Dr Charles de Bock

Dr Charles de Bock

Conjoint Senior Lecturer

2006            PhD (Cancer Biology), University of New South Wales, Australia
2000            MSc (Medical Science), First Class, University of Auckland, New Zealand
1998            BSc (Pharmacology), University of Auckland, New Zealand

Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

I joined the Institute in January 2019 to establish a new team to work on one of the most difficult to treat blood cancers in children: T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL). A molecular and cellular biologist with over 10 years’ experience researching blood cancers, with a unique skill set combined with a passion to see my research make a difference in people’s lives.

‘Children with T-ALL are high-risk and so receive a very intensive chemotherapy regimen. Many of these children suffer long-term effects of this aggressive treatment and can also develop a treatment-induced secondary cancer. There is therefore a great need for targeted therapies to be developed that can minimise these effects.’

Before joining the Institute, I worked at VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology in Belgium, where my research focused on understanding the molecular biology of leukaemia. Here, I developed expertise in a number of cutting-edge technologies including next-generation sequencing and genome editing.

As Team Leader in the Functional Genomics of Leukaemia Group, I am focused on developing highly specialised mouse models that will be used to improve our understanding of how T-ALL develops, as well as to study the efficacy of newly developed therapies.

To date, my research has resulted in 59 peer-reviewed publications, many of which are in high-impact journals such as Cancer Cell, Cancer DIscovery and Leukemia. I have also given numerous international presentations, including as an invited plenary speaker, and hold an appointment as Conjoint Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at UNSW Sydney.

Lowy Cancer Research Centre, UNSW Australia PO Box 81 Randwick 2031 Australia
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Kosasih HJ; de Bock CE, 2024, 'Less is more: Depleting myeloid-biased HSCs to restore immune function', HemaSphere, 8, pp. e125, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hem3.125
    Journal articles | 2023
    De Coninck S; De Smedt R; Lintermans B; Reunes L; Kosasih HJ; Reekmans A; Brown LM; Van Roy N; Palhais B; Roels J; Van der Linden M; Van Dorpe J; Ntziachristos P; Van Delft FW; Mansour MR; Pieters T; Lammens T; De Moerloose B; De Bock CE; Goossens S; Van Vlierberghe P, 2023, 'Targeting hyperactive platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β signaling in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma.', Haematologica, 109, http://dx.doi.org/10.3324/haematol.2023.283981
    Journal articles | 2023
    Germon ZP; Sillar JR; Mannan A; Duchatel RJ; Staudt D; Murray HC; Findlay IJ; Jackson ER; McEwen HP; Douglas AM; McLachlan T; Schjenken JE; Skerrett-Byrne DA; Huang H; Melo-Braga MN; Plank MW; Alvaro F; Chamberlain J; De Iuliis G; Aitken RJ; Nixon B; Wei AH; Enjeti AK; Huang Y; Lock RB; Larsen MR; Lee H; Vaghjiani V; Cain JE; de Bock CE; Verrills NM; Dun MD, 2023, 'Blockade of ROS production inhibits oncogenic signaling in acute myeloid leukemia and amplifies response to precision therapies', Science Signaling, 16, pp. 1 - 18, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/scisignal.abp9586
    Journal articles | 2023
    Moles E; Howard CB; Huda P; Karsa M; McCalmont H; Kimpton K; Duly A; Chen Y; Huang Y; Tursky ML; Ma D; Bustamante S; Pickford R; Connerty P; Omari S; Jolly CJ; Joshi S; Shen S; Pimanda JE; Dolnikov A; Cheung LC; Kotecha RS; Norris MD; Haber M; de Bock CE; Somers K; Lock RB; Thurecht KJ; Kavallaris M; Moles Meler E, 2023, 'Delivery of PEGylated liposomal doxorubicin by bispecific antibodies improves treatment in models of high-risk childhood leukemia', Science translational medicine, 15, pp. eabm1262 - eabm1262, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.abm1262
    Journal articles | 2023
    Roche CD; Lin H; Huang Y; de Bock CE; Beck D; Xue M; Gentile C, 2023, '3D bioprinted alginate-gelatin hydrogel patches containing cardiac spheroids recover heart function in a mouse model of myocardial infarction', Bioprinting, 30, pp. e00263 - e00263, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bprint.2023.e00263
    Journal articles | 2023
    Sadras T; Jalud FB; Kosasih HJ; Horne CR; Brown LM; El-Kamand S; de Bock CE; McAloney L; Ng AP; Davidson NM; Ludlow LEA; Oshlack A; Cowley MJ; Khaw SL; Murphy JM; Ekert PG, 2023, 'Unusual PDGFRB fusion reveals novel mechanism of kinase activation in Ph-like B-ALL', Leukemia, 37, pp. 1 - 5, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41375-023-01843-x
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mortlock DP; Fang ZM; Chandler KJ; Hou Y; Bickford LR; de Bock CE; Eapen V; Clarke RA, 2022, 'Transcriptional Interference Regulates the Evolutionary Development of Speech', Genes, 13, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/genes13071195
    Journal articles | 2022
    Omari SA; Geraghty DP; Khalafallah AA; Venkat P; Shegog YM; Ragg SJ; de Bock CE; Adams MJ, 2022, 'Optimized flow cytometric detection of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) in human hematological malignancies', Medical Oncology, 39, pp. 81, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12032-022-01678-z
    Journal articles | 2022
    Page EC; Heatley SL; Eadie LN; McClure BJ; de Bock CE; Omari S; Yeung DT; Hughes TP; Thomas PQ; White DL, 2022, 'HMGN1 plays a significant role in CRLF2 driven Down Syndrome leukemia and provides a potential therapeutic target in this high-risk cohort', Oncogene, 41, pp. 797 - 808, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41388-021-02126-4
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pearson HCL; Hunt KV; Trahair TN; Lock RB; Lee HJ; De Bock CE, 2022, 'The Promise of Single-cell Technology in Providing New Insights into the Molecular Heterogeneity and Management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia', HemaSphere, 6, pp. E734, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/HS9.0000000000000734
    Journal articles | 2022
    Van Thillo Q; Lauwereins L; Demeyer S; Provost S; Mentens N; de Bock C; Cools J, 2022, 'P347: COOPERATION OF TLX3 AND FLT3-ITD IN T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA IS ENHANCED BY TLE4 INACTIVATION', HemaSphere, 6, pp. 247 - 248, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hs9.0000844276.58126.4d
    Journal articles | 2022
    2022, 'Optimized Flow Cytometric Detection of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) in Human Hematological Malignancies', Medical Oncology, 39, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12032-022-01678-z
    Journal articles | 2021
    Connerty P; Moles E; de Bock CE; Jayatilleke N; Smith JL; Meshinchi S; Mayoh C; Kavallaris M; Lock RB; Moles Meler E, 2021, 'Development of siRNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles targeting long non-coding RNA LINC01257 as a novel and safe therapeutic approach for t(8;21) pediatric acute myeloid leukemia', Pharmaceutics, 13, pp. 1681, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13101681
    Journal articles | 2021
    Murray HC; Enjeti AK; Kahl RGS; Flanagan HM; Sillar J; Skerrett-Byrne DA; Al Mazi JG; Au GG; de Bock CE; Evans K; Smith ND; Anderson A; Nixon B; Lock RB; Larsen MR; Verrills NM; Dun MD, 2021, 'Quantitative phosphoproteomics uncovers synergy between DNA-PK and FLT3 inhibitors in acute myeloid leukaemia', Leukemia, 35, pp. 1782 - 1787, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41375-020-01050-y
    Journal articles | 2021
    Van Thillo Q; De Bie J; Seneviratne JA; Demeyer S; Omari S; Balachandran A; Zhai V; Tam WL; Sweron B; Geerdens E; Gielen O; Provost S; Segers H; Boeckx N; Marshall GM; Cheung BB; Isobe K; Kato I; Takita J; Amos TG; Deveson IW; McCalmont H; Lock RB; Oxley EP; Garwood MM; Dickins RA; Uyttebroeck A; Carter DR; Cools J; de Bock CE, 2021, 'Oncogenic cooperation between TCF7-SPI1 and NRAS(G12D) requires β-catenin activity to drive T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 4164, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24442-9
    Journal articles | 2021
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; de Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; de Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2021, 'The XPO1 inhibitor KPT-8602 synergizes with dexamethasone in acute lymphoblastic Leukemia', Clinical Cancer Research, 26, pp. 5747 - 5758, http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-1315
    Journal articles | 2021
    de Bock CE; Cools J, 2021, 'BETter insight into PRC2-mutated T-ALL', Blood, 138, pp. 1787 - 1788, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood.2021012677
    Journal articles | 2020
    Connerty P; Lock RB; de Bock CE, 2020, 'Long Non-coding RNAs: Major Regulators of Cell Stress in Cancer', Frontiers in Oncology, 10, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2020.00285
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dun MD; Mannan A; Rigby CJ; Butler S; Toop HD; Beck D; Connerty P; Sillar J; Kahl RGS; Duchatel RJ; Germon Z; Faulkner S; Chi M; Skerrett-Byrne D; Murray HC; Flanagan H; Almazi JG; Hondermarck H; Nixon B; De Iuliis G; Chamberlain J; Alvaro F; de Bock CE; Morris JC; Enjeti AK; Verrills NM, 2020, 'Shwachman–Bodian–Diamond syndrome (SBDS) protein is a direct inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity and overexpressed in acute myeloid leukaemia', Leukemia, 34, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41375-020-0814-0
    Journal articles | 2020
    Laukkanen S; Oksa L; Nikkilä A; Lahnalampi M; Parikka M; Seki M; Takita J; Degerman S; de Bock CE; Heinäniemi M; Lohi O, 2020, 'SIX6 is a TAL1-regulated transcription factor in T-ALL and associated with inferior outcome', Leukemia and Lymphoma, 61, pp. 3089 - 3100, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10428194.2020.1804560
    Journal articles | 2020
    Thorne RF; Wang Y; Zhang Y; Jing X; Zhang XD; de Bock CE; Oliveira CS, 2020, 'Evaluating nuclear translocation of surface receptors: recommendations arising from analysis of CD44', Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 153, pp. 77 - 87, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00418-019-01835-y
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ahmed AF; de Bock CE; Sontag E; Hondermarck H; Lincz LF; Thorne RF, 2019, 'FAT1 cadherin controls neuritogenesis during NTera2 cell differentiation', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 514, pp. 625 - 631, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.04.197
    Journal articles | 2019
    Broux M; Prieto C; Demeyer S; Bempt MV; Alberti-Servera L; Lodewijckx I; Vandepoel R; Mentens N; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Geerdens E; Vicente C; De Bock CE; Cools J, 2019, 'Suz12 inactivation cooperates with JAK3 mutant signaling in the development of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Blood, 134, pp. 1323 - 1336, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood.2019000015
    Journal articles | 2019
    Habets RA; De Bock CE; Serneels L; Lodewijckx I; Verbeke D; Nittner D; Narlawar R; Demeyer S; Dooley J; Liston A; Taghon T; Cools J; De Strooper B, 2019, 'Safe targeting of T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia by pathology-specific NOTCH inhibition', Science Translational Medicine, 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aau6246
    Journal articles | 2019
    de Bock CE; Down M; Baidya K; Sweron B; Boyd AW; Fiers M; Burns GF; Molloy TJ; Lock RB; Soulier J; Taghon T; Van Vlierberghe P; Cools J; Holst J; Thorne RF, 2019, 'T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias express a unique truncated FAT1 isoform that cooperates with NOTCH1 in leukemia development', Haematologica, 104, pp. e204 - e207, http://dx.doi.org/10.3324/haematol.2018.198424
    Journal articles | 2018
    Baens M; Stirparo R; Lampi Y; Verbeke D; Vandepoel R; Cools J; Marynen P; de Bock CE; Bornschein S, 2018, 'Malt1 self-cleavage is critical for regulatory T cell homeostasis and anti-tumor immunity in mice', European Journal of Immunology, 48, pp. 1728 - 1738, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eji.201847597
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bornschein S; Demeyer S; Stirparo R; Gielen O; Vicente C; Geerdens E; Ghesquière B; Aerts S; Cools J; De Bock CE, 2018, 'Defining the molecular basis of oncogenic cooperation between TAL1 expression and Pten deletion in T-ALL using a novel pro-T-cell model system', Leukemia, 32, pp. 941 - 951, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/leu.2017.328
    Journal articles | 2018
    Degryse S; Bornschein S; De Bock CE; Leroy E; Bempt MV; Demeyer S; Jacobs K; Geerdens E; Gielen O; Soulier J; Harrison CJ; Constantinescu SN; Cools J, 2018, 'Mutant JAK3 signaling is increased by loss of wild-type JAK3 or by acquisition of secondary JAK3 mutations in T-ALL', Blood, 131, pp. 421 - 425, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2017-07-797597
    Journal articles | 2018
    Degryse S; De Bock CE; Demeyer S; Govaerts I; Bornschein S; Verbeke D; Jacobs K; Binos S; Skerrett-Byrne DA; Murray HC; Verrills NM; Van Vlierberghe P; Cools J; Dun MD, 2018, 'Mutant JAK3 phosphoproteomic profiling predicts synergism between JAK3 inhibitors and MEK/BCL2 inhibitors for the treatment of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Leukemia, 32, pp. 788 - 800, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/leu.2017.276
    Journal articles | 2018
    Degryse S; de Bock CE; Demeyer S; Govaerts I; Bornschein S; Verbeke D; Jacobs K; Binos S; Skerrett-Byrne DA; Murray HC; Verrills NM; Van Vlierberghe P; Cools J; Dun MD, 2018, 'Correction to: Mutant JAK3 phosphoproteomic profiling predicts synergism between JAK3 inhibitors and MEK/BCL2 inhibitors for the treatment of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Leukemia, (2018), 32, 3, (788-800), 10.1038/leu.2017.276)', Leukemia, 32, pp. 2731, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41375-018-0241-7
    Journal articles | 2018
    Pajic M; Froio D; Daly S; Doculara L; Millar E; Graham PH; Drury A; Steinmann A; De Bock CE; Boulghourjian A; Zaratzian A; Carroll S; Toohey J; O'Toole SA; Harris AL; Buffa FM; Gee HE; Hollway GE; Molloy TJ, 2018, 'miR-139-5p modulates radiotherapy resistance in breast cancer by repressing multiple gene networks of DNA repair and ROS defense', Cancer Research, 78, pp. 501 - 515, http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-3105
    Journal articles | 2018
    Vanden Bempt M; Demeyer S; Broux M; De Bie J; Bornschein S; Mentens N; Vandepoel R; Geerdens E; Radaelli E; Bornhauser BC; Kulozik AE; Meijerink JP; Bourquin JP; de Bock CE; Cools J, 2018, 'Cooperative Enhancer Activation by TLX1 and STAT5 Drives Development of NUP214-ABL1/TLX1-Positive T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia', Cancer Cell, 34, pp. 271 - 285.e7, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2018.07.007
    Journal articles | 2018
    Verboom K; Van Loocke W; Volders PJ; Decaesteker B; Avila Cobos F; Bornschein S; De Bock CE; Kalender Atak Z; Clappier E; Aerts S; Cools J; Soulier J; Taghon T; Van Vlierberghe P; Vandesompele J; Speleman F; Durinck K, 2018, 'A comprehensive inventory of TLX1 controlled long non-coding RNAs in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia through polyA+ and total RNA sequencing', Haematologica, 103, pp. e585 - e589, http://dx.doi.org/10.3324/haematol.2018.190587
    Journal articles | 2018
    Vicente C; Stirparo R; Demeyer S; De Bock CE; Gielen O; Atkins M; Yan J; Halder G; Hassan BA; Cools J, 2018, 'The CCR4-NOT complex is a tumor suppressor in Drosophila melanogaster eye cancer models', Journal of Hematology and Oncology, 11, pp. 108, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13045-018-0650-0
    Journal articles | 2018
    de Bock CE; Cools J, 2018, 'JAK3 mutations and HOXA9 expression are important cooperating events in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Molecular and Cellular Oncology, 5, pp. e1458014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23723556.2018.1458014
    Journal articles | 2018
    de Bock CE; Demeyer S; Degryse S; Verbeke D; Sweron B; Gielen O; Vandepoel R; Vicente C; Bempt MV; Dagklis A; Geerdens E; Bornschein S; Gijsbers R; Soulier J; Meijerink JP; Heinäniemi M; Teppo S; Bouvy-Liivrand M; Lohi O; Radaelli E; Cools J, 2018, 'HOXA9 cooperates with activated JAK/STAT signaling to drive leukemia development', Cancer Discovery, 8, pp. 616 - 631, http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.CD-17-0583
    Journal articles | 2017
    de Bock CE; Hughes MR; Snyder K; Alley S; Sadeqzadeh E; Dun MD; McNagny KM; Molloy TJ; Hondermarck H; Thorne RF, 2017, 'Protein interaction screening identifies SH3RF1 as a new regulator of FAT1 protein levels', FEBS Letters, 591, pp. 667 - 678, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1873-3468.12569
    Journal articles | 2016
    Dagklis A; Demeyer S; DeBie J; Radaelli E; Pauwels D; Degryse S; Gielen O; Vicente C; Vandepoel R; Geerdens E; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Bock CE; Cools J, 2016, 'Hedgehog pathway activation in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia predicts response to SMO and GLI1 inhibitors', Blood, 128, pp. 2642 - 2654, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2016-03-703454
    Journal articles | 2016
    De Bock CE; Thorne RF, 2016, 'A mitochondrial brake on vascular repair', Nature, 539, pp. 503 - 505, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature20476
    Journal articles | 2016
    Vanden Bempt M; Demeyer S; Mentens N; Geerdens E; De Bock CE; Wlodarska I; Cools J, 2016, 'Generation of the Fip1l1-Pdgfra fusion gene using CRISPR/Cas genome editing', Leukemia, 30, pp. 1913 - 1916, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/leu.2016.62
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ahmed AF; De Bock CE; Lincz LF; Pundavela J; Zouikr I; Sontag E; Hondermarck H; Thorne RF, 2015, 'FAT1 cadherin acts upstream of Hippo signalling through TAZ to regulate neuronal differentiation', Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 72, pp. 4653 - 4669, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00018-015-1955-6
    Journal articles | 2015
    Durinck K; Van Loocke W; Van Der Meulen J; Van De Walle I; Ongenaert M; Rondou P; Wallaert A; De Bock CE; Van Roy N; Poppe B; Cools J; Soulier J; Taghon T; Speleman F; Van Vlierberghe P, 2015, 'Characterization of the genome-wide TLX1 binding profile in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Leukemia, 29, pp. 2317 - 2327, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/leu.2015.162
    Journal articles | 2015
    de Bock CE; Cools J, 2015, 'T-ALL: Home Is where the CXCL12 Is', Cancer Cell, 27, pp. 745 - 746, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2015.05.011
    Journal articles | 2014
    Degryse S; De Bock CE; Cox L; Demeyer S; Gielen O; Mentens N; Jacobs K; Geerdens E; Gianfelici V; Hulselmans G; Fiers M; Aerts S; Meijerink JP; Tousseyn T; Cools J, 2014, 'JAK3 mutants transform hematopoietic cells through JAK1 activation, causing T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a mouse model', Blood, 124, pp. 3092 - 3100, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2014-04-566687
    Journal articles | 2014
    Oliveira CS; de Bock CE; Molloy TJ; Sadeqzadeh E; Geng XY; Hersey P; Zhang XD; Thorne RF, 2014, 'Macrophage migration inhibitory factor engages PI3K/Akt signalling and is a prognostic factor in metastatic melanoma', BMC Cancer, 14, pp. 630, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2407-14-630
    Journal articles | 2014
    Peirs S; Matthijssens F; Goossens S; Van De Walle I; Ruggero K; De Bock CE; Degryse S; Canté-Barrett K; Briot D; Clappier E; Lammens T; De Moerloose B; Benoit Y; Poppe B; Meijerink JP; Cools J; Soulier J; Rabbitts TH; Taghon T; Speleman F; Van Vlierberghe P, 2014, 'ABT-199 mediated inhibition of BCL-2 as a novel therapeutic strategy in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Blood, 124, pp. 3738 - 3747, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2014-05-574566
    Journal articles | 2014
    Sadeqzadeh E; De Bock CE; O'Donnell MR; Timofeeva A; Burns GF; Thorne RF, 2014, 'FAT1 cadherin is multiply phosphorylated on its ectodomain but phosphorylation is not catalysed by the four-jointed homologue', FEBS Letters, 588, pp. 3511 - 3517, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2014.08.014
    Journal articles | 2014
    Sadeqzadeh E; De Bock CE; Thorne RF, 2014, 'Sleeping Giants: Emerging Roles for the Fat Cadherins in Health and Disease', Medicinal Research Reviews, 34, pp. 190 - 221, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/med.21286
    Journal articles | 2014
    Sadeqzadeh E; De Bock CE; Wojtalewicz N; Holt JE; Smith ND; Dun MD; Schwarte-Waldhoff I; Thorne RF, 2014, 'Furin processing dictates ectodomain shedding of human FAT1 cadherin', Experimental Cell Research, 323, pp. 41 - 55, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yexcr.2014.02.012
    Journal articles | 2014
    Sadeqzadeh E; de Bock CE; O'Donnell MR; Timofeeva A; Burns GF; Thorne RF, 2014, 'FAT1 cadherin is multiply phosphorylated on its ectodomain but phosphorylation is not catalysed by the four-jointed homologue', FEBS Letters, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2014.08.014
    Journal articles | 2014
    Wojtalewicz N; Sadeqzadeh E; Weiß JV; Tehrani MM; Klein-Scory S; Hahn S; Schmiegel W; Warnken U; Schnölzer M; De Bock CE; Thorne RF; Schwarte-Waldhoff I, 2014, 'A soluble form of the giant cadherin Fat1 is released from pancreatic cancer cells by ADAM10 mediated ectodomain shedding', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e90461, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0090461
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ardjmand A; de Bock CE; Shahrokhi S; Lincz LF; Boyd AW; Burns GF; Thorne RF, 2013, 'Fat1 cadherin provides a novel minimal residual disease marker in acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Hematology, 18, pp. 315 - 322, http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1607845413Y.0000000080
    Journal articles | 2012
    De Bock CE; Ardjmand A; Molloy TJ; Bone SM; Johnstone D; Campbell DM; Shipman KL; Yeadon TM; Holst J; Spanevello MD; Nelmes G; Stewart D; Lincz LF; Boyd AW; Burns GF; Thorne RF, 2012, 'The Fat1 cadherin is overexpressed and an independent prognostic factor for survival in paired diagnosis-relapse samples of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Leukemia, 26, pp. 918 - 926, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/leu.2011.319
    Journal articles | 2011
    De Bock CE; Garg MB; Scott N; Sakoff JA; Scorgie FE; Ackland SP; Lincz LF, 2011, 'Association of thymidylate synthase enhancer region polymorphisms with thymidylate synthase activity in vivo', Pharmacogenomics Journal, 11, pp. 307 - 314, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/tpj.2010.43
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dong L; Jiang CC; Thorne RF; Croft A; Yang F; Liu H; De Bock CE; Hersey P; Zhang XD, 2011, 'Ets-1 mediates upregulation of Mcl-1 downstream of XBP-1 in human melanoma cells upon ER stress', Oncogene, 30, pp. 3716 - 3726, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/onc.2011.87
    Journal articles | 2011
    Sadeqzadeh E; De Bock CE; Zhang XD; Shipman KL; Scott NM; Song C; Yeadon T; Oliveira CS; Jin B; Hersey P; Boyd AW; Burns GF; Thorne RF, 2011, 'Dual processing of FAT1 cadherin protein by human melanoma cells generates distinct protein products', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286, pp. 28181 - 28191, http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M111.234419
    Journal articles | 2010
    De Bock CE; Lin Z; Mekkawy AH; Byrne JA; Wang Y, 2010, 'Interaction between urokinase receptor and heat shock protein MRJ enhances cell adhesion', International Journal of Oncology, 36, pp. 1155 - 1163, http://dx.doi.org/10.3892/ijo-00000598
    Journal articles | 2010
    De Bock CE; Lin Z; Mekkawy AH; Byrne JA; Wang Y, 2010, 'Interaction between urokinase receptor and heat shock protein MRJ enhances cell adhesion', International Journal of Oncology, 36, pp. 1155 - 1163, http://dx.doi.org/10.3892/ijo_00000598
    Journal articles | 2010
    Mekkawy AH; De Bock CE; Lin Z; Morris DL; Wang Y; Pourgholami MH, 2010, 'Novel protein interactors of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 399, pp. 738 - 743, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2010.08.010
    Journal articles | 2010
    Thorne RF; Ralston KJ; de Bock CE; Mhaidat NM; Zhang XD; Boyd AW; Burns GF, 2010, 'Palmitoylation of CD36/FAT regulates the rate of its post-transcriptional processing in the endoplasmic reticulum', Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research, 1803, pp. 1298 - 1307, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamcr.2010.07.002
    Journal articles | 2008
    Jiang CC; Lucas K; Avery-Kiejda KA; Wade M; DeBock CE; Thorne RF; Allen J; Hesey P; Zhang XD, 2008, 'Up-regulation of Mcl-1 is critical for survival of human melanoma cells upon endoplasmic reticulum stress', Cancer Research, 68, pp. 6708 - 6717, http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-08-0349
    Journal articles | 2008
    Mhaidat NM; Thorne RF; de Bock CE; Zhang XD; Hersey P, 2008, 'Melanoma cell sensitivity to Docetaxel-induced apoptosis is determined by class III β-tubulin levels', FEBS Letters, 582, pp. 267 - 272, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2007.12.014
    Journal articles | 2008
    Tassabehji M; Fang ZM; McGaughran J; Zhao Z; De Bock CE; Howard E; Malass M; Donnai D; Diwan AD; Manson FD; Murrell DF; Clarke RA, 2008, 'Mutations in GDF6 are associated with vertebral segmentation defects in klippel-feil syndrome', Human Mutation, 29, pp. 1017 - 1027
    Journal articles | 2006
    Molloy TJ; De Bock CE; Wang Y; Murrell GA, 2006, 'Gene expression changes in SNAP-stimulated and iNOS-transfected tenocytes-expression of extracellular matrix genes and its implications for tendon-healing', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 24, pp. 1869 - 1882, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jor.20237
    Journal articles | 2005
    De Bock CE; Lin Z; Itoh T; Morris DL; Murrell GA; Wang Y, 2005, 'Inhibition of urokinase receptor gene expression and cell invasion by anti-uPAR DNAzymes in osteosarcoma cells', FEBS Journal, 272, pp. 3572 - 3582
    Journal articles | 2004
    De Bock CE; Wang Y, 2004, 'Clinical significance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) expression in cancer', Medicinal Research Reviews, 24, pp. 13 - 39, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/med.10054
    Journal articles | 2004
    de Bock CE; Wang Y, 2004, 'Clinical Significance of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR) Expression in Cancer', ChemInform, 35, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.200414278
    Journal articles | 2003
    Xia W; De Bock CE; Murrell GA; Wang Y, 2003, 'Expression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator and its receptor is up-regulated during tendon healing', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 21, pp. 819 - 825, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0736-0266(03)00058-5
    Journal articles | 2002
    Gieseg MA; De Bock C; Turner P; Ferguson LR; Denny WA, 2002, 'The effect of DNA-alkylating agents on gene expression from two integrated reporter genes in a mouse mammary tumor line', Anti-Cancer Drugs, 13, pp. 271 - 280, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00001813-200203000-00009
    Journal articles | 2001
    Gieseg MA; De Bock C; Ferguson LR; Denny WA, 2001, 'Evidence for epidermal growth factor receptor-enhanced chemosensitivity in combinations of cisplatin and the new irreversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor CI-1033', Anti-Cancer Drugs, 12, pp. 683 - 690, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00001813-200109000-00007
  • Working Papers | 2021
    Omari SA; Geraghty DP; Khalafallah AA; Venkat P; Shegog YM; Ragg SJ; de Bock CE; Adams MJ, 2021, Optimized Flow Cytometric Detection of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) in Human Hematological Malignancies, medRxiv, http://dx.doi.org10.1101/2021.08.04.21261521
  • Conference Abstracts | 2023
    Lock RB; Toscan CE; McCalmont H; Evans K; Doculara L; Kosasih HJ; Gifford AJ; Ashoorzadeh A; Lin X; Trahair TN; De Bock CE; Patterson AV; Smaill JB, 2023, 'The AKR1C3-Activated Prodrug, Achm-025, Eradicates Disease in Preclinical Models of Aggressive T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia', in Blood, American Society of Hematology, Vol. 142, pp. 4251 - 4251, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2023-181298
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Data from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.c.6529397
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Data from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.c.6529397.v1
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplement from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476449
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplement from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476449.v1
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 1 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476443
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 1 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476443.v1
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 2 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476440
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 2 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476440.v1
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 3 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476437
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 3 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476437.v1
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 4 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476434
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Figure 4 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476434.v1
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Table 4 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476431
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Table 4 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476431.v1
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Table 5 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476428
    Other | 2023
    Verbeke D; Demeyer S; Prieto C; de Bock CE; De Bie J; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Mentens N; Verhoeven BM; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; Maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2023, Supplementary Table 5 from The XPO1 Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.22476428.v1
    Preprints | 2022
    Germon Z; Sillar J; Mannan A; Duchatel R; Staudt D; Murray H; Findlay I; Jackson E; McEwen H; Douglas A; McLachlan T; Schjenken J; Skerrett-Bryne D; Huang H; Melo-Braga M; Plank M; Alvaro F; Chamberlain J; Iuliis GD; Aitken J; Nixon B; Wei A; Enjeti A; Lock R; Larsen M; Lee H; de Bock C; Verrills N; Dun M, 2022, Blockade of redox second messengers inhibits JAK/STAT and MEK/ERK signaling sensitizing FLT3-mutant acute myeloid leukemia to targeted therapies, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.09.483687
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Murray H; Enjeti AK; Kahl R; Flanagan H; Skerrett-Byrne D; Al-Mazi J; Smith N; de Bock C; Larsen M; Verrills N; Dun M, 2020, 'Phosphoproteomics Uncovers Synergy between DNA-PK and FLT3 Inhibitors in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 136, presented at 62nd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), ELECTR NETWORK, 05 December 2020 - 08 December 2020, http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2020-142435
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Broux M; Prieto C; Demeyer S; Vanden Bempt M; Alberti-Servera L; Vandepoel R; Mentens N; Gielen O; Jacobs K; Geerdens E; Vicente C; de Bock CE; Cools J, 2019, 'S858 SUZ12 INACTIVATION COOPERATES WITH JAK3 MUTANT SIGNALING TO DRIVE T-ALL DEVELOPMENT', in HemaSphere, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), Vol. 3, pp. 383 - 384, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hs9.0000561712.29231.fb
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Govaerts I; Gielen O; Habets R; de Bock C; De Keersmaecker K; Segers H; Uyttebroeck A; Maertens J; Boeckx N; De Strooper B; Cools J, 2019, 'PF159 COMBINATION OF SELECTIVE GAMMA-SECRETASE INHIBITOR MRK-560 WITH OTHER TARGETED THERAPY IS AN EFFECTIVE AND SAFE TREATMENT FOR T-ALL', in HemaSphere, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), Vol. 3, pp. 31 - 31, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hs9.0000558852.50584.54
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Loontiens S; Durinck K; Vanhauwaert S; Depestel L; Oliveira ML; Dewyn G; De Bock C; Barata JT; Langenau D; Cools J; Taghon T; Van Vlierberghe P; Speleman F, 2019, 'PHF6loss drives IL7R oncogene addiction in TLX1 driven T-ALL', in CANCER RESEARCH, AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH, GA, Atlanta, Vol. 79, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-Cancer-Research (AACR), GA, Atlanta, 29 March 2019 - 03 April 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.AM2019-3696
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Loontiens S; Durinck K; Vanhauwaert S; Depestel L; Oliveira ML; Dewyn G; de Bock C; Barata JT; Langenau D; Cools J; Taghon T; Van Vlierberghe P; Speleman F, 2019, 'PS920 PHF6 LOSS DRIVES IL7R ONCOGENE ADDICTION IN TLX1 DRIVEN T-ALL', in HemaSphere, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), Vol. 3, pp. 414 - 415, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hs9.0000561956.76629.c7
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Van Thillo Q; De Bie J; Demeyer S; Tam WL; Sweron B; Geerdens E; Gielen O; Segers H; Boeckx N; Uyttebroeck A; Cools J; de Bock CE, 2019, 'PS916 TCF7-SPI1 AND NRAS (G12D) COOPERATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA', in HemaSphere, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), Vol. 3, pp. 413 - 413, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hs9.0000561944.30888.3a
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Verbeke D; de Bock C; Demeyer S; Prieto C; De Bie J; Gielen O; Mentens N; Daelemans D; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Keersmaecker K; maertens J; Segers H; Cools J, 2019, 'PF165 THE XPO1 INHIBITOR KPT-8602 WORKS SYNERGISTIC WITH DEXAMETHASONE TO INHIBIT ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA CELLS', in HemaSphere, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), Vol. 3, pp. 34 - 35, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hs9.0000558876.81078.b9
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    de Bock C; Habets R; Serneels L; Lodewijckx I; Verbeke D; Nittner D; Narlawar R; Demeyer S; Dooley J; Liston A; Taghon T; de Strooper B; Cools J, 2019, 'PS917 SAFE TARGETING OF T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA BY SUBUNIT SELECTIVE GAMMA-SECRETASE INHIBITION', in HemaSphere, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), Vol. 3, pp. 413 - 414, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hs9.0000561948.38512.48
    Other | 2016
    Barz CS; Benford ME; Mishra MK; Chia TS; Cooper E; Newton K; Bonel N; de Bock C; Farenhem K; Zupanc J; Elsanadidy E; Gopinath SD; Winter M; Kemp KC; Nieuwenhuis R; Hoyer JS; Li R; Lindsay G; Li D; O'Mullane A; Schuenemann KC; Ramirez D; Yu SS; Pun M; Li CY, 2016, Measures of success, AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE, , https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000373039600017&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Bempt MV; de Bock CE; Demeyer S; Vandepoel R; Mentens N; Geerdens E; Radaelli E; Cools J, 2016, 'THE NUP214-ABL1 FUSION COOPERATES WITH TLX1 IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. 27 - 27, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000379484600057&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Bornschein S; de Bock C; Degryse S; Gielen O; Cools J, 2016, 'CHARACTERIZATION OF AN EX VIVO T-CELL CULTURE MODEL FOR THE STUDY OF T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. 28 - 28, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000379484600059&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2016
    De Bie J; Dagklis A; Demeyer S; Radaelli E; Pauwels D; Degryse S; Gielen O; Vicente C; Geerdens E; Uyttebroeck A; Boeckx N; De Bock CE; Cools J, 2016, 'HEDGEHOG PATHWAY ACTIVATION IN T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA PREDICTS RESPONSE TO SMO AND GLI1 INHIBITORS', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. 26 - 26, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000379484600054&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2016
    De Bock C; Demeyer S; Degryse S; Vicente C; Sweron B; Gielen O; Vandepoel R; Geerdens E; Radaelli E; Cools J, 2016, 'ACTIVATED JAK-STAT SIGNALING COOPERATES WITH HOXA9 AND DRIVES LEUKEMIA DEVELOPMENT', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. 322 - 323, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000379484601163&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Degryse S; Bempt MV; Demeyer S; Jacobs K; Geerdens E; Cools J; de Bock CE, 2016, 'CHARACTERISATION OF JAK3 KINASE DOMAIN MUTANTS', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. 344 - 344, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000379484601210&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Sillar J; Murray H; Al Mazi J; Skerrett-Byrne D; Kahl R; Flanagan H; Smith N; Huang H; Hondermarck H; Wei A; de Bock C; Cools J; Enjeti A; Larsen M; Verrills N; Dun M, 2016, 'QUANTITATIVE, HIGH-RESOLUTION PROTEOMICS FOR A SYSTEMS BIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA', in ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 9 - 9, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000387772400008&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Durinck K; Rondou P; de Walle IV; De Bock C; Van Roy N; Benoit Y; Poppe B; Taghon T; Soulier J; Cools J; Van Vlierberghe P; Speleman F, 2014, 'PHF6 LOSS DRIVES IL7R ONCOGENE ADDICTION IN T-ALL', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, ITALY, Milan, pp. 1 - 1, presented at 19th Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, ITALY, Milan, 12 June 2014 - 15 June 2014, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000342830900003&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Durinck K; Van Loocke W; Van der Meulen J; Van de Walle I; Rondou P; De Bock CE; Poppe B; Cools J; Soulier J; Taghon T; Speleman F; Van Vlierberghe P, 2014, 'Transcriptional antagonism between the cooperative oncogenes TLX1 and NOTCH1 in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.', in CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH, PA, Philadelphia, presented at AACR Special Conference on Hematologic Malignancies - Translating Discoveries to Novel Therapies, PA, Philadelphia, 20 September 2014 - 23 September 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1557-3265.HEMMAL14-B05
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Durinck K; Vanloocke W; Van der Meulen J; de Walle IV; Rondou P; De Bock C; Verhasselt B; Poppe BG; Cools J; Soulier J; Taghon T; Speleman F; Van Vlierberghe P, 2014, 'Transcriptional Antagonism Between the Cooperative Oncogenes TLX1 and NOTCH1 in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, CA, San Francisco, presented at 56th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, CA, San Francisco, 06 December 2014 - 09 December 2014, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000349233806079&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Peirs S; Matthijssens F; Goossens S; De Bock C; Cante-Barrett K; Lammens T; Van de Walle I; De Moerloose B; Benoit Y; Poppe B; Taghon T; Cools J; Meijerink J; Soulier J; Speleman F; Van Vlierberghe P, 2014, 'ABT-199 MEDIATED INHIBITION OF BCL2 AS A NOVEL THERAPEUTIC STRATEGY IN T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, ITALY, Milan, pp. 539 - 540, presented at 19th Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, ITALY, Milan, 12 June 2014 - 15 June 2014, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000342830902361&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Sandrine D; de Bock CE; Vicente C; Cox L; Gielen O; Mentens N; Jacobs K; Geerdens E; Tousseyn T; Cools J, 2014, 'JAK3 Mutants Transform Hematopoietic Cells through JAK1 Activation Causing T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a Bone Marrow Transplant Mouse Model', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000349242706130&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Vanden M; de Bock CE; Mentens N; Gielen O; Geerdens E; Demeyer S; Cools J, 2014, 'Use of Crispr/Cas Genome Editing in Ba/F3 Cells to Generate the Fip1l1-Pdgfra and Nup214-Abl1 Fusion Genes', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000349242707124&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2014
    de Bock CE; Degryse S; Demeyer S; Sweron B; Gielen O; Mentens N; Geerdens E; Cools J, 2014, 'Synergism Between HOXA9 and Mutant JAK3 (M511I) Leads to Rapid Leukemia Development within an in Vivo Murine Bone Marrow Transplant Model', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000349242706111&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Degryse S; Cox L; Gianfelici V; Gielen O; Mentens N; Jacobs K; De Bock C; Cools J, 2013, 'THE ROLE OF JAK3 MUTATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA: DEVELOPMENT OF IN VITRO AND IN VIVO MODELS', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, pp. 467 - 467, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000445782800165&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2013
    de Bock C; Boyd A; Burn G; Cools J; Thorne R, 2013, 'A UNIQUE FAT1 CADHERIN ISOFORM REGULATES THE PROLIFERATION OF T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA (T-ALL) CELLS', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, pp. 4 - 4, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000445772400011&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Sadeqzadeh E; Hersey P; Zhang XD; deBock C; Boyd A; Burns G; Thorne R, 2011, 'Aberrant processing of Fat1 Cadherin in human cancer', in CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, pp. S12 - S12, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2011.08.037
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Wang Y; Lin Z; Mekkawy AH; De Bock CE, 2008, 'Interaction between urokinase receptor and heat shock protien enhances cell adhesion', in Challenges to Life Sciences: Molecules and cells, 9th International Congress on Cell Biology, Seoul, Korea, pp. 258 - 258, presented at 9th International Congress on Cell Biology, Seoul, Korea, 07 October 2008 - 10 October 2008

2021    Haematology Society Australia and New Zealand (HSANZ)/ Snowdome Mid-career award

2017    True Colours/VIB 4-day leadership program

2017    Technology transfer and the exploitation of research, KU Leuven. Team awarded 1st place for exploitation plan.

2008    New South Wales (NSW) Office of Science and Medical Research Award for Best Postdoctoral Oral Presentation; ASMR NSW Meeting.

2004    St George Hospital Clinical School “Young Investigator of the Year” 

1998    Fowlds Memorial Prize for most distinguished student in the Medicine and Health Science Faculty, University of Auckland, New Zealand

1997    Senior Prize in Pharmacology, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Personalised anti-cancer therapies have the potential to transform cancer treatments. 

We now appreciate that at diagnosis, patients with T-cell leukaemia have more than 10 mutations. Some of these mutations will be sufficient to cause leukaemia, but the role of the majority of these mutations remains unknown. 

My research program is focussed on defining the functional role for mutations found in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We utilise a “functional genomics” approach, that is creating in vitro and in vivo mouse models of T-cell leukaemia using clinically relevant mutations, to identify the key proteins and signalling pathways that should be targeted to control the disease. 

This knowledge on which proteins and mutations are essential to drive the growth and survival of leukaemia cells will significantly improve our ability to use targeted agents based on an individual’s mutation signature.