Dr Chai Ng

Dr Chai Ng

Conjoint Lecturer


Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

My research program uses high-throughput automated patch-clamp electrophysiology to assess the function of genetic variants found in ion channels expressed in the heart and brain. The focus of my current research is to provide functional evidence for variant reclassification in long QT syndromes and epilepsy.

Through my research, I aim to establish the threshold for determining normal and abnormal function for a range of potassium and sodium channels that are important for regulating the r...

+61 2 9295 8687
The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, 405 Liverpool St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

My current research focuses on developing high-throughput functional genomics assays to determine biological threshold that a variant can be classified as functionally abnormal and improve risk stratification for sudden cardiac arrest in individual that have long QT syndrome.

2021 MRFF Genomics Health Futures Mission grant - High throughput functional genomics assays for ion channelopathies ($2.9m)

2024 UNSW CVMM Theme Collaborative Grant Scheme ($30k)

Young Biophysicist of the year 2013 - Australian Society for Biophysics