Mrs Ha Duong

Mrs Ha Duong

Research Associate
  • Master of Biological Science (University of Western Australia, 2015)
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology (Vietnam National University, 2012)
Medicine & Health
School of Optometry and Vision Science

Ha is a dedicated researcher with a strong background in biological sciences and biotechnology. She joined UNSW School of Optometry & Vision Science as a Research Associate in August 2022.

Prior to her current position, Ha worked as a Program Officer at the Wildlife Conservation Society and as a Research Assistant at the Genetics Laboratory, Vietnam National University. She earned a Master's degree in Biological Science from the University of Western Australia under the prestigious Ende...

+61 2 9348 0317

  • Australian Government Research Training Scholarship, 2021-2024
  • UNSW Development and Research Training Grant, 2021
  • Australian Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship, 2014-2015
  • Outstanding Student Award, Vietnam National University 2012
  • Undergraduate Research Intern Program, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology 2011