Professor Gabriele Gratton
PhD in Economics, Boston University, 2011
MSc in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2006
BA (Laurea) in Economics, University of Rome 'Tor Vergata', 2005
Gabriele Gratton is Professor of Politics and Economics in the UNSW Business School and an ARC Future Fellow. His research focuses on information asymmetries and communication in politics and organisations. Through his research, Gabriele Gratton aims to understand how the institutions and technologies controlling the transmission of information affect election campaigns and policymaking. More broadly, he is interested in the design of democratic institutions capable to withstand negative economic and social shocks. Visit the Resilient Democracy Lab website and gratton.org to learn more.
Personal website: http://gratton.org.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
ARC Future Fellowship: ($1,013,480) "Resilient Democracy for the 21st Century:, 2022-2025
UNSW Scientia Program: ($160,000), 2019-2022
BSRG: ($24,852) “Political Reputation and the Evolution of Bureaucracy, 2018
ARC Discovery Project: ($139,000) “Legitimacy and Representation: A Comprehensive Study of Electoral Systems and Strategic Voting Behaviour”, 2014–2016 (with Carlos Pimienta and Marco Faravelli)
ASB Research Grant: ($7,100) “Media, Defamation, and Corruption”, 2013/2014
ASB Research Grant: ($9,058) “Understanding Terrorism: Fear and Reputation”, 2012
ASB Travel Grants, 2012-2013
Special Research Fellowship, Boston University, Fall 2010
Summer Research Grant, Boston University, Summer 2010
Travel Grant, Boston University IED, Summer 2010
Oliver Williamson Best Conference Paper Award, Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics (SIOE), 2021
UNSW Business School Outstanding Research Award (Associate Professor), 2019
UNSW Business School Non-Professorial Research Achievement Award 2014
- Interview on, Not Another Politics Podcast, 9 September 2020.
- The RBA mangles its messaging, Australian Financial Review, 5 March 2020.
- Rate cuts might hurt, as well as help. What if this man didn’t need to do as much?, The Conversation, 2 July 2019.
- Interview on The Wire, 14 June 2019.
- Our economic model looks broken, but trying to fix it could be a disaster, The Conversation, 7 June 2019.
- F. Fubini on From Weber to Kafka. Troppe e scritte male: Quando le leggi frenano la crescita, L'Economia del Corriere della Sera, 23 Apr 2019.
- QuItaly is Now a Real Possibility, Australian Financial Review, 21 May 2018.
- The many ways Australia isn’t as pro-trade as we claim, The Conversation, 10 April 2018.
- Can Australia avoid Europe’s populist fate?, BusinessThink, 9 April 2018.
- Labor Should Take Heed, Australian Financial Review, 18 November 2017.
- Voting Islamist: It's the economy, stupid, Vox.eu, 14 July 2016.
My Research Supervision
Barton E. Lee: www.bartonelee.com
Ian Hoefer Martí
My Teaching