Dr Derrick Lau

Dr Derrick Lau

Research Associate

Doctor of philosophy - Anatomy - UNSW - 2020

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Class I - Molecular and Cell Biology - UNSW - 2015

Bachelor of Commerce - Accounting - UNSW - 2014

Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry - UNSW - 2014

Bachelor of Science - Medical Microbiology and Immunology - UNSW - 2014


Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Derrick completed a combined Bachelors in Commerce and Science at University of New South Wales in 2014. He further pursued his passion for research into infectious diseases and molecular biology during his Honours which eventually transformed into a PhD project with A/Prof Till Böcking. His PhD thesis focused on developing new tools to better understand how HIV-1 capsid interactions with host co-factors modulate its function as a transport vessel in trafficking the genome towards the nucleus during infection.

Derrick is currently working with A/Prof Yann Gambin and A/Prof Emma Sierecki to innovate single molecule approaches to diagnose individuals at risk of developing Parkinson's Disease.

Level 3 Single Molecule Science, Lowy Cancer Research Centre (Grid Ref C25 UNSW Map), Via Gate 9, Cnr of Botany and High Street Randwick, NSW, Australia 2052
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Lau D; Magnan C; Hill K; Cooper A; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2022, 'Single Molecule Fingerprinting Reveals Different Amplification Properties of α-Synuclein Oligomers and Preformed Fibrils in Seeding Assay', ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 13, pp. 883 - 896, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acschemneuro.1c00553
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lau D; Márquez CL; Parker MW; Böcking T, 2022, 'Negative Staining Transmission Electron Microscopy of HIV Viral Particles Permeabilized with PFO and Capsid Stabilized with IP6', Bio-protocol, 12, http://dx.doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.4536
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yoh SM; Mamede JI; Lau D; Ahn N; Sánchez-Aparicio MT; Temple J; Tuckwell A; Fuchs NV; Cianci GC; Riva L; Curry H; Yin X; Gambut S; Simons LM; Hultquist JF; König R; Xiong Y; García-Sastre A; Böcking T; Hope TJ; Chanda SK, 2022, 'Recognition of HIV-1 capsid by PQBP1 licenses an innate immune sensing of nascent HIV-1 DNA', Molecular Cell, 82, pp. 2871 - 2884.e6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2022.06.010
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bhumkar A; Magnan C; Lau D; Jun ESW; Dzamko N; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, 'Single-Molecule Counting Coupled to Rapid Amplification Enables Detection of α-Synuclein Aggregates in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Parkinson's Disease Patients', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, pp. 11874 - 11883, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.202014898
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bhumkar A; Magnan C; Lau D; Jun ESW; Dzamko N; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, 'Single‐Molecule Counting Coupled to Rapid Amplification Enables Detection of α‐Synuclein Aggregates in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Parkinson's Disease Patients', Angewandte Chemie, 133, pp. 11981 - 11990, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ange.202014898
    Journal articles | 2021
    Böcking T; Jacques DA; Lau D; Walsh JC; Dickson CF; Tuckwell A; Stear JH; Hunter DJB; Bhumkar A; Shah V; Turville SG; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2021, 'Rapid HIV-1 capsid interaction screening using fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy', Analytical Chemistry, 93, pp. 3786 - 3793, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.0c04250
    Journal articles | 2021
    Leitão ADG; Rudolffi-Soto P; Chappard A; Bhumkar A; Lau D; Hunter DJB; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, 'Selectivity of Lewy body protein interactions along the aggregation pathway of α-synuclein', Communications Biology, 4, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02624-x
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lau D; Walsh JC; Mousapasandi A; Ariotti N; Shah VB; Turville S; Jacques DA; Böcking T, 2020, 'Self-Assembly of Fluorescent HIV Capsid Spheres for Detection of Capsid Binders', Langmuir, 36, pp. 3624 - 3632, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00103
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lau D; Walsh J; Peng W; Shah V; Turville S; Jacques D; Böcking T, 2019, 'Fluorescence biosensor for real-time interaction dynamics of host proteins with HIV-1 capsid tubes', , http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/619841
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lau D; Walsh JC; Peng W; Shah VB; Turville S; Jacques DA; Böcking T, 2019, 'Fluorescence Biosensor for Real-Time Interaction Dynamics of Host Proteins with HIV-1 Capsid Tubes', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, pp. 34586 - 34594, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b08521
    Journal articles | 2019
    Márquez CL; Lau D; Walsh J; Faysal KMR; Parker MW; Turville SG; Böcking T, 2019, 'Fluorescence Microscopy Assay to Measure HIV-1 Capsid Uncoating Kinetics in vitro', Bio-protocol, 9, http://dx.doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.3297
    Journal articles | 2019
    Peng W; Shi J; Márquez CL; Lau D; Walsh J; Faysal KMR; Byeon CH; Byeon IJL; Aiken C; Böcking T, 2019, 'Functional analysis of the secondary HIV-1 capsid binding site in the host protein cyclophilin A', Retrovirology, 16, pp. 10, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12977-019-0471-4
    Journal articles | 2018
    Márquez CL; Lau D; Walsh J; Shah V; McGuinness C; Wong A; Aggarwal A; Parker MW; Jacques DA; Turville S; Böcking T, 2018, 'Kinetics of HIV-1 capsid uncoating revealed by single-molecule analysis', eLife, 7, http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.34772
  • Preprints | 2022
    Yoh SM; Mamede JI; Lau D; Ahn N; Sánchez-Aparicio MT; Temple J; Tuckwell A; Fuchs NV; Cianci GC; Riva L; Curry H; Yin X; Gambut S; Simons LM; Hultquist JF; König R; Xiong Y; García-Sastre A; Böcking T; Hope TJ; Chanda SK, 2022, Recognition of HIV-1 Capsid Licenses Innate Immune Response to Viral Infection, http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.10.472699
    Preprints | 2021
    Lau D; Magnan C; Hill K; Cooper A; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, Single molecule fingerprinting reveals different amplification properties of α-synuclein oligomers and preformed fibrils in seeding assay, http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.09.455607
    Preprints | 2020
    Lau D; Walsh J; Dickson C; Tuckwell A; Stear J; Hunter D; Bhumkar A; Shah V; Turville S; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Böcking T; Jacques D, 2020, Rapid HIV-1 capsid interaction screening using fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.13.382242
    Conference Papers | 2016
    O'Carroll A; Ve T; Lau D; Giles N; Moustaqil M; Bhumkar A; Hunter D; Kobe B; Boecking T; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2016, 'Prion - like protein polymerisation underlies signal transduction in innate immunity: the emergence of a universal mechanism ?', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000406444003010&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2016
    O'Carroll A; Ve T; Lau D; Giles N; Moustaqil M; Bhumkar A; Hunter D; Kobe B; Boecking T; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2016, 'Prion - like protein polymerisation underlies signal transduction in innate immunity: the emergence of a universal mechanism ?', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, San Diego, CA, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000406444005435&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1