Santiago DJ; Kukavica D; Trancuccio A; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine in Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: JACC Focus Seminar 5/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2592 - 2612,
Journal articles | 2021
Robson PM; Vergani V; Benkert T; Trivieri MG; Karakatsanis NA; Abgral R; Dweck MR; Moreno PR; Kovacic JC; Block KT; Fayad ZA, 2021, 'Assessing the qualitative and quantitative impacts of simple two-class vs multiple tissue-class MR-based attenuation correction for cardiac PET/MR', Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 28, pp. 2194 - 2204,
Journal articles | 2021
Schaniel C; Dhanan P; Hu B; Xiong Y; Raghunandan T; Gonzalez DM; Dariolli R; D'Souza SL; Yadaw AS; Hansen J; Jayaraman G; Mathew B; Machado M; Berger SI; Tripodi J; Najfeld V; Garg J; Miller M; Surlyn CS; Michelis KC; Tangirala NC; Weerahandi H; Thomas DC; Beaumont KG; Sebra R; Mahajan M; Schadt E; Vidovic D; Schürer SC; Goldfarb J; Azeloglu EU; Birtwistle MR; Sobie EA; Kovacic JC; Dubois NC; Iyengar R, 2021, 'A library of induced pluripotent stem cells from clinically well-characterized, diverse healthy human individuals', Stem Cell Reports, 16, pp. 3036 - 3049,
Journal articles | 2021
Semsarian C; Ingles J; Ross SB; Dunwoodie SL; Bagnall RD; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease: Genetics and Impact on Phenotypes: JACC Focus Seminar 1/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2517 - 2530,
Journal articles | 2021
Von Scheidt M; Zhao Y; De Aguiar Vallim TQ; Che N; Wierer M; Seldin MM; Franzén O; Kurt Z; Pang S; Bongiovanni D; Yamamoto M; Edwards PA; Ruusalepp A; Kovacic JC; Mann M; Björkegren JLM; Lusis AJ; Yang X; Schunkert H, 2021, 'Transcription Factor MAFF (MAF Basic Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor F) Regulates an Atherosclerosis Relevant Network Connecting Inflammation and Cholesterol Metabolism', Circulation, 143, pp. 1809 - 1823,
Journal articles | 2021
Wolhuter K; Arora M; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Air pollution and cardiovascular disease: Can the Australian bushfires and global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 convince us to change our ways?', BioEssays, 43,
Journal articles | 2020
Aoi S; Baber U; Kovacic JC; Mehran R; Aquino M; Dangas G; Sweeny J; Vijay P; Shah S; Barman N; Moreno P; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2020, 'Combined and independent impact of coronary artery calcification and inflammation on risk for adverse cardiovascular events after percutaneous coronary intervention: Results from a large single-center registry', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 96, pp. E278 - E286,
Journal articles | 2020
Barallobre-Barreiro J; Loeys B; Mayr M; Rienks M; Verstraeten A; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Extracellular Matrix in Vascular Disease, Part 2/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2189 - 2203,
Journal articles | 2020
Beyhoff N; Cao D; Mehran R; Dangas G; Baber U; Sartori S; Blum M; Roumeliotis A; Chandiramani R; Goel R; Zhang Z; Kovacic J; Krishnan P; Barman N; Kapur V; Sweeny J; Sharma SK; Kini A, 2020, 'Prognostic Impact of High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention According to BMI', JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 13, pp. 2882 - 2892,
Journal articles | 2020
Chandrasekhar J; Dangas G; Baber U; Sartori S; Qadeer A; Aquino M; Vogel B; Faggioni M; Vijay P; Claessen BE; Goel R; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Kovacic JC; Kini A; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2020, 'Impact of insulin treated and non-insulin-treated diabetes compared to patients without diabetes on 1-year outcomes following contemporary PCI', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 96, pp. 298 - 308,
Journal articles | 2020
Díez J; González A; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Myocardial Interstitial Fibrosis in Nonischemic Heart Disease, Part 3/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2204 - 2218,
Journal articles | 2020
Fernandez-Jimenez R; Jaslow R; Bansilal S; Diaz-Munoz R; Fatterpekar M; Santana M; Clarke-Littman A; Latina J; Soto AV; Hill CA; Al-Kazaz M; Samtani R; Vedanthan R; Giannarelli C; Kovacic JC; Bagiella E; Kasarskis A; Fayad ZA; Fuster V, 2020, 'Different Lifestyle Interventions in Adults From Underserved Communities: The FAMILIA Trial', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 42 - 56,
Journal articles | 2020
Frangogiannis NG; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Extracellular Matrix in Ischemic Heart Disease, Part 4/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2219 - 2235,
Journal articles | 2020
Ma L; Chandel N; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; Hao K; Ruusalepp A; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Multiple independent mechanisms link gene polymorphisms in the region of ZEB2 with risk of coronary artery disease', Atherosclerosis, 311, pp. 20 - 29,
Journal articles | 2020
Olin JW; Di Narzo AF; D'Escamard V; Kadian-Dodov D; Cheng H; Georges A; King A; Thomas A; Barwari T; Michelis KC; Bouchareb R; Bander E; Anyanwu A; Stelzer P; Filsoufi F; Florman S; Civelek M; Debette S; Jeunemaitre X; Björkegren JLM; Mayr M; Bouatia-Naji N; Hao K; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'A plasma proteogenomic signature for fibromuscular dysplasia', Cardiovascular Research, 116, pp. 63 - 77,
Journal articles | 2020
Plitt A; Claessen BE; Sartori S; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Aquino M; Vijay P; Elsayed S; Kovacic JC; Sweeny J; Barman N; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Demopoulos A; Dangas G; Kini AS; Mehran R; Sharma SK, 2020, 'Impact of stent diameter on outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention with second-generation drug-eluting stents: Results from a large single-center registry', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 96, pp. 558 - 564,
Journal articles | 2020
Santini MP; Malide D; Hoffman G; Pandey G; D'Escamard V; Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Rovira I; Kataoka H; Ochando J; Harvey RP; Finkel T; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Tissue-Resident PDGFRα+ Progenitor Cells Contribute to Fibrosis versus Healing in a Context- and Spatiotemporally Dependent Manner', Cell Reports, 30, pp. 555 - 570.e7,
Journal articles | 2020
Sengupta A; Alexis SL; Kovacic JC; Tang GHL, 2020, 'Current challenges in TAVI: Neo-commissural alignment to mimic more physiologic valve implantation', Vessel Plus, 4,
Journal articles | 2020
Tang GHL; Lerakis S; Kini A; Khan JM; Kovacic JC, 2020, '4-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiographic Guidance During TAVR With BASILICA', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13, pp. 1601 - 1614,
Journal articles | 2020
Tang GHL; Zaid S; Fuchs A; Yamabe T; Yazdchi F; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Kofoed KF; Goldberg JB; Undemir C; Kaple RK; Shah PB; Kaneko T; Lansman SL; Khera S; Kovacic JC; Dangas GD; Lerakis S; Sharma SK; Kini A; Adams DH; Khalique OK; Hahn RT; Søndergaard L; George I; Kodali SK; De Backer O; Leon MB; Bapat VN, 2020, 'Alignment of Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Neo-Commissures (ALIGN TAVR): Impact on Final Valve Orientation and Coronary Artery Overlap', JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 13, pp. 1030 - 1042,
Journal articles | 2020
Trivieri MG; Spagnolo P; Birnie D; Liu P; Drake W; Kovacic JC; Baughman R; Fayad ZA; Judson MA, 2020, 'Challenges in Cardiac and Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: JACC State-of-the-Art Review', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 76, pp. 1878 - 1901,
Journal articles | 2020
Zaid S; Sengupta A; Okoli K; Tsoi M; Khan A; Ahmad H; Goldberg JB; Undemir C; Rozenshtein A; Patel N; Khan M; Gupta E; Kovacic J; Lansman SL; Dangas GD; Sharma SK; Kini A; Tang GHL, 2020, 'Novel Anatomic Predictors of New Persistent Left Bundle Branch Block After Evolut Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation', American Journal of Cardiology, 125, pp. 1222 - 1229,
Journal articles | 2020
del Monte-Nieto G; Fischer JW; Gorski DJ; Harvey RP; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Basic Biology of Extracellular Matrix in the Cardiovascular System, Part 1/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2169 - 2188,
Journal articles | 2019
Adlam D; Olson TM; Combaret N; Kovacic JC; Iismaa SE; Al-Hussaini A; O'Byrne MM; Bouajila S; Georges A; Mishra K; Braund PS; d'Escamard V; Huang S; Margaritis M; Nelson CP; de Andrade M; Kadian-Dodov D; Welch CA; Mazurkiewicz S; Jeunemaitre X; Motreff P; Belle L; Dupouy P; Barnay P; Meneveau N; Gilard M; Rioufol G; Range G; Brunel P; Delarche N; Filippi E; Le Bivic L; Harbaoui B; Benamer H; Cayla G; Varenne O; Manzo-Silberman SP; Silvain J; Spaulding C; Caussin C; Gerbaud E; Valy Y; Koning R; Lhermusier T; Champin S; Salengro E; Fluttaz A; Zabalawi A; Cottin Y; Teiger E; Saint-Etienne C; Ducrocq G; Marliere S; Boiffard E; Aubry P; Georges JL; Bresson D; De Poli F; Karrillon G; Roule V; Bali L; Valla M; Gerbay A; Houpe D; Dubreuil O; Monnier A; Mayaud N; Manchuelle A; Commeau P; Bedossa M; Wong CMY; Giannoulatou E; Sweeting M; Muller D; Wood A; McGrath-Cadell L; Fatkin D; Dunwoodie SL; Harvey R; Holloway C; Empana JP; Jouven X; Nikpay M; Goel A; Won HH; Hall LM; Willenborg C; Kanoni S; Saleheen D; Kyriakou T; Hopewell JC; Webb TR; Zeng L; Dehghan A; Alver M; Armasu SM; Auro K; Bjonnes A; Chasman DI; Chen S, 2019, 'Association of the PHACTR1/EDN1 Genetic Locus With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, pp. 58 - 66,
Journal articles | 2019
Fatkin D; Huttner IG; Kovacic JC; Seidman JG; Seidman CE, 2019, 'Precision Medicine in the Management of Dilated Cardiomyopathy: JACC State-of-the-Art Review', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74, pp. 2921 - 2938,
Journal articles | 2019
Fernandez-Jimenez R; Jaslow R; Bansilal S; Santana M; Diaz-Munoz R; Latina J; Soto AV; Vedanthan R; Al-Kazaz M; Giannarelli C; Kovacic JC; Bagiella E; Kasarskis A; Fayad ZA; Hajjar RJ; Fuster V, 2019, 'Child Health Promotion in Underserved Communities: The FAMILIA Trial', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, pp. 2011 - 2021,
Journal articles | 2019
Frades I; Readhead B; Amadori L; Koplev S; Talukdar HA; Crane HM; Crane PK; Kovacic JC; Dudley JT; Giannarelli C; Björkegren JLM; Peter I, 2019, 'Systems pharmacology identifies an arterial wall regulatory gene network mediating coronary artery disease side effects of antiretroviral therapy', Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 12, pp. 262 - 272,
Journal articles | 2019
Glicksberg BS; Amadori L; Akers NK; Sukhavasi K; Franzén O; Li L; Belbin GM; Akers KL; Shameer K; Badgeley MA; Johnson KW; Readhead B; Darrow BJ; Kenny EE; Betsholtz C; Ermel R; Skogsberg J; Ruusalepp A; Schadt EE; Dudley JT; Ren H; Kovacic JC; Giannarelli C; Li SD; Björkegren JLM; Chen R, 2019, 'Integrative analysis of loss-of-function variants in clinical and genomic data reveals novel genes associated with cardiovascular traits', BMC Medical Genomics, 12,
Journal articles | 2019
Glicksberg BS; Amadori L; Akers NK; Sukhavasi K; Franzén O; Li L; Belbin GM; Ayers KL; Shameer K; Badgeley MA; Johnson KW; Readhead B; Darrow BJ; Kenny EE; Betsholtz C; Ermel R; Skogsberg J; Ruusalepp A; Schadt EE; Dudley JT; Ren H; Kovacic JC; Giannarelli C; Li SD; Björkegren JLM; Chen R, 2019, 'Correction to: Integrative analysis of loss-of-function variants in clinical and genomic data reveals novel genes associated with cardiovascular traits (BMC Medical Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12920-019-0542-3)', BMC Medical Genomics, 12,
Journal articles | 2019
Gornik HL; Persu A; Adlam D; Aparicio LS; Azizi M; Boulanger M; Bruno RM; De Leeuw P; Fendrikova-Mahlay N; Froehlich J; Ganesh SK; Gray BH; Jamison C; Januszewicz A; Jeunemaitre X; Kadian-Dodov D; Kim ESH; Kovacic JC; MacE P; Morganti A; Sharma A; Southerland AM; Touzé E; Van Der Niepen P; Wang J; Weinberg I; Wilson S; Olin JW; Plouin PF, 2019, 'First international consensus on the diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia', Journal of Hypertension, 37, pp. 229 - 252,
Journal articles | 2019
Gornik HL; Persu A; Adlam D; Aparicio LS; Azizi M; Boulanger M; Bruno RM; de Leeuw P; Fendrikova-Mahlay N; Froehlich J; Ganesh SK; Gray BH; Jamison C; Januszewicz A; Jeunemaitre X; Kadian-Dodov D; Kim ESH; Kovacic JC; Mace P; Morganti A; Sharma A; Southerland AM; Touzé E; van der Niepen P; Wang J; Weinberg I; Wilson S; Olin JW; Plouin PF, 2019, 'First International Consensus on the diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia', Vascular Medicine (United Kingdom), 24, pp. 164 - 189,
Journal articles | 2019
Guedeney P; Baber U; Claessen B; Aquino M; Camaj A; Sorrentino S; Vogel B; Farhan S; Faggioni M; Chandrasekhar J; Kalkman DN; Kovacic JC; Sweeny J; Barman N; Moreno P; Vijay P; Shah S; Dangas G; Kini A; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2019, 'Temporal trends, determinants, and impact of high-intensity statin prescriptions after percutaneous coronary intervention: Results from a large single-center prospective registry', American Heart Journal, 207, pp. 10 - 18,
Journal articles | 2019
Guedeney P; Claessen BE; Baber U; Camaj A; Sorrentino S; Aquino M; Blum M; Chandiramani R; Goel R; Elsayed S; Kovacic JC; Sweeny J; Barman N; Moreno P; Dangas GD; Kini A; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2019, 'Temporal Trends in Statin Prescriptions and Residual Cholesterol Risk in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', American Journal of Cardiology, 123, pp. 1788 - 1795,
Journal articles | 2019
Guedeney P; Claessen BE; Kalkman DN; Aquino M; Sorrentino S; Giustino G; Farhan S; Vogel B; Sartori S; Montalescot G; Sweeny J; Kovacic JC; Krishnan P; Barman N; Dangas G; Kini A; Baber U; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2019, 'Residual Inflammatory Risk in Patients With Low LDL Cholesterol Levels Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (vol 73, pg 2401, 2019)', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 74, pp. 481 - 482,
Journal articles | 2019
Guedeney P; Claessen BE; Kalkman DN; Aquino M; Sorrentino S; Giustino G; Farhan S; Vogel B; Sartori S; Montalescot G; Sweeny J; Kovacic JC; Krishnan P; Barman N; Dangas G; Kini A; Baber U; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2019, 'Residual Inflammatory Risk in Patients With Low LDL Cholesterol Levels Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, pp. 2401 - 2409,
Journal articles | 2019
Haider N; Boscá L; Zandbergen HR; Kovacic JC; Narula N; González-Ramos S; Fernandez-Velasco M; Agrawal S; Paz-García M; Gupta S; DeLeon-Pennell K; Fuster V; Ibañez B; Narula J, 2019, 'Transition of Macrophages to Fibroblast-Like Cells in Healing Myocardial Infarction', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74, pp. 3124 - 3135,
Journal articles | 2019
Hulshoff MS; Del Monte-Nieto G; Kovacic J; Krenning G, 2019, 'Non-coding RNA in endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition', Cardiovascular Research, 115, pp. 1716 - 1731,
Journal articles | 2019
Kovacic JC; Dimmeler S; Harvey RP; Finkel T; Aikawa E; Krenning G; Baker AH, 2019, 'Endothelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Cardiovascular Disease: JACC State-of-the-Art Review', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, pp. 190 - 209,
Journal articles | 2019
Mahajan AM; Claessen BE; Chandrasekhar J; Sartori S; Aquino M; Baber U; Dangas G; Kovacic JC; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Sweeny J; Barman N; Vijay P; Kini A; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2019, 'Outcomes by Gender and Ethnicity After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', American Journal of Cardiology, 123, pp. 1941 - 1948,
Journal articles | 2019
Price LZ; Faries PL; McKinsey JF; Prakash K; Tang GH; Kovacic JC; Tadros RO, 2019, 'The Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Novel Treatment of Calcific Arterial Disease', Surgical technology international, 34, pp. 351 - 358
Journal articles | 2019
Tadros RO; Tang GHL; Barnes HJ; Mousavi I; Kovacic JC; Faries P; Olin JW; Marin ML; Adams DH, 2019, 'Optimal Treatment of Uncomplicated Type B Aortic Dissection: JACC Review Topic of the Week', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74, pp. 1494 - 1504,
Journal articles | 2019
Tang GHL; Zaid S; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Khan A; Kovacic JC; Lansman SL; Dangas GD; Sharma SK; Kini A, 2019, 'Feasibility of Repeat TAVR After SAPIEN 3 TAVR: A Novel Classification Scheme and Pilot Angiographic Study', JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 12, pp. 1290 - 1292,
Journal articles | 2019
Tang GHL; Zaid S; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Patel N; Khan M; Khan A; Kovacic JC; Lansman SL; Dangas GD; Sharma SK; Kini A, 2019, 'Impact of Initial Evolut Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Deployment Orientation on Final Valve Orientation and Coronary Reaccess: A Pilot Study', Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 12,
Journal articles | 2019
Zeng L; Talukdar HA; Koplev S; Giannarelli C; Ivert T; Gan LM; Ruusalepp A; Schadt EE; Kovacic JC; Lusis AJ; Michoel T; Schunkert H; Björkegren JLM, 2019, 'Contribution of Gene Regulatory Networks to Heritability of Coronary Artery Disease', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, pp. 2946 - 2957,
Journal articles | 2019
Zhang Z; Cheng H; Hong X; DI Narzo AF; Franzen O; Peng S; Ruusalepp A; Kovacic JC; Bjorkegren JLM; Wang X; Hao K, 2019, 'EnsembleCNV: An ensemble machine learning algorithm to identify and genotype copy number variation using SNP array data', Nucleic Acids Research, 47,
Journal articles | 2018
Copeland-Halperin RS; Baber U; Aquino M; Rajamanickam A; Roy S; Hasan C; Barman N; Kovacic JC; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Sweeny JM; Mehran R; Dangas G; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2018, 'Prevalence, correlates, and impact of coronary calcification on adverse events following PCI with newer-generation DES: Findings from a large multiethnic registry', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 91, pp. 859 - 866,
Journal articles | 2018
Dweck MR; Abgral R; Trivieri MG; Robson PM; Karakatsanis N; Mani V; Palmisano A; Miller MA; Lala A; Chang HL; Sanz J; Contreras J; Narula J; Fuster V; Padilla M; Fayad ZA; Kovacic JC, 2018, 'Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography With Fluorodeoxyglucose to Diagnose Active Cardiac Sarcoidosis', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 11, pp. 94 - 107,
Journal articles | 2018
Fayad ZA; Swirski FK; Calcagno C; Robbins CS; Mulder W; Kovacic JC, 2018, 'Monocyte and Macrophage Dynamics in the Cardiovascular System: JACC Macrophage in CVD Series (Part 3)', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72, pp. 2198 - 2212,
Kalkman DN; Aquino M; Claessen BE; Baber U; Guedeney P; Sorrentino S; Vogel B; De Winter RJ; Sweeny J; Kovacic JC; Shah S; Vijay P; Barman N; Kini A; Sharma S; Dangas GD; Mehran R, 2018, 'Residual inflammatory risk and the impact on clinical outcomes in patients after percutaneous coronary interventions', European Heart Journal, 39, pp. 4101 - 4108,
Journal articles | 2018
Kovacic JC, 2018, 'The Endothelial–Metabolic Axis: A Novel Cardiometabolic Disease Target', Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 29, pp. 527 - 529,
Journal articles | 2018
Lavine KJ; Pinto AR; Epelman S; Kopecky BJ; Clemente-Casares X; Godwin J; Rosenthal N; Kovacic JC, 2018, 'The Macrophage in Cardiac Homeostasis and Disease: JACC Macrophage in CVD Series (Part 4)', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72, pp. 2213 - 2230,
Journal articles | 2018
Michelis KC; Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Lecce L; Franzén O; Koplev S; Xu Y; Santini MP; D'Escamard V; Lee JTL; Fuster V; Hajjar R; Reddy RC; Chikwe J; Stelzer P; Filsoufi F; Stewart A; Anyanwu A; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2018, 'CD90 Identifies Adventitial Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells in Adult Human Medium- and Large-Sized Arteries', Stem Cell Reports, 11, pp. 242 - 257,
Journal articles | 2018
Moore KJ; Koplev S; Fisher EA; Tabas I; Björkegren JLM; Doran AC; Kovacic JC, 2018, 'Macrophage Trafficking, Inflammatory Resolution, and Genomics in Atherosclerosis: JACC Macrophage in CVD Series (Part 2)', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72, pp. 2181 - 2197,
Journal articles | 2018
Peng S; Deyssenroth MA; Di Narzo AF; Cheng H; Zhang Z; Lambertini L; Rusualepp A; Kovacic JC; Bjorkegren JLM; Marsit CJ; Chen J; Hao K, 2018, 'Genetic regulation of the placental transcriptome underlies birth weight and risk of childhood obesity', PLoS Genetics, 14,
Journal articles | 2018
Robson PM; Trivieri MG; Karakatsanis NA; Padilla M; Abgral R; Dweck MR; Kovacic JC; Fayad ZA, 2018, 'Correction of respiratory and cardiac motion in cardiac PET/MR using MR-based motion modeling', Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63,
Journal articles | 2018
Sherifi I; Omar AMS; Varghese M; Weiner M; Anyanwu A; Kovacic JC; Sharma S; Kini A; Sengupta PP, 2018, 'Comparison of transesophageal and transthoracic echocardiography under moderate sedation for guiding transcatheter aortic valve replacement', Echo Research and Practice, 5, pp. 79 - 87,
Journal articles | 2018
Watanabe S; Fish K; Kovacic JC; Bikou O; Leonardson L; Nomoto K; Aguero J; Kapur NK; Hajjar RJ; Ishikawa K, 2018, 'Left ventricular unloading using an impella CP improves coronary flow and infarct zone perfusion in ischemic heart failure', Journal of the American Heart Association, 7,
Journal articles | 2018
Williams JW; Giannarelli C; Rahman A; Randolph GJ; Kovacic JC, 2018, 'Macrophage Biology, Classification, and Phenotype in Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Macrophage in CVD Series (Part 1)', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72, pp. 2166 - 2180,
Journal articles | 2017
Abgral R; Dweck MR; Trivieri MG; Robson PM; Karakatsanis N; Mani V; Padilla M; Miller M; Lala A; Sanz J; Narula J; Fuster V; Contreras J; Kovacic JC; Fayad ZA, 2017, 'Clinical Utility of Combined FDG-PET/MR to Assess Myocardial Disease', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 10, pp. 594 - 597,
Journal articles | 2017
Bansilal S; Vedanthan R; Kovacic JC; Soto AV; Latina J; Björkegren JL; Jaslow R; Santana M; Sartori S; Giannarelli C; Mani V; Hajjar R; Schadt E; Kasarskis A; Fayad ZA; Fuster V, 2017, 'Rationale and Design of Family-Based Approach in a Minority Community Integrating Systems–Biology for Promotion of Health (FAMILIA)', American Heart Journal, 187, pp. 170 - 181,
Journal articles | 2017
Evrard SM; Lecce L; Michelis KC; Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Pandey G; Purushothaman KR; d'Escamard V; Li JR; Hadri L; Fujitani K; Moreno PR; Benard L; Rimmele P; Cohain A; Mecham B; Randolph GJ; Nabel EG; Hajjar R; Fuster V; Boehm M; Kovacic JC, 2017, 'Corrigendum: Endothelial to mesenchymal transition is common in atherosclerotic lesions and is associated with plaque instability', Nature communications, 8, pp. 14710,
Journal articles | 2017
Farhan S; Baber U; Vogel B; Aquino M; Chandrasekhar J; Faggioni M; Giustino G; Kautzky-Willer A; Sweeny J; Shah S; Vijay P; Barman N; Moreno P; Kovacic J; Dangas G; Kini A; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2017, 'Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Ischemic Events in Men and Women After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', American Journal of Cardiology, 119, pp. 1166 - 1172,
Journal articles | 2017
Hajjar RJ; Ishikawa K; Kovacic JC; Fuster V, 2017, 'Cardiovascular Research Center at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Translational Mission', Circulation Research, 121, pp. 1316 - 1319,
Journal articles | 2017
Johnson KW; Shameer K; Glicksberg BS; Readhead B; Sengupta PP; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC; Dudley JT, 2017, 'Enabling Precision Cardiology Through Multiscale Biology and Systems Medicine', JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 2, pp. 311 - 327,
Journal articles | 2017
Kini AS; Vengrenyuk Y; Pena J; Yoshimura T; Panwar SR; Motoyama S; Kezbor S; Hasan CM; Palkhiwala S; Kovacic JC; Moreno P; Baber U; Mehran R; Narula J; Sharma SK, 2017, 'Plaque morphology predictors of side branch occlusion after provisional stenting in coronary bifurcation lesion: Results of optical coherence tomography bifurcation study (ORBID)', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 89, pp. 259 - 268,
Journal articles | 2017
Kini AS; Vengrenyuk Y; Shameer K; Maehara A; Purushothaman M; Yoshimura T; Matsumura M; Aquino M; Haider N; Johnson KW; Readhead B; Kidd BA; Feig JE; Krishnan P; Sweeny J; Milind M; Moreno P; Mehran R; Kovacic JC; Baber U; Dudley JT; Narula J; Sharma S, 2017, 'Intracoronary Imaging, Cholesterol Efflux, and Transcriptomes After Intensive Statin Treatment: The YELLOW II Study', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 69, pp. 628 - 640,
Journal articles | 2017
Kovacic JC, 2017, 'Unraveling the Complex Genetics of Coronary Artery Disease', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 69, pp. 837 - 840,
Journal articles | 2017
Krishnamoorthy P; Vengrenyuk Y; Ueda H; Yoshimura T; Pena J; Motoyama S; Baber U; Hasan C; Kesanakurthy S; Sweeny JM; Sharma SK; Narula J; Kovacic JC; Kini AS, 2017, 'Three-dimensional volumetric assessment of coronary artery calcification in patients with stable coronary artery disease by OCT', EuroIntervention, 13, pp. 312 - 319,
Journal articles | 2017
Krishnan P; Tarricone A; Purushothaman KR; Purushothaman M; Vasquez M; Kovacic J; Baber U; Kapur V; Gujja K; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'An Algorithm for the Use of Embolic Protection During Atherectomy for Femoral Popliteal Lesions', JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 10, pp. 403 - 410,
Journal articles | 2017
Münzel T; Camici GG; Maack C; Bonetti NR; Fuster V; Kovacic JC, 2017, 'Impact of Oxidative Stress on the Heart and Vasculature: Part 2 of a 3-Part Series', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70, pp. 212 - 229,
Journal articles | 2017
Niemann B; Rohrbach S; Miller MR; Newby DE; Fuster V; Kovacic JC, 2017, 'Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Risk: Obesity, Diabetes, Smoking, and Pollution: Part 3 of a 3-Part Series', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70, pp. 230 - 251,
Journal articles | 2017
Pena J; Vengrenyuk Y; Kezbor S; Yoshimura T; Kovacic JC; Sharma SK; Baber U; Kini AS; Narula J; Moreno PR, 2017, 'Increased Lipid Length, Macrophage Infiltration, and Neovascularization in Coronary Atheroma From Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 10, pp. 1524 - 1526,
Sack MN; Fyhrquist FY; Saijonmaa OJ; Fuster V; Kovacic JC, 2017, 'Basic Biology of Oxidative Stress and the Cardiovascular System: Part 1 of a 3-Part Series', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70, pp. 196 - 211,
Journal articles | 2016
Evrard SM; Lecce L; Michelis KC; Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Pandey G; Purushothaman KR; D'Escamard V; Li JR; Hadri L; Fujitani K; Moreno PR; Benard L; Rimmele P; Cohain A; Mecham B; Randolph GJ; Nabel EG; Hajjar R; Fuster V; Boehm M; Kovacic JC, 2016, 'Endothelial to mesenchymal transition is common in atherosclerotic lesions and is associated with plaque instability', Nature Communications, 7,
Journal articles | 2016
Franzén O; Ermel R; Cohain A; Akers NK; Di Narzo A; Talukdar HA; Foroughi-Asl H; Giambartolomei C; Fullard JF; Sukhavasi K; Köks S; Gan LM; Giannarelli C; Kovacic JC; Betsholtz C; Losic B; Michoel T; Hao K; Roussos P; Skogsberg J; Ruusalepp A; Schadt EE; Björkegren JLM, 2016, 'Cardiometabolic risk loci share downstream cis- and trans-gene regulation across tissues and diseases', Science, 353, pp. 827 - 830,
Journal articles | 2016
Jeong D; Lee M-A; Li Y; Yang DK; Kho C; Oh JG; Hong G; Lee A; Song MH; LaRocca TJ; Chen J; Liang L; Mitsuyama S; D'Escamard V; Kovacic JC; Kwak TH; Hajjar RJ; Park WJ, 2016, 'Matricellular Protein CCN5 Reverses Established Cardiac Fibrosis (vol 67, pg 1556, 2016)', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 67, pp. 2809 - 2809,
Journal articles | 2016
Jeong D; Yang DK; Kho C; Oh JG; Lee A; Chen J; Liang L; Mitsuyama S; D'Escamard V; Kovacic JC; Hajjar RJ; Lee MA; Li Y; Hong G; Song MH; Park WJ; LaRocca TJ; Kwak TH, 2016, 'Matricellular Protein CCN5 Reverses Established Cardiac Fibrosis', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67, pp. 1556 - 1568,
Journal articles | 2016
Kiando SR; Tucker NR; Castro-Vega LJ; Katz A; D’Escamard V; Tréard C; Fraher D; Albuisson J; Kadian-Dodov D; Ye Z; Austin E; Yang ML; Hunker K; Barlassina C; Cusi D; Galan P; Empana JP; Jouven X; Gimenez-Roqueplo AP; Bruneval P; Hyun Kim ES; Olin JW; Gornik HL; Azizi M; Plouin PF; Ellinor PT; Kullo IJ; Milan DJ; Ganesh SK; Boutouyrie P; Kovacic JC; Jeunemaitre X; Bouatia-Naji N, 2016, 'PHACTR1 Is a Genetic Susceptibility Locus for Fibromuscular Dysplasia Supporting Its Complex Genetic Pattern of Inheritance', PLoS Genetics, 12,
Journal articles | 2016
Mosley GE; Beckerman W; Kovacic JC; Kini AS; Sharma SK; Tadros RO, 2016, 'Management of complete iliofemoral artery avulsion with a hybrid technique', Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques, 2, pp. 37 - 39,
Journal articles | 2016
Santini MP; Forte E; Harvey RP; Kovacic JC, 2016, 'Developmental origin and lineage plasticity of endogenous cardiac stem cells', Development (Cambridge), 143, pp. 1242 - 1258,
Theodoropoulos K; Mennuni MG; Dangas GD; Meelu OA; Bansilal S; Baber U; Sartori S; Kovacic JC; Moreno PR; Sharma SK; Mehran R; Kini AS, 2016, 'Resistant in-stent restenosis in the drug eluting stent era', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 88, pp. 777 - 785,
Journal articles | 2016
Vedanthan R; Bansilal S; Soto AV; Kovacic JC; Latina J; Jaslow R; Santana M; Gorga E; Kasarskis A; Hajjar R; Schadt EE; Björkegren JL; Fayad ZA; Fuster V, 2016, 'Family-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Promotion', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67, pp. 1725 - 1737,
Journal articles | 2016
Wiley BM; Kovacic JC; Basnet S; Makoto A; Chaudhry FA; Kini AS; Sharma SK; Sengupta PP, 2016, 'Intraprocedural TAVR Annulus Sizing Using 3D TEE and the “Turnaround Rule”', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 9, pp. 213 - 215,
Journal articles | 2015
Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC; Dudley JT; Schadt EE, 2015, 'Genome-wide significant loci: How important are they?: Systems genetics to understand heritability of coronary artery disease and other common complex disorders', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 65, pp. 830 - 845,
Journal articles | 2015
Christodoulidis G; Yu J; Kini A; Dangas GD; Baber U; Melissa A; Sartori S; Theodoropoulos K; Bhat A; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2015, 'Gender-specific outcomes after balloon aortic valvuloplasty: Inhospital and long-term outcomes', American Heart Journal, 170, pp. 180 - 186,
Journal articles | 2015
Dohi T; Maehara A; Moreno PR; Baber U; Kovacic JC; Limaye AM; Ali ZA; Sweeny JM; Mehran R; Dangas GD; Xu K; Sharma SK; Mintz GS; Kini AS, 2015, 'The relationship among extent of lipid-rich plaque, lesion characteristics, and plaque progression/regression in patients with coronary artery disease: a serial near-infrared spectroscopy and intravascular ultrasound study', European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging, 16, pp. 81 - 87,
Journal articles | 2015
Kiando S; Tucker N; Katz A; Tréard C; Desca-Mard V; Castro-Vega L; Barlasina C; Cusi D; Galan P; Empana J; Olin J; Gornik H; Plouin P; Kullo I; Milan D; Ganesh S; Boutouyrie P; Kovacic J; Jeunemaitre X; Bouatia-Naji N, 2015, 'CO-43: Genetic study identifies common variation in phactr1 to associate with fibromuscular dysplasia', Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeiologie, 64, pp. S20,
Kovacic JC; Fuster V, 2015, 'Cell therapy for patients with acute myocardial infarction: ACCRUEd evidence to date', Circulation Research, 116, pp. 1287 - 1290,
Journal articles | 2015
Kovacic JC; Kini A; Banerjee S; Dangas G; Massaro J; Mehran R; Popma J; O'Neill WW; Sharma SK, 2015, 'Patients with 3-vessel coronary artery disease and impaired ventricular function undergoing PCI with Impella 2.5 hemodynamic support have improved 90-day outcomes compared to intra-aortic balloon pump: A sub-study of the PROTECT II trial', Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 28, pp. 35 - 40,
Journal articles | 2015
Kovacic JC, 2015, 'Unlocking the many secrets of noncoding RNA', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 65, pp. 2538 - 2541,
Journal articles | 2015
Sengupta PP; Wiley BM; Basnet S; Rajamanickman A; Kovacic JC; Fischer GW; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2015, 'Transthoracic echocardiography guidance for TAVR under monitored anesthesia care', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 8, pp. 379 - 380,
Journal articles | 2015
Senguttuvan NB; Ellozy S; Tejani F; Kovacic J; Kini AS; Sharma SK; Dangas GD, 2015, 'TAVR Through Heavily Calcified Aorta Following Atheroma Retrieval with the "elevator" Technique', Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 27, pp. E216 - E219
Journal articles | 2014
Chaanine AH; Nonnenmacher M; Kohlbrenner E; Jin D; Kovacic JC; Akar FG; Hajjar RJ; Weber T, 2014, 'Effect of bortezomib on the efficacy of AAV9.SERCA2a treatment to preserve cardiac function in a rat pressure-overload model of heart failure', Gene Therapy, 21, pp. 379 - 386,
Garcia-Garcia HM; Jang IK; Serruys PW; Kovacic JC; Narula J; Fayad ZA, 2014, 'Imaging plaques to predict and better manage patients with acute coronary events', Circulation Research, 114, pp. 1904 - 1917,
Journal articles | 2014
Giannarelli C; Alique M; Rodriguez DT; Yang DK; Jeong D; Calcagno C; Hutter R; Millon A; Kovacic JC; Weber T; Faries PL; Soff GA; Fayad ZA; Hajjar RJ; Fuster V; Badimon JJ, 2014, 'Alternatively spliced tissue factor promotes plaque angiogenesis through the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor signaling', Circulation, 130, pp. 1274 - 1286,
Journal articles | 2014
Hulot JS; Stillitano F; Salem JE; Kovacic JC; Fuster V; Hajjar RJ, 2014, 'Considerations for pre-clinical models and clinical trials of pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes', Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 5,
Journal articles | 2014
Kherada NI; Sartori S; Tomey MI; Mennuni MG; Meelu OA; Roy S; Mohanty BD; Baber U; Pyo R; Kovacic JC; Sweeny J; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Dangas GD; Mehran R; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2014, 'Dedicated two-stent technique in complex bifurcation percutaneous coronary intervention with use of everolimus-eluting stents: The EES-bifurcation study', International Journal of Cardiology, 174, pp. 13 - 17,
Journal articles | 2014
Kini A; Yu J; Cohen MG; Mehran R; Baber U; Sartori S; Vlachojannis GJ; Kovacic JC; Pyo R; O'Neill B; Singh V; Jacobs E; Poludasu S; Moreno P; Kim MC; Krishnan P; Sharma SK; Dangas GD, 2014, 'Effect of bivalirudin on aortic valve intervention outcomes study: A two-centre registry study comparing bivalirudin and unfractionated heparin in balloon aortic valvuloplasty', EuroIntervention, 10, pp. 312 - 319,
Journal articles | 2014
Kovacic JC; Castellano JM; Farkouh ME; Fuster V, 2014, 'The relationships between cardiovascular disease and diabetes: Focus on pathogenesis', Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, 43, pp. 41 - 57,
Journal articles | 2014
Kovacic JC; Mehran R; Sweeny J; Li JR; Moreno P; Baber U; Krishnan P; Badimon JJ; Hulot JS; Kini A; Sharma SK, 2014, 'Clustering of acute and subacute stent thrombosis related to the introduction of generic clopidogrel', Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 19, pp. 201 - 208,
Journal articles | 2014
Lipskaia L; Bobe R; Chen J; Turnbull IC; Lopez JJ; Merlet E; Jeong D; Karakikes I; Ross AS; Liang L; Mougenot N; Atassi F; Lompré AM; Tarzami ST; Kovacic JC; Kranias E; Hajjar RJ; Hadri L, 2014, 'Synergistic role of protein phosphatase inhibitor 1 and sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in the acquisition of the contractile phenotype of arterial smooth muscle cells', Circulation, 129, pp. 773 - 785,
Journal articles | 2014
Meelu OA; Tomey MI; Sartori S; Kherada N; Mennuni MG; Theodoropoulos KN; Sayeneni S; Baber U; Pyo RT; Kovacic JC; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Mehran R; Dangas GD; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2014, 'Comparison of provisional 1-stent and 2-stent strategies in diabetic patients with true bifurcation lesions: The EES bifurcation study', Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 26, pp. 619 - 623
Journal articles | 2014
Michelis KC; Boehm M; Kovacic JC, 2014, 'New vessel formation in the context of cardiomyocyte regeneration - the role and importance of an adequate perfusing vasculature', Stem Cell Research, 13, pp. 666 - 682,
Journal articles | 2014
Michelis KC; Olin JW; Kadian-Dodov D; D'Escamard V; Kovacic JC, 2014, 'Coronary artery manifestations of fibromuscular dysplasia', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 64, pp. 1033 - 1046,
O'Neill B; Singh V; Kini A; Mehran R; Jacobs E; Knopf D; Alfonso CE; Martinez CA; Martinezclark P; O'Neill W; Heldman AW; Yu J; Baber U; Kovacic JC; Dangas G; Sharma S; Sartori S; Cohen MG, 2014, 'The use of vascular closure devices and impact on major bleeding and net adverse clinical events (NACEs) in balloon aortic valvuloplasty: A sub-analysis of the BRAVO study', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 83, pp. 148 - 153,
Journal articles | 2014
Roleder T; Kovacic JC; Ali Z; Sharma R; Cristea E; Moreno P; Sharma SK; Narula J; Kini AS, 2014, 'Combined NIRS and IVUS imaging detects vulnerable plaque using a single catheter system: A head-to-head comparison with OCT', EuroIntervention, 10, pp. 303 - 311,
Journal articles | 2014
Theodoropoulos K; Yu J; Aquino M; Baber U; Roy S; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Mehran R; Sharma S; Kini A, 2014, 'Abstract 17007: Does Age Modify Gender-based Differences in Clinical Outcomes Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)', Circulation, 130,
Journal articles | 2014
Tomey MI; Narula J; Kovacic JC, 2014, 'Advances in the understanding of plaque composition and treatment options: Year in review', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 63, pp. 1604 - 1616,
Journal articles | 2013
Ali ZA; Roleder T; Narula J; Mohanty BD; Baber U; Kovacic JC; Mintz GS; Otsuka F; Pan S; Virmani R; Sharma SK; Moreno P; Kini AS, 2013, 'Increased thin-cap neoatheroma and periprocedural myocardial infarction in drug-eluting stent restenosis multimodality intravascular imaging of drug-eluting and bare-metal stents', Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 6, pp. 507 - 517,
Journal articles | 2013
Baber U; Bander J; Karajgikar R; Yadav K; Hadi A; Theodoropolous K; Gukathasan N; Roy S; Sayeneni S; Scott SA; Kovacic JC; Yu J; Sartori S; Mehran R; Uribarri J; Badimon JJ; Muntner P; Moreno P; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2013, 'Combined and independent impact of diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease on residual platelet reactivity', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 110, pp. 118 - 123,
Journal articles | 2013
Cubeddu RJ; Palacios IF; Blankenship JC; Horvath SA; Xu K; Kovacic JC; Dangas GD; Witzenbichler B; Guagliumi G; Kornowski R; Dudek D; Stone GW; Mehran R, 2013, 'Outcome of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention during on- versus off-hours (A Harmonizing Outcomes with RevasculariZatiON and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction [HORIZONS-AMI] Trial Substudy)', American Journal of Cardiology, 111, pp. 946 - 954,
Journal articles | 2013
Kini AS; Baber U; Kovacic JC; Limaye A; Ali ZA; Sweeny J; Maehara A; Mehran R; Dangas G; Mintz GS; Fuster V; Narula J; Sharma SK; Moreno PR, 2013, 'Changes in plaque lipid content after short-term intensive versus standard statin therapy: The YELLOW trial (Reduction in Yellow Plaque by Aggressive Lipid-Lowering Therapy)', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 62, pp. 21 - 29,
Journal articles | 2013
Kovacic JC; Limaye AM; Sartori S; Lee P; Patel R; Chandela S; Trost B; Roy S; Harari R; Narechania B; Karajgikar R; Kim MC; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Baber U; Mehran R; Dangas G; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2013, 'Comparison of six risk scores in patients with triple vessel coronary artery disease undergoing PCI: Competing factors influence mortality, myocardial infarction, and target lesion revascularization', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 82, pp. 855 - 868,
Journal articles | 2013
Kovacic JC; Nguyen HT; Karajgikar R; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2013, 'The impella recover 2.5 and TandemHeart ventricular assist devices are safe and associated with equivalent clinical outcomes in patients undergoing high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 82,
Journal articles | 2013
Kovacic JC; Sharma AB; Roy S; Li JR; Narayan R; Kim DB; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2013, 'GuideLiner mother-and-child guide catheter extension: A simple adjunctive tool in PCI for balloon uncrossable chronic total occlusions', Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 26, pp. 343 - 350,
Journal articles | 2013
Mennuni M; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Sharma SK; Sartori S; Kovacic J; Pyo R; Dangas G; Yu J; Kini A, 2013, 'Impact of vascular closure with the pre-closure technique on adverse events in patients undergoing transfemoral balloon aortic valvuloplasty: results from a single-center registry', European Heart Journal, 34, pp. P2208 - P2208,
Journal articles | 2013
Pereira CF; Chang B; Qiu J; Niu X; Papatsenko D; Hendry CE; Clark NR; Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Kovacic JC; Ma'Ayan A; Schaniel C; Lemischka IR; Moore K, 2013, 'Induction of a hemogenic program in mouse fibroblasts', Cell Stem Cell, 13, pp. 205 - 218,
Journal articles | 2013
Roleder T; Suh W; Sharma R; Hecht H; Kovacic JC; Narula J; Kini AS, 2013, 'Plaques with high lipid burden: Keeping the fat out of the fire', Heart, 99, pp. 977 - 978,
Journal articles | 2013
Wood KC; Cortese-Krott MM; Kovacic JC; Noguchi A; Liu VB; Wang X; Raghavachari N; Boehm M; Kato GJ; Kelm M; Gladwin MT, 2013, 'Circulating blood endothelial nitric oxide synthase contributes to the regulation of systemic blood pressure and nitrite homeostasis', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 33, pp. 1861 - 1871,
Journal articles | 2013
Yang W; Kovacic JC; Cromwell C; Grosskreutz C; Mascarenhas J, 2013, 'Myocardial infarction in a young man receiving chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology, 11, pp. 672 - 675
Journal articles | 2012
Baber U; Zafar MU; uribarri J; Murphy B; Khan A; Akter F; Bander J; Muntner P; Kovacic JC; Yu J; Theodoropoulos K; Mehran R; Dangas G; Kini A; Sharma S; Fuster V; Badimon J, 2012, 'PHYSIOLOGIC IMPACT OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE ON WHOLE BLOOD CLOT KINETICS AND STRENGTH', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 59, pp. E2096 - E2096,
Journal articles | 2012
Chirumamilla AP; Maehara A; Mintz GS; Mehran R; Kanwal S; Weisz G; Hassanin A; Hakim D; Guo N; Baber U; Pyo R; Moses JW; Fahy M; Kovacic JC; Dangas GD, 2012, 'High platelet reactivity on clopidogrel therapy correlates with increased coronary atherosclerosis and calcification: A volumetric intravascular ultrasound study', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 5, pp. 540 - 549,
Kovacic JC; Fuster V, 2012, 'Atherosclerotic risk factors, vascular cognitive impairment, and alzheimer disease', Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 79, pp. 664 - 673,
Journal articles | 2012
Kovacic JC; Fuster V, 2012, 'Smoking gun theory: Angiographically normal or mild coronary plaque as a cause of myocardial infarction', Circulation, 126, pp. 2918 - 2920,
Journal articles | 2012
Kovacic JC; Fuster V, 2012, 'Vascular calcification, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease: Connecting the dots', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 5, pp. 367 - 369,
Journal articles | 2012
Kovacic JC; Lee P; Baber U; Karajgikar R; Evrard SM; Moreno P; Mehran R; Fuster V; Dangas G; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2012, 'Inverse relationship between body mass index and coronary artery calcification in patients with clinically significant coronary lesions', Atherosclerosis, 221, pp. 176 - 182,
Journal articles | 2012
Kovacic JC; Lee P; Karajgikar R; Baber U; Narechania B; Suleman J; Moreno PR; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2012, 'Safety of temporary and permanent suspension of antiplatelet therapy after drug eluting stent implantation in contemporary "real-world" practice', Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 25, pp. 482 - 492,
Journal articles | 2012
Kovacic JC; Mehran R; Karajgikar R; Baber U; Suleman J; Kim MC; Krishnan P; Dangas G; Sharma SK; Kini A, 2012, 'Female gender and mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention: results from a large registry.', Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions, 80, pp. 514 - 521,
Journal articles | 2012
Kovacic JC; Mercader N; Torres M; Boehm M; Fuster V, 2012, 'Epithelial-to-mesenchymal and endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition from cardiovascular development to disease', Circulation, 125, pp. 1795 - 1808,
Journal articles | 2012
Kovacic JC; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2012, 'Bilateral coronary ostial stenoses post-bentall procedure causing hemodynamic collapse and requiring mechanical assist device placement: Successful intervention using the Szabo technique', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 79, pp. 801 - 804,
Journal articles | 2012
Purushothaman KR; Purushothaman M; Levy AP; Lento PA; Evrard S; Kovacic JC; Briley-Saebo KC; Tsimikas S; Witztum JL; Krishnan P; Kini A; Fayad ZA; Fuster V; Sharma SK; Moreno PR, 2012, 'Increased expression of oxidation-specific epitopes and apoptosis are associated with haptoglobin genotype: Possible implications for plaque progression in human atherosclerosis', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 60, pp. 112 - 119,
Journal articles | 2012
Sharma AB; Kovacic JC; Kini AS, 2012, 'Percutaneous Left Ventricular Assist Devices', Interventional Cardiology Clinics, 1, pp. 609 - 622,
Journal articles | 2011
Baber U; Kovacic J; Kini AS; Sharma SK; Dangas G; Mehran R, 2011, 'How serious a problem is bleeding in patients with acute coronary syndromes?', Current Cardiology Reports, 13, pp. 312 - 319,
Journal articles | 2011
Kovacic JC; Kini A, 2011, 'Inferior outcomes in percutaneous coronary interventions: Narrowing the gap between men and women', Interventional Cardiology, 3, pp. 119 - 121,
Journal articles | 2011
Kovacic JC; Moreno P; Hachinski V; Nabel EG; Fuster V, 2011, 'Cellular senescence, vascular disease, and aging: Part 1 of a 2-part review', Circulation, 123, pp. 1650 - 1660,
Journal articles | 2011
Kovacic JC; Moreno P; Nabel EG; Hachinski V; Fuster V, 2011, 'Cellular senescence, vascular disease, and aging: Part 2 of a 2-part review: Clinical vascular disease in the elderly', Circulation, 123, pp. 1900 - 1910,
Journal articles | 2011
Kovacic JC; Randolph GJ, 2011, 'Vascular calcification: Harder than it looks', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 31, pp. 1249 - 1250,
Journal articles | 2011
Rubboli A; Kovacic JC; Mehran R; Lip GYH, 2011, 'Coronary stent implantation in patients committed to long-term oral anticoagulation therapy: Successfully navigating the treatment options', Chest, 139, pp. 981 - 987,
Journal articles | 2011
Yu J, 2011, 'Impact of the Everolimus-Eluting Stent on Stent Thrombosis : A Meta-Analysis of 13 Randomized Trials', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 58, pp. 1569 - 1577
Journal articles | 2010
Chih SS; Macdonald P; McCrohon JA; Ma D; John M; Law M; Feneley MP; Herbert A; Kovacic JC; Graham RM; Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute , 2010, 'GRANULOCYTE-COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR IN ANGINA PATIENTS WITH ISCHAEMIC HEART DIESASE TO STIMULATE NEOVASCULARISATION (GAIN II TRIAL)', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 55, pp. A126.E1184 - A126.E1184,
Journal articles | 2010
Iwasaki H; Kovacic JC; Olive M; Beers JK; Yoshimoto T; Crook MF; Tonelli LH; Nabel EG, 2010, 'Disruption of protein arginine N-methyltransferase 2 regulates leptin signaling and produces leanness in vivo through loss of STAT3 methylation', Circulation Research, 107, pp. 992 - 1001,
Journal articles | 2010
Kovacic JC; Gupta R; Lee AC; Ma M; Fang F; Tolbert CN; Walts AD; Beltran LE; San H; Chen G; St Hilaire C; Boehm M, 2010, 'Stat3-dependent acute Rantes production in vascular smooth muscle cells modulates inflammation following arterial injury in mice', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120, pp. 303 - 314,
Journal articles | 2010
Kovacic JC; Khanna D; Kaplish D; Karajgikar R; Sharma SK; Kini A, 2010, 'Safety and efficacy of alcohol septal ablation in patients with symptomatic concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and outflow tract obstruction', Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 22, pp. 586 - 591
Journal articles | 2010
Ma M; Ding S; Lundqvist A; San H; Fang F; Konoplyannikov M; Berry C; Beltran LE; Chen G; Kovacic JC; Boehm M, 2010, 'Major histocompatibility complex-I expression on embryonic stem cell-derived vascular progenitor cells is critical for syngeneic transplant survival', Stem Cells, 28, pp. 1465 - 1475,
Journal articles | 2009
Kovacic J; Macdonald PS; Feneley MP; Graham RM, 2009, 'Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in refractory ischemic heart disease: Throwing stones from glass houses', American Heart Journal, 157, pp. e39,
Journal articles | 2009
Kovacic JC; Boehm M, 2009, 'Resident vascular progenitor cells: An emerging role for non-terminally differentiated vessel-resident cells in vascular biology', Stem Cell Research, 2, pp. 2 - 15,
Journal articles | 2009
Kovacic JC; Macdonald P; Feneley MP; Graham RM, 2009, 'Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in refractory ischemic heart disease: Throwing stones from glass houses', American Heart Journal, 157,
Journal articles | 2008
Kovacic JC; Macdonald PS; Feneley MP; Muller DW; Freund J; Dodds AJ; Milliken ST; Tao H; Itescu S; Moore JJ; Ma DD; Graham RM, 2008, 'Safety and efficacy of consecutive cycles of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, and an intracoronary CD 133(+) cell infusion in patients with chronic refractory ischemic heart disease: The G-CSF in Angina patients with IHD to stimulate Neovascul', American Heart Journal, 156, pp. 954 - 963
Journal articles | 2008
Kovacic JC; Moore JJ; Herbert AD; Ma DD; Boehm M; Graham RM, 2008, 'Endothelial progenitor cells, angioblasts, and angiogenesis - Old terms reconsidered from a current perspective', Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 18, pp. 45 - 51
Journal articles | 2008
Matthews J; Pitney M; Kovacic J; Lindeman R; Loh E; Jepson N; Cranney G; Ooi S-Y, 2008, 'Feasibility and Safety of Erythropoietin (EPO) Administration in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction to Improve Cardiac Function and Remodelling: Pilot Study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 17, pp. S173 - S173,
Journal articles | 2008
Olive M; Mellad JA; Beltran LE; Ma M; Cimato T; Noguchi AC; San H; Childs R; Kovacic JC; Boehm M, 2008, 'p21Cip1 modulates arterial wound repair through the stromal cell-derived factor-1/CXCR4 axis in mice', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 118, pp. 2050 - 2061,
Journal articles | 2008
Wragg A; Mellad JA; Beltran LE; Konoplyannikov M; San H; Boozer S; Deans RJ; Mathur A; Lederman RJ; Kovacic JC; Boehm M, 2008, 'VEGFR1/CXCR4-positive progenitor cells modulate local inflammation and augment tissue perfusion by a SDF-1-dependent mechanism', Journal of Molecular Medicine, 86, pp. 1221 - 1232,
Journal articles | 2007
Kovacic JC; Harvey RP; Dimmeler S, 2007, 'Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine: Digging In for the Long Haul', Cell Stem Cell, 1, pp. 628 - 633,
Journal articles | 2007
Kovacic JC; Ma DD; Tao H; Herbert AD; Moore JJ; Graham RM, 2007, 'Phenotypic characterization of CD133+cells suggests a potent hemangioblast population', Circulation Research, 101, pp. E55 - E56
Journal articles | 2007
Kovacic JC; Macdonald P; Feneley MP; Muller DW; Ma D; Tao H; Freund J; Milliken S; Dodds A; Moore J; Itescu S; Graham RM, 2007, 'Abstract 2669: The Use of Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor in Angina Patients to Stimulate Neovascularization: the GAIN I study', Circulation, 116,
Journal articles | 2007
Kovacic JC; Macdonald PS; Freund J; Rasko J; Allan RM; Fernandes VB; Ma DD; Moore JJ; Graham RM, 2007, 'Profound thrombocytopenia related to G-CSF', American Journal of Hematology, 82, pp. 229 - 230
Journal articles | 2007
Kovacic JC; Muller DW; Graham RM, 2007, 'Actions and therapeutic potential of G-CSF and GM-CSF in cardiovascular disease', Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 42, pp. 19 - 33
Journal articles | 2006
Kovacic JC; Roy PR; Baron D; Muller DW, 2006, 'Staged carotid artery stenting and coronary artery bypass graft surgery: Initial results from a single center', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 67, pp. 142 - 148
Journal articles | 2006
Mallon PW; Miller JE; Kovacic JC; Kent-Hughes J; Norris RP; Samaras K; Feneley MP; Cooper DA; Carr AD, 2006, 'Effect of pravastatin on body composition and markers of cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected men - a randomized, placebo-controlled study', AIDS, 20, pp. 1003 - 1010
Journal articles | 2005
Kovacic JC; Graham RM, 2005, 'Are improvements in cardiac function due to stem cell uptake and engraftment?', American Journal of Cardiology, 95, pp. 159,
Journal articles | 2005
Kovacic JC; Martin A; Carey DL; Wand HC; Mallon PW; Feneley MP; Emery S; Cooper DA; Carr AD, 2005, 'Influence of rosiglitazone on flow-mediated dilation and other markers of cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected patients with lipoatrophy', Antiviral Therapy, 10, pp. 135 - 143
Journal articles | 2005
Kovacic JC; Muller DW; Harvey RJ; Graham RM, 2005, 'Update on the use of stem cells for cardiac disease', Internal Medicine Journal, 35, pp. 348 - 356
Journal articles | 2005
Kovacic JC; Roy P; Baron D; Gunalingam B; Muller DW, 2005, 'Percutaneous carotid artery stenting: a strategy in evolution', Internal Medicine Journal, 35, pp. 143 - 150
Journal articles | 2005
Kovacic JC, 2005, 'Further aspects of anemia, heart failure, and erythropoietin', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 45, pp. 1549 - 1550
Journal articles | 2005
Ma DD; Kovacic JC; Dodds AJ; Tao H; Mcdonald PS; Feneley MP; Muller DW; Fruend J; Milliken ST; Moore JJ; Itescu S; Graham RM, 2005, 'Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor decreases angina and improves exercise capacity in patients with chronic refractory `no option` ischemic heart disease', Blood, 106, pp. 134B - 134B
Journal articles | 2005
Ma DDF; Kovacic JC; Dodds A; Tao H; McDonald P; Feneley MP; Muller DW; Fruend J; Milliken S; Moore J; Itescu S; Graham RM, 2005, 'Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Decreases Angina and Improves Exercise Capacity in Patients with Chronic Refractory ‘No Option’ Ischemic Heart Disease.', Blood, 106, pp. 4215 - 4215,
Journal articles | 2005
Mallon PW; Miller JM; Kovacic JC; Kent-Hughes J; Norris RP; Samaras K; Feneley MP; Cooper DA; Carr AD, 2005, 'Changes in body composition and cardiovascular measures in hypercholesterolaemic HIV-infected men treated with pravastatin: a randomized, placebo-controlled study', Antiviral Therapy, 10, pp. L15 - L16
Kovacic JC; Horton MD; Campbell TJ; Wilson S, 2004, 'Left atrial hematoma complicating inferior myocardial infarction', Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 17, pp. 1201 - 1203
Journal articles | 2004
Kovacic JC; Kuchar D, 2004, 'Brugada pattern electrocardiographic changes associated with profoundelectrolyte disturbance', Pace - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 27, pp. 1020 - 1023
Journal articles | 2004
Palmieri C; Vigushin D; Coombes RC; Kim HS; Kang HJ; Park YB; Kovacic JC; Graham RM, 2004, 'Stem-cell therapy for myocardial diseases [4] (multiple letters)', Lancet, 363, pp. 1734 - 1735,
Journal articles | 2003
Kovacic JC; Muller DWM, 2003, 'Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: State-of-the-art review, with focus on the management of outflow obstruction', Internal Medicine Journal, 33, pp. 521 - 529,
Journal articles | 1994
Telford RD; Kovacic JC; Skinner SL; Hobbs JB; Hahn AG; Cunningham RB, 1994, 'Resting whole blood viscosity of elite rowers is related to performance', European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 68, pp. 470 - 476,
Working Papers | 2023
Hodonsky CJ; Turner AW; Khan MD; Barrientos NB; Methorst R; Ma L; Lopez NG; Mosquera JV; Auguste G; Farber E; Ma WF; Wong D; Onengut-Gumuscu S; Kavousi M; Peyser PA; van der Laan SW; Leeper NJ; Kovacic JC; Björkegren JLM; Miller CL, 2023, Integrative multi-ancestry genetic analysis of gene regulation in coronary arteries prioritizes disease risk loci., http://dx.doi.org10.1101/2023.02.09.23285622,
Conference Abstracts | 2023
Namasivayam M; Meredith T; Muller DWM; Roy DA; Roy AK; Kovacic JC; Hayward CS; Feneley MP, 2023, 'MACHINE LEARNING PREDICTION OF PROGRESSIVE SUBCLINICAL MYOCARDIAL DYSFUNCTION IN MODERATE AORTIC STENOSIS', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, Vol. 81, pp. 1398 - 1398, presented at 72nd Annual Scientific Session (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 04 March 2023 - 06 March 2023
Baber U; Mehran R; Seetharam K; Kovacic J; Khan A; Sweeny J; Melarcode-Krishnamoorthy P; Vengrenyuk Y; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'Combined and Independent Impact of Diabetes Mellitus and Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels on Risk for Death and MI Following PCI: Insights From a Large Single-Center Registry', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B623 - B623, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Blum M; Guedeney P; Claessen B; Aquino M; Kalkman D; Sorrentino S; Chandiramani R; Elsayed S; Goel R; Vogel B; Barman N; Sweeny J; Kovacic J; Kini A; Dangas G; Baber U; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2019, 'RESIDUAL INFLAMMATORY RISK IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE UNDERGOING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1357 - 1357, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Camaj A; Giustino G; Claessen B; Hinohara T; Baber U; Aquino M; Guedeney P; Sorrentino S; Kalkman D; Vogel B; Farhan S; Shah S; Barman N; Vijay P; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Dangas G; Kini A; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2019, 'EFFECT OF SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION ON OUTCOMES AFTER COMPLEX PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1143 - 1143, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Cao D; Mehran R; Chandiramani R; Roumeliotis A; Goel R; Blum M; Sartori S; Singleton R; Stefanini G; Dangas G; Baber U; Khan A; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Krishnan P; Barman N; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'Validation of the Academic Research Consortium-High Bleeding Risk Criteria for Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B534 - B534, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Guedeney P; Claessen B; Kalkman D; Aquino M; Sorrentino S; Blum M; Giustino G; Farhan S; Vogel B; Sartori S; Montalescot G; Sweeny J; Kovacic J; Barman N; Dangas G; Kini A; Baber U; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2019, 'IMPACT OF RESIDUAL INFLAMMATORY RISK IN PATIENTS WITH LOW LDL-CHOLESTEROL UNDERGOING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION: INSIGHT FROM A LARGE SINGLECENTER REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 11 - 11, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Hinohara TT; Giustino G; Baber U; Camaj A; Aquino M; Claessen B; Farhan S; Shah S; Barman N; Vijay P; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Dangas G; Kini A; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2019, 'IMPACT OF PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION COMPLEXITY IN REAL-WORLD PRACTICE', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1274 - 1274, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Ip A; Baber U; Dangas G; Sweeny J; Barman N; Khan A; Kovacic J; Kini A; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2019, 'Influence of Thrombotic and Bleeding Risk on P2Y(12) Receptor Inhibitor Choice in ACS After PCI: Insights From a Large Single-Center Registry', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B413 - B413, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Roumeliotis A; Cao D; Mehran R; Dangas G; Chandiramani R; Goel R; Blum M; Beyhoff N; Singleton R; Sartori S; Barman N; Khan A; Krishnan P; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Baber U; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'The Impact of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With a Drug Eluting Stent for Unprotected Left Main Stenosis', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B618 - B618, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Tang G; Zaid S; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Khan A; Goldberg J; Undemir C; Patel N; Khan M; Lansman S; Kovacic J; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'Does Orienting Sapien 3 During Crimping in TAVR Affect Final Orientation to Coronaries to Impact TAV-in-TAV and Coronary Reaccess? A Pilot Study', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B676 - B676, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Tang G; Zaid S; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Khan A; Goldberg J; Undemir C; Patel N; Khan M; Lansman S; Kovacic J; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'Impact of Initial Evolut TAVR Deployment Orientation on Final Valve Orientation and Coronary Reaccess: A Pilot Study', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B18 - B18, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Tang GH-L; Patel N; Gupta E; Zaid S; Ahmad H; Khan A; Kovacic J; Undemir C; Goldberg JB; Khan M; Lansman S; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'FEASIBILITY OF REPEAT TRANSCATHETER AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT (TAVR) AFTER SAPIEN 3 TAVR (TAV-IN-TAV): A PILOT ANGIOGRAPHIC STUDY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1339 - 1339, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Tang GH-L; Zaid S; Gupta E; Hirji S; Ahmad H; Khan A; Undemir C; Ali O; Skiles J; Goldberg J; Patel N; Khan M; Lansman S; Kovacic J; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A; Ramlawi B; Shah P; Kaneko T, 2019, 'DOES VALVE CHOICE MATTER? A THEORETICAL MODEL COMPARING PROSTHESIS-PATIENT MISMATCH BETWEEN SAPIEN 3 AND EVOLUT R IN TRANSCATHETER AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1247 - 1247, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Tang GH-L; Zaid S; Patel N; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Khan A; Kovacic J; Undemir C; Goldberg JB; Khan M; Lansman S; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'DOES ORIENTING SAPIEN3 DURING CRIMPING IN TAVR AFFECT FINAL ORIENTATION TO CORONARIES TO IMPACT CORONARY REACCESS? A PILOT STUDY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1337 - 1337, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Tang GH-L; Zaid S; Patel N; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Khan A; Kovacic J; Undemir C; Goldberg JB; Khan M; Lansman S; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A, 2019, 'IMPACT OF INITIAL EVOLUT TAVR DEPLOYMENT ORIENTATION ON FINAL VALVE ORIENTATION AND CORONARY REACCESS: A PILOT STUDY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1338 - 1338, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Zaid S; Ahmad H; Khan A; Kaple R; Undemir C; Kovacic J; Lansman S; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A; Tang G, 2019, 'Novel Predictors of New Permanent Pacemaker Implantation After Evolut TAVR', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B521 - B521, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Zaid S; Ahmad HASAN; Khan A; Kaple R; Undemir C; Kovacic J; Lansman S; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A; Tang G, 2019, 'Novel Predictors of New Persistent Left Bundle Branch Block after Edwards Sapien 3 TAVR', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B532 - B532, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Zaid S; Brinkert M; Ahmad H; Kaple R; Undemir C; Cohen M; Lansman S; Khan A; Kovacic J; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A; Toggweiler S; Tang G, 2019, 'NOVEL PREDICTORS OF NEW PERSISTENT LEFT BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK AND PERMANENT PACEMAKER IMPLANTATION AFTER EVOLUT R TAVR', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1378 - 1378, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Zaid S; Brinkert M; Ahmad H; Kaple R; Undemir C; Cohen M; Lansman S; Khan A; Kovacic J; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A; Toggweiler S; Tang G, 2019, 'NOVEL PREDICTORS OF PERSISTENT LEFT BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK AND PERMANENT PACEMAKER IMPLANTATION AFTER EDWARDS SAPIEN 3 TAVR', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. 1246 - 1246, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), LA, New Orleans, 16 March 2019 - 18 March 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Zaid S; Gupta E; Patel N; Ahmad H; Khan A; Goldberg J; Kovacic J; Undemir C; Lansman S; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A; Tang G, 2019, 'Feasibility of Repeat Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) After SAPIEN 3 TAVR (TAV-in-TAV): A Pilot Angiographic Study', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B743 - B743, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2019
Zaid S; Sengupta A; Okoli K; Tsoi M; Khan A; Ahmad H; Goldberg J; Undemir C; Patel N; Khan M; Gupta E; Kovacic J; Lansman S; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A; Tang G, 2019, 'Novel Predictors New Persistent Left Bundle Branch Block After Evolut TAVR', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B522 - B522, presented at 31st Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 25 September 2019 - 29 September 2019,
Conference Papers | 2018
Baber U; Farhan S; Barman N; Sweeny J; Kovacic J; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2018, 'FEASIBILITY AND VALIDITY OF MEASURING PATIENT-REPORTED HEALTH STATUS AT TIME OF PCI: RESULTS FROM A SINGLE-CENTER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, FL, Orlando, pp. 96 - 96, presented at 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), FL, Orlando, 10 March 2018 - 12 March 2018,
Conference Papers | 2018
Camaj A; Giustino G; Baber U; Aquino M; Guedeney P; Sorrentino S; Vogel B; Farhan S; Barman N; Vijay P; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Dangas G; Kini A; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2018, 'Impact of Pre-Procedural High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, LDL-C and SYNTAX Score on Outcomes Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B131 - B131, presented at 30th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 21 September 2018 - 25 September 2018,
Fernandez-Jimenez R; Latina J; Soto AV; Bansilal S; Vedanthan R; Jaslow R; Santana M; Diaz-Munoz R; Regazzoni V; Cortez B; Clarke-Littman A; Hernandez E; Fatterpekar M; Schulman A; Giannareli C; Kovacic J; Kasarskis A; Fayad Z; Hajjar R; Fuster V, 2018, 'SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF LIFESTYLE AND CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH IN A MINORITY COMMUNITY STUDY FOR PROMOTION OF HEALTH', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, FL, Orlando, pp. 1804 - 1804, presented at 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), FL, Orlando, 10 March 2018 - 12 March 2018,
Conference Papers | 2018
Kalkman D; Aquino M; Baber U; Guedeney P; Sorrentino S; Vogel B; Claessen B; Giustino G; Sweeny J; Kovacic J; Vijay P; Barman N; Kini A; Sharma S; Dangas G; Mehran R, 2018, 'Residual inflammatory status in patients with stable coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. B342 - B342, presented at 30th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Diego, 21 September 2018 - 25 September 2018,
Karakatsanis NA; Trivieri MG; Abgral R; Dweck MR; Robson PM; Mani V; Padilla MM; Miller M; Lala A; Sanz J; Contreras J; Narula J; Fuster V; Kovacic JC; Fayad ZA, 2018, 'Direct 4D Patlak 18F-FDG PET/MR for the Multi-Parametric Assessment of active cardiac sarcoidosis', in 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2017 - Conference Proceedings,
Conference Papers | 2018
Mahajan A; Chandrasekhar J; Sartori S; Baber U; Dangas G; Kovacic J; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Sweeny J; Barman N; Vijay P; Kini AS; Mehran R; Sharma SK, 2018, 'CLINICAL OUTCOMES BY SEX AND ETHNICITY AFTER PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, FL, Orlando, pp. 1022 - 1022, presented at 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), FL, Orlando, 10 March 2018 - 12 March 2018,
Conference Papers | 2018
Plitt A; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Sartori S; Vijay P; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Barman N; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Mehran R; Dangas G; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2018, 'IMPACT OF STENT DIAMETER ON OUTCOMES FOLLOWING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION WITH 2ND GENERATION DRUG ELUTING STENTS: RESULTS FROM A LARGE SINGLE-CENTER REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, FL, Orlando, pp. 1072 - 1072, presented at 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), FL, Orlando, 10 March 2018 - 12 March 2018,
Conference Papers | 2018
Tang GH-L; Zaid S; Ahmad H; Kaple R; Kovacic J; Undemir C; Khan A; Cohen M; Lansman S; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2018, 'DOES VALVE CHOICE MATTER? A THEORETICAL MODEL COMPARING PROSTHESIS-PATIENT MISMATCH AMONG TRANSCATHETER VALVES IN TRANSCATHETER AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, FL, Orlando, pp. 1133 - 1133, presented at 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), FL, Orlando, 10 March 2018 - 12 March 2018,
Aoi S; Baber U; Kovacic J; Mehran R; Aquino M; Dangas G; Sweeny J; Vijay P; Shah S; Moreno P; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS OF CORONARY CALCIFICATION AND INFLAMMATION ON RISKS FOR ADVERSE CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS AFTER PCI: RESULTS FROM A LARGE SINGLE-CENTER REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 123 - 123, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Chandrasekhar J; Baber U; Sartori S; Mehran R; Dangas G; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Vogel B; Sorrentino S; Farhan S; Faggioni M; Ge Z; Parikh S; Vijay P; Barman N; Kapur V; Sharma S; Kini A, 2017, 'TRENDS IN INCIDENCE AND MORTALITY ASSOCIATED WITH ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING PCI FOR ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1204 - 1204, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Faggioni M; Baber U; Sayseng S; Sartori S; Dangas G; Hasan C; Kini A; Chandrasekhar J; Sorrentino S; Vogel B; Kovacic J; Barman N; Vijay P; Shah S; Sweeny J; Snyder C; Farhan S; Moreno P; Kesanakurthy S; Kapur V; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2017, 'UNDERUTILIZATION OF HIGH INTENSITY STATINS IN A CONTEMPORARY HIGH RISK PCI POPULATION', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1352 - 1352, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Conference Papers | 2017
Faggioni M; Baber U; Sharma M; Danias G; Kini A; Chandrasekhar J; Snyder C; Dangas G; Shah S; Barman N; Sorrentino S; Hasan C; Kovacic J; Giustino G; Sweeny J; Vijay P; Aquino M; Farhan S; Moreno P; Kesanakurthy S; Kapur V; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2017, 'ANGIOGRAPHIC PHENOTYPE AND CLINICAL OUTCOMES OF PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANCY UNDERGOING PCI', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 117 - 117, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Conference Papers | 2017
Faggioni M; Ge Z; Sartori S; Baber U; Kini A; Dangas G; Sayseng S; Chandrasekhar J; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Vogel B; Farhan S; Snyder C; Sweeny J; Sorrentino S; Kesanakurthy S; Suleman J; Kapur V; Barman N; Hasan C; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2017, 'PREDICTORS OF HIGH INTENSITY STATIN USE AFTER PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTIONS', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1272 - 1272, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Conference Papers | 2017
Farhan S; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Faggioni M; Vijay P; Shah S; Aquino M; Sartori S; Parikh S; Sorrentino S; Kovacic J; Kesankurthy S; Suleman J; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Vogel B; Giustino G; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'RISK AND IMPACT OF DIABETES MELLITUS ON ISCHEMIC EVENTS IN FEMALES AND MALES AFTER PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1381 - 1381, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Farhan S; Baber U; Vogel B; Sartori S; Chandrasekhar J; Sorrentino S; Sharma M; Ge Z; Levine H; Barman N; Vijay P; Shah S; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Giustino G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'Long-term Outcomes and Predictors Of Adverse Events After Successful Saphenous Vein Graft Intervention. Results from A Large Single-Center', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CO, Denver, pp. B234 - B234, presented at 29th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CO, Denver, 29 October 2017 - 02 November 2017,
Conference Papers | 2017
Farhan S; Sharma M; Parikh S; Vogel B; Baber U; Sartori S; Faggioni M; Chandrasekhar J; Sorrentino S; Hasan C; Barman N; Vijay P; Shah S; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Giustino G; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'PREDICTION OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING CORONARY INTERVENTION USING CALCULATION OF SERUM OSMOLALITY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1373 - 1373, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Michelis K; Kitabayashi A; Lecce L; Santini MP; D'Escamard V; Franzen O; Bjorkegren JLM; Fuster V; Reddy R; Chikwe J; Stelzer P; Filsoufi F; Stewart A; Anyanwu A; Kovacic J, 2017, 'CD90 MARKS A POPULATION OF ADVENTITIAL MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS IN THE HUMAN AORTA THAT EXHIBIT DIMINISHED ANGIOGENIC POTENTIAL IN PATIENTS WITH ASCENDING AORTIC ANEURYSMS', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1999 - 1999, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Sorrentino S; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Farhan S; Faggioni M; Vogel B; Sartori S; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Srinivas K; Vijay P; Giustino G; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'IMPELLA OR INTRA-AORTIC BALLOON PUMP SUPPORT IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING HIGH RISK PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION: A REAL WORLD SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1118 - 1118, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Conference Papers | 2017
Sorrentino S; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Farhan S; Faggioni M; Vogel B; Sartori S; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Suleman J; Vijay P; Giustino G; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'CLINICAL OUTCOMES ASSOCIATED WITH IMPELLA VERSUS IABP USE IN STABLE PATIENTS UNDERGOING HIGH RISK PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1117 - 1117, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Conference Papers | 2017
Sorrentino S; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Farhan S; Ge Z; Vogel B; Sartori S; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Suleman J; Vijay P; Snyder C; Sharma M; Levine H; Giustino G; Kini A; Sharma S; Mehran R, 2017, 'Use of guideline directed medical therapy and outcomes in patients with high risk of bleeding undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in contemporary clinical practice', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CO, Denver, pp. B219 - B219, presented at 29th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CO, Denver, 29 October 2017 - 02 November 2017,
Vogel B; Baber U; Aquino M; Sartori S; Chandrasekhar J; Farhan S; Sorrentino S; Kovacic J; Ge Z; Sweeny J; Rabieihashemi S; Qadeer A; Shah S; Vijay P; Barman N; Moreno P; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'Impact of concomitant coronary artery disease on risk for short-term MACCE in patients after TAVR', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CO, Denver, pp. B179 - B180, presented at 29th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CO, Denver, 29 October 2017 - 02 November 2017,
Vogel B; Baber U; Sartori S; Chandrasekhar J; Farhan S; Sorrentino S; Kovacic J; Barman N; Ge Z; Shah S; Vijay P; Sweeny J; Moreno P; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2017, 'Combined and independent impact of diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease on clinical outcomes by SYNTAX score in patients undergoing PCI', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CO, Denver, pp. B93 - B93, presented at 29th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CO, Denver, 29 October 2017 - 02 November 2017,
Yoshimura T; Vengrenyuk Y; Ueda H; Kezbor S; Hasan C; Kesanakurthy S; Suleman J; Barman N; Sweeny J; Kovacic J; Baber U; Moreno P; Mehran R; Narula J; Sharma S; Kini A, 2017, 'MULTIMODALITY INTRAVASCULAR IMAGING TO EVALUATE PLAQUE CHARACTERISTICS IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. 1171 - 1171, presented at 66th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), DC, Washington, 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2017,
Baber U; Mehran R; Farhan S; Aquino M; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Moreno P; Shah S; Vijay P; Dangas G; Barman N; Kini A; Sharma S, 2016, 'Simultaneous Impact of Thrombotic and Bleeding Risks on Use of Novel P2Y12 inhibitors in Contemporary PCI: Results from a Large Single-Center Registry', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B2 - B3, presented at 28th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium (TCT), DC, Washington, 29 October 2016 - 02 November 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Baber U; Mehran R; Farhan S; Aquino M; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Moreno P; Shah S; Vijay P; Dangas G; Barman N; Kini A; Sharma S, 2016, 'Validation of PARIS Risk Scores in a Large Multi-Ethnic PCI Cohort: Results from a Large Single-Center Registry', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B23 - B23, presented at 28th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium (TCT), DC, Washington, 29 October 2016 - 02 November 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Bharadwaj AS; Vengrenyuk Y; Pena J; Yoshimura T; Kezbor S; Kovacic J; Baber U; Choudury H; Sweeny J; Kesanakurthy S; Narula J; Sharma S; Kini A, 2016, 'MULTIMODALITY INTRAVASCULAR IMAGING TO EVALUATE GENDER DIFFERENCES IN PLAQUE MORPHOLOGY IN STABLE CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. 2120 - 2120, presented at 65th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 02 April 2016 - 04 April 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Eden C; Baber U; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Shah S; Vijay P; Barman N; Sweeny J; Krishnan P; Dangas G; Kini A; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2016, 'Impact of Age on Sex-Based Differences on Cardiovascular Risk Between Men and Women Undergoing PCI: Results from a Large Single-Center Registry with Over 18,000 Patients', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B138 - B138, presented at 28th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium (TCT), DC, Washington, 29 October 2016 - 02 November 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Faggioni M; Chandrasekhar J; Aquino M; Vogel B; Baber U; Sharma S; Kini A; Farhan S; Kovacic J; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Dangas G; Mehran R, 2016, 'Real world use of antithrombotic regimens after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with atrial fibrillation', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B91 - B91, presented at 28th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium (TCT), DC, Washington, 29 October 2016 - 02 November 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Faggioni M; Chandrasekhar J; Baber U; Kini A; Giustino G; Kovacic J; Farhan S; Sharma S; Aquino M; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Dangas G; Mehran R, 2016, 'Risk phenotype and clinical outcomes of patients with stable coronary artery disease treated with PCI stratified by baseline LDL cholesterol', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B136 - B137, presented at 28th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium (TCT), DC, Washington, 29 October 2016 - 02 November 2016,
Khan AA; Sengupta P; Kovacic J; Gidwani U; Mattimore M; Sharma S; Kini A, 2016, 'ELECTIVE ALCOHOL SEPTAL ABLATION PRE TRANSCATHETER AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT TO OPTIMIZE OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH ASYMMETRIC SEPTAL HYPERTROPHY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. 1226 - 1226, presented at 65th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 02 April 2016 - 04 April 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Kiando S; Tucker N; Castro-vega L; Cusi D; Galan P; Empana J-P; Olin J; Gornik H; Plouin P-F; Kullo I; Milan D; Ganesh S; Boutouyrie P; Kovacic J; Jeunemaitre X; Bouatia-naji N, 2016, 'GENETIC ASSOCIATION STUDY IDENTIFIES COMMON VARIATION IN PHACTR1 TO ASSOCIATE WITH FIBROMUSCULAR DYSPLASIA', in JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, pp. E91 - E91,
Conference Papers | 2016
Robson P; Dweck M; Trivieri MG; Karakatsanis N; Abgral R; Contreras J; Gidwani U; Narula J; Fuster V; Kovacic J; Fayad Z, 2016, 'CORONARY 18F-FLUORIDE HYBRID POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING: INITIAL EXPERIENCE', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. 1624 - 1624, presented at 65th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 02 April 2016 - 04 April 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Sharma R; Baber U; Aquino M; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Vijay P; Shah S; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2016, 'IMPACT OF POTENT P2Y12 INHIBITOR USE VERSUS CLOPIDOGREL IN REAL-WORLD PATIENTS UNDERGOING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION: RESULTS FROM A LARGE SINGLE-CENTER REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. 181 - 181, presented at 65th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 02 April 2016 - 04 April 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Sharma R; Baber U; Aquino M; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Vijay P; Shah S; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2016, 'RISK-TREATMENT PARADOX IN PREVALENCE AND DETERMINANTS OF POTENT P2Y12 INHIBITOR USE IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION: RESULTS FROM A LARGE SINGLE-CENTER REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. 205 - 205, presented at 65th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 02 April 2016 - 04 April 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Singbal Y; Vengrenyuk Y; Yoshimura T; Baber U; Pena J; Thapi R; Kovacic J; Sweeny J; Kesanakurthy S; Hasan C; Narula J; Sharma S; Kini A, 2016, 'CORRELATES AND IMPACT OF CORONARY ARTERY CALCIFICATION VISUALIZED BY OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. 291 - 291, presented at 65th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 02 April 2016 - 04 April 2016,
Conference Papers | 2016
Vogel B; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Aquino M; Sartori S; Farhan S; Faggioni M; Giustino G; Vijay P; Shah S; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2016, 'Impact of diabetes on outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients according to race/ethnicity', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B109 - B109, presented at 28th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Symposium (TCT), DC, Washington, 29 October 2016 - 02 November 2016,
Giustino G; Baber U; Aquino M; Dangas G; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Roy S; Krishnan P; Sweeny J; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2015, 'NOVEL HIGH-POTENCY ORAL ANTIPLATELET DRUGS VERSUS CLOPIDOGREL IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS UNDERGOING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION: RESULTS FROM A LARGE SINGLE-CENTER ALL-COMERS REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. A1828 - A1828, presented at Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), CA, San Diego, 14 March 2015 - 16 March 2015,
Conference Papers | 2015
Giustino G; Baber U; Aquino M; Dangas G; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Swathi R; Krishnan P; Sweeny J; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2015, 'NOVEL HIGH-POTENCY ORAL ANTIPLATELET DRUGS VERSUS CLOPIDOGREL IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING COMPLEX PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION: RESULTS FROM A LARGE SINGLE-CENTER ALL-COMERS REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. A1899 - A1899, presented at Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), CA, San Diego, 14 March 2015 - 16 March 2015,
Conference Papers | 2015
Giustino G; Saporito R; Baber U; Aquino M; Dangas G; Kovacic J; Moreno PR; Roy S; Krishnan P; Sweeny J; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma SK, 2015, 'Effect of Gender on Clinical Outcomes in Patients With or Without Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results from a Large Single Center Registry', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B198 - B199, presented at 27th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 11 October 2015 - 15 October 2015,
Conference Papers | 2015
Kiando SR; Tucker N; Katz A; Treard C; D'Escamard V; Castro-Vega LJ; Ye Z; Smith CY; Austin E; Barlasina C; Cusi D; Galan P; Empana J-P; Jouven X; Brunval P; Olin JW; Gornik H; Plouin P-F; Kullo IJ; Milan DJ; Ganesh SK; Boutouyrie P; Kovacic J; Jeunemaitre X; Bouatia-Naji N, 2015, 'Genetic Study Identifies Common Variation in PHACTR1 to Associate With Fibromuscular Dysplasia (Best of Basic Science Abstract)', in CIRCULATION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, FL, Orlando, presented at Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium of the American-Heart-Association (AHA), FL, Orlando, 07 November 2015 - 11 November 2015,
Conference Papers | 2015
Kini AS; Motoyama S; Vengrenyuk Y; Pena J; Baber U; Bhat A; Moreno P; Kovacic J; Narula J; Sharma S, 2015, 'MULTIMODALITY INTRAVASCULAR IMAGING TO PREDICT PERIPROCEDURAL MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DURING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. A1810 - A1810, presented at Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), CA, San Diego, 14 March 2015 - 16 March 2015,
Conference Papers | 2015
Levine A; Baber U; Aquino M; Roy S; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Kovacic J; Mehran R; Sharma S; Kini A, 2015, 'IMPACT OF ARTERIAL ACCESS SITE ON RISK FOR ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING PCI: RESULTS FROM A LARGE SINGLE-CENTER PCI REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Diego, pp. A1920 - A1920, presented at Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), CA, San Diego, 14 March 2015 - 16 March 2015,
Pena J; Vengrenyuk Y; Baber U; Kovacic J; Sharma SK; Kini A; Narula J; Moreno PR, 2015, 'The relationship between intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) plaque burden and lesion characteristics by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): a multimodality imaging study', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B148 - B148, presented at 27th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 11 October 2015 - 15 October 2015,
Conference Papers | 2015
Pena J; Vengrenyuk Y; Kezbor S; Yoshimura T; Kovacic J; Sharma SK; Moreno PR; Baber U; Kini A, 2015, 'Increased Lipid Content, Macrophage Infiltration And Neovascularization in Culprit Coronary Lesions of Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B147 - B147, presented at 27th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 11 October 2015 - 15 October 2015,
Mastoris I; Baber U; Aquino M; Roy S; Thapi R; Kovacic J; Pyo RT; Sweeny J; Dangas G; Mehran R; Kini A; Sharma S, 2014, 'Impact of Race/Ethnicity On 30 Day Readmission After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results From a Multiethnic, Single Center Registry', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B34 - B34, presented at 26th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), DC, Washington, 13 September 2014 - 17 September 2014,
Theodoropoulos K; Yu J; Mennuni MG; Sartori S; Meelu OA; Mastoris I; Baber U; Pyo RT; Kovacic J; Krishnan P; Moreno PR; Dangas G; Mehran R; Sharma S; Kini A, 2014, 'Gender Differences In The Burden Of Coronary Artery Disease In Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, DC, Washington, pp. B33 - B34, presented at 26th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), DC, Washington, 13 September 2014 - 17 September 2014,
Baber U; Kovacic J; Moreno P; Roy S; Sayeneni S; Dangas G; Mehran R; Sharma S; Kini A, 2013, 'DIFFERENTIAL IMPACT OF FEMALE GENDER ON MORTALITY BY PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE FOLLOWING PCI: RESULTS FROM A SINGLE-CENTER REGISTRY WITH 15,990 PATIENTS', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. E1739 - E1739, presented at 62nd Annual Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology, CA, San Francisco, 09 March 2013 - 11 March 2013,
Conference Papers | 2013
Changsirivathanathamrong D; Kini A; Kovacic J; Kim M; Krishnan P; Moreno P; Suleman J; Hasan C; Sharma S, 2013, 'OUTCOMES OF PCI IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING APPROPRIATE VERSUS UNCERTAIN PCI', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. E1185 - E1185, presented at 62nd Annual Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology, CA, San Francisco, 09 March 2013 - 11 March 2013,
Conference Papers | 2013
Gukathasan N; Kini A; Mehran R; Vlachojannis G; Cohen M; Yu J; Sergie Z; Baber U; Sartori S; Pyo R; Theodoropoulos K; Elias E; Kakoulides S; Jacobs E; Knopf D; Kovacic J; Vadde R; O'Neill B; Sharma S; Dangas G, 2013, 'IMPACT OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY ON OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING BALLOON AORTIC VALVULOPLASTY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. E1946 - E1946, presented at 62nd Annual Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology, CA, San Francisco, 09 March 2013 - 11 March 2013,
Conference Papers | 2013
Kherada NI; Mennuni MG; Meelu OA; Sartori S; Baber U; Sayeneni S; Roy S; Walker L; Mohanty BD; Tomey M; Looser P; Moreno PR; Krishnan P; Kovacic J; Pyo RT; Sweeny J; Dangas G; Mehran R; Sharma S; Kini A, 2013, 'Everolimus-Eluting Stent and Dedicated 2-Stent Strategy in Complex 'True' Bifurcation Lesion with Major Side Branch Involvement', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B125 - B125, presented at 25th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 27 October 2013 - 01 November 2013,
Conference Papers | 2013
Kherada NI; Mennuni MG; Meelu OA; Sartori S; Looser P; Baber U; Sayeneni S; Roy S; Walker L; Mohanty BD; Tomey M; Moreno PR; Krishnan P; Kovacic J; Pyo RT; Sweeny J; Dangas G; Mehran R; Sharma S; Kini A, 2013, 'Dedicated 2-stent versus 1-Stent Strategy in Diabetic Patients with Complex 'True' Bifurcation Lesion PCI using Everolimus-Eluting Stent', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B129 - B129, presented at 25th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 27 October 2013 - 01 November 2013,
Conference Papers | 2013
Kovacic J; Kini A; Banerjee S; Dangas G; Mehran R; Popma J; O'Neill WW; Sharma S, 2013, 'Patients with 3-vessel Coronary Artery Disease and Impaired LVEF undergoing PCI with Impella 2.5 Hemodynamic Support Have Improved 90-Day Outcomes Compared to Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump: A Substudy of The PROTECT II Trial', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B137 - B137, presented at 25th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 27 October 2013 - 01 November 2013,
Mennuni MG; Theodoropoulos K; Mehran R; Bernelli C; Colombo A; Moreno PR; Krishnan P; Kovacic J; Baber U; Halperin JL; Kherada NI; Sartori S; Sayeneni S; Walker L; Roy S; Khalili L; Hasan C; Pyo RT; Sweeny J; Dangas G; Sharma S; Kini A, 2013, 'Do Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Sinus Rhythm during PCI Require Triple Therapy? Results from a Multicenter Center Study', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B52 - B53, presented at 25th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 27 October 2013 - 01 November 2013,
Theodoropoulos K; Mennuni MG; Meelu OA; Sartori S; Aquino M; Moreno PR; Krishnan P; Kovacic J; Baber U; Dangas G; Mehran R; Sharma S; Kini A, 2013, 'Impact of Angiographic Patterns (Focal vs. Diffuse) of Resistant In-stent Restenosis on Clinical Outcomes', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. B146 - B146, presented at 25th Annual Symposium on Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), CA, San Francisco, 27 October 2013 - 01 November 2013,
Conference Abstracts | 2013
Yu J, 2013, 'Impact of vascular closure with the pre-closure technique on adverse events in patients undergoing transfemoral balloon aortic valvuloplasty: Results from a 2-centre registry', in Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Elsevier Science Inc, Vol. 59, pp. e234 - e234
Conference Papers | 2012
Castellano JM; Kovacic JC; Sanz J; Fuster V, 2012, 'Are we ignoring the dilated thoracic aorta?', in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 164 - 174,
Conference Papers | 2012
Chinitz JS; Castellano JM; Kovacic JC; Fuster V, 2012, 'Atrial fibrillation, stroke, and quality of life', in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 140 - 150,
Conference Papers | 2012
Kini A; Mehran R; Gukathasan N; Sergie Z; Cohen M; Yu J; Baber U; Sartori S; Pyo R; Theodoropoulos K; Thapi R; Elias E; Kakoulides S; Jocobs E; Knopf D; Kovacic J; Vadde R; O'Neill B; Sharma S; Dangas G, 2012, 'Predictors of Vascular complications in patients undergoing Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, FL, Miami, pp. B257 - B257, presented at Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) Symposium, FL, Miami, 22 October 2012 - 26 October 2012,
Conference Papers | 2012
Kini AS; Moreno P; Kovacic J; Limaye A; Ali Z; Sweeny J; Baber U; Dangas G; Sharma S, 2012, 'DOES AGGRESSIVE STATIN THERAPY REDUCE CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE LIPID CONTENT? RESULTS FROM: REDUCTION IN YELLOW PLAQUE BY AGGRESSIVE LIPID LOWERING THERAPY (YELLOW) TRIAL', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. E304 - E304, presented at 61st Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 24 March 2012 - 27 March 2012,
Conference Papers | 2012
Kovacic JC; Castellano JM; Fuster V, 2012, 'Cardiovascular defense challenges at the basic, clinical, and population levels', in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 1 - 6,
Conference Papers | 2012
Kovacic JC; Castellano JM; Fuster V, 2012, 'The links between complex coronary disease, cerebrovascular disease, and degenerative brain disease', in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 99 - 105,
Conference Papers | 2012
Conference Papers | 2012
Limaye AM; Kovacic J; Patel R; Chandela S; Trost B; Sartori S; Mehran R; Kim M; Krishnan P; Baber U; Pyo R; Sweeny J; Moreno P; Dangas G; Kini A; Sharma S, 2012, 'CLINICALLY-BASED PATIENT RISK SCORES AND THE 'TARGET LESION REVASCULARIZATION PARADOX' IN PATIENTS WITH MULTI-VESSEL CAD UNDERGOING PCI', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. E76 - E76, presented at 61st Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 24 March 2012 - 27 March 2012,
Conference Papers | 2012
Yu J; Baber U; Kini A; Mehran R; Vlachojannis G; Sartori S; Theodoropoulos K; Vaishnava P; Kakoulides S; O'Neill B; Heldman A; O'Neill W; Pyo R; Kovacic J; Cohen M; Sharma S; Dangas G, 2012, 'PREDICTORS OF NET ADVERSE CLINICAL EVENTS POST BALLOON AORTIC VALVULOPLASTY: RESULTS FROM THE BRAVO (EFFECT OF BIVALIRUDIN ON AORTIC VALVE INTERVENTION OUTCOMES) STUDY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. E230 - E230, presented at 61st Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 24 March 2012 - 27 March 2012,
Conference Papers | 2012
Yu J; Baber U; Kini A; Vlachojannis G; Sartori S; O'Neill B; Knopf D; Poludasu S; Martinez-Clark P; Kovacic J; Pyo R; Moreno P; O'Neill W; Cohen M; Mehran R; Sharma S; Dangas G, 2012, 'COMPARISON OF BLEEDING DEFINITIONS, BARC, GUSTO, TIMI AND VARC IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING BALLOON AORTIC VALVULOPLASTY: RESULTS FROM A TWO-CENTER REGISTRY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. E65 - E65, presented at 61st Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 24 March 2012 - 27 March 2012,
Conference Papers | 2012
Yu J; Kini A; Baber U; Mehran R; Vlachojannis G; Sergie Z; Kovacic J; Pyo R; Elias E; Pinnelas R; Sartori S; O'Neill B; Singh V; Cohen M; Dangas G; Sharma S, 2012, 'PREDICTORS OF MAJOR BLEEDING POST BALLOON AORTIC VALVULOPLASTY: RESULTS FROM THE BRAVO (EFFECT OF BIVALIRUDIN ON AORTIC VALVE INTERVENTION OUTCOMES) STUDY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, pp. E236 - E236, presented at 61st Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC), IL, Chicago, 24 March 2012 - 27 March 2012,
Conference Abstracts | 2012
Conference Papers | 2011
Baber U; Bander J; Kovacic J; Muntner P; Karajgikar R; Mehran R; Sharma SK; Kini AS, 2011, 'INDEPENDENT AND COMBINED IMPACT OF DIABETES MELLITUS AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE ON PLATELET REACTIVITY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. E1507 - E1507, presented at 60th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology, LA, New Orleans, 03 April 2011 - 05 April 2011,
Kim MC; Muntner P; Levy ES; Mann D; Choi JW; Farkouh M; Sharma S; Kovacic J; Krishnan P; Mehran R; Wiley J; Moreno P; Kini A, 2011, 'IS SAME DAY DISCHARGE SAFE IN ELECTIVE PCI? RESULTS FROM A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, LA, New Orleans, pp. E1954 - E1954, presented at 60th Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology, LA, New Orleans, 03 April 2011 - 05 April 2011,
Kovacic JC; Macdonald PS; Feneley MP; Muller DW; Ma DD; Tao H; Freund J; Milliken ST; Dodds AJ; Moore JJ; Itescu S; Graham RM, 2007, 'The use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in angina patients to stimulate neovascularization: the GAIN I study', in Circulation, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 2669 - 2670, presented at 80th Annual Scientific Session of the American-Heart-Association, Orlando, Florida, USA, 04 November 2007 - 07 November 2007