Associate Professor Elissa Deenick

Associate Professor Elissa Deenick

Scientia Fellow (Level D)
Medicine & Health
The Kirby Institute

Research Interests:
My group is interested in understanding the signals that control the generation of an appropriate and protective immune response following infection. To do this we use both primary human cells and mouse models in order to track the signalling pathways that control lymphocyte activation, expansion and differentiation.

Broad Research Areas:

Specific Research Keywords:
T Cells,  B cells, Primary Immunodeficiency, autoimmunity;

+61 2 9295 8509
Garvan Institute 384 Victoria St Darlinghurst
  • Book Chapters | 2022
    Deenick EK; Bier J; Lau A, 2022, 'PI3K Isoforms in B Cells', in PI3K and AKT Isoforms in Immunity: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities, Germany, pp. 235 - 254,
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Hodgkin PD; Hawkins ED; Hasbold J; Gett AV; Deenick EK; Todd HF; Hommel M, 2005, 'Monitoring T cell proliferation', in Analyzing T Cell Responses: How to Analyze Cellular Immune Responses against Tumor Associated Antigens, pp. 123 - 141,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Pathmanandavel K; Jackson K; Le S; Alves M; Foley E; Tangye S; Ma C; Deenick E; Tong W; Carr A; Breit S; Sewell W; Kane A, 2024, 'Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells exhibit restricted T cell receptor β constant region usage, obfuscating assessment of T cell clonality', Pathology, 56, pp. S114 - S114,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Phan TG; Deenick EK, 2024, 'Painful memories boost protective immunity', Cell Research,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Conway JRW; Warren SC; Lee YK; McCulloch AT; Magenau A; Lee V; Metcalf XL; Stoehr J; Haigh K; Abdulkhalek L; Guaman CS; Reed DA; Murphy KJ; Pereira BA; Mélénec P; Chambers C; Latham SL; Lenthall H; Deenick EK; Ma Y; Phan T; Lim E; Joshua AM; Walters S; Grey ST; Shi YC; Zhang L; Herzog H; Croucher DR; Philp A; Scheele CLGJ; Herrmann D; Sansom OJ; Morton JP; Papa A; Haigh JJ; Nobis M; Timpson P, 2023, 'Monitoring AKT activity and targeting in live tissue and disease contexts using a real-time Akt-FRET biosensor mouse', Science Advances, 9, pp. eadf9063,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Khoo WH; Jackson K; Phetsouphanh C; Zaunders JJ; Alquicira-Hernandez J; Yazar S; Ruiz-Diaz S; Singh M; Dhenni R; Kyaw W; Tea F; Merheb V; Lee FXZ; Burrell R; Howard-Jones A; Koirala A; Zhou L; Yuksel A; Catchpoole DR; Lai CL; Vitagliano TL; Rouet R; Christ D; Tang B; West NP; George S; Gerrard J; Croucher PI; Kelleher AD; Goodnow CG; Sprent JD; Powell JE; Brilot F; Nanan R; Hsu PS; Deenick EK; Britton PN; Phan TG, 2023, 'Tracking the clonal dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in children and adults with mild/asymptomatic COVID-19', Clinical Immunology, 246,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Masle-Farquhar E; Jeelall Y; White J; Bier J; Deenick EK; Brink R; Horikawa K; Goodnow CC, 2023, 'CARD11 gain-of-function mutation drives cell-autonomous accumulation of PD-1+ ICOShigh activated T cells, T-follicular, T-regulatory and T-follicular regulatory cells', Frontiers in Immunology, 14,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nguyen T; Lau A; Bier J; Cooke KC; Lenthall H; Ruiz-Diaz S; Avery DT; Brigden H; Zahra D; Sewell WA; Droney L; Okada S; Asano T; Abolhassani H; Chavoshzadeh Z; Abraham RS; Rajapakse N; Klee EW; Church JA; Williams A; Wong M; Burkhart C; Uzel G; Croucher DR; James DE; Ma CS; Brink R; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2023, 'Human PIK3R1 mutations disrupt lymphocyte differentiation to cause activated PI3Kδ syndrome 2', The Journal of experimental medicine, 220,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tangye SG; Nguyen T; Deenick EK; Bryant VL; Ma CS, 2023, 'Inborn errors of human B cell development, differentiation, and function', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 220,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bier J; Brink R; Tangye S; Deenick EK, 2022, 'T cell extrinsic mechanics explaining the T cell hyperactivation seen in Activated PI3K delta Syndrome', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 208,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bier J; Deenick EK, 2022, 'The role of dysregulated PI3Kdelta signaling in human autoimmunity*', Immunological Reviews, 307, pp. 134 - 144,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Deenick E; Lau A; Nguyen T; Bier J; Brink R; Tangye S, 2022, 'Analysing the cellular mechanisms underlying activated PI3K delta Syndrome (APDS) reveals differences between APDS1 and APDS2', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 208,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Deenick EK; Kane A, 2022, 'For whom the B cells toll', Immunology and Cell Biology, 100, pp. 479 - 481,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Munoz MA; Skinner OP; Masle-Farquhar E; Jurczyluk J; Xiao Y; Fletcher EK; Kristianto E; Hodson MP; O’Donoghue SI; Kaur S; Brink R; Zahra DG; Deenick EK; Perry KA; Robertson AAB; Mehr S; Hissaria P; Mulders-Manders CM; Simon A; Rogers MJ, 2022, 'Increased core body temperature exacerbates defective protein prenylation in mouse models of mevalonate kinase deficiency', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 132,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pelham SJ; Caldirola MS; Avery DT; Mackie J; Rao G; Gothe F; Peters TJ; Guerin A; Neumann D; Vokurkova D; Hwa V; Zhang W; Lyu SC; Chang I; Manohar M; Nadeau KC; Gaillard MI; Bezrodnik L; Iotova V; Zwirner NW; Gutierrez M; Al-Herz W; Goodnow CC; Vargas-Hernández A; Forbes Satter LR; Hambleton S; Deenick EK; Ma CS; Tangye SG, 2022, 'STAT5B restrains human B-cell differentiation to maintain humoral immune homeostasis', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 150, pp. 931 - 946,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cagdas D; Mayr D; Baris S; Worley L; Langley DB; Metin A; Aytekin ES; Atan R; Kasap N; Bal SK; Dmytrus J; Heredia RJ; Karasu G; Torun SH; Toyran M; Karakoc-Aydiner E; Christ D; Kuskonmaz B; Uçkan-Çetinkaya D; Uner A; Oberndorfer F; Schiefer AI; Uzel G; Deenick EK; Keller B; Warnatz K; Neven B; Durandy A; Sanal O; Ma CS; Özen A; Stepensky P; Tezcan I; Boztug K; Tangye SG, 2021, 'Genomic Spectrum and Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Human IL-21 Receptor Deficiency', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 41, pp. 1272 - 1290,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Nguyen T; Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2021, 'Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling and immune regulation: insights into disease pathogenesis and clinical implications', Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 17, pp. 905 - 914,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Deenick EK; Lau A; Bier J; Kane A, 2020, 'Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying defective antibody responses', Immunology and Cell Biology, 98, pp. 467 - 479,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Deenick EK, 2020, 'B cells: we need them now more than ever', Immunology and Cell Biology, 98, pp. 437 - 438,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Koay HF; Su S; Amann-Zalcenstein D; Daley SR; Comerford I; Whyte CE; Konstantinov IE; d’Udekem Y; Baldwin T; Hickey PF; Berzins SP; Mak JYW; Kallies A; Chen Z; Nussing S; Kedzierska K; Mackay LK; McColl SR; Deenick EK; Fairlie DP; McCluskey J; Goodnow CC; Ritchie ME; Belz GT; Naik SH; Pellicci DG; Godfrey DI, 2020, 'A divergent transcriptional landscape underpins the development and functional branching of MAIT cells', The Journal of Immunology, 204, pp. 223.8 - 223.8,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lang PA; Crome SQ; Xu HC; Lang KS; Chapatte L; Deenick EK; Grusdat M; Pandyra AA; Pozdeev VI; Wang R; Holderried TAW; Cantor H; Diefenbach A; Elford AR; McIlwain DR; Recher M; Häussinger D; Mak TW; Ohashi PS, 2020, 'NK Cells Regulate CD8+ T Cell Mediated Autoimmunity', Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 10,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lau A; Avery DT; Jackson K; Lenthall H; Volpi S; Brigden H; Russell AJ; Bier J; Reed JH; Smart JM; Cole T; Choo S; Gray PE; Berglund LJ; Hsu P; Wong M; O'Sullivan M; Boztug K; Meyts I; Uzel G; Notarangelo LD; Brink R; Goodnow CC; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2020, 'Activated PI3Kd breaches multiple B cell tolerance checkpoints and causes autoantibody production', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yap JY; Gloss B; Batten M; Hsu P; Berglund L; Cai F; Dai P; Parker A; Qiu M; Miley W; Roshan R; Marshall V; Whitby D; Wegman E; Garsia R; Wu KHC; Kirk E; Polizzotto M; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Ma CS; CIRCA ; Phan TG, 2020, 'Everolimus-Induced Remission of Classic Kaposi’s Sarcoma Secondary to Cryptic Splicing Mediated CTLA4 Haploinsufficiency', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 40, pp. 774 - 779,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bier J; Rao G; Payne K; Brigden H; French E; Pelham SJ; Lau A; Lenthall H; Edwards ESJ; Smart JM; Cole TS; Choo S; Joshi AY; Abraham RS; O'Sullivan M; Boztug K; Meyts I; Gray PE; Berglund LJ; Hsu P; Wong M; Holland SM; Notarangelo LD; Uzel G; Ma CS; Brink R; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2019, 'Activating mutations in PIK3CD disrupt the differentiation and function of human and murine CD4+ T cells', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 144, pp. 236 - 253,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Edwards ESJ; Bier J; Cole TS; Wong M; Hsu P; Berglund LJ; Boztug K; Lau A; Gostick E; Price DA; O'Sullivan M; Meyts I; Choo S; Gray P; Holland SM; Deenick EK; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2019, 'Activating PIK3CD mutations impair human cytotoxic lymphocyte differentiation and function and EBV immunity', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 143, pp. 276 - 291.e6,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Koay HF; Su S; Amann-Zalcenstein D; Daley SR; Comerford I; Miosge L; Whyte CE; Konstantinov IE; D'Udekem Y; Baldwin T; Hickey PF; Berzins SP; Mak JYW; Sontani Y; Roots CM; Sidwell T; Kallies A; Chen Z; Nüssing S; Kedzierska K; Mackay LK; McColl SR; Deenick EK; Fairlie DP; McCluskey J; Goodnow CC; Ritchie ME; Belz GT; Naik SH; Pellicci DG; Godfrey DI, 2019, 'A divergent transcriptional landscape underpins the development and functional branching of MAIT cells', Science Immunology, 4,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Moran I; Avery DT; Payne K; Lenthall H; Davies EG; Burns S; Ip W; Oleastro MM; Reisli I; Guner S; Keles S; Notarangelo L; Deenick EK; Goodnow CC; Zahra D; Brink R; Wong M; Tangye SG; Ma CS; Phan TG, 2019, 'B cell–intrinsic requirement for STK4 in humoral immunity in mice and human subjects', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 143, pp. 2302 - 2305,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tangye SG; Bier J; Lau A; Nguyen T; Uzel G; Deenick EK, 2019, 'Immune Dysregulation and Disease Pathogenesis due to Activating Mutations in PIK3CD—the Goldilocks’ Effect', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 39, pp. 148 - 158,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Avery DT; Kane A; Nguyen T; Lau A; Nguyen A; Lenthall H; Payne K; Shi W; Brigden H; French E; Bier J; Hermes JR; Zahra D; Sewell WA; Butt D; Elliott M; Boztug K; Meyts I; Choo S; Hsu P; Wong M; Berglund LJ; Gray P; O’Sullivan M; Cole T; Holland SM; Ma CS; Burkhart C; Corcoran LM; Phan TG; Brink R; Uzel G; Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2018, 'Germline-activating mutations in PIK3CD compromise B cell development and function', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 215, pp. 2073 - 2095,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Béziat V; Li J; Lin JX; Ma CS; Li P; Bousfiha A; Pellier I; Zoghi S; Baris S; Keles S; Gray P; Du N; Wang Y; Zerbib Y; Lévy R; Leclercq T; About F; Lim AI; Rao G; Payne K; Pelham SJ; Avery DT; Deenick EK; Pillay B; Chou J; Guery R; Belkadi A; Guérin A; Migaud M; Rattina V; Ailal F; Benhsaien I; Bouaziz M; Habib T; Chaussabel D; Marr N; El-Benna J; Grimbacher B; Wargon O; Bustamante J; Boisson B; Müller-Fleckenstein I; Fleckenstein B; Chandesris MO; Titeux M; Fraitag S; Alyanakian MA; Leruez-Ville M; Picard C; Meyts I; Di Santo JP; Hovnanian A; Somer A; Ozen A; Rezaei N; Chatila TA; Abel L; Leonard WJ; Tangye SG; Puel A; Casanova JL, 2018, 'A recessive form of hyper-IgE syndrome by disruption of ZNF341-dependent STAT3 transcription and activity', Science Immunology, 3,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Deenick EK; Morey A; Danta M; Emmett L; Fay K; Gracie G; Ma CS; Macintosh R; Smith SABC; Sasson SC; Sewell WA; Cowley M; Tangye SG; Kelleher AD; Phan TG, 2018, 'Reversible Suppression of Lymphoproliferation and Thrombocytopenia with Rapamycin in a Patient with Common Variable Immunodeficiency', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 38, pp. 159 - 162,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Deenick EK; Pelham SJ; Kane A; Ma CS, 2018, 'Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 control of human T and B cell responses', Frontiers in Immunology, 9,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kong XF; Martinez-Barricarte R; Kennedy J; Mele F; Lazarov T; Deenick EK; Ma CS; Breton G; Lucero KB; Langlais D; Bousfiha A; Aytekin C; Markle J; Trouillet C; Jabot-Hanin F; Arlehamn CSL; Rao G; Picard C; Lasseau T; Latorre D; Hambleton S; Deswarte C; Itan Y; Abarca K; Moraes-Vasconcelos D; Ailal F; Ikinciogullari A; Dogu F; Benhsaien I; Sette A; Abel L; Boisson-Dupuis S; Schröder B; Nussenzweig MC; Liu K; Geissmann F; Tangye SG; Gros P; Sallusto F; Bustamante J; Casanova JL, 2018, 'Disruption of an antimycobacterial circuit between dendritic and helper T cells in human SPPL2a deficiency', Nature Immunology, 19, pp. 973 - 985,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Martínez-Barricarte R; Markle JG; Ma CS; Deenick EK; Ramírez-Alejo N; Mele F; Latorre D; Mahdaviani SA; Aytekin C; Mansouri D; Bryant VL; Jabot-Hanin F; Deswarte C; Nieto-Patlán A; Surace L; Kerner G; Itan Y; Jovic S; Avery DT; Wong N; Rao G; Patin E; Okada S; Bigio B; Boisson B; Rapaport F; Seeleuthner Y; Schmidt M; Ikinciogullari A; Dogu F; Tanir G; Tabarsi P; Bloursaz MR; Joseph JK; Heer A; Kong XF; Migaud M; Lazarov T; Geissmann F; Fleckenstein B; Arlehamn CL; Sette A; Puel A; Emile JF; van de Vosse E; Quintana-Murci L; Di Santo JP; Abel L; Boisson-Dupuis S; Bustamante J; Tangye SG; Sallusto F; Casanova JL, 2018, 'Human IFN- immunity to mycobacteria is governed by both IL-12 and IL-23', Science Immunology, 3,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cottineau J; Kottemann MC; Lach FP; Kang YH; Vély F; Deenick EK; Lazarov T; Gineau L; Wang Y; Farina A; Chansel M; Lorenzo L; Piperoglou C; Ma CS; Nitschke P; Belkadi A; Itan Y; Boisson B; Jabot-Hanin F; Picard C; Bustamante J; Eidenschenk C; Boucherit S; Aladjidi N; Lacombe D; Barat P; Qasim W; Hurst JA; Pollard AJ; Uhlig HH; Fieschi C; Michon J; Bermudez VP; Abel L; De Villartay JP; Geissmann F; Tangye SG; Hurwitz J; Vivier E; Casanova JL; Smogorzewska A; Jouanguy E, 2017, 'Inherited GINS1 deficiency underlies growth retardation along with neutropenia and NK cell deficiency', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 127, pp. 1991 - 2006,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2017, 'The TORC that Gets the GC Cycling', Immunity, 46, pp. 974 - 976,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ma CS; Deenick EK, 2017, 'The circulating life of a memory T-follicular helper cell', Clinical and Translational Immunology, 6,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ma CS; Deenick EK, 2017, 'The circulating life of a memory T-follicular helper cell', Clinical and Translational Immunology, 6,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Tangye SG; Pelham SJ; Deenick EK; Ma CS, 2017, 'Cytokine-mediated regulation of human lymphocyte development and function: Insights from primary immunodeficiencies', Journal of Immunology, 199, pp. 1949 - 1958,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Vazquez-Lombardi R; Loetsch C; Zinkl D; Jackson J; Schofield P; Deenick EK; King C; Phan TG; Webster KE; Sprent J; Christ D, 2017, 'Potent antitumour activity of interleukin-2-Fc fusion proteins requires Fc-mediated depletion of regulatory T-cells', Nature Communications, 8,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kane A; Lau A; Brink R; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2016, 'B-cell–specific STAT3 deficiency: Insight into the molecular basis of autosomal-dominant hyper-IgE syndrome', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 138, pp. 1455 - 1458.e3,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ma CS; Wong N; Rao G; Nguyen A; Avery DT; Payne K; Torpy J; O'Young P; Deenick E; Bustamante J; Puel A; Okada S; Kobayashi M; Martinez-Barricarte R; Elliott M; Kilic SS; Baghdadi JE; Minegishi Y; Bousfiha A; Robertson N; Hambleton S; Arkwright PD; French M; Blincoe AK; Hsu P; Campbell DE; Stormon MO; Wong M; Adelstein S; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Stepensky P; Boztug K; Beier R; Ikincioğullari A; Ziegler JB; Gray P; Picard C; Boisson-Dupuis S; Phan TG; Grimbacher B; Warnatz K; Holland SM; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Tangye SG, 2016, 'Unique and shared signaling pathways cooperate to regulate the differentiation of human CD4+ T cells into distinct effector subsets', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 213, pp. 1589 - 1608,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Pelham SJ; Lenthall HC; Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2016, 'Elucidating the effects of disease-causing mutations on STAT3 function in autosomal-dominant hyper-IgE syndrome', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 138, pp. 1210 - 1213.e5,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ma CS; Wong N; Rao G; Avery DT; Torpy J; Hambridge T; Bustamante J; Okada S; Stoddard JL; Deenick EK; Pelham SJ; Payne K; Boisson-Dupuis S; Puel A; Kobayashi M; Arkwright PD; Kilic SS; El Baghdadi J; Nonoyama S; Minegishi Y; Mahdaviani SA; Mansouri D; Bousfiha A; Blincoe AK; French MA; Hsu P; Campbell DE; Stormon MO; Wong M; Adelstein S; Smart JM; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Phan TG; Stepensky P; Boztug K; Kansu A; Ikincioʇullari A; Baumann U; Beier R; Roscioli T; Ziegler JB; Gray P; Picard C; Grimbacher B; Warnatz K; Holland SM; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2015, 'Monogenic mutations differentially affect the quantity and quality of T follicular helper cells in patients with human primary immunodeficiencies', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 136, pp. 993 - 1006.e1,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Okada S; Markle JG; Deenick EK; Mele F; Averbuch D; Lagos M; Alzahrani M; Al-Muhsen S; Halwani R; Ma CS; Wong N; Soudais C; Henderson LA; Marzouqa H; Shamma J; Gonzalez M; Martinez-Barricarte R; Okada C; Avery DT; Latorre D; Deswarte C; Jabot-Hanin F; Torrado E; Fountain J; Belkadi A; Itan Y; Boisson B; Migaud M; Lindestam Arlehamn CS; Sette A; Breton S; Cluskey J; Rossjohn J; De Villartay JP; Moshous D; Hambleton S; Latour S; Arkwright PD; Picard C; Lantz O; Engelhard D; Kobayashi M; Abel L; Cooper AM; Notarangelo LD; Boisson-Dupuis S; Puel A; Sallusto F; Bustamante J; Tangye SG; Casanova JL, 2015, 'Impairment of immunity to Candida and Mycobacterium in humans with bi-allelic RORC mutations', Science, 349, pp. 606 - 613,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Suan D; Nguyen A; Moran I; Bourne K; Hermes JR; Arshi M; Hampton HR; Tomura M; Miwa Y; Kelleher AD; Kaplan W; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Brink R; Chtanova T; Phan TG, 2015, 'T Follicular Helper Cells Have Distinct Modes of Migration and Molecular Signatures in Naive and Memory Immune Responses', Immunity, 42, pp. 704 - 718,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wilson RP; Ives ML; Rao G; Lau A; Payne K; Kobayashi M; Arkwright PD; Peake J; Wong M; Adelstein S; Smart JM; French MA; Fulcher DA; Picard C; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Gray P; Stepensky P; Warnatz K; Freeman AF; Rossjohn J; McCluskey J; Holland SM; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Ma CS; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2015, 'STAT3 is a critical cell-intrinsic regulator of human unconventional T cell numbers and function', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 212, pp. 855 - 864,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kane A; Deenick EK; Ma CS; Cook MC; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2014, 'STAT3 is a central regulator of lymphocyte differentiation and function', Current Opinion in Immunology, 28, pp. 49 - 57,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kuehn HS; Ouyang W; Lo B; Deenick EK; Niemela JE; Avery DT; Schickel JN; Tran DQ; Stoddard J; Zhang Y; Frucht DM; Dumitriu B; Scheinberg P; Folio LR; Frein CA; Price S; Koh C; Heller T; Seroogy CM; Huttenlocher A; Rao VK; Su HC; Kleiner D; Notarangelo LD; Rampertaap Y; Olivier KN; McElwee J; Hughes J; Pittaluga S; Oliveira JB; Meffre E; Fleisher TA; Holland SM; Lenardo MJ; Tangye SG; Uzel G, 2014, 'Immune dysregulation in human subjects with heterozygous germline mutations in CTLA4', Science, 345, pp. 1623 - 1627,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Lucas CL; Kuehn HS; Zhao F; Niemela JE; Deenick EK; Palendira U; Avery DT; Moens L; Cannons JL; Biancalana M; Stoddard J; Ouyang W; Frucht DM; Rao VK; Atkinson TP; Agharahimi A; Hussey AA; Folio LR; Olivier KN; Fleisher TA; Pittaluga S; Holland SM; Cohen JI; Oliveira JB; Tangye SG; Schwartzberg PL; Lenardo MJ; Uzel G, 2014, 'Dominant-activating germline mutations in the gene encoding the PI(3)K catalytic subunit p110δ result in T cell senescence and human immunodeficiency', Nature Immunology, 15, pp. 88 - 97,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ma CS; Deenick EK, 2014, 'Human T follicular helper (Tfh) cells and disease', Immunology and Cell Biology, 92, pp. 64 - 71,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Berglund LJ; Avery DT; Ma CS; Moens L; Deenick EK; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Wong M; Adelstein S; Arkwright PD; Bacchetta R; Bezrodnik L; Dadi H; Roifman CM; Fulcher DA; Ziegler JB; Smart JM; Kobayashi M; Picard C; Durandy A; Cook MC; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2013, 'IL-21 signalling via STAT3 primes human näive B cells to respond to IL-2 to enhance their differentiation into plasmablasts', Blood, 122, pp. 3940 - 3950,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Deenick EK; Avery DT; Chan A; Berglund LJ; Ives ML; Moens L; Stoddard JL; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Tsumura M; Kobayashi M; Arkwright PD; Averbuch D; Engelhard D; Roesler J; Peake J; Wong M; Adelstein S; Choo S; Smart JM; French MA; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Picard C; Durandy A; Klein C; Holland SM; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Ma CS; Tangye SG, 2013, 'Naive and memory human B cells have distinct requirements for STAT3 activation to differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 210, pp. 2739 - 2753,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ives ML; Ma CS; Palendira U; Chan A; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Arkwright PD; Engelhard D; Averbuch D; Magdorf K; Roesler J; Peake J; Wong M; Adelstein S; Choo S; Smart JM; French MA; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Picard C; Durandy A; Tsumura M; Kobayashi M; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2013, 'Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) mutations underlying autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome impair human CD8+ T-cell memory formation and function', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 132, pp. 400 - 411.e9,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tangye SG; Ma CS; Brink R; Deenick EK, 2013, 'The good, the bad and the ugly-T FH cells in human health and disease', Nature Reviews Immunology, 13, pp. 412 - 426,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ma C; Avery D; Chan A; Batten ML; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Arkwright PD; Kreins AY; Averbuch D; Engelhard D; Magdorf K; Kilic S; Minegishi Y; Gray PE, 2012, 'Functional STAT3 deficiency compromises the generation of human T follicular helper cells', Blood, 119, pp. 3997 - 4008,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Tangye SG; Deenick EK; Palendira U; Ma CS, 2012, 'T cell-B cell interactions in primary immunodeficiencies', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1250, pp. 1 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Deenick EK; Ma CS; Brink R; Tangye SG, 2011, 'Regulation of T follicular helper cell formation and function by antigen presenting cells', Current Opinion in Immunology, 23, pp. 111 - 118,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Deenick EK; Ma CS, 2011, 'The regulation and role of T follicular helper cells in immunity', Immunology, 134, pp. 361 - 367,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Ma CS; Deenick EK, 2011, 'The role of SAP and SLAM family molecules in the humoral immune response', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1217, pp. 32 - 44,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Deenick EK; Elford AR; Pellegrini M; Hall H; Mak TW; Ohashi PS, 2010, 'c-Rel but not NF-κB1 is important for T regulatory cell development', European Journal of Immunology, 40, pp. 677 - 681,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Deenick EK; Po L; Chapatte L; Murakami K; Lu YC; Elford AR; Saibil SD; Ruland J; Gerondakis S; Mak TW; Ohashi PS, 2010, 'c-Rel phenocopies PKCθ but not Bcl-10 in regulating CD8+ T-cell activation versus tolerance', European Journal of Immunology, 40, pp. 867 - 877,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Randall KL; Lambe T; Johnson A; Treanor B; Kucharska E; Domaschenz H; Whittle B; Tze LE; Enders A; Crockford TL; Bouriez-Jones T; Alston D; Cyster JG; Lenardo MJ; MacKay F; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Chan TD; Camidge T; Brink R; Vinuesa CG; Batista FD; Cornall RJ; Goodnow CC, 2010, 'Erratum: Dock8 mutations cripple B cell immunological synapses, germinal centers and long-lived antibody production (Nature Immunology (2009) 10 (1283-1291))', Nature Immunology, 11, pp. 644,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Tangye SG; Palendira U; Low C; Deenick EK; Chan A; Ma CS; Brink R; Alvaro F; Cook MC; Sean Riminton D; Nichols KE; Schwartzberg PL, 2010, 'Sap is necessary for mediating antigen-specific effector functions of CD4+ AND CD8+ T cells', Pathology, 42, pp. S45 - S45,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Randall KL; Lambe T; Johnson A; Treanor B; Kucharska E; Domaschenz H; Whittle B; Tze LE; Enders A; Crockford TL; Bouriez-Jones T; Alston D; Cyster JG; Lenardo MJ; Mackay F; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Chan TD; Camidge T; Brink R; Vinuesa C; Batista FD; Cornall RJ; Goodnow CC, 2009, 'Dock8 mutations cripple B cell immunological synapses, germinal centers and long-lived antibody production', Nature Immunology, 10, pp. 1283 - 1291,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2008, 'Autoimmunity: IL-21: A new player in Th17-cell differentiation (Immunology and Cell Biology (2007) 85, (503-505) DOI: 10.1038/sj.icb.7100114)', Immunology and Cell Biology, 86, pp. 478,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Saibil SD; Deenick EK; Ohashi PS, 2007, 'The sound of silence: modulating anergy in T lymphocytes', Current Opinion in Immunology, 19, pp. 658 - 664,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Saibil SD; Jones RG; Deenick EK; Liadis N; Elford AR; Vainberg MG; Baerg H; Woodgett JA; Gerondakis S; Ohashi PS, 2007, 'CD4+ and CD8+ T cell survival is regulated differentially by protein kinase Cθ c-Rel, and protein kinase B', Journal of Immunology, 178, pp. 2932 - 2939,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Suh WK; Wang S; Duncan GS; Miyazaki Y; Cates E; Walker T; Gajewska BU; Deenick E; Dawicki W; Okada H; Wakeham A; Itie A; Watts TH; Ohashi PS; Jordana M; Yoshida H; Mak TW, 2006, 'Generation and characterization of B7-H4/B7S1/B7x-deficient mice', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 26, pp. 6403 - 6411,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Deenick EK; Hasbold J; Hodgkin PD, 2005, 'Decision criteria for resolving isotype switching conflicts by B cells', European Journal of Immunology, 35, pp. 2949 - 2955,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Berg-Brown NN; Gronski MA; Jones RG; Elford AR; Deenick EK; Odermatt B; Littman DR; Ohashi PS, 2004, 'PKCθ Signals Activation versus Tolerance In Vivo', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 199, pp. 743 - 752,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Gronski MA; Boulter JM; Moskophidis D; Nguyen LT; Holmberg K; Elford AR; Deenick EK; Kim HO; Penninger JM; Odermatt B; Gallimore A; Gascoigne NRJ; Ohashi PS, 2004, 'TCR affinity and negative regulation limit autoimmunity', Nature Medicine, 10, pp. 1234 - 1239,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Deenick EK; Gett AV; Hodgkin PD, 2003, 'Stochastic model of T cell proliferation: A calculus revealing IL-2 regulation of precursor frequencies, cell cycle time, and survival', Journal of Immunology, 170, pp. 4963 - 4972,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Tangye SG; Avery DT; Deenick EK; Hodgkin PD, 2003, 'Intrinsic differences in the proliferation of naive and memory human B cells as a mechanism for enhanced secondary immune responses', Journal of Immunology, 170, pp. 686 - 694,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Deenick EK; Hasbold J; Hodgkin PD, 1999, 'Switching to IgG3, IgG2b, and IgA is division linked and independent, revealing a stochastic framework for describing differentiation', Journal of Immunology, 163, pp. 4707 - 4714
    Journal articles | 1999
    Hasbold J; Gett AV; Rush JS; Deenick E; Avery D; Jun J; Hodgkin PD, 1999, 'Quantitative analysis of lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation in vitro using carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester', Immunology and Cell Biology, 77, pp. 516 - 522,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Bier J; Lau A; Jackson KJL; Ruiz-Diaz S; Brink R; Tangye S; Deenick E, 2024, Both T and B cells contribute to dysregulated activation and differentiation of CD4+T cells in Activated PI3K delta syndrome 1, ,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Preprints | 2022
    Khoo WH; Jackson K; Phetsouphanh C; Zaunders J; Alquicira-Hernandez J; Yazar S; Ruiz-Diaz S; Singh M; Dhenni R; Kyaw W; Tea F; Merheb V; Lee F; Burrell R; Howard-Jones A; Koirala A; Zhou L; Yuksel A; Catchpoole D; Lai C; Vitagliano T; Rouet R; Christ D; Tang B; West N; George S; Gerrard J; Croucher P; Kelleher A; Goodnow C; Sprent J; Powell J; Brilot F; Nanan R; Hsu P; Deenick E; Britton P; Phan TG, 2022, Clonal dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in children and adults with COVID-19, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Munoz M; Skinner O; Masle-Farquhar E; Jurczyluk J; Xiao Y; Fletcher E; Kristianto E; Hodson M; O’Donoghue S; Kaur S; Brink R; Zahra D; Deenick E; Perry K; Robertson AAB; Mehr S; Hissaria P; Mulders-Manders C; Simon A; Rogers M, 2022, Increased core body temperature exacerbates defective protein prenylation in mouse avatars of mevalonate kinase deficiency, ,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Bier J; Lau A; Brink RA; Ruiz-Diaz S; Lenthall H; Tangye S; Deenick E, 2021, 'T cell dysfunction in Activated P13K delta Syndrome explained by cell intrinsic and extrinsic components', in JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, AMER ASSOC IMMUNOLOGISTS,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Lau A; Bier J; Brink R; Tangye S; Deenick E, 2021, 'Dissecting the cellular defects that lead to activated PI3K delta Syndrome (APDS)', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, WILEY, pp. 110 - 110,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Koay HF; Su S; Amann-Zalcenstein D; Daley SR; Comerford I; Whyte CE; Konstantinov IE; d'Udekem Y; Baldwin T; Hickey PF; Berzins SP; Mak JYW; Kallies A; Chen Z; Nussing S; Kedzierska K; Mackay LK; McColl SR; Deenick EK; Fairlie DP; McCluskey J; Goodnow CC; Ritchie ME; Belz GT; Naik SH; Pellicci DG; Godfrey D, 2020, 'A divergent transcriptional landscape underpins the development and functional branching of MAIT cells', in JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, AMER ASSOC IMMUNOLOGISTS, HI, Honolulu, Vol. 204, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Immunologists - Immunology 2020, HI, Honolulu, 08 May 2020 - 12 May 2020,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Deenick EK, 2016, 'The role of STAT3 in B cells.', in Pathology, England, Vol. 48 Suppl 1, pp. S45, England,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Kane A; Lau A; Brink R; Tangye S; Deenick E, 2016, 'STAT3 is a critical B-cell intrinsic regulator of functional antibody responses and IgE production', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, Vol. 46, pp. 849 - 849, presented at International Congress of Immunology (ICI), AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 21 August 2016 - 26 August 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Martinez-Barricarte R; Kong X-F; Kennedy J; Lazarov T; Deenick E; Ma C; Mele F; Trouillet C; Bousfiha A; Aytekin C; Picard C; Salem S; Langlais D; Lasseau T; Migaud M; Abel L; Boisson-Dupuis S; Hambleton S; B S; Geissmann F; Tangye S; Sallusto F; Bustamante J; Gros P; Casanova J-L, 2016, 'Mycobacterial disease and myeloid dendritic cells defects in patients with SPPL2a deficiency', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, Vol. 46, pp. 777 - 778, presented at International Congress of Immunology (ICI), AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 21 August 2016 - 26 August 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Pelham SJ; Lenthall H; Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2016, 'Mutations underlying autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome impair distinct stages of STAT3 signaling', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, Vol. 46, pp. 139 - 140, presented at International Congress of Immunology (ICI), AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 21 August 2016 - 26 August 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Markle J; Okada S; Deenick E; Mele F; Averbuch D; Lagos M; Gonzalez M; Alzahrani M; Soudais C; Henderson L; Deswarte C; Jabot-Hanin F; Martinez-Barricarte R; Itan Y; Boisson B; Cooper A; Picard C; Abel L; Notarangelo L; Boisson-Dupuis S; Puel A; Sallusto F; Bustamante J; Tangye S; Casanova J-L, 2015, 'Impairment of IL-17A/F Immunity to Candida and IFN-g Immunity to Mycobacterium in Patients with RORC Deficiency', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires, Vol. 35, pp. S13 - S14, presented at 4th Meeting of the Latin-American-Society-for-Immunodeficiencies (LASID), ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires, 18 November 2015 - 21 November 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Deenick EK; Ives ML; Wilson RP; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2014, 'The Role of STAT3 in the Differentiation and Function of Unconventional T Cells', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, pp. S441 - S441, presented at 16th Biennial Meeting of the European-Society-for-Immunodeficiencies, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, 29 October 2014 - 01 November 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Ma CS; Wong N; Avery DT; Torpy J; Stoddard JL; Kobayashi M; Deenick EK; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2014, 'Determining the Molecular Requirements for Generating Human T Follicular Helper (Tfh) Cells', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, pp. S458 - S459, presented at 16th Biennial Meeting of the European-Society-for-Immunodeficiencies, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, 29 October 2014 - 01 November 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Markle J; Okada S; Deenick E; Mele F; Wong N; Ma CS; Soudais C; Averbuch D; Alzahrani M; Lagos M; Gonzalez M; Martinez-Baricarte R; Okada C; Migaud M; Itan Y; Picard C; Lantz O; Abel L; Engelhard D; Al-Muhsen S; Sallusto F; Boisson-Dupuis S; Puel A; Bustamante J; Tange S; Casanova JL, 2014, 'Dual Impairment of IL-17 and IFN-G Immunity Cause Infections by Candida and Mycobacterium in Humans with RORC Deficiency', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, pp. S485 - S486, presented at 16th Biennial Meeting of the European-Society-for-Immunodeficiencies (ESID), CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, 29 October 2014 - 01 November 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Uzel G; Kuehn HS; Weiming Q; Lo B; Deenick EK; Niemela JE; Avery DT; Schickel JN; Tran DQ; Stoddard J; Zhang Y; Frucht DM; Rao KV; Su HC; Notarangelo LD; Olivier KN; McElwee J; Pittaluga S; Oliveira JB; Meffre E; Fleisher TA; Holland SM; Tangye SG; Lenardo MJ, 2014, 'Human CTLA4 Haploinsufficiency Causes Severe Immune Dysregulation', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, pp. S144 - S145, presented at 16th Biennial Meeting of the European-Society-for-Immunodeficiencies, CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague, 29 October 2014 - 01 November 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Ives M; Ma C; Palendira U; French MA; Choo S; Smart J; Wong M; Arkwright PD; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Casanova J-L; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2012, 'PRIMARY IMMUNE DEFICIENCIES REVEAL THE ROLE OF STAT1 AND STAT3 IN THE ACTIVATION AND DIFFERENTIATION OF HUMAN CD8(+) T CELLS', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, ITALY, Florence, pp. 311 - 312, presented at 15th Biennial Meeting European-Society-for-Immunodeficiency (ESID), ITALY, Florence, 03 October 2012 - 06 October 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Recher M; Deenick E; Al-Herz W; Frugoni F; Lee Y; Delmonte OM; Giliani S; Walter JE; Berger CT; Nobre R; Roscioli T; Buckley MF; Ziegler JB; Wong M; Megarbane A; Chouery E; Lefranc G; Hess C; Tangye S; Notarangelo LD; Bloch D, 2012, 'SP110 REGULATES NUCLEAR ORPHAN RECEPTOR NUR77-DRIVEN APOPTOSIS IN T CELLS', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, ITALY, Florence, pp. 20 - 21, presented at 15th Biennial Meeting of the European-Society-for-Primary-Immunodeficiency (ESID), ITALY, Florence, 03 October 2012 - 06 October 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Deenick EK; Po L; Elford AR; Ohashi PS, 2005, 'Signalling for activation versus anergy: The role of PKCI induced NF-KB activation', in TISSUE ANTIGENS, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, pp. 396 - 396, presented at 35th Annual SCientific Meeting of the Australasian-Society-for-Immunology/14th International HLA and Immunogenetics Workshops, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 29 November 2005 - 02 December 2005,
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Jolly C; Kohonen-Corish M; Hodgkin P; Deenick E, 2000, 'MSH2-deficiency reduces the rate of switching to all mouse isotypes without altering the regulation of switching by cell division number', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, pp. A1046 - A1046,

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