Associate Professor Fiona Haigh
PhD University of New South Wales (2017)
Masters in Public Health University of Bielefeld, Germany (2004)
Certificate of Law Examinations Admission as barrister and solicitor of the High Court in New Zealand (1998)
Bachelor of Social Sciences University of Waikato, New Zealand (1998)
Bachelor of Laws University of Waikato, New Zealand (1998)
Research Interests:
Research interests include Health Impact Assessment, health inequalities, health and human rights and interdisciplinary research and education.
Broad Research Areas:
Health Policy, Population Health, Global Health
Specific Research Keywords:
Health Impact Assessment, Health and Human Rights, Health Inequalities, Health equity, Social Determinants of Health, Public Health
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2013 – 2016 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Postgraduate Scholarship
2015 3rd National Health Impact Assessment Meeting, Washington D.C. April 2015, Travel Scholarship
2000-2002 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for post graduate study and training in Germany
1995 Health Waikato Student Scholarship
1994 Dean Palmer Trust Fund Scholarship
Current Research Projects
Equity frameworks, tools, and resources
Equity Focussed Health Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic and Response
Climate change health and vulnerability impact assessment framework–Scoping Study
Co-Governance and Intersectoral Collaboration
Institutionalising a whole-of government approach to chronic disease prevention
Identifying a preferred method to cost the health benefits of active transport
Co-chair IUHPE Global Working Group on HIA
Associate Australian Human Rights Institute
Member Australian Human Rights Institute Research Committee
Reviewer for Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Health Policy, Pan American Journal of Public Health, Health Promotion International, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Global Health Promotion, Chronicles of HIA, MJA
Peer reviewer for Health Impact Assessments internationally
Invited keynote addresses at conferences in Austria, Korea and New Zealand
Technical support for Pan American Health Organisation and World Health Organisation South East Asian Regional Office
Steering Committee of Society of Practitioners of Health Impact Assessment
Member Housing and Health Partnership (Population Health, South Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW Health) Greater Western Sydney Area, Department of Family and Community Services, Housing NSW Land and Housing Corporation, Department of Finance and Services)
Member SWSLHD Population Health Executive
Member SWSLHD Population Health Healthy Built Environment Strategic Coordinating Group
Member of Wollondilly Health Alliance Health in Planning Working Group
Member of Western Sydney Health Alliance Liveability and Connections Working Group
Board member Ngroo Education 2017-2018
My Teaching
I contribute to PHCM9626 Inequalities and Health (previously course coordinator) and PHCM9628 Health Impact Assessment (previously course coordinator)