Dr Gavin Mount
Primary areas of research have been on the theoretical and normative debates associated with the global politics of ethnic conflict and nationalism. Publications have been primarily in this area:
"Hybrid Peace/War" in Hybridity on the Ground in Peacebuilding and Development, Editors: Wallis J, Kent L, Forsyth M, Dinnen S, Bose S. ANU Press, 2018
"Nations and Nationalism" in Richard Devetak, Jim George and Sarah Percy(eds) An Introduction to International Relations (3rd Ed), Cambridge University Press, 2017
The Problem of Peoples: Global Politics, Ethnicity and the Struggle for Legitimacy, LAP Lambert, 2010 [Sample chapter]
- “A World of Tribes?”, in G. Fry and J. O’Hagan (eds), Contending Images of World Politics, MacMillan 2000
Current research has been focused on non-traditional security issues as they relate to ethnopolitics. Examples of this research include:
- 'The Strategic Importance of Tribes: Failed theory or work in practice', paper presented at OCIS2016 The Seventh Oceanic Conference on International Studies, 04-06 July 2016
- "Ethnic Vulnerability and Environmental Hazards", Paper presented at People and the Planet, RMIT, Melbourne July 2013
- "Indigenous obligations, liberal enclosures and communitarian recognition: Some critical and cosmopolitan responses", Paper presented at The Politics of Indigenous Identity: National and Global Perspectives Conference, International Studies Association, Research Committee on Politics and Ethnicity (IPSA RC14), Macquarie University, Sydney, July 11-14, 2013
"The Responsibility to Prevent: Diplomatic Applications of NGO Early Warning and Crisis Prevention Resources", Paper presented at the OCIS V Conference, University of Sydney Jul 18-20, 2012
In 2017, I assumed an Education Focused Role. My education related research has included:
- (with John Walker) 'Replicating Classroom Intimacy and Engagement Online', presented at the UNSW Learning and Teaching Forum Towards 2025: Inspiring Learning, Sydney, 31 - 31 October 2016,
- "Simulating World politics: Teaching as Research', presented at 12th Annual American Political Science Association (APSA) Teaching and Learning Conference: Innovations and Expectations for Teaching in the Digital Era, Washington D.C., 12 - 18 January 2015,
Supervision areas (Ethnic Conflict, International Relations and Non-traditional security):
- Thinking Grand strategy
- Regional security in Afghanistan
- Hindutva and Indian foreign policy
- Securitisation of fishing
- Climate change and Defence
- Strategic impact of drones in the Indo-Pacific
- Responsibility to rebuild
- Climate wars debate
- French intervention in Mali
- Received a Rector's Commendation for Teaching Excellence in 2010.
- Courses taught at all levels in international relations and security studies.
- Issues in Global Security course delivered to middle ranking officers at the Australian Command and Staff College (2005-2011).
- Annual lecture on "climate change and defence" to senior military at Australia Defence College (CDSS).
- Current courses on ZHSS3417 Ethnic Conflict in World Politics, ZHSS2427 Politics of the Great Powers and ZGEN2215 Law, Force and Legitimacy
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Curricula Integration of Student Wellbeing Resources: Exploring Australian and New Zealand perspectives, HERDSA
My Research Supervision
An evaluation of Australian Think Tanks
Applying the ripeness theory to historical cases
The weaponisation of e-commerce
Understanding information warfare
Higher Education in Afghanistan