Associate Professor Catherine Evans
MLArch (UPenn), AB (Vassar) ; Registered Landscape Architect (Australian Institute of Landscape Architects)
Catherine Evans is currently Deputy Head of School (Learning and Teaching) in the UNSW School of Built Environment. A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, she has served as Director of the UNSW Landscape Architecture Program twice (2004-2006 and 2015-2018) and Chair of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects National Education Committee (2018-2021). She represents the School of Built Environment on the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Hub of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and has co-convened a working group within the Hub since 2018. Prior to her appointment at UNSW in 2000, Catherine was a consultant in the Sydney area on heritage landscapes and worked as a Historical Landscape Architect for the Olmsted Centre for Landscape Preservation in the US National Park Service.
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Teaching and Supervision
Landscape Architecture Foundation, 2020: Landscape Performance Series Case Study Investigation, $7,700 with Linda Corkery and Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard
NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment, 2020: Landscape Evaluation Framework for the Parks for People Program, $66,600 with Linda Corkery.
Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) for Low Carbon Living, 2019: Low Carbon Landscape Guide, $10,000 with Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard and Mike Harris
UNSW Faculty of Built Environment, 2016: Scholarship of Learning and Teaching Grant, ‘International Students @ BE: Experience, Performance and Satisfaction’, with Phillip Oldfield and Stephen Ward.
UNSW Faculty of the Built Environment, 2015 Course Redesign Competitive Grant for BENV2930: Living Architecture: Green Roofs and Walls, with Linda Corkery. ($8000)
UNSW BE Faculty Research Grant 2010: ‘Park City Ecotones: Mapping the Dynamic Edge Conditions of Three Sydney Parklands’ with Linda Corkery
UNSW BE Faculty Research Grant 2008: ‘Metropolitan Open Space in Sydney: Scoping and framing an environmental and planning history’ $15,00 with Robert Freestone
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy- 2021
- Australian Institute Landscape Architects (AILA) NSW Chapter Landscape Architecture Award in Research and Communication for Low Carbon Landscape Guide (2020)
Catherine’s current research focuses on the performance of designed landscapes, the the changing approaches to the planning, provision and design of large urban parks and new frameworks for the design and planning of urban green space. Questions about the sustainability of the outcomes of designed landscapes permeate her research.
My Teaching
Catherine teaches across the environment, design and history and theory streams of the Landscape Architecture Program. Current courses include Introduction to Landscape Architecture, Landscape Analysis, Landscape management, and Plants, Design and Ecology.