Charlson F; Patrick R; Dey C, 2024, 'Climate change and global mental health', in Climate Change and Global Health: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Effects, pp. 324 - 341,
Journal articles | 2025
Dey C; Wu J; Uesi J; Sara G; Dudley M; Knight K; Scott JG; Jay O; Bowden M; Perkes IE, 2025, 'Youth suicidality risk relative to ambient temperature and heatwaves across climate zones: A time series analysis of emergency department presentations in New South Wales, Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 59, pp. 18 - 28,
Journal articles | 2024
Barton M; Elhindi J; Dey C; Harris A, 2024, 'Climate change: A clear and present danger to mental health – Response to Amos (2023) ‘Thinking clearly about climate change and mental health’', Australasian Psychiatry, 32, pp. 397 - 398,
Journal articles | 2023
Seth A; Maxwell J; Dey C; Le Feuvre C; Patrick R, 2023, 'Understanding and managing psychological distress due to climate change', Australian Journal of General Practice,
Journal articles | 2023
Spielman K; Bryant E; Corry S; Marks P; Barakat S; Maguire S; Donker T; Hadinata IE; Allen DW; Seth A; Dey C, 2023, 'Letters', Australian Journal of General Practice, 52, pp. 824 - 826
Journal articles | 2022
Crandon TJ; Dey C; Scott JG; Thomas HJ; Ali S; Charlson FJ, 2022, 'The clinical implications of climate change for mental health', Nature Human Behaviour, 6, pp. 1474 - 1481,
Journal articles | 2022
Dey C; Dudley M; Knight K; Perkes I, 2022, 'Rising temperatures and suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 729,
Journal articles | 2022
Le Feuvre C; Dey C, 2022, 'Debate: How can child and adolescent mental health professionals show leadership in the face of the ecological and climate crisis?', Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 27, pp. 75 - 76,
Journal articles | 2003
Dinesh R; Chaudhuri SG; Ganeshamurthy AN; Dey C, 2003, 'Changes in soil microbial indices and their relationships following deforestation and cultivation in wet tropical forests', APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 24, pp. 17 - 26,