Dr Greg Bowring
Greg is Director of Rehabilitation Medicine at The Prince of Wales Hospital (2007-ongoing) formerly Director of Rehabilitation Medicine at St George Hospital (1989-2007) and Conjoint Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University of NSW.
He co-ordinates and teaches in the annual POWH/UNSW Lower Limb and Upper Limb Amputee Management Courses which attract overseas and Australian advanced trainees in Rehab Medicine and Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists specialising in amputee management.
He has conducted a multidiciplinary lower limb amputee clinic since 1989 and a dedicated upper limb amputee clinic since 2007.
He is currently President of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (2020).
He is the Past President of The Australian National Member Society of the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics. (2017-2019)
He is the former Chair of the AFRM Special Interest Group for Prosthetics and Orthotics.
He is the former Chair of the Faculty Policy and Advocacy Committee and a former member of the RACP Policy and Advocacy Committee. (2018-2019)
He is the former Chair of the Faculty Education Committee and a former member of the RACP Education Committee. (2016-2017)
He is the former Chair of the Faculty International Affairs Committee.
Research Interests:
His particular interest is in upper limb prosthetics, especially improved neural control of myoelectric prostheses including Targeted Muscle Reinnervation and osseointegration.
Other interests: Stroke rehabilitation: Virtual reality in stroke recovery, carer stress after stroke, digital assistants and remote sensing in stroke rehabilitation.
Broad Research Areas:
MBBS(hons), BSc(Med)(hons),FACRM, FAFRM (RACP)
Specific Research Keywords:
Prostheses, Amputation, Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, Stroke
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
Lower Limb Amputee Management Course UNSW/POWH short course (5 days annually) - Coordinator and Lecturer - 2006-ongoing. Target participants: Overseas (NZ, S-E Asia, Middle East) and Australian Advanced Trainees in Rehab Medicine, Physiotherapists subspecialising in LL amputees.
Upper Limb Amputee Management Course UNSW/POWH short course (5 days annually) - Coordinator and Lecturer - 2006-ongoing. Target participants: Overseas (NZ, S-E Asia, Middle East) and Australian Advanced Trainees in Rehab Medicine, Occupational Therapists subspecialising in UL amputees.
B.Med.Sci - Pathology3207- 'Rehabilitation of NeuroMusculoskeletal Diseases' - (1 hour annually) - Lecturer
MBBS - Phase3 (yr 5&6) - Annual allocation of Medical Students - Clinical Placement Supervision annually
MBBS - Phase2 - Annual allocation of Medical Students - Clinical Placement Supervision annually
MBBS - MFAC2506-3 : ICS B - Aged Care term - 'Introduction to Aged Care & Rehabilitation - Term overview' - Occasional lecturer on request.
MBBS - MFAC2506-3 : ICS B - Aged Care term - 'Fitness to Drive' - occasional lecturer on request.
MBBS - Phase1 - 'Stroke Rehabilitation' - tutor biennially