Associate Professor Bruce Bradbury

Associate Professor Bruce Bradbury

Associate Professor


Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
Social Policy Research Centre

Dr Bruce Bradbury is an Associate Professor at the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC). (See also his UNSW research page)                  

Google Scholar profile

Recent commentary, presentations and reports
BlueSky: @brucebradbury
(twitter: @Bruce_Bradbury, mastodon:


Selected publications

SAS utility macros Documentation is in the header of each file. Of particular interest for HILDA users will be the macro which creates a long file from all HILDA waves and the ABSJack macro which does Jackknife replication using replicate weights (for either ABS or HILDA data). This folder also contains a number of SAS utility macros, macros for inequality calculation and some old Australian Tax/Transfer macros (see TATLIB.TXT for information).

SAS software tools for the analysis of data in the Luxembourg Income Study. Currently includes my code for debugging and submitting SAS programs to LIS.


310 Goodsell Building
  • Media | 2005
    Bradbury B; Kavanagh K; Morris A; Naidoo Y, 2005, Housing and support options for older people who are homeless, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute,

My Research Supervision

Bruce currently supervises Rafal Chomik and Dewi Kartika Megasari.