Dr Claudio Toma

Dr Claudio Toma

Adjunct Senior Lecturer


2009, Human Genetics, University of Bologna, Italy


Bachelor Degree: 

2004, Molecular Biology (Cum Laude), University of Bologna, Italy

Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Dr Toma is a Senior Research Officer at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). His scientific career has focused on understanding the genetic contributions to a range of complex psychiatric disorders across multiple prestigious institutions in Europe and Australia. Currently, he leads projects on novel candidate genes implicated in bipolar disorder and autism through high-throughput genetic technologies.

He joined the group of Prof. Anthony Monaco at Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Gen...

+612 9399 1890
Neuroscience Research Australia 139 Barker St, Randwick NSW 2031

- NeuRA Publication Excellence Award (2017)

- Travel Award and finalist Poster Award: World Congress Psychiatry Genetics (2012), Funding: ISPG

- Fellowship: Marie Curie (FP7 EU program), 24 months (2011-12), Funding: EU

- Fellowship: CIBER-ER (Research on Rare diseases), 12 months (2010), Funding: Spanish Government

- Award: Marco Polo (Research mobility program), 5 months (2009), Funding: University of Bologna (Italy)

- Fellowship: Autism Molgen (FP6 EU program), 36 months (2006-2008), Funding: EU

- Studentship: WTCHG, 2 months (2005), Funding: Wellcome Trust, University of Oxford, UK

- Award: Research mobility program, 3 months (2005), Funding: University of Bologna (Italy)

- Award: Telethon Italia, 5 months (2004), Funding: Telethon Foundation (Italy)

- Studentship: Exchange Erasmus program, 10 months (2002-2003), Funding: EU