Dr Gerald Mak
BSc (Med) Hons (UNSW)
Gerald completed his Bachelor of Medical Studies, Bachelor of Science (Medicine) Honours and Doctor of Medicine at the University of New South Wales in 2017. During this time, his research focused on HIV pathogenesis and interaction wit the gut microbiome.
His research focus has since shifted towards urology, and his current projects are investigating the role of MRI in bladder cancer, and management of prostate cancer.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Mak G, Siriwardena C, Haxhimolla H, Chan R, Hart K, Mare A, Kahloon M, McCredie S, Gilbourd D. Utility of ChatGPT and Large Language Models in Enhancing Patient Understanding of Urological Conditions. Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal. 2024; 5(6):843-851. https://doi.org/10.3390/siuj5060064
Mak, G., Chew, K., Wood, D., & Thompson, J. (2024) Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate. BMJ Case Reports CP, 17(11), e262520. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2024-262520
Mak, G., Zhong, W., Chan, V., Leslie, S. Successful management of severe refractory haemorrhagic cystitis secondary to cyclophosphamide and BK virus with cystotomy and alum infusion. Urology Case Reports. doi: 10.1016/j.eucr.2021.101781
Mak, G., Zaunders, J., Bailey M., Seddiki, N., Rogers, G., Leong L., … Danta, M. (2021). Preservation of gastrointestinal mucosal barrier function and microbiome in patients with controlled HIV infection. Frontiers in Immunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.688886
Mak, G., Nesbitt, C., Shiraev, T., Wang, C., Doane, M., Neale, M. Transvenous Endovascular Repair of Symptomatic Type-2 Endoleak Following Endovascular Repair of a Ruptured Common Iliac Aneurysm with Arteriovenous Fistula. Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques. doi: 10.1016/j.jvscit.2020.09.008
Zaunders, J., Danta, M., Bailey, M., Mak, G., Marks, K., Seddiki, N., . . . Koelsch, K. (2016). CD4+ T follicular helper and IgA+ B cell numbers in gut biopsies from HIV-infected subjects on antiretroviral therapy are comparable to HIV-uninfected individuals. Frontiers in Immunology, 7(438). doi:10.3389/fimmu.2016.00438
Selected conference presentations:
From Pamphlets to AI: Is ChatGPT a Reliable Source for Urological Patient Information? Mak, G., Siriwardena, C., Haxhimolla, H., Chan, R., Hart, K., Kahloon, M., Mare, A., McCredie, S., Gilbourd, D. UAA Congress 2023
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Prostate Cancer Testing Rates: Should we Expect an Upcoming Surge of Advanced Cancer Diagnoses? Mak, G., Siriwardena, C., Macneil, J., Gilbourd, D. RACS ACT ASM 2023
My Teaching
Tutor Common Urology Disorders, Adult Health 1, Integrated Clinical Studies
Bedside teaching and miniCEX
Peer Mentoring Program