Dr Frances Byrne
PhD, Children’s Cancer Institute, UNSW Sydney
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Hons), Flinders University, South Australia
Professional Awards and Experience
Co-Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), UNSW Science 2024-2025 (interim appointment)
Cancer Institute NSW Career Development Fellowship (UNSW) 2022-2024
Associate Fellow (AFHEA) Advance Higher Education 2021
Bridge Industry Fellowship 2021
Cancer Institute NSW Early Career Fellowship (UNSW) 2018-2021
Hope Funds for Cancer Research Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Virginia/UNSW) 2014-2017
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Virginia (USA) 2012-2014
Anthony Rothe Memorial Trust PhD Scholarship, Children’s Cancer Institute (UNSW) 2008-2012
Research Assistant, Children’s Cancer Institute (UNSW) 2005-2008
Methods Development Scientist, GroPep Bioreagents (Adelaide) 2003-2005
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Hons), Flinders University of South Australia 1999-2002
Dr Byrne received her PhD in 2012 for her research investigating the role of cell cytoskeleton protein, stathmin, in neuroblastoma (Byrne et al. 2014, Oncogene). Dr Byrne trained as a postdoc at the University of Virginia (USA) from 2012-2014 where she investigated the relationship between obesity and liver and endometrial (uterine) cancers (Byrne et al. 2014, Cancer Research). She returned to Australia in 2014 to the School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences (UNSW) and now leads an independent lab focused on developing novel treatment strategies for cancer.
Research Focus 1: Developing new anti-cancer strategies that target metabolism
Dr Byrne is working with Prof Kyle Hoehn (School of BABS, UNSW) to investigate the therapeutic potential mitochondrial uncouplers in liver cancer. She is also collaborating with Prof Naresh Kumar (School of Chemistry, UNSW) to develop novel small molecules that alter glucose metabolism in cancer cells.
Research Focus 2: Unravelling the links between diet, obesity, and cancer
Cancers of the liver and uterus (endometrium) are strongly linked to diet and obesity. Dr Byrne's lab is investigating how dietary factors (such as fructose) impact liver tumour development and growth. She is also working with collaborators to investigate 'cancer-specific signatures' associated with obesity-related uterine cancer including changes in uterine microbiota (Kaakoush et al. 2022, Cancers), the transcriptome (Tanaka et al. 2022, Int J Mol Sci), circular RNAs (Tanaka et al. 2023, Gene) and the lipidome.
Dr Byrne is an Associate Fellow of Advance Higher Education (AFHEA). She lectures in BABS3151 (topic: Cancer Genetics), BIOC3271/3671 (topic: Molecular Approaches to Cancer Cell Biology, Human Cytoskeleton and Disease), BIOC3261 (topic: Cancer Metabolism), and co-convenes BABS2011 (Current Trends in Biotechnology). She lectures and leads practicals in the School of Medicine (MFAC1525: Ageing and Endings). She supervises PhD, Masters, honours, and undergraduate students in the Schools of BABS, Chemistry, and Biomedical Sciences.
Organisational roles
Chair: School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee (UNSW) 2022- current
School representative: Faculty of Science EDI working group (SEDIWG) 2022- current
Co-chair: Executive Committee for the Women in Research Network (WiRN) 2022-2023
Engagement with community
Dr Byrne recognizes the importance of communicating her research with research advocates, including Mr Jeff Cuff who sadly lost his wife colon cancer in 2013. Jeff has been an active member of Dr Byrne’s laboratory which led to co-authorship on Dr Byrne’s publication (Byrne et al, 2020 Redox Biology) and he continues to play an important role in guiding her research and helping her establish new collaborations with cancer researchers.
Dr Byrne was interviewed by Leah Hazard, an NHS midwife and best-selling author, for her new book ‘Womb: The Inside Story of Where We All Began’. In this book Dr Byrne highlights her research on the link between disruption of uterine microbiota and uterine cancer.
Engagement with Industry
As a previous participant in the MTP Connect Bridge Program (2020) and prior recipient of a Bridge Industry Fellowship (2021), Dr Byrne now serves as the UNSW representative on the steering committee for the national drug commercialisation training program (Bridge Program).
Contribution to Profession
Dr Byrne reviews fellowship applications (Hope Funds for Cancer Research), NHMRC grants, HDR student theses, and manuscripts for Cancer Research, Molecular Cancer Research, Nature Communications, Gynecologic Oncology, Genes & Diseases, Cellular & Molecular Life Sciences, BMC, Cancers, AJP Endocrinology & Metabolism, etc.
She serves on the Honours Committee for the School of BABS and helps organise and chair sessions at national conferences.
She is an invited Guest Editor for Cancers (special issue: Mitochondrial Uncoupling and Cancer).
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Seed funding from the Schools of Biomedical Sciences/Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences ($20K) (2023)
Tenure Track Support Award (2022)
Cancer Institute NSW Career Development Fellowship (2022-2024)
Researcher Exchange & Development within Industry (REDI) Fellowship (2021)
Cancer Institute NSW Early Career Fellowship (2018-2021)
UNSW Career Advancement Fund (2019)
Translational Cancer Research Network (TCRN) grant (2018)
Next Generation Sequencing Grant, UNSW (2018)
Conference and Professional Development Grant, TCRN (2017)
Early Career Researcher Grant, Faculty of Science, UNSW (2016)
Hope Funds for Cancer Research Postdoctoral Fellowship (2014-2017) (USA), Malcolm AS Moore Honorary Fellow
Anthony Rothe Memorial PhD Scholarship (2008-2011)
Louiza Zervos Memorial Scholarship in Paediatrics (2010)
Bioscience Reports Best EMCR Poster Presentation ($250), NSW Cancer Conference, Sydney NSW (2022)
Paper of the Month for publication in Cancers, School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW (May, 2022)
Paper of the Month for publication in Redox Biology, School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW (November, 2019)
Best oral presentation at AussieMit conference, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Perth, WA (2014)
Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Travel Grant, AussieMit conference, Perth, WA (2014)
Paper of the Month for publication in Cancer Research, School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW, Australia (2014)
Sydney Catalyst Prize for best cancer-related poster, Annual Garvan Signalling Symposium, Sydney, Australia (2014)
Jefferson Cup awarded for oral presentation at the UVA Postdoctoral Research Day, University of Virginia (USA) (2014)
Poster prize at the Inaugural UVA Postdoctoral Research Day, University of Virginia (USA) (2013)
University of Sydney Medal for Best Overall Presentation, ASMR Medical Research Week NSW Scientific Meeting (2011)
My Research Supervision
UNSW PhD Students (current)
Riya Shrestha (Scientia Scholarship) - School of BABS
Suri Zhang - School of BABS
Claudia Tiplady - School of BABS
Yao Cheng - School of Chemistry
UNSW PhD Students (previous)
Sing-Young Chen (Scientia Scholarship) - School of BABS
Stephanie Alexopoulos (Scientia Scholarship) - School of BABS