I am a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Psychology at the University of New South Wales, with conjoint appointment at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). My research interests include decision-making and ageing, decision-making capacity, supported decision-making, dementia, advance care planning, palliative and end-of-life care, aged care and research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities. I undertake a range of r...
I am a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Psychology at the University of New South Wales, with conjoint appointment at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). My research interests include decision-making and ageing, decision-making capacity, supported decision-making, dementia, advance care planning, palliative and end-of-life care, aged care and research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities. I undertake a range of research projects in aged care and end-of-life care, including clinical trials and implementation research. I am available to supervise student and higher degree research projects.
- Publications
- Grants
- Teaching and Supervision
Sinclair C, Kurrle S, Clayton J, Comans T, Auret K, Campbell E, Halcomb E, Hilgeman M. The Enhanced Advance care planning and life Review Longitudinal Intervention (EARLI): Increasing proactive care planning in Australian community aged care settings. $955,282 (2022-2026; NHMRC Targeted Call for Research in End-Of-Life Care).
Sinclair C, Withall A, Peisah C, Chappell L. Scoping referral pathways and accessibility factors for elder mediation services across New South Wales. $30,000 (2019; Ageing Futures Institute Seed Funding).
Sinclair C, Agar M, Field S, Kurrle S, Williams K, Bucks R, Clayton J, Stewart C, Blake M, Auret K, Callaghan S, Corlis M. Optimising advance care planning in dementia through supported decision-making: An exploratory mixed methods study of community perceptions and law reform challenges in Australia. $668,889 (2016-2018; NHMRC Partnership Centre Program Grant).
Sinclair C, Auret K, Williamson F, Detering K. Multi-modal advance care planning professional education for health professionals in rural Western Australia. $39,852 funded 2015 by the Commonwealth Rural Health Continuing Education-2 Funding Stream.
Auret K, Sinclair C, Fletcher S, Evans S. Factors influencing professional judgements about the need for advance care planning by general practitioners in Western Australia. $19,359 funded October 2013 by the Cancer and Palliative Care Research Evaluation Unit.
Sinclair C, Auret K, Brims F, Greeve K, Wilkinson A, Koay A, Evans S, Price D, Dormer S, Montague G. Assessing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of targeted Advance Care Planning interventions among patients with severe respiratory disease in a tertiary hospital and in a rural setting. $216,000 funded August 2013 by WA Health Department (State Health Research Advisory Committee).
My Research Supervision
Yuchen Xie, UNSW Scientia PhD Candidate (co-supervision with Prof. Kaarin Anstey, Assoc. Prof. Myra Hamilton, Adj Prof. Carmelle Peisah)