Professor Harald Van Heerde

Professor Harald Van Heerde


1999     Ph.D. Economics, University of Groningen, the Netherlands (cum laude)

1995    M.Sc. Econometrics, University of Groningen, the Netherlands (cum laude)

Business School
School of Marketing

Harald van Heerde (Ph.D., University of Groningen, the Netherlands) is Research Professor of Marketing at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.  Harald specializes in econometric models to improve marketing decision making. His wide-ranging research interests include measuring the sales effects of the marketing mix, new media, loyalty programs, strategies to build brands and brand equity, electronic word of mouth, retailing, attribution modeling, customer acquisition, entertainment marketing, and the role of PR and publicity.


Van Heerde has published widely in the leading marketing journals including the Journal of Marketing (JM), the Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Marketing Science, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM). Van Heerde is the recipient of nine paper awards: the MSI / H. Paul Root Award (JM), the William O'Dell Award for Long-term Impact (JMR), the Paul Green Best Paper Award (JMR), 2 x Informs Society of Marketing Science Long-term Impact Award, the Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Long-term Impact Award of IJRM and 3 x IJRM Best Paper Award. His papers were best paper award finalists at the premier journals on 22 more occasions. He also received the Churchill Award for Lifetime Contributions to Marketing Research (2021), a global accolade from the American Marketing Association. 


Van Heerde has served as an Editor of the Journal of Marketing and as an Associate Editor at the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and IJRM.


Van Heerde has attracted over $2 million in research grants from the Australian Research Council, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, the New Zealand Royal Society Marsden Fund, and the Marketing Science Institute. Van Heerde has consulted for leading corporations such as Unilever (the Netherlands), Edeka (Germany) and AZTEC (Australia). He is also an Extramural Fellow at Tilburg University, (the Netherlands).


Harald has chaired the Marketing Dynamics Conference in New Zealand (2009), the annual MASS (Marketing Analytics Symposium Sydney) conference in 2020, 2022, and 2023, and he will chair the 2024 ISMS Marketing Science Conference in Sydney.


+61 2 9065 3447
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Ebbes P; Papies D; van Heerde HJ, 2021, 'Dealing with Endogeneity: A Nontechnical Guide for Marketing Researchers', in Handbook of Market Research, pp. 181 - 217,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Papies D; Ebbes P; Van Heerde HJ, 2017, 'Addressing Endogeneity in Marketing Models', in Leeflang PSH; Wieringa JE; Bijmolt THA; Pauwels KH (ed.), ADVANCED METHODS FOR MODELING MARKETS, SPRINGER, pp. 581 - 627,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Van Heerde HJ, 2017, 'Non- and Semiparametric Regression Models', in Leeflang PSH; Wieringa JE; Bijmolt THA; Pauwels KH (ed.), ADVANCED METHODS FOR MODELING MARKETS, SPRINGER, pp. 555 - 579,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    van Heerde HJ; Neslin SA, 2017, 'Sales promotion models', in International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pp. 13 - 77,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Ebbes P; Papies D; van Heerde HJ, 2016, 'Dealing with Endogeneity: A Nontechnical Guide for Marketing Researchers', in Handbook of Market Research, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 37,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    van Heerde HJ; Neslin SA, 2008, 'Sales promotion models', in International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pp. 107 - 162,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Moorman C; van Heerde HJ; Moreau CP; Palmatier RW, 2024, 'Marketing in the Health Care Sector: Disrupted Exchanges and New Research Directions', Journal of Marketing, 88, pp. 1 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Paschmann JW; Bruno HA; van Heerde HJ; Völckner F; Klein K, 2024, 'EXPRESS: Driving Mobile App User Engagement through Gamification', Journal of Marketing Research,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dekimpe MG; van Heerde HJ, 2023, 'Retailing in times of soaring inflation: What we know, what we don't know, and a research agenda', Journal of Retailing, 99, pp. 322 - 336,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Roberts JH; Uncles M; van Heerde HJ; Melnyk V; Dong MC, 2023, 'Marketing at UNSW Sydney: Building Marketing Capability in Australasia', Customer Needs and Solutions, 10,
    Journal articles | 2023
    van Heerde HJ, 2023, 'Looking Ahead: ANZMAC’s Pivotal Role for Marketing Scholars Downunder', Australasian Marketing Journal, 31, pp. 196 - 198,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Datta H; van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG; Steenkamp JBEM, 2022, 'Cross-National Differences in Market Response: Line-Length, Price, and Distribution Elasticities in 14 Indo-Pacific Rim Economies', Journal of Marketing Research, 59, pp. 251 - 270,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Eckert C; van Heerde HJ; Wetzel HA; Hattula S, 2022, 'Spotlight Personnel: How Hiring and Turnover Drive Service Performance Versus Demand', Journal of Marketing Research, 59, pp. 797 - 820,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Golder PN; Dekimpe MG; An JT; van Heerde HJ; Kim DSU; Alba JW, 2022, 'EXPRESS: Learning from Data: An Empirics-First Approach to Relevant Knowledge Generation', Journal of Marketing,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Moorman C; van Heerde HJ; Page Moreau C; Palmatier RW, 2022, 'From Vision to Reality: Lessons in Creating a Marketplace of Ideas', Journal of Marketing, 86, pp. 4 - 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    van Heerde HJ; Moorman C; Moreau CP; Palmatier RW, 2021, 'Reality Check: Infusing Ecological Value into Academic Marketing Research', Journal of Marketing, 85, pp. 1 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Heitmann M; Landwehr JR; Schreiner TF; van Heerde HJ, 2020, 'Leveraging Brand Equity for Effective Visual Product Design', Journal of Marketing Research, 57, pp. 257 - 277,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Moorman C; van Heerde HJ; Moreau CP; Palmatier RW, 2019, 'Challenging the Boundaries of Marketing', Journal of Marketing, 83, pp. 1 - 4,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Moorman C; van Heerde HJ; Moreau CP; Palmatier RW, 2019, 'JM as a Marketplace of Ideas', Journal of Marketing, 83, pp. 1 - 7,
    Journal articles | 2019
    van Heerde HJ; Dinner IM; Neslin SA, 2019, 'Engaging the unengaged customer: The value of a retailer mobile app', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36, pp. 420 - 438,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Danaher PJ; van Heerde HJ, 2018, 'Delusion in Attribution: Caveats in Using Attribution for Multimedia Budget Allocation', Journal of Marketing Research, 55, pp. 667 - 685,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Wetzel HA; Hattula S; Hammerschmidt M; van Heerde HJ, 2018, 'Building and leveraging sports brands: evidence from 50 years of German professional soccer', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46, pp. 591 - 611,
    Journal articles | 2018
    2018, 'Delusion in Attribution: Caveats in Using Attribution for Multimedia Budget Allocation', Journal of Marketing Research,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cleeren K; Dekimpe MG; van Heerde HJ, 2017, 'Marketing research on product-harm crises: a review, managerial implications, and an agenda for future research', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45, pp. 593 - 615,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Datta H; Ailawadi KL; Van Heerde HJ, 2017, 'How well does consumer-based brand equity align with sales-based brand equity and marketing-mix response?', Journal of Marketing, 81, pp. 1 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Papies D; Van Heerde HJ, 2017, 'The dynamic interplay between recorded music and live concerts: The role of piracy, unbundling, and artist characteristics', Journal of Marketing, 81, pp. 67 - 87,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Peers Y; van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG, 2017, 'Marketing budget allocation across countries: The role of international business cycles', Marketing Science, 36, pp. 792 - 809,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Dekimpe MG; Peers Y; van Heerde HJ, 2016, 'The Impact of the Business Cycle on Service Providers: Insights From International Tourism', Journal of Service Research, 19, pp. 22 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hewett K; Rand W; Rust RT; Van Heerde HJ, 2016, 'Brand buzz in the echoverse', Journal of Marketing, 80, pp. 1 - 24,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Nishio T; Larke R; van Heerde H; Melnyk V, 2016, 'Analysing the motivations of Japanese international sports-fan tourists', European Sport Management Quarterly, 16, pp. 487 - 501,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Rooderkerk RP; Van Heerde HJ, 2016, 'Robust optimization of the 0-1 knapsack problem: Balancing risk and return in assortment optimization', European Journal of Operational Research, 250, pp. 842 - 854,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Burmester AB; Becker JU; van Heerde HJ; Clement M, 2015, 'The impact of pre- and post-launch publicity and advertising on new product sales', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32, pp. 408 - 417,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Datta H; Foubert B; Van Heerde HJ, 2015, 'The challenge of retaining customers acquired with free trials', Journal of Marketing Research, 52, pp. 217 - 234,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Van Heerde HJ; Gijsbrechts E; Pauwels K, 2015, 'Fanning the flames? How media coverage of a price war affects retailers, consumers, and investors', Journal of Marketing Research, 52, pp. 674 - 693,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Dinner IM; Van Heerde HJ; Neslin SA, 2014, 'Driving online and offline sales: The cross-channel effects of traditional, online display, and paid search advertising', Journal of Marketing Research, 51, pp. 527 - 545,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cleeren K; Van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG, 2013, 'Rising from the ashes: How brands and categories can overcome product-harm crises', Journal of Marketing, 77, pp. 58 - 77,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dinner IM; Van Heerde HJ; Neslin SA, 2013, 'Driving Online and Offline Sales: The Cross-Channel Effects of Traditional, Online Display, and Paid Search Advertising', Journal of Marketing Research, 50, pp. 527 - 545,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Rooderkerk RP; van Heerde HJ; Bijmolt THA, 2013, 'Optimizing retail assortments', Marketing Science, 32, pp. 699 - 715,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Van Heerde HJ; Gijsenberg MJ; Dekimpe MG; Steenkamp JBEM, 2013, 'Price and advertising effectiveness over the business cycle', Journal of Marketing Research, 50, pp. 177 - 193,
    Journal articles | 2012
    van Heerde HJ; Srinivasan S; Dekimpe MG, 2012, 'Sibling Rivalry: Estimating Cannibalization Rates for Innovations', GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 4, pp. 32 - 41,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Ebbes P; Papies D; van Heerde HJ, 2011, 'The sense and non-sense of holdout sample validation in the presence of endogeneity', Marketing Science, 30, pp. 1115 - 1122,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Rooderkerk RP; Van Heerde HJ; Bijmolt THA, 2011, 'Incorporating context effects into a choice model', Journal of Marketing Research, 48, pp. 767 - 780,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ataman MB; Van Heerde HJ; Mela CF, 2010, 'The long-term effect of marketing strategy on brand sales', Journal of Marketing Research, 47, pp. 866 - 882,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Steenkamp JBEM; Van Heerde HJ; Geyskens I, 2010, 'What makes consumers willing to pay a price premium for national brands over private labels?', Journal of Marketing Research, 47, pp. 1011 - 1024,
    Journal articles | 2010
    van Heerde HJ; Srinivasan S; Dekimpe MG, 2010, 'Estimating cannibalization rates for pioneering innovations', Marketing Science, 29, pp. 1024 - 1039,
    Journal articles | 2010
    van Oest RD; van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG, 2010, 'Return on roller coasters: A model to guide investments in theme park attractions', Marketing Science, 29, pp. 721 - 737,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Leeflang PSH; Bijmolt THA; van Doorn J; Hanssens DM; van Heerde HJ; Verhoef PC; Wieringa JE, 2009, 'Creating lift versus building the base: Current trends in marketing dynamics', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26, pp. 13 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Neslin SA; Van Heerde HJ, 2009, 'Promotion dynamics', Foundations and Trends in Marketing, 3, pp. 177 - 268,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Ataman MB; Mela CF; Van Heerde HJ, 2008, 'Building brands', Marketing Science, 27, pp. 1036 - 1054,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Van Heerde HJ; Gijsbrechts E; Pauwels K, 2008, 'Winners and losers in a major price war', Journal of Marketing Research, 45, pp. 499 - 518,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Ataman MB; Mela CF; Van Heerde HJ, 2007, 'Consumer Packaged Goods in France: National Brands, Regional Chains, and Local Branding', Journal of Marketing Research, 44, pp. 14 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Ataman MB; Mela CF; Van Heerde HJ, 2007, 'Consumer packaged goods in France: National brands, regional chains, and local branding', Journal of Marketing Research, 44, pp. 14 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Leenheer J; van Heerde HJ; Bijmolt THA; Smidts A, 2007, 'Do loyalty programs really enhance behavioral loyalty? An empirical analysis accounting for self-selecting members', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24, pp. 31 - 47,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Van Heerde H; Helsen K; Dekimpe MG, 2007, 'The impact of a product-harm crisis on marketing effectiveness', Marketing Science, 26, pp. 230 - 245,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Bijmolt THA; Van Heerde HJ; Pieters RGM, 2005, 'New empirical generalizations on the determinants of price elasticity', Journal of Marketing Research, 42, pp. 141 - 156,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Paap R; van Nierop E; van Heerde HJ; Wedel M; Franses PH; Alsem KJ, 2005, 'Consideration sets, intentions and the inclusion of "don't know" in a two-stage model for voter choice', International Journal of Forecasting, 21, pp. 53 - 71,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Van Heerde HJ; Bijmolt THA, 2005, 'Decomposing the promotional revenue bump for loyalty program members versus nonmembers', Journal of Marketing Research, 42, pp. 443 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG; Putsis WP, 2005, 'Marketing models and the lucas critique', Journal of Marketing Research, 42, pp. 15 - 21,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Van Heerde HJ, 2005, 'The proper interpretation of sales promotion effects: Supplement elasticities with absolute sales effects', Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 21, pp. 397 - 402,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Van Heerde HJ, 2005, 'The proper interpretation of sales promotion effects: Supplement elasticities with absolute sales effects', Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 21, pp. 407 - 408,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Van Heerde HJ; Leeflang PSH; Wittink DR, 2004, 'Decomposing the sales promotion bump with store data', Marketing Science, 23,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Van Heerde HJ; Mela CF; Manchanda P, 2004, 'The dynamic effect of innovation on market structure', Journal of Marketing Research, 41, pp. 166 - 183,
    Journal articles | 2004
    van Dijk A; van Heerde HJ; Leeflang PSH; Wittink DR, 2004, 'Similarity-Based Spatial Methods to Estimate Shelf Space Elasticities', QME-QUANTITATIVE MARKETING AND ECONOMICS, 2, pp. 257 - 277,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Van Heerde HJ; Gupta S; Wittink DR, 2003, 'Is 75% of the Sales Promotion Bump Due to Brand Switching? No, only 33% Is', Journal of Marketing Research, 40, pp. 481 - 491,
    Journal articles | 2002
    van Heerde HJ; Leeflang PSH; Wittink DR, 2002, 'How Promotions Work: SCAN*PRO-Based Evolutionary Model Building', Schmalenbach Business Review, 54, pp. 198 - 220,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Van Heerde HJ; Leeflang PSH; Wittink DR, 2001, 'Semiparametric analysis to estimate the deal effect curve', Journal of Marketing Research, 38, pp. 197 - 215,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Van Heerde HJ; Leeflang PSH; Wittink DR, 2000, 'The estimation of pre-and postpromotion dips with store-level scanner data', Journal of Marketing Research, 37, pp. 383 - 395,
    Journal articles |
    Datta H; Foubert B; van Heerde HJ, 'Are Free-Trial Customers Worth Less than Regular Customers?', SSRN Electronic Journal,
    Journal articles |
    Dinner IM; van Heerde HJ; Neslin S, 'Creating Customer Engagement Via Mobile Apps: How App Usage Drives Purchase Behavior', SSRN Electronic Journal,
    Journal articles |
    Dinner IM; van Heerde HJ; Neslin S, 'Driving Online and Offline Sales: The Cross-Channel Effects of Digital Versus Traditional Advertising', SSRN Electronic Journal,
    Journal articles |
    Gijsenberg MJ; van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG; Nijs VR, 'Understanding the Role of Adstock in Advertising Decisions', SSRN Electronic Journal,
    Journal articles |
    Gijsenberg MJ; van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG; Steenkamp J-BEBM; Nijs VR, 'Understanding the Timing and Magnitude of Advertising Spending Patterns', SSRN Electronic Journal,
    Journal articles |
    Gijsenberg MJ; van Heerde HJ; Dekimpe MG; Steenkamp J-BEBM, 'Advertising and Price Effectiveness over the Business Cycle', SSRN Electronic Journal,
    Journal articles |
    Leeflang PSH; van Heerde HJ; Wittink DR, 'How Promotions Work: SCAN*PRO-Based Evolutionary Model Building', SSRN Electronic Journal,
  • Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Eckert C; Van Heerde H; Wetzel H; Hattula S, 2019, 'Local Projections for Marketing Insight: Flexible Impulse Response Functions with Interactions, Asymmetry and Nonlinearity', in Proceedings of the 2019 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Roma, Italy, presented at 2019 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Roma, Italy
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Eckert C; Van Heerde H; Hattula S; Wetzel H, 2018, 'Local Projections as an Alternative to VARs in Marketing: Flexible Impulse Response Functions with Interactions, Asymmetry and Nonlinearity', in Proceedings of the 15th Marketing Dynamics Conference, presented at 15th Marketing Dynamics Conference
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Gijsenberg MJ; Van Heerde HJ; Verhoef PC, 2015, 'Losses loom longer than gains: Modeling the impact of service crises on perceived service quality over time', in Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 642 - 656,
    Preprints |
    Eckert C; van Heerde HJ; Wetzel HA; Hattula S, Spotlight Personnel: How Hiring and Turnover Drive Service Performance versus Demand,
    Preprints |
    Paschmann J; Völckner F; Bruno H; Van Heerde H; Klein K, Driving Mobile App User Engagement through Gamification, ,

Since 2002, my research has attracted a total over AU$ 2 million in research grants:

Grant from the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme worth AU$ 1,110,000 (€ 675,000) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research for 2002 - 2006 (Principal Investigator). The grant supported the study “Econometric Models for Marketing Decision Making.” 

Marsden fund grant (10-UOW-068) from the Royal Society of New Zealand worth AU$ 705,000 (NZ$ 740,000) for 2010-2013 (Principal Investigator). The grant supported the study: “Can firms spend their way out of recession?”.

ARC Discovery Grant worth AU$ 256,000 (Partner Investigator). The grant supported the study “Econometric Models for Marketing Decision Making” 2013-2015.

Grant (#4-1850) of AU$ 21,400 (US$ 14,500) from MSI, 2014, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, USA. The grant supports the study “Brand Crisis Reverberation.” For the same project, I received an AU$ 2,900 (NZ$ 3,000) grant from the Massey University Research Fund.

Grant (# 4-1770) of AU$ 21,000 (US$ 14,000) from MSI, 2012, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, USA. The grant supports the study “The Increasing Role of Concerts in the Music Industry.”

Massey University Research Fund (2014) worth AU$ 17,500 (NZ$ 18,400) supporting the project “Marketing Effectiveness in Emerging Countries: Business as Usual or Unusual Business?”.

Grant (# 4-1315) of AU$ 13,300 (US$ 9,000) from MSI, 2005, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, USA. The grant supported the study “Price war: What is it good for? Store choice and basket size responses to price wars.”

Grant (# 4-1259) of AU$ 9,000 (US$ 6,100) from MSI, 2005, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, USA. The grant supported the study “Building Brands.”


Elected as Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences (FASSA) in Australia


Winner Churchill Award for Lifetime Contributions to Marketing Research (American Marketing Association)


Winner Best Paper Award, International Journal of Research in Marketing


Winner MSI/H. Paul Root Best Paper Award, Journal of Marketing



Winner Long-term Impact Award, Marketing Science

Winner Steenkamp Long-term Impact Award, International Journal of Research in Marketing

Winner of the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation 2016 Best Published Paper award for Journal of Marketing article



Winner Best Paper Award, International Journal of Research in Marketing

Outstanding Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Research in Marketing


Winner of Long-Term Impact Award, Informs Society for Marketing Science


Awarded Discovery Grant from the Australian Research Council worth AU$256,000 with Peter Danaher and Tracey Danaher (Monash)


Awarded Marsden fund grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand worth NZ$ 740,000


Winner of the ANZMAC (Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy) Award for the Distinguished Researcher of the Year


Winner of the Award for Top Academic Article, Erasmus Research Institute of Management, Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Winner of William O’Dell Award for Most Impactful Paper, Journal of Marketing Research


Winner of Best Paper Award of the International Journal of Research in Marketing


Winner of Paul E. Green Best Paper Award, Journal of Marketing Research


Selected into Marketing Science Institute Young Scholars Program in Park City, USA


Winner of Tilburg University Teaching Quality Award for course “International Business Research”


My research uses state-of-the-art econometric models and large data sets to create new marketing insight. My research offers novelty by studying new and important marketing phenomena, for different contexts using or developing novel econometric approaches.

In terms of marketing phenomena, I am interested in marketing mix effects, branding, social media, retailing, access-based consumption, customer lifetime value, and interference due to price wars, product-harm crises, and economic ups and downs.

In terms of different marketing contexts, my research spans a wide domain, ranging from fast-moving consumer goods, retailing, entertainment markets (gaming, tourism, sports) to service providers.

My methods expertise includes econometric methods, dynamic models, endogeneity, optimization, time-varying parameter models, and text mining.

My Research Supervision

I am currently supervising Ayesha Hossain (dissertation around Human Branding) and Ada Choi (dissertation around consumer financial decision-making)

My Teaching

My teaching interest focuses on research methods in marketing and marketing analytics. My teaching philosophy is to bring methods and theoretical concepts to live through by applying them to real-world problems and data. I aim to foster curiosity, critical thinking, and adaptive mindset and skills that are transferable to new situations.

  • At UNSW, I teach Quantitative Methods and Models in Marketing (MARK8997) in full. This is a 10-week PhD level class on state-of-the art econometric techniques used for marketing insight. The course covers a wide variety of models, including panel data models, hierarchical models, Bayesian estimation discrete choice models, structural models, time series, dynamic linear models, hidden Markov models, text mining and machine learning.
  • At UNSW I also teach in Research Methods Seminar in Marketing (MARK8995). My classes cover research idea generation based on data and marketing mix research.

At Massey University (2013-2018), I led the development of the Master of Analytics (Business) that started in 2015. This is a postgraduate degree where students learn how to harvest, process, analyze and present big data to support informed and effective organizational decision-making.

At Massey University (2013-2018), I taught:

  • Return on Marketing Investment (156.762), elective in the Masters of Analytics (Business). This 30-credit course teaches students to apply econometric methods to measure the effects of marketing activities on firm performance. I have developed this course from scratch.
  • Marketing Analytics (115.740), elective in the MBA program. This 15-credit courses teaches students how to use data on customers, competitors and sales to inform marketing decision making. I have developed this course from scratch.
  • Research Methods in Marketing (156.776), postgraduate academic research methodology course. This course teaches how to conduct academic research in marketing using the latest insights from the top journals in the field. It covers quantitative and qualitative approaches. I developed this course from scratch.
  • Market Analysis (156.333), undergraduate marketing research course. This course teaches students how to apply multivariate market research methods to transform data into actionable managerial insights.
  • Advanced Marketing Research (156.744), graduate marketing research course. This course teaches students how to apply multivariate market research methods to transform data into actionable managerial insights.
  • MBA teaching: MBA Insights program

At the University of Waikato (2006-2013), I taught “Marketing Research” and “The Research Process: Marketing,” a Masters-level course on research methods.

At Tilburg University (2000-2006), I taught “Marketing Research,” “Marketing Models,” and “International Business Research”.