Dr Jane Qiu

Dr Jane Qiu

Casual Academic
Business School

Jane Qui possesses a broad range of industrial experience in China. Prior to beginning her doctoral studies, Jane worked at both private and public sectors in China. She has held business consulting, administrative management and project management positions.

She was involved in large FDI (foreign direct investment) projects in China and had assisted MNCs such as CSR, LG, Siemens and P&G to establish or expand their operation in Guangdong, China. She has also worked as professional interpreter and foreign affairs specialist for the Guangzhou government.

Research Interests:

  • Multinational corporation strategy
  • Organisational structure
  • Foreign Direct Investment in China
  • Chinese private enterprises

ASB Profile: http://www.asb.unsw.edu.au/schools/Pages/JaneXJQiu.aspx


+61 2 9385 7178
Room 552, Level 5, West Wing Australian School of Business building
  • Book Chapters | 2016
    Qiu JX; Donaldson L, 2016, 'The MNC Matrix as Only a Partial Multiple Hierarchy: The Limited Advantage of the Matrix', in Qiu J; Luo B; Jackson C; Sanders K (ed.), Advancing organizational theory in a complex world, Routledge, pp. 74 - 95
  • Edited Books | 2016
    Qiu JX; jackson ; sanders ; Luo , (eds.), 2016, Advancing organizational theory in a complex world
  • Journal articles | 2017
    Qiu JX; David Rooney , 2017, 'Addressing Unintended Ethical Challenges of Workplace Mindfulness: A Four-Stage Mindfulness Development Model', Journal of Business Ethics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-017-3693-1
    Journal articles | 2015
    Qiu J; Lui S, 2015, 'Knowledge Role and Subunit Characteristics in Multiunit Firms', Journal of General Management, 40, pp. 24 - 56, http://www.braybrooke.co.uk/tabid/99/Default.aspx?articleId=1261
    Journal articles | 2013
    Qiu JX; Donaldson DA; Luo N, 2013, 'The Benefits of Persisting with Paradigms in Organizational Research', Academy of Management Perspectives, pp. 93 - 104, http://amp.aom.org/content/26/1/93.short
    Journal articles | 2012
    Donaldson DA; Qiu JX; Luo B, 2012, 'For Rigour in Organizational Management Theory Research', Journal of Management Studies, 50, pp. 153 - 172, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6486.2012.01069.x
    Journal articles | 2012
    Qiu JX; Donaldson DA, 2012, 'Organizational Portfolio Analysis: Focusing on Risk Inside the Corporation', Long Range Planning, 45, pp. 235 - 257
    Journal articles | 2012
    Qiu JX; Donaldson DA, 2012, 'Stopford and Wells were Right! MNC Matrix Structures do fit a "High-High" Strategy', Management International Review, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11575-011-0122-z?LI=true#
    Journal articles | 2010
    Qiu JX; Donaldson DA, 2010, 'The cubic contingency model: Towards a more comprehensive international strategy-structure model', Journal of General Management, 36, pp. 81 - 100, http://www.braybrooke.co.uk/dynamic/viewarticle.php?articleid=207
  • Conference Papers | 2017
    Qiu JX; Rooney D, 2017, 'Corporate mindfulness and its unintended consequences on employee well-being: A four-stage mindfulness development model', in Corporate mindfulness and its unintended consequences on employee well-being: A four-stage mindfulness development model, EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy, presented at EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy, 05 July 2017 - 09 July 2016
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Qiu JX; Shao ; Luo , 2016, 'Diversification or Desynchronicity: An Organisational Portfolio Perspective to Risk Reduction', in Diversification or Desynchronicity: An Organisational Portfolio Perspective to Risk Reduction, Brisbane, presented at ANZAM Conference, Brisbane, 06 December 2016 - 09 December 2016, http://www.anzam.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf-manager/2752_ANZAM-2016-047-FILE001.PDF
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Qiu JX, 2015, 'Geographical Portfolio Analysis: Opening the Black Box of Risk inside Multinational Corporations', in Geographical Portfolio Analysis: Opening the Black Box of Risk inside Multinational Corporations, Academy of International Business, Bengaluru, presented at Academy of International Business, Bengaluru, 27 June 2015 - 30 June 2015
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Lui SS; Qiu JX, 2012, 'Effective Knowledge Flow in Multiunit Firms: A Contingency Framework for Sub-Unit Structure.', in Effective Knowledge Flow in Multiunit Firms: A Contingency Framework for Sub-Unit Structure., The Strategic Management Society China Sepcial Conference, Guangzhou, China, presented at The Strategic Management Society China Sepcial Conference, Guangzhou, China, 14 December 2012 - 16 December 2012
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Lui SS; Qiu JX, 2011, 'Unfamiliar opportunities: Challenges of East-West alliances (Symposium presentation)', in Unfamiliar opportunities: Challenges of East-West alliances (Symposium presentation), 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - West Meets East: Enlightening, Balancing, Transcending, AOM 2011, San Antonio, Texas, presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - West Meets East: Enlightening, Balancing, Transcending, AOM 2011, San Antonio, Texas, 12 August 2011 - 16 August 2011
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Suh C; Ray PK; Ida M; Qiu JX, 2007, 'Technology Accumulation in the Flying Geese Trajectory - The Case of South Korea', in Academy of International Business: Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2007, Hangzhou, China, presented at Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2007, Hangzhou, China, 06 December 2007 - 08 December 2007