Professor Chris Styles

Pro Vice-Chancellor Transnational Ventures

2013          Graduate, Company Directors Course, Australian Institute of Company Directors

1996          PhD, London Business School; Dissertation, “Determinants of Export Performance in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: An Empirical Investigation in the UK and Australia” (winner, Academy of Marketing Science Doctoral Dissertation competition)

1988          Bachelor of Commerce – First Class Honours, University of Western Australia

Division of VC & President
VC Office

Chris Styles became Dean of UNSW Business School in 2014.  Prior to this he was Deputy Dean and Director of the AGSM@UNSW Business School.  This followed appointments as Associate Dean (Management Education), and Professor and Chair of the Marketing Department within the University of Sydney Business School.  He is a Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute, a Council Member of the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools, and is the Vice-President of the Australian Business Deans C...


  • 2007-2011 Determinants of location choice for foreign investment. $210,000 from NSW Department of State and Regional Development.
  • 2002-2004 An investigation of export performance determinants across service types. $83,000 ARC Discovery grant
  • 2001 Case study analysis to assess drivers of success/failure of Australian service exporters. $40,550 Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)
  • 1998-2001 A dyadic investigation of the relationship processes leading to successful market entries in East Asian markets. $270,000 ARC SPIRT grant (with Austrade as the industry partner)

  • 2009: Best paper, International Marketing Review (with Y.Chandra and I. Wilkinson)
  • 2006 - 2007: Recognised as one of the 'top 10' reviewers for the International Marketing Review
  • 2005: Best Paper, International and Cross-cultural Marketing track, 2005 Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy conference
  • 2001: Overall Best Paper, 2001 Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy conference
  • 2000: Runner-up, Best Paper 2000, Australian Journal of Management
  • 1997: Winner, Academy of Marketing Science (USA) Doctoral Dissertation competition
  • 1994: Best Paper 1994, International Marketing Review
  • 1994 - 1996: London Business School PhD Scholarship
  • 1988: Best Student completing a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours at the University of Western Australia
  • 1987: Highest aggregate of marks in the four core marketing subjects of the Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Western Australia

Memberships - Editorial Boards

  • International Marketing Review
  • British Journal of Management
  • Ad hoc reviewer for: Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of World Business; Journal of Business Research
  • Special Issue editor (with Sid Gray): 'New Perspectives on International Entrepreneurship', International Marketing Review (23:5)

Memberships - Company Boards, Professional Associations

  • Previously served as member of the National Advisory Board of the Australian Marketing Institute and was an elected member of the Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Executive.
  • Served on the Austrade Tertiary Education Advisory Board, which provided advice and conducts projects to improve teaching resources in International Marketing / Business

In the Media

Media Releases