Professor Deborah Lupton
Deborah Lupton is a SHARP Professor in the Centre for Social Research in Health and the Social Policy Research Centre and Leader of the Vitalities Lab. Professor Lupton is also the UNSW Node Leader, Health Focus Area Leader and People Co-Leader of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society. She has a background in sociology and media and cultural studies, and her research combines qualitative and innovative social research methods with sociocultural theory. Deborah is the author/co-author of 20 books and editor/co-editor of a further ten book collections, as well as over 240 book chapters and articles. She blogs at This Sociological Life.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2015-2018 Australian Research Council Discovery Grants Awarded for the project ‘Small technology, big data and the business of young people’s health: an international investigation of the digitisation of school health and physical education’ (Lupton is second chief investigator with Associate Professor Michael Gard, University of Queensland, Dr Deana Leahy, Monash University and Dr Carolyn Pluim, Northern Illinois University)
2016-2018 The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences Awarded for the project ‘Self-tracking and automatised bodies’ to fund an international network (with Associate Professor Martin Berg (co-ordinator), Malmo University, Sweden, Associate Professor Vaike Fors and Christopher Martin, all of Halmstad University, Sweden, Professor Tom O’Dell, Lund University, Sweden, Professor Sarah Pink, RMIT University, Dr Minna Ruckenstein, Dr Mika Pantzar, both of the University of Helsinki, Finland)
2017-2018 Wellcome Trust Grant (UK) Awarded for the project ‘The digital health generation: the impact of healthy lifestyle technologies on young people’s learning identities and health practices’ (Lupton is third chief investigator with Associate Professor Emma Rich, University of Bath, UK and Professor Andy Miah, University of Salford, UK)
2019-2020 Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grants Awarded for the project ‘Living with personal data: Australians’ understandings and practices’ (Lupton is first chief investigator with Professor Mike Michael, University of Exeter, UK)
2019-2021 The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences Awarded for the project ‘Re-humanising automated decision making’ to fund an international network (with Associate Professor Martin Berg (co-ordinator) and Professor Jakob Svenssen, both at Malmo University, Sweden, Professor Magnus Bergquist and Associate Professor Vaike Fors, both at Halmstad University, Sweden, Dr Debora Lanzeni and Professor Sarah Pink, both of Monash University, Australia, Associate Professor Bertil Rolandsson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Associate Professor Minna Ruckenstein and Dr Julia Velkova, both at University of Helsinki, Finland, and Associate Professor Rachel Smith, Aarhus University, Denmark)
2020-2026 Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence Grants Awarded for the Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society CE200100005, led by Professor Julian Thomas, RMIT University (Lupton is one of 18 Chief Investigators, leader of the UNSW node, leader of the Health Focus Area and co-leader of the People program)
2022-2024 Marsden Fund (New Zealand) Awarded for the project ‘Shifting intimacies: navigating the game of mobile dating’ (Lupton is second associate investigator, with Professor Antonia Lyons and principal investigator Dr Ally Gibson, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
2022-2027 Economic and Social Research Council (UK) Awarded to fund the ‘Centre for Sociodigital Futures’ (Lupton is an international network partner in this Centre led by Professor Susan Halford, University of Bristol, UK with the University of the Arts London, University of Edinburgh, University of Birmingham, Goldsmiths University of London, Lancaster University, University of Naples Federico II, The New School, New York, OsloMet University and Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
2022-2024 Medical Research Future Fund – Cardiovascular Health Mission Awarded for the project ‘Cardiac AI: deep learning to predict and prevent secondary cardiovascular events’ ID 2008991 (Lupton is sixth chief investigator with Dr Blanca Gallego Luxan, Professor Louisa Jorm, Dr Sze-Yuan Ooi, Dr Jennifer Yu, Professor Nigel Lovell and Dr Juan Quiroz, Centre for Big Data Research in Health and Faculty of Engineering, UNSW Sydney and Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney)
- Awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Health in the Digital Society, University of Skovde, 2023
- Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 2022
- Named in Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers list, 2021
- Received the Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Award for Leadership in Excellence and Innovation (International category), 2021
- Awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Social Science, University of Copenhagen, 2018
- Elected as a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 2017
- Shortlisted for the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness Book Prize, 2017 (for The Quantified Self)
In addition to the major funded projects listed in the My Grants section, Deborah is currently working on several social research projects exploring Australians' experiences of the COVID-19 crisis.