Emeritus Professor Graham Morrison
1967 | BE: Mechanical Engineering, University of Melbourne |
1971 | PhD: Fluid Mechanics, University of Melbourne |
1967–1970 | Tutor, University of Melbourne |
1971–1972 | Research Scientist, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Melbourne |
1973–1976 | Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of New South Wales |
1977–1985 | Senior Lecturer |
1986–1992 | Associate Professor |
1993–2005 | Professor |
2006 - present | Emeritus Professor |
Visiting appointments
Aug-Dec 1976 | Appropriate Technology Unit, University of Technology, Lae, PNG, Visiting Professor |
Mar 1983–Feb 1984 | Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Visiting Professor |
July 1990–Jan 1991 | Commission of the European Communities, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, Visiting Scientist |
1997–2004 | School of Applied Physics, University of Sydney, Research Fellow |
Jul-Dec 1998 | Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, State College, USA, Visiting Professor |
Professional SOCIETIES
- International Solar Energy Society, Member
- The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Fellow
Research Interests
Solar thermal energy applications, simulations methods, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, heat pump simulation.
Primary research interest is the study of fluid flow and heat transfer processes with particular interest in solar thermal energy systems. Morrison has a 40 year track record in solar thermal energy research and commercialisation. At the University of NSW he established solar thermal energy research in Mechanical Engineering in the 1970’s and was director of the solar thermal energy group until 2005. The UNSW solar thermal energy group researched and developed solar thermal products ranging from domestic solar water heaters to high temperature solar steam generation systems. The measurement techniques developed in the laboratory have been adopted as Australian and International Standards. In addition to a laboratory based approach to the study of solar thermal energy processes Morrison has developed and commercialised computer simulation models ranging from thermosyphon solar water heaters to large scale solar thermal power systems. Developed a range of routines for modelling solar thermal energy systems, and commercially available simulation packages for designing solar and heat pump water heating systems (POOLHEAT) and air-conditioning systems (HPRATE). Extensive publication record spanning 45 years on heat and mass transfer and solar thermal energy processes in International Journals and conference proceedings.
Morrison has contributed to development projects in China, Indonesia and India including the design and development of solar thermal energy laboratories in Beijing, Wuhan and Kunming China.
After retiring as Director of the Solar Thermal Energy Group at UNSW in 2005 Morrison co-founded Solar Heat & Power Pty Ltd (later Ausra Inc now Areva Solar) and developed the steam generation compact linear Fresnel solar concentrator installed at Liddell power station in the Hunter Valley NSW. The same concept is now being used by Areva Solar for solar power station developments in Australia, USA, Europe and the Middle East.
Primary research interest is the study of fluid flow and heat transfer processes, with particular interest in solar thermal energy processes. A significant part of my research effort was directed towards the establishment and operation of the Solar Thermal Energy Research Laboratory at the University of New South Wales. The measurement techniques developed in the laboratory have been adopted as Australian and International Standards. The laboratory has been involved in a very active collaborative program with Industry and The University of Sydney Applied Physics School on the development of evacuated tubular solar collectors and high temperature solar steam generating systems. The laboratory has also been involved in United Nations Development Program for projects in India and China and for training Engineers from Indonesia, India, Thailand and Eritrea, in the field of solar thermal systems.
In addition to the laboratory based approach to the study of solar thermal energy processes Morrison has contributed to the development of internationally accepted computer simulation models for a wide range of solar and heat pump thermal systems. The solar water heater code developed in the laboratory has been included in the TRNSYS modelling package, which is the most widely used simulation program for modelling solar thermal energy processes. The code contributed to TRNSYS is the core model used of all solar thermosyphon water heater models.
The Solar Thermal Energy group at UNSW have also developed simulation models of heat pump systems for the Australian Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association. This software has been adopted as the core element of an industry rating scheme for commercial air conditioning systems and is the basis of the Minimum Energy Performance standard for air conditioners in Australia.
Fellow of The Institution of Engineers Australia.
Standards Association of Australia Technical Committee Member
Member of the Standards Association Committee on Solar Equipment since 1977. The test methods that my laboratory developed for assessing the thermal performance of solar water heaters have been adopted as Australian standards AS2984 and AS4234.
International Standards Organisation- Australian Representative
Australian technical representative to the International Standards Organisation solar energy committee TC180 since 1987. As part of this work the measurement techniques developed in my laboratory have been adopted as an international standard (ISO9459-3).
International Energy Agency
Australian representative to International Energy Agency committees on solar energy, organised workshops for the IEA and contributed to IEA publications on solar energy.
Australian Design Council Assessment Panel Member
Member of Australian Design Council assessment panels for judging design innovation awards.
Solar Energy Society Committee Member
From 1979-1996 I was a committee member of the NSW branch of the Australian &New Zealand Solar Energy Society. From 1988 to 1991 I was a member of the national committee of ANZ Solar Energy Society and since 1995 I have been Vice-President. During these appointments I assisted with the organisation of the annual Solar Energy Society conferences and was convenor of a Solar Energy Society Conference on the interaction between solar water heating systems and the electricity grid.
Conference Organising committees
Member of organising committees for ANZSES annual conferences in 1982, 1984, 1994 and 2001. In 1987 I was convenor of a major workshop held during the International Solar Energy Society Biannual conference in Montreal Canada. In 1994 and 2001 I was a member of the ANZSES national conference committee and technical editor of the 1994 and 2001(ISES) conferences.
Australian Solar Institute
Member of research advisory committee 2010-2012.
Australian Renewable Energy Agency
Member of the advisory panel 2013 - 2017
Reviewer for Journals and Professional Organisation Proceedings
Acted as a reviewer for the following journals and professional proceedings:
Solar Energy Journal, International Solar Energy Society
Journal of Solar Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Transactions, IE Aust The Institution of Engineers, Australia
Advances in Solar Energy American Solar Energy Society
Applied Energy Journal UK Solar and Wind Energy Society
Energy, The International Journal
Journal of Power and Energy Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Reviewer of research proposals for the following bodies
- Australian Research Council.
- Department of Energy,USA.
- Department of Agriculture,USA
- USDA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
- Canadian Science Council.
- Commission of the European Community, committee DG17.
- Energy Research & Development Corporation
- United Nations Development Program; projects in China and India.
- Australian Solar Institute;
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency; advisory panel
United Nations UNDP consultant China (1997, 1999, 2001, 2004)
Acted as a technical consultant on UN funded solar thermal energy test laboratory development project in China. This project involved advising on the development of three solar thermal energy test laboratories in Beijing, Kumeng and Wuhan. A series of reports were presented to the UNDP on laboratory design and management and the development of test standards.
United Nations UNDP consultant India (1986, 1987, 1988)
Acted as a technical consultant on a UN funded solar thermal energy project in New Delhi India. This project involved advising on the development of a new solar thermal energy laboratory for the Indian Department of Non-Conventional Energy and providing technical training for Indian staff during UN funded visits to Australia. A series of reports were presented to the UNDP on the development and operation of the Indian facilities. Documentation of laboratory development and operational procedures was developed in association with Indian professional staff.
Australian Development Assistant Bureau - Technical Expert – Indonesia (1984)
Consultant to the Australian Development Assistance Bureau on the evaluation of a proposed aid project in Indonesia. As part of this project I visited Indonesian energy research projects and assessed the impact of the Australian project. A report was presented on the levels of technology exchange that were appropriate and the institutions most suited to act as project coordinators.
Engaged in extensive consulting and joint projects with Industry and Government Authorities. I have been actively engaged in major industry sponsored development projects and consultancies through Unisearch and MechLab for more than 40 years. This work has included experimental investigations of the performance of solar thermal energy systems and industrial fluid flow and heat transfer problems. A significant part of my consulting activity has been the development of numerical simulation models for solar thermal energy systems, and the application of these models for new product development. Some of the major projects I have been involved in include
- Development of minimum energy performance standards for large air conditioning systems.
- Design of thermal enclosures for communications buildings on gas pipelines in Australia.
- Optimisation of thermal cycle in rotational moulding systems.
- Heat load analysis for LED highway signs.
- Software for heat load analysis of indoor and outdoor swimming pool heating systems (POOLHEAT).
- Design of chimney exhaust systems for gas turbines.
- Solar water heater rating software for Australia and USA.
- Air conditioner rating software for the AREMA industry rating scheme (HPRATE).
- Modelling and redesign of the Yulara solar heating system.
- Design software for evacuated tubular solar collectors.
- Energy rating of domestic water heaters.
- Outdoor testing of solar water heaters for Australian climatic conditions.
- Standards and Operational procedure for the development of solar energy test facility in New Delhi.
- Outdoor solar water heater performance evaluation.
- Condensed solar radiation data base for Australia.
- Evaluation of solar water heater performance from outdoor test data.
- Computer software for the analysis of solar thermal energy systems.
- Flat plate solar collector optimisation.
- Development of heat pipe solar collector.
- Solar domestic hot water heater system correlation study.
- Design of evacuated tubular solar collectors.
- Evaluation of gas boosted solar water heaters.
- National Energy Innovation Award for outstanding achievement in "Innovative Research and Development Relating to the Efficient Use of Energy". 1991
- Inaugural Australian Solar Hall of Fame. The Australian Solar Council, 2013
- Member of the Order of Australia 2014
Extensive range of publications on solar thermal energy processes and heat and mass transfer in international journals and conference proceedings. See full list of publications.
Solar Water Heating in Australia – 50 years of Progress Australian Solar Council, Solar 2013.
Solar Thermal Energy – Electricity Australian Academy of Technology Sciences & Engineering 2012 Presentation, Video – Solar Heat & Power
Deployment Challenges for Renewable Energy Water Heating in Australia International Energy Agency; Solar Heating and Cooling Roadmap 2011
Solar Water Heating & rebate programs Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Society 2007
Domestic Solar Water Heating seminar Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Socity 2006
Solar Water Heating Industry in Australia International Energy Agency, Solar Heating and Cooling 2005
Solar Water Heater Performance Rating – ISO standards International Solar Water Heater Workshop, Wellington New Zealand, 2005
Solar Water Heater Innovations Enviro – 04 Sydney Australia 2004
Solar Hot Water Systems – Design and Performance Renewable Energy World 2002
Packaged Solar Water Heating Technology -Twenty Years Of Progress Plenary paper International Solar Energy Society conference Israel 1999.
Solar Water Heater Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Abatement Submission to Australian Greenhouse office 1998.
Developments in Solar Water Heating ASME (Singapore) Yearbook 1997
Solar water heaters - Markets and New Developments Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Society 1996.
CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS and links to presentations and papers.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision