Ms Helen Monaghan

Ms Helen Monaghan

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Medicine & Health
George Institute for Global Health

I'm a Project Manager in the Implementation to Impact team within the School of Population Health, working on the Precision Care Initiative which aims to optimise the delivery of evidence-based precision cancer medicine in the Australian public health system and enable effective and efficient scale up.

I have more than 25 years' experience working in clinical research primarily working on academic investigator-initiated clinical trials and also have a role at The George Institute as Head Clinical Trial Partnerships, which is focused on optimising clinical trial infrastructure across Australia, developing relationships with clinical trials operations staff across the sector and leading Join Us, a national disease-agnostic research register.


  • Journal articles | 2025
    Chye A; Jan S; Pathy NB; Luna HGC; Lim SB; Kimman M; Woodward M; Peters S; Monaghan H; Ngelangel CA; Angell B, 2025, 'Modelling the health, financial protection and equity impacts of upscaling the ACT NOW early intervention breast cancer pilot program in the Philippines: An extended cost-effectiveness analysis', BMJ Global Health, 10,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kim D; Lv J; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Shan S; Reich HN; Barbour S; Billot L; Zhang H; Perkovic V; Wong MG; Levin A; Cattran D; Johnson DW; Wheeler D; Flöge J; Woodward M; Jardine M; Zhao MH; Agarwal R; Glassock R; Chan TM; Wu Y; Liu Z, 2024, 'The Efficacy and Safety of Reduced-Dose Oral Methylprednisolone in High-Risk Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy', Kidney International Reports, 9, pp. 2168 - 2179,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li J; Lv J; Wong MG; Shi S; Zan J; Monaghan H; Perkovic V; Zhang H; Agarwal R; Barbour S; Cattran D; Cass A; Chan TM; Feehally J; Glassock R; Hladunewich MA; Hooi LS; Jardine MJ; Jha V; Johnson DW; Levin A; Liu ZH; Reich H; Remuzzi G; Wheeler DC; Wong MG; Woodward M; Wu Y; Zhao M, 2024, 'Correlation of Urinary Soluble CD163 Levels With Disease Activity and Treatment Response in IgA Nephropathy', Kidney International Reports, 9, pp. 3016 - 3026,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Journal articles | 2023
    KIM D; Lv J; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Billot L; Zhang H; Perkovic V; Wong MG, 2023, 'WCN23-0069 EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF REDUCED-DOSE ORAL METHYLPREDNISOLONE IN IGA NEPHROPATHY: THE TESTING TRIAL', Kidney International Reports, 8, pp. S51 - S52,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ma L; Hu X; Song L; Chen X; Ouyang M; Billot L; Li Q; Malavera A; Li X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; de Silva A; Thang NH; Wahab KW; Pandian JD; Wasay M; Pontes-Neto OM; Abanto C; Arauz A; Shi H; Tang G; Zhu S; She X; Liu L; Sakamoto Y; You S; Han Q; Crutzen B; Cheung E; Li Y; Wang X; Chen C; Liu F; Zhao Y; Li H; Liu Y; Jiang Y; Chen L; Wu B; Liu M; Xu J; You C; Anderson CS; Robinson T; Miranda JJ; Parry-Jones A; Sprigg N; Durrans S; Harris C; Bamford A; Smith O; Herbert R; Chen C; Whiteley W; Hu R; Mysore J; Zhang Y; Jan S; Liu H; Sun L; Chu H; Anjum A; Gonzalez Mc Cawley F; Del Rio A; Rimoli B; Cerantola R; Jeevarajah T; Kannangara M; Joseph A; Nanayakkara C; Zhang C; Yang Z; Li B; Meng Z; Ning Y; Dong L; Armenis M; Lim J; Monaghan H; Luo R; Cheng G; Dong Y; Liu Z; Wang S; Zhang Y; Cheng J; Shi H; Li W; Mou L; Yi P; Chen X; Weerawardena S; Ellawala P; Ranasinghe E; Rodrigo C; Adeniyi S; Khanna M; González F; Urrutia Goldsack F, 2023, 'The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3): an international, stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 402, pp. 27 - 40,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kong YC; Kimman M; Subramaniam SD; Yip CH; Jan S; Aung S; Khoa MT; Ngelangel CA; Nyein HL; Sangrajrang S; Tanabodee J; Bhoo-Pathy N; Arounlangsy P; Balete SL; Bounxouei B; Bui D; Datukan J; Gorospe AE; Khopaibul P; Khuayjarernpanishk T; Khuhaprema T; Khin M; Kingston D; Klinwimol T; Lalitwongsa S; Lawbundis D; Lola C; Cristal-Luna G; Marbella L; Mai Trong K; Maung SO; Mon S; Naing WPP; Ong-Cornel AB; Oo KM; Orolfo-Real I; Pham Xuan D; Pharin S; Pujianto ; Rattanavong O; Samnang K; Sangkittipaiboon S; Santiago-Ferreras C; Sarnianto P; Shwe S; Sokha E; Sinthusake T; Suanplu D; Thabrany H; Thepsuwan K; Htun YY; Viroath H; Win LL; Win SS; Win TM; Ashariati A; Atmakusuma D; Bakta IM; Diep Bao T; Djatmiko A; Fachruddin A; Goh PP; Kim Loan DT; Kurnianda J; Monaghan H; Muthalib A; Ngo Thuy T; Ngoc Phung DT; Nguyen Hoang T; Nga NTH; Panigoro SS; Pham Quang H; Quach Thanh K; Suardi DR; Sudoyo AW; Tran Dang K; Tran Dinh H; Suharti C; Suyatno ; Woodward M, 2022, 'Out-of-pocket payments for complementary medicine following cancer and the effect on financial outcomes in middle-income countries in southeast Asia: a prospective cohort study', The Lancet Global Health, 10, pp. e416 - e428,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lv J; Wong MG; Hladunewich MA; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Zhao M; Barbour S; Jardine MJ; Reich HN; Cattran D; Glassock R; Levin A; Wheeler DC; Woodward M; Billot L; Stepien S; Rogers K; Chan TM; Liu ZH; Johnson DW; Cass A; Feehally J; Floege J; Remuzzi G; Wu Y; Agarwal R; Zhang H; Perkovic V, 2022, 'Effect of Oral Methylprednisolone on Decline in Kidney Function or Kidney Failure in Patients With IgA Nephropathy: The TESTING Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 327, pp. 1888 - 1898,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Golledge J; Arnott C; Moxon J; Monaghan H; Norman R; Morris D; Li Q; Jones G; Roake J; Bown M; Neal B, 2021, 'Protocol for the Metformin Aneurysm Trial (MAT): a placebo-controlled randomised trial testing whether metformin reduces the risk of serious complications of abdominal aortic aneurysm', Trials, 22, pp. 962,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Perkovic V; Lv J; Wong MG; Hladunewich MA; Jha V; Monaghan H; Zhang H, 2021, 'The TESTING Study: Steroids vs. Placebo in High Risk IgA Nephropathy', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 32, pp. B1 - B1,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wong MG; Lv J; Hladunewich MA; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Zhao M; Barbour S; Reich HN; Cattran D; Glassock R; Levin A; Jardine MJ; Wheeler DC; Woodward M; Billot L; Chan TM; Liu ZH; Johnson DW; Cass A; Feehally J; Floege J; Remuzzi G; Wu Y; Agarwal R; Zhang H; Perkovic V, 2021, 'The Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global (TESTING) Study: Trial Design and Baseline Characteristics', American Journal of Nephrology, 52, pp. 827 - 836,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Anderson CS; Huang Y; Lindley RI; Chen X; Arima H; Chen G; Li Q; Billot L; Delcourt C; Bath PM; Broderick JP; Demchuk AM; Donnan GA; Durham AC; Lavados PM; Martins SO; Olavarria VV; Levi C; Parsons MW; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma VK; Silva F; Song L; Thang NH; Wardlaw JM; Wang JG; Wang X; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Robinson TG; Kim JS; Stapf C; Simes RJ; Hankey GJ; Sandercock P; Bousser MG; Wong KSL; Scaria A; Hirakawa Y; Moullaali TJ; Carcel C; Gordon P; Fuentes-Patarroyo SX; Benito D; Chen R; Cao Y; Kunchok A; Winters S; Coutts S; Yoshimura S; You S; Yang J; Wu G; Zhang S; Manning L; Mistri A; Haunton V; Minhas J; Malavera A; Lim J; Liu L; Kumar NN; Tay N; Jenson K; Richtering S; Tucker S; Knight E; Ivanova E; Thembani E; Odgers E; Sanders E; Small S; Vaghasiya R; Armenis M; Donnelly P; Baig MA; Blacklock N; Naidu B; Monaghan H; Smith P; Glass P; Bai X; Li Q; Zhu P; Kong L; He R; Zhao H; Lv J; Jia H; Xi Z; Cong Y; Cui B; Deng H; Guo Y; He L, 2019, 'Intensive blood pressure reduction with intravenous thrombolysis therapy for acute ischaemic stroke (ENCHANTED): an international, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint, phase 3 trial', The Lancet, 393, pp. 877 - 888,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Venturelli PM; Li X; Middleton S; Watkins C; Lavados PM; Olavarría VV; Brunser A; Pontes-Neto O; Santos TEG; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Song L; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Hackett M; Jan S; Woodward M; Scaria A; Herbert R; Monaghan H, 2019, 'Impact of evidence-based stroke care on patient outcomes: A multilevel analysis of an international study', Journal of the American Heart Association, 8, pp. e012640,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bhoo-Pathy N; Yip CH; Peters SAE; Kimman M; Sullivan R; Jan S; Woodward M; Ng CW; Arounlangsy P; Aung S; Balete SL; Bounxouei B; Bui D; Datukan J; Gorospe AE; Yip CH; Khopaibul P; Khuayjarernpanishk T; Khuhaprema T; Khin M; Klinwimol T; Lalitwongsa S; Lawbundis D; Lola C; Cristal-Luna G; Marbella L; Trong KM; Maung SO; Mon S; Pa Naing WP; Ngelangel CA; Nyein HL; Ong-Cornel AB; Oo KM; Orolfo-Real I; Xuan DP; Pharin S; Pujianto ; Rattanavong O; Samnang K; Sangkittipaiboon S; Sangrajrang S; Santiago-Ferreras C; Sarnianto P; Shwe S; Sokha E; Sinthusake T; Suanplu D; Tanabodee J; Thabrany H; Thepsuwan K; Htun YY; Viroath H; Le Win L; Win SS; Win TM; Ashariati A; Atmakusuma D; Bakta IM; Thi Kim LD; Thi Ngoc PD; Bao TD; Djatmiko A; Fachruddin A; Goh PP; Kurnianda J; Monaghan H; Muthalib A; Thuy TN; Hoang TN; Thi Hoai NN; Panigoro SS; Quang HP; Thanh KQ; Suardi DR; Subramaniam SD; Sudoyo AW; Dang KT; Dinh HT; Suharti C; Suyatno , 2017, 'Policy and priorities for national cancer control planning in low- and middle-income countries: Lessons from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Costs in Oncology prospective cohort study', European Journal of Cancer, 74, pp. 26 - 37,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jardine MJ; Zuo L; Gray NA; De Zoysa JR; Chan CT; Gallagher MP; Monaghan H; Grieve SM; Puranik R; Lin H; Eris JM; Zhang L; Xu J; Howard K; Lo S; Cass A; Perkovic V, 2017, 'A trial of extending hemodialysis hours and quality of life', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 28, pp. 1898 - 1911,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kimman ML; Jan S; Peters SAE; Yip CH; Ngelangel CA; Orolfo-Real I; Bhoo-Pathy N; Woodward M; Arounlangsy P; Aung S; Balete SL; Bounxouei B; Bui D; Datukan J; Gorospe AE; Yip CH; Htun YY; Khopaibul P; Khuayjarernpanishk T; Khuhaprema T; Khin M; Naing WPP; Oo KM; Shwe S; Win LL; Kingston D; Klinwimol T; Lalitwongsa S; Lawbundis D; Lola C; Marbella L; Trong KM; Maung SO; Mon S; Nyein HL; Ong-Cornel AB; Xuan DP; Pharin S; Pujianto ; Rattanavong O; Samnang K; Sangkittipaiboon S; Sangrajrang S; Santiago-Ferreras C; Sokha E; Sinthusake T; Suanplu D; Tanabodee J; Thabrany H; Thepsuwan K; Viroath H; Win SS; Win TM; Ashariati A; Atmakusuma D; Bakta IM; Kim LDT; Ngoc PDT; Bao TD; Djatmiko A; Fachruddin A; Kurnianda J; Monaghan H; Muthalib A; Thuy TN; Hoang TN; Hoai NNT; Quang HPM; Panigoro SS; Pin GP; Thanh KQ; Sarnianto P; Suardi DR; Subramaniam S; Sudoyo AW; Dang KT; Dinh HT; Suharti C; Suyatno , 2017, 'Health-related quality of life and psychological distress among cancer survivors in Southeast Asia: Results from a longitudinal study in eight low- and middle-income countries', BMC Medicine, 15,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Liyanage T; Ninomiya T; Perkovic V; Woodward M; Stirnadel-Farrant H; Matsushita K; Iseki K; Seong HL; Monaghan H; Jha V, 2017, 'Chronic kidney disease in Asia: Protocol for a collaborative overview', Nephrology, 22, pp. 456 - 462,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lv J; Zhang H; Wong MG; Jardine MJ; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Monaghan H; Zhao M; Barbour S; Reich H; Cattran D; Glassock R; Levin A; Wheeler D; Woodward M; Billot L; Chan TM; Liu ZH; Johnson DW; Cass A; Feehally J; Floege J; Remuzzi G; Wu Y; Agarwal R; Wang HY; Perkovic V, 2017, 'Effect of oral methylprednisolone on clinical outcomes in patients with IgA nephropathy: The TESTING randomized clinical trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 318, pp. 432 - 442,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Jan S; Kimman M; Peters SAE; Woodward M, 2015, 'Financial catastrophe, treatment discontinuation and death associated with surgically operable cancer in South-East Asia: Results from the ACTION Study', Surgery (United States), 157, pp. 971 - 982,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kimman M; Jan S; Monaghan H; Woodward M, 2015, 'The relationship between economic characteristics and health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed cancer patients in Southeast Asia: results from an observational study', Quality of Life Research, 24, pp. 937 - 949,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kimman M; Jan S; Yip CH; Thabrany H; Peters SA; Bhoo-Pathy N; Woodward M; Arounlangsy P; Aung S; Balete SL; Bounxouei B; Bui D; Datukan J; Gorospe AE; Khopaibul P; Khuayjarernpanishk T; Khuhaprema T; Khin M; Kingston D; Klinwimol T; Lalitwongsa S; Lawbundis D; Lola C; Marbella L; Trong KM; Maung SO; Mon S; Naing WPP; Ngelangel CA; Nyein HL; Ong-Cornel AB; Oo KM; Orolfo-Real I; Xuan DP; Pharin S; Pujianto ; Rattanavong O; Samnang K; Sangkittipaiboon S; Sangrajrang S; Santiago-Ferreras C; Shwe S; Sokha E; Sinthusake T; Suanplu D; Tanabodee J; Thepsuwan K; Tun YY; Viroath H; Win LL; Win SS; Win TM; Ashariati A; Atmakusuma D; Bakta IM; Thi Kim LD; Thi Ngoc PD; Bao TD; Djatmiko A; Fachruddin A; Kurnianda J; Monaghan H; Muthalib A; Thuy TN; Hoang TN; Thi Hoai NN; Panigoro SS; Quang HP; Pin GP; Thanh KQ; Sarnianto P; Suardi DR; Subramaniam S; Sudoyo AW; Dang KT; Dinh HT; Suharti C; Suyatno ; Cristal-Luna G; Hung NC, 2015, 'Catastrophic health expenditure and 12-month mortality associated with cancer in Southeast Asia: Results from a longitudinal study in eight countries', BMC Medicine, 13,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Zoungas S; Chalmers J; Neal B; Billot L; Li Q; Biostat M; Hirakawa Y; Arima H; Monaghan H; Joshi R; Colagiuri S; Cooper ME; Glasziou P; Grobbee D; Hamet P; Harrap S; Heller S; Lisheng L; Mancia G; Marre M; Matthews DR; Mogensen CE; Perkovic V; Poulter N; Rodgers A; Williams B; MacMahon S; Patel A; Woodward M, 2014, 'Follow-up of blood-pressure lowering and glucose control in type 2 diabetes', New England Journal of Medicine, 371, pp. 1392 - 1406,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Kimman M; Jan S; Kingston D; Monaghan H; Sokha E; Thabrany H; Bounxouei B; Bhoo-Pathy N; Khin M; Cristal-Luna G; Khuhaprema T; Hung NC; Woodward M, 2012, 'Socioeconomic impact of cancer in member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): The ACTION study protocol', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13, pp. 421 - 425,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Mihaylova B; Briggs A; Hlatky M; Armitage M; Parish S; Gray A; Collins R; Collins R; Meade T; Sleight P; Peto R; Youngman L; Buxton M; De Bono D; George C; Fuller J; Keech A; Mansfield A; Pentecost B; Simpson D; Warlow C; McNamara J; O’Toole L; Doll R; Wilhelmsen L; Fox KM; Hill C; Sandercock P; Benjamin N; Webster J; Jamieson J; Donald L; Blandford R; Carrington L; McMahon H; Cheetham D; Reckless J; Brice L; Carpenter R; Christmas J; Flower C; Cooper I; Frampton S; Pickerell E; Wells J; Scott M; Crowe V; Shaw A; Shannon L; Jones S; Faulkner G; Lavery A; O’Leary H; Watson R; Capewell C; Hughes S; Bain S; Jones A; Holmes G; Jewkes C; Bellamy T; Harrison P; Buller N; Hooks J; Jones H; Smith E; Vint P; Crook P; Williams J; Bateson M; Cawley P; Gill P; Hawkeswell L; Simpson K; Cope C; Tricksey J; Wilson M; Cottrell S; Jones C; Llewellyn M; Smith P; Woodsford T; Vincent R; Joyce E; Skipper N; Peters P; Lemon M; Stansbie D; Hagos Kidan A; Halestap M; Gibbons A; Meredith J; Dawkins C; Papouchado M; Baker L; Boulton K; Dawe C; Lewis A; Wisby J; Brown M, 2009, 'Statin cost-effectiveness in the United States for people at different vascular risk levels', Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 2, pp. 65 - 72,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Glasziou P; Alexander J; Beller E; Clarke P; Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Cooper M; Ferrannini E; Grobbee D; Hamet P; Harrap S; Heller S; Lisheng L; Mancia G; Marre M; Mogensen C; Neal B; Yu Pan C; Patel A; Poulter N; Rodgers A; William B; Woodward M; Collins R; Holman R; Sleight P; Adams M; Branley M; Fulcher G; Jenkins B; Louis D; Lou W; Lowe H; McCormack A; Mitchell P; Ong S; Pollock C; Watson J; Wong T; Allen S; Bompoint S; Carreras A; Chen T; Flynn S; Gibbo S; Han D; Hough S; Jayne K; Joshi R; Kengne AP; Linn J; Monaghan H; Ng R; Perkovic V; Regaglia J; Schmidt M; Xin D; Yufang B; Holloway T; Gray B; Milne A; Adderkin A; Guertin MR; de Guise D; Liyuan M; Reid J; Subramaniam R; Wen W; Williamson K, 2007, 'Which health-related quality of life score? A comparison of alternative utility measures in patients with Type 2 diabetes in the ADVANCE trial', Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 5, pp. 21,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Monaghan H; Richens A; Colman S; Currie R; Girgis S; Jayne K; Neal B; Patel A, 2007, 'A randomised trial of the effects of an additional communication strategy on recruitment into a large-scale, multi-centre trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials, 28, pp. 1 - 5,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Suranyi MG, 2005, 'ADVANCE--Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: patient recruitment and characteristics of the study population at baseline.', Diabetic Medicine, 22, pp. 882 - 888
    Journal articles | 2003
    Patel A; Chalmers J; Chaturvedi V; Currie R; Monaghan H; Neal B, 2003, 'Diabetes and vascular disease: A new international trial', Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 11, pp. 180 - 184,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Chalmers J; Cooper M; Ferrannini E; Glasziou P; Grobbee D; Hamet P; Harrap S; Liu L; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Marre M; Matthews D; Mogensen C; Neal B; Yu Pan C; Poulter N; Rodgers A; Williams B; Woodward M; Collins R; Sandercock P; Sleight P; Holman R; Fulcher G; Pollock C; Celermajer D; Watson J; Harrisberg B; Currie R; Girgis S; Jayne K; Monaghan H; Patel A; Richens A; Gray B; Milne A; Adderkin A; Bak A; Flett S; De Guise D; Jetses E; Reid J; Stolk R; Wang W; Williams F; Zou X, 2001, 'Study rationale and design of ADVANCE: Action in diabetes and vascular disease - Preterax and diamicron MR controlled evaluation', Diabetologia, 44, pp. 1118 - 1120,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Chalmers J, 2001, 'Rationale and design of the advance study: A randomised trial of blood pressure lowering and intensive glucose control in high-risk individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus', Journal of Hypertension, Supplement, 19
    Journal articles | 1999
    Meade T; Sleight P; Collins R; Armitage J; Parish S; Peto R; Youngman L; Buxton M; de Bono D; Fuller J; Keech A; Mansfield A; Pentecost B; Simpson D; Warlow C; O'Toole L; Doll R; Wilhelmsen L; Fox K; Hill C; Sandercock P; Barton J; Bray C; Jayne K; Lawson A; Harding P; Lay M; Wallendszus K; Benjamin N; Webster J; Jamieson J; Donald L; Blandford R; Carrington L; McMahon H; Cheetham D; Reckless J; Brice L; Carpenter R; Christmas J; Flower C; Cooper I; Frampton S; Pickerell E; Wells J; Scott M; Crowe V; Shaw A; Shannon L; Jones S; Faulkner G; Lavery A; O'Leary H; Watson R; Capewell C; Hughes S; Bain S; Jones A; Holmes G; Jewkes C; Bellamy T; Harrison P; Buller N; Nield H; Smith E; Vint P; Crook P; Williams J; Bateson M; Cawley P; Gill P; Simpson K; Armitage M; Cope C; Tricksey J; Wilson M; Cottrell S; Jones C; Llewellyn M; Smith P; Woodsford T; Vincent R; Joyce E; Skipper N; Peters P; Lemon M; Stansbie D; Kidan AH; Halestrap M; Gibbons A; Meredith J; Dawkins C; Papouchado M; Baker L; Boulton K; Dawe C; Lewis A; Wisby J; Brown M; Emeny J; Smith W; Trutwein D; Cornwell M; Lloyd D; White C; Khalifa M; MacKereth N; Martin G; Baxter M; Chambers R; Glenn S; Kerr J; Golesworthy G; Watts A; Baines G; Groom J; Price L; Barlow I; Mallya S; Lewis S; Maiden J; Nash M; Lowe V; Scott A; Cozens S; Hannah J; Hinwood M; Millward J; Murphy J; Charters M; Graham B; Banks M; Nobbs R; Kemp T; Turner P; Sheldrake S; Labib M; Pearson R; Sidaway J; Davies P; Hodgkiss M; MacLeod D; Stuart R; Albrock J; Fisher J; Stuart F; Swainson C; Glenn S; Johnston J; Sadler S; Curren M; Feirnie S; Stenhouse L; Lindley R; Warlow C; Kenny A; Waddell F; Brownlie M; Guilar I; Marshall A; Went J; Clarke S; Inman A; Simmonds J; Duook B; Mortimore G; Pascoe A; Cobbe S; Campbell C; Young H; Keeble M; Absalom S; Bracey N; Falco L; Stone D; Tildesley G; Carr B; Longstaff G; Turner A; Wilkinson H; Wilkinson S; Hillson R; Brookes D; Capper B; Price K; Badrick V; Griffiths H; Fitzgerald J; Lewis S; Campbell P; Baines G; Claypole G; Lomas J; Rogers A; Brown A; Cheshire J; Rowley J; Ball S; Prentice C; Hall A; Atha P; Caffrey K; Currie W; Hague C; Hall S; Maguire P; Rose C; Watson R; Buxton A; Wedgwood A; Gilbey S; Currie W; Drury K; Hall S; Rose C; Wilson J; Vaughn M; Humphrey P; Blocksage J; McSloy R; Ost K; Owen L; Saminaden S; Watling D; Wiseman J; Davies J; Kehely A; Kooner J; Capper B; Corbett I; Peters J; Price K; Van Goethem M; Chambers J; Crawshaw M; O'Sullivan J; Powell S; Reoch M; Sanders J; Beament MF; Fangrad B; Williams Y; Banim S; Crake T; Ford B; Glynn V; Ismail S; Buller N; Coats A; Aitken L; Cruddas E; Serup-Hansen K; Nosworthy D; Reilly N; Coppack S; Clifton P; Holmes A; Camplin L; Travill C; Gent S; Hunter A; Stroud C; Griffiths K; Davies E; Mason M; Robinson A; Belfield S; Chambers J; Bispham L; Mercer A; Sheppard J; Burrage S; Cruickshank K; Chan KL; Wharfe V; Woodward J; Alexander F; Williams Y; Walker M; Thomas P; Day J; Edwards S; Nicholson P; Gleeson S; Savage M; Swan J; McSorland D; Waywell C; O'Neill C; Wharton L; Adams P; Lindley R; Cartilidge N; Mace M; Thompson M; Hulmes J; Armitage J; Collins R; Sleight P; Beebe S; Campbell M; Fitzgerald J; Goodwin S; Lawson A; Lochhead H; Whitbread P; Knight S; Taylor A; Booker V; Brooker R; Bruce N; Cody A; Corbett M; Crowther J; Greenlaw R; Hauer B; Heineman J; Hope C; Indge C; Jones R; Jones S; King M; Lang H; McCabe P; Monaghan H; Murphy K; Owers A; Peto C; Pickworth S; Radley A; Rowe A; Southren S; Wilson S; Wincott E; Youngman L; Buckingham L; Burton M; Chukwarah B; Clark S; Colominas C; Crowley S; Edwards S; Hill J; Kourellias K; Lennon C; McAteer M; Miller N; Radley M; Taylor J; Baigent C; Chen Z; Clarke R; Sudlow C; Findlay I; Campbell C; Hunter J; Young H; McNally E; Crowe P; Crowe V; Hunter B; Shaw A; Shannon L; Curless R; Lindley R; McKenna P; Roberts S; Black A; Martin J; Burt M; O'Donnell J; Marsh S; Woodward J; O'Hare R; Owen C; McLeod A; Richardson M; Reeves C; Mallya R; Forshaw J; Hodson J; Lenden H; Osborn G; Barren J; Ballard A; Docherty B; McDonnell M; Ritson S; Tyler D; Carter S; Rigney C; Wray R; Gaughan K; Sinclair J; Burleigh J; McDonald J; Venables G; Doyle C; Fox M; Mundey L; Strafford S; Lloyd-Mostyn R; Bailey D; McKenzie I; Bamford R; Thomas P; Thomas R; Alexander C; Chohan R; Wood K; Capps N; Stiles C; Tonks L; Crank S; Cunnington A; Giles P; Groves N; Walton E; Dance W; Clements M; Feben C; Hunter A; Walker E; Atkins L; Williats R; Hughes E; Sidaway J; Sumara S; Banks G; Glover R; Hall K; Munro A; Pycock C; Tibbutt D; Cadwell J; Greenwood M; Betts M; Signy M; Joyce E; Wrapson C; McCourt G; Moore R; Price S; Regan R; Aldersley M; Pendry P, 1999, 'MRC BHFHeart Protection Study of cholesterol-lowering therapy and of antioxidant vitamin supplementation in a wide range of patients at increased risk of coronary heart disease death: early safety and efficacy experience', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 20, pp. 725 - 741
    Journal articles | 1998
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  • Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Kim D; Lv J; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Billot L; Zhang H; Perkovic V; Wong MG, 2022, 'EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF REDUCED-DOSE ORAL METHYLPREDNISONE IN IGA NEPHROPATHY: THE TESTING TRIAL', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 27, pp. 14 - 14
    Preprints | 2021
    Billot L; Monaghan H; Wong MG; Perkovic V, 2021, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global Study (TESTING),
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Perkovic V; Lv J; Wong MG; Hladunewich MA; Jha V; Monaghan H; Zhang H, 2021, 'The TESTING Study: Steroids vs. Placebo in High Risk IgA Nephropathy', in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY, AMER SOC NEPHROLOGY, pp. B1 - B1