Dr Dipan Kundu

Dr Dipan Kundu

Senior Lecturer
School of Chemical Engineering

Dipan is an electrochemical energy storage expert with over ten years of experience in materials and cell chemistry development for diverse battery types - namely, Li-ion, Na-ion, Li-S, aqueous Zn-ion, and all-solid-state batteries. With expertise in electrode materials development and optimization, evaluation of structure-function relationships of electrodes, fundamental electrochemical studies, and cell design and development for battery research, his primary research focus is to understa...

+61 2 9385 4339
Room 222, E10 Hilmer Building

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Present Research Interests
1. Understanding, development, and optimization of all-solid-state alkali metal (Li & Na) batteries and battery components using solid electrolytes.

Assessment of the kinetic stability of solid electrolytes under practical limits, concerning the choice of electrochemically active/nonactive components and operational conditions is the key focus here. Such studies are not only crucial for the device level integration of breakthrough solid electrolytes; they may shed light on unanticipated and unique phenomena of fundamental importance.

2. Development of novel inorganic and polymeric solid electrolytes with superior Li+/Na+ conductivity.

In the inorganic phase space, the aim is to develop novel compounds with dynamically and/or statically disordered structures (superionic conductors); in the polymer space, the development of single-ionic conducting membranes based on inexpensive polymers is the primary focus.

3. Aqueous rechargeable Zn (anode) batteries for large-scale (grid-storage, renewable, home) stationary storage applications.

Here, the motivation is to take our initial breakthrough forward through the understanding of failure mechanisms, electro-chemical optimization, and scale-up to foster the technology's commercial prospect.

4. Operando electrochemical analysis of battery materials and all-solid-state cell development for operando (X-ray and spectroscopy) analysis.

Mechanistic understanding of battery electrode materials is the key to improving their properties and hence, the battery performance. Operando/in-situ analyses of battery electrodes can provide a real-time understanding of the battery working principle and degradation mechanism of batteries. The focus in this area is to use a versatile operando electrochemical cell (home-made and validated) to elucidate key performance bottlenecks in some technologically important battery chemistries. Improvement and optimization of the cell design for broader applications is another important direction.

Research Output


Opportunity for Doctoral (PhD) & Masters (Honors) Research

Exciting and challenging battery research projects are available for doctoral and master's and bachelor (A/B/C) thesis

Scholarship opportunities for domestic and international students.

Domestic: https://research.unsw.edu.au/domestic-research-scholarships

International: https://research.unsw.edu.au/international-research-scholarships

Specialized PhD programs and fellowships: https://research.unsw.edu.au/phd-programs

To apply and for further details, please reach d.kundu@unsw.edu.au

Member and Newsletter Editor: Australian Battery Society

My Research Supervision

Postdoctoral researcher: 1

Doctoral students: 1 completed in 2021 (ETH Zürich) 2 completed in 2024 (UNSW), 5 ongoing as primary and 1 as joint (UNSW)

Master's thesis: 5 completed (ETH), 2 completed (UNSW)

Bachelor thesis: 7 completed (ETH and UNSW), 1 ongoing (UNSW)

My Teaching

CEIC2005: Chemical Reaction Engineering (2020 - present)

CEIC8204: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2022-present)

DESN1000: Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (2022-2024)

ENGG 3060: Faculty of Engineering - Maker Games (Term 2 & 3, 2020)

327-1203-00L: Complex Materials I – Synthesis and Assembly (Co-lecturer, ETH Zurich Materials, 2017 - 2018)