Scientia Professor Ian Tyrrell

Emeritus Professor

BA Qld, MA PhD Duke

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Humanities & Languages
352 Morven Brown
  • Books | 2015
    Tyrrell I; Sexton J, 2015, Empire’s Twin: U.S. Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism, Cornell University Press,
    Books | 2015
    Tyrrell IR, 2015, Crisis of the Wasteful Nation: Empire and Conservation in Theodore Roosevelt’s America, University of Chicago Press, Chicago,
    Books | 2010
    Tyrrell IR, 2010, Reforming the world: the creation of Americas moral empire, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford
    Books | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, Transnational Nation: United States history in global perspective since 1789, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmills, United Kingdom
    Books | 2005
    Tyrrell IR, 2005, Historians in Public: The practice of American history, 1890-1970, University of Chicago Press, Chicago
    Books | 2003
    , 2003, Alcohol & Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia, Tyrrell IR; Blocker JS; Fahey DM, (eds.), ABC-CLIO, California, USA
    Books | 1999
    Tyrrell IR, 1999, Deadly enemies: tobacco and its opponents in Australia, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney
    Books | 1999
    Tyrrell IR, 1999, True gardens of the gods: Californian-Australian environmental reform, 1860-1930, University of California Press, Berkeley
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Tyrrell I, 2021, '“Vectors of Practicality: Social Gospel, the North American YMCA in Asia, and the Global Context,”', in Spreading Protestant Modernity Global Perspectives on the Social Work of the YMCA and YWCA, 1889-1970, pp. 39 - 60,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Tyrrell IR; Sexton J, 2015, 'American Anti-Imperialism since 1776', in Tyrrell IR; Sexton J (ed.), Empire's Twin, Cornell University Press,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Tyrrell IR; Sexton J, 2015, 'Whither American Anti-imperialism in a Postcolonial World?', in Tyrrell IR; Sexton J (ed.), Empire's Twin, pp. 219 - 242
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Tyrrell IR, 2015, 'Resource Use, Conservation, and the Environmental Limits of Anti-imperialism, c. 1890–1930', in Tyrrell IR; Sexton J (ed.), Empire's Twin, Cornell University Press, pp. 167 - 184,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Tyrrell IR, 2015, 'The United States in World History since the 1750s', in McNeill J; Pomeranz K (ed.), 1 - Production, destruction, and connection, 1750–present: introduction Volume 7: Production, Destruction and Connection, 1750–Present, Part 1: Structures, Spaces, and Boundary Making, Cambridge University Press, pp. 585 - 610,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Habjan J; Whyte J, 2014, '(Mis)readings of Marx in Continental Philosophy', in , pp. 1 - 229
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Tyrrell IR, 2014, 'Die US-amerikanische Missionsexpansion und der Aufstieg des amerikanischen »Empires« im späten 19. Jahrhundert', in Große J; Spöring F; Tschurenev J (ed.), Biopolitik und Sittlichkeitsreform, Campus Verlag, pp. 49 - 81,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Tyrrell IR, 2013, 'Missionary Movements', in The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History, Oxford University Press, pp. 698 - 704
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Tyrrell IR, 2013, 'The Myth(s) That Will Not Die: American National Exceptionalism', in Bouchard G (ed.), National Myths: Constructed Pasts, Contested Presents, Routledge, pp. 46 - 64,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Tyrrell IR, 2012, 'Continuities in American Empire: The Nineteenth-Century Inheritance and the Return of History', in Roberts P; Renyi M; Xunhau Y (ed.), China Views Nine-Eleven, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 96 - 110
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Tyrrell IR, 2012, 'The Space and Time of Transnational History', in Hebel UJ (ed.), Transnational American Studies, Universitaetsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, DE, pp. 75 - 96
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Tyrrell IR, 2012, 'Women and temperance in Antebellum America, 1830-1860', in Social and Moral Reform, pp. 116 - 140,
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Tyrrell IR, 2011, 'Historical Writing in the United States', in Schneider A; Woolf D (ed.), Oxford History of Historical Writing, vol. 5: Historical Writing since 1945, Oxford University Pres, Oxford, pp. 473 - 495
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Tyrrell IR, 2010, 'Woman, missions, and empire : new approaches to American cultural expansion', in Reeves-Ellington B; Sklar KK; Shemo C (ed.), Competing Kingdoms: Women, Mission, Nation, and American Empire, 1812?1960, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, pp. 51 - 83
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Tyrrell IR, 2009, 'Empire in American History', in McCoy AW; Scarano FA (ed.), Colonial Crucible: Empire in the Making of the Modern American State, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI, pp. 541 - 556
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Tyrrell IR, 2008, 'Beard, Charles and Mary', in Darity, William A., Jr. - International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,, Macmillan Reference, Detroit, USA, pp. 268 - 269
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Tyrrell IR, 2008, 'Transatlantic Progressivism in Women�s Temperance and Suffrage', in Gutzke DW (ed.), Britain and Transatlantic Progressivism, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 133 - 148
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'American Exceptionalism and Anti-Americanism', in Anti-Americanism: History, Causes, and Themes. Vol. 2: Historical Perspectives, Greenwood World Publishing, Oxford, England, pp. 99 - 117
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'American Exceptionalism and Uneven Global Integration: Resistance to the Global Society', in Mazlish B; Chanda N; Weisbrode K (ed.), The Paradox of Global USA, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, pp. 64 - 80
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Tyrrell IR, 2006, 'The `Nature` of environmental history: new views from the Pacific', in Nature et progres: interactions, eclusions, mutations, Paris Sorbonne Presses de Universite, Paris, pp. 11 - 31
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'Frances Elizabeth Carline Willard', in Blocker Jr JS; Fahey DM; Tyrrell IR (ed.), Alcohol & Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, California, USA, pp. 661 - 664
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'India', in Blocker Jnr JS; Fahey DM; Tyrrell IR (ed.), Alcohol & Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, California, USA, pp. 308 - 311
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'World League against alcoholism', in Blocker Jr JS; Fahey DM; Tyrrell IR (ed.), Alcohol & Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, California, USA, pp. 691 - 692
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'World`s Woman`s Christian Temperance Union', in Blocker Jr JS; Fahey DM; Tyrrell IR (ed.), Alcohol & Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, California, USA, pp. 694 - 697
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Tyrrell IR, 2002, 'Beyond the view from Euro-America', in Thomas Bender (ed.), Rethinking American history in a global age, University of California Press, California, pp. 168 - 191
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Tyrrell IR, 2002, 'Modern environmentalism', in Agnew J-C; Rosenzweig R (ed.), A Companion to post-1945 America, Blackwell Publishers, pp. 328 - 342
    Book Chapters | 1997
    Tyrrell IR, 1997, 'Tasks and Achievements in Alcohol and Temperance Historiography', in The Changing Face of Drink: Substance, Imagery and Behaviour, Les Publications Histoire Sociale/ Social History, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 381 - 401
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Tyrrell I, 2024, 'Disasters, Migration, Refugee Policy, and Other Fast or Slow Catastrophes', Diplomatic History, 48, pp. 616 - 618,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Tyrrell I, 2024, 'Tamson Pietsch takes us on an educational voyage with the Floating University', History Australia, 21, pp. 302 - 304,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tyrrell I, 2023, 'Raf De Bont, Nature’s Diplomats: Science, Internationalism & Preservation, 1920–1960. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021, ISBN: 9780822946618, x + 373 pp', Journal of the History of Biology, 56, pp. 197 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tyrrell I, 2021, 'Crossing Empires: Taking U.S. History into Transimperial Terrain', The Journal of Pacific History, 56, pp. 499 - 500,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tyrrell I, 2019, 'Holy Humanitarians: American Evangelicals and Global Aid. Curtis, Heather D', Journal of Church and State, 61, pp. 152 - 154,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tyrrell I, 2019, 'Melani McAlister. The Kingdom of God Has No Borders: A Global History of American Evangelicals.', The American Historical Review, 124, pp. 1876 - 1877,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Tyrrell I, 2018, 'ROBERT WIEBE'STHE SEARCH FOR ORDER, FIFTY YEARS ON', The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 17, pp. 397 - 411,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Tyrrell I, 2016, 'Cattle Colonialism: an environmental history of the conquest of California and Hawaiʻi', The Journal of Pacific History, 51, pp. 107 - 109,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Tyrrell IR, 2015, 'Conservation and Forestry in the American Tropics: John Clayton Gifford in Puerto Rico', Environment and Society Portal, Arcadia,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Tyrrell I, 2014, 'Humanitarian Crossings: The International Work of the American Red Cross - Julia F. Irwin Making the World Safe: The American Red Cross and a Nation's Humanitarian Awakening. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. xii + 273 pp. $34.95 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-19-976640-6.', The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 13, pp. 455 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tyrrell I, 2013, 'Anti-Americanism Historicized', Reviews in American History, 41, pp. 445 - 450,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tyrrell I, 2013, 'The Shock of America: Europe and the Challenge of the Century * The Transatlantic Century: Europe and America, 1890-2010', Journal of American History, 100, pp. 865 - 867,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tyrrell IR, 2013, 'From the wet and mud of Newcastle: reflections on ANZASA and U.S. history in Australia, 1974-2012', Australasian Journal of American Studies (AJAS), 32, pp. 62
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tyrrell IR, 2013, 'Review Essay: Bernhard Gissibl, Sabine Höhler and Patrick Kupper (editors), Civilizing Nature: National Parks in Global Historical Perspective', ENNZ: Environment and Nature in New Zealand, 8, pp. 49 - 58
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tyrrell IR, 2013, 'To the Halls of Europe: Theodore Roosevelt’s African Jaunt and the Campaign to Save Nature by Killing It', Australasian Journal of Ecocriticism and Cultural Ecology (AJE), 2, pp. 5 - 16
    Journal articles | 2012
    TYRRELL IAN, 2012, 'Ian Tyrrell Replies', Journal of American Studies, 46, pp. 45 - 49,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Tyrrell IR, 2012, 'America’s National Parks: The Transnational Creation of National Space in the Progressive Era', Journal of American Studies, 46, pp. 1 - 21
    Journal articles | 2011
    Munro D; Pawson E; Tyrrell I; Mcneill JR; Bennett JA, 2011, 'Natives and Exotics', The Journal of Pacific History, 46, pp. 117 - 131,
    Journal articles | 2011
    TYRRELL IAN, 2011, 'Benjamin H. Johnson and Andrew R. Graybill (eds.), Bridging National Borders in North America: Transnational and Comparative Histories (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. x+373, £72.00, £17.99 pb.', Journal of Latin American Studies, 43, pp. 198 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Tyrrell IR, 2011, 'Epic of the Wartime Pacific: Environment and Military Conflict', Journal of Pacific History, 46, pp. 120 - 123
    Journal articles | 2009
    Tyrrell I, 2009, 'Reflections on the transnational turn in United States history: theory and practice', Journal of Global History, 4, pp. 453 - 474,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Tyrrell IR, 2009, 'Reflections on the Transnational Turn in United States History: Theory and Practice', Journal of Global History, 3, pp. 453 - 474
    Journal articles | 2009
    Tyrrell IR, 2009, 'The Scholarly Odyssey of an Activity Historian: Alan Dawley in Historiography', Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 8, pp. 29 - 49
    Journal articles | 2008
    Tyrrell IR, 2008, 'Advertising sin and sickness: The politics of alcohol and tobacco marketing, 1950-1990', American Historical Review, 113, pp. 782 - 785
    Journal articles | 2008
    Tyrrell IR, 2008, 'REVIEW: Advertising sin and sickness: The politics of alcohol and tobacco marketing, 1950-1990', American Historical Review, 113, pp. 782 - 785
    Journal articles | 2008
    Tyrrell IR, 2008, 'The cigarette century: The rise, fall, and deadly persistence of the product that defined America', American Historical Review, 113, pp. 782 - 785
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'Comparative and transnational history', Australian Feminist Studies, 22, pp. 49 - 54
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'Confronting the `E` Word: American Empire and Transnational History', Australasian Journal of American Studies, 26, pp. 41 - 53
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'Coolies and cane: Race, labor, and sugar in the age of emancipation', Labour History, 93, pp. 246 - 247
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'Environment, landscape and history - Gardening in Australia', Australian Historical Studies, 38, pp. 339 - 347
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'How a Continent created a nation', Historical Records of Australian Science, 18, pp. 299 - 301
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tyrrell IR, 2007, 'Public at the Creation: Place, Memory, and Historical Practice in the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 1907 - 1950', Journal of American History, 94, pp. 19 - 46
    Journal articles | 2006
    Tyrrell IR, 2006, 'Historians and Publics in the Early Televisual Age: Academics, Film and the Rise of Television in the 1950s and 1960s', The Maryland Historian, 30, pp. 41 - 60
    Journal articles | 2005
    Tyrrell IR, 2005, 'Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs: a response to David Courtwright', The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: an interdisciplinary journal, 20, pp. 129 - 132
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tyrrell IR, 2004, 'Acclimatisation and environmental renovation: Australian perspectives on George Perkins Marsh', Environment and History, 10, pp. 153 - 167,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tyrrell IR, 2004, 'American History in Australia: local problems and global prospects', Australasian Journal of American Studies, 23, pp. 65 - 71
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tyrrell IR, 2004, 'Introduction: Friends and Enemies in the New World Order: perspectives on the American alliance and anti-Americanism', Australasian Journal of American Studies, 23, pp. 34 - 38
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tyrrell IR, 2004, 'Lucas, Margaret Bright', New Dictionary of National Biography, pp. electronic - electronic
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tyrrell IR, 2004, 'Pathways to prohibition: Radicals, moderates, and social movement outcomes', Journal of American History, 91, pp. 1046 - 1047
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tyrrell IR, 2004, 'Somerset [nee Somers-Cocks], Lady Isabella Caroline', New Dictionary of National Biography, pp. electronic - electronic
    Journal articles | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'Insatiable appetite: The United States and the ecological degradationof the tropical world', Diplomatic History, 27, pp. 607 - 610
    Journal articles | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'The Challenge of De-provincializing US History in World War Two', Amerikastudien - American Studies, 48, pp. 41 - 59
    Journal articles | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'The Threat of de-provincializing U.S. history in World War Two: Allan Nevins and the New York Times to the rescue', Amerikastudien - American Studies, 48, pp. 41 - 59
    Journal articles | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'The future of American studies in Australia: problems and possibilities', Australasian Journal of American Studies, 22, pp. 97 - 102
    Journal articles | 2003
    Tyrrell IR, 2003, 'Tropical Footprints: joining environmental and United States diplomatic history - Review of R.P. Tucker, Insatiable appetite: the United States and the ecological degradation of the tropical world', Diplomatic History, 27, pp. 607 - 610
    Journal articles | 2002
    Tyrrell IR, 2002, 'Rethinking American empire in light of the events of September 11', Australasian Journal of American Studies, 21, pp. 76 - 82
    Journal articles | 2001
    Tyrrell IR, 2001, 'New comparisons, international works: transnational and comparative perspectives', Australian Feminist Studies, 16, pp. 355 - 361
    Journal articles | 2000
    Tyrrell IR, 2000, 'Review of C. Murdock, Domesticating drink, C. Mattingly, Well-tempered women, and J. Zimmerman: Distilling democracy', Journal of American History, pp. 248 - 250
    Journal articles | 2000
    Tyrrell IR, 2000, 'The great historical Jeremiad: The problem of specialization in American historiography', History Teacher, pp. 321 - 343
    Journal articles | 2000
    Tyrrell IR, 2000, 'The limits of persuasion: Advertising, gender and the culture of Australian smoking', Australian Historical Studies, 114, pp. 27 - 47
    Journal articles | 1999
    Tyrrell IR, 1999, 'Making nations/making states: American historians in the context of empire', Journal of American History, pp. 1015 - 1044
    Journal articles | 1998
    Tyrrell IR, 1998, 'Before the Surgeon-General`s report: public discourse in Australia over tobacco addiction to 1964', Australian Journal of Politics and History, pp. 177 - 190
    Journal articles | 1998
    Tyrrell IR, 1998, 'Contract employment in Australian universities: the new award and implications for history', Organization of American historians' newsletter, pp. 1 - 14
    Journal articles | 1998
    Tyrrell IR, 1998, 'The anti-tobacco reform and the temperance movement in Australia: connections and differences', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, pp. 10 - 25
    Journal articles | 1997
    Tyrrell IR, 1997, 'Imagining America and its Landscapes: New Views from European American Studies', Australasian Journal of American Studies, 16, pp. 71 - 82
    Journal articles | 1997
    Tyrrell IR, 1997, 'Peripheral Visions: Californian-Australian Environment Contacts, c1850`s-1910', Journal of World History, pp. 275 - 302
    Journal articles | 1997
    Tyrrell IR, 1997, 'The US Prohibition `Experiment`: Myths, History and Implications', Addiction, pp. 1405 - 1409
    Journal articles | 1995
    Tyrrell IR, 1995, 'Specialisation and history`s audiences: a conversation with David Thelen', Australasian Journal of American Studies, 14, pp. 55 - 68
    Journal articles | 1992
    Journal articles | 1992
    Journal articles | 1982
    Journal articles | 1982