Associate Professor James Connor
Associate Professor James Connor Integrity Coordinator and Academic in the School of Business at UNSW, Canberra.
A/Prof Connor is a sociologist who specialises in understanding the intersection of culture, social action and change. His military and sport research centres on understanding cultural influences on negative behaviours, and consequently, how these might be changed. His work on the military includes the ARC DP “Institutional Abuse and Organisational Reform in the ADF” (with A/Prof Wadham, $127k). Recent publications in Armed Forces and Society – “The Military Scandal: Its Definition, Dynamics, and Significance” (2019) and “Military Loyalty as a Moral Emotion” (2019).
He has been funded by the Australian and World anti-doping agencies to explore how and why athletes dope and cheat. Essentially, He tries to understand intransigent problems of behaviour in organisations and how we might overcome them utilising novel theory and methods.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
ZBUS3310 Emotion at Work
ZBUS2901 Business Research
ZBUS2902 Research Project in Business 1
ZBUS3901 Research Project in Business 2
ZBUS3902 Research Project in Business 3
ZBUS4001 Literature Review (Honours)
ZBUS4002 Research Methods (Honours)
ZBUS4101 Business Research 1 (Honours)
ZBUS4102 Business Research 2 (Honours)
ZBUS8501 Research Project - Business
ZBUS8502 Research Project - Business