Dr Chuljin Park
Dr. Chuljin Park is a lecturer in the UNSW’s School of Management. He received his Ph.D. in Strategic Management from The Pennsylvania State University.
His research interest is centred around inter-and intra-organisational social networks as well as on instances of organisational failures and subsequent recovery, which more broadly lies in the area of understanding how organisations change and develop. How do organisational social networks evolve over time, while affecting and influenced by other organisational actions and attributes? How do organisations recover from failures and what makes them more resilient? And what does it all mean for people within the organisations? These are some of the topics Chuljin is keen on learning more about.
His current research projects include investigating how firms’ interfirm connections change and influence firm-level outcomes following revelations of serious financial misconduct, how firms’ corporate social responsibility activities are related to their interfirm social networks, and how inter-organisational social networks of top managers evolve in conjunction with their career developments.
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My Research Supervision
Jingyi Wang