Professor Beng Chong

Professor Beng Chong

Conjoint Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

High-impact research history spanning basic science research through to clinical research Prof Chong is a clinician scientist, a haematologist and an educator with a national and international reputation, and is known particularly for his expertise in the field of thrombosis and haemostasis. He has an established basic science research profile with expertise in molecular and cell biology and immunopathology. He also have an established clinical research profile and has a Clinical Research Unit (CTU) which currently employs 9 research nurses and data managers and conducts Phase I-IV trials, with expertise well recognised by industry (locally and internationally) and research institutes alike (the CTU is upheld as an exemplary centre and is regularly used in pilot initiatives driven by the NSW Cancer Institute).

This infrastructure is invaluable in seeing the research translated from bench to bedside. The research that he has driven to date has changed paradigms e.g. his work has changed concepts regarding the regulation of platelet production by thrombopoietin (TPO) by showing the existence of a feedback mechanism of TPO regulation in the bone marrow rather than only by the liver and kidneys at a constant rate regardless of the blood platelet levels.

His work has resulted in major discoveries e.g. an immune mechanism of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and identification of GPIX as the major autoantigen in drug-induced thrombocytopenia. Similarly the advances Prof Chong has made, have a substantial impact on clinician options and patient outcomes e.g. his work has led to an effective treatment for HIT where none existed at that time and has resulted in significant numbers of lives being saved.

In addition, his work has led to better treatment options for venous thromboembolism (VTE) and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Driving research with clinical applications by working in clinical practice Prof Chong is able to see areas of need to clinicians and drive research to meet those needs. His research has seen major advances in patient care in immune ITP, HIT as well as VTE prevention and treatment.

His research career started in 1979 when he and his colleagues identified the first case of HIT in Australia; a few cases were reported in USA but HIT was virtually unknown in Europe. At that time there were no diagnostic criteria or tests and no effective treatment for this limb- and life-threatening condition of unknown aetiology. In two landmark papers he and his colleagues established the immune aetiology of HIT describing a platelet antibody in HIT that caused strong platelet and coagulation activation, and thus explained the devastating thrombosis seen in HIT (Chong et al, Br J Haematol 1981; Chong et al, Lancet 1982).

Since then, Prof Chong has led the field internationally, introducing diagnostic criteria, and developing and refining laboratory tests to improve diagnosis of this clinically complex condition, and introducing effective treatments particularly pioneering the use of danaparoid. His work over the past 2 -3 decades has greatly improved the clinical outcomes of patients with HIT worldwide, saving many lives. He has also made substantial contributions to other areas of thrombosis and haemostasis including ITP, regulation of platelet production and VTE.

Translating research into clinical practice not content with just presenting the evidence, Prof Chong ensures that evidence is translated into practice. As a member/chair of the Scientific and Standardisation Committee (SSC) of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), the world peak body for thrombotic and bleeding disorders (2003-2009), he has contributed to the standardization of laboratory tests and drafting best practice guidelines that have impacted on the clinical practice and health policies internationally. He has worked with world experts to draft international best practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of ITP (Provan et al, Blood 2010).

In addition as a member of the Australian and New Zealand VTE working party, he has been involved in drafting best practice guidelines for VTE prevention and treatment with regular updates since 2004 (Fletcher et al, 2007 and 2010). Career Progression After graduating with MBBS from University of Malaya in 1972 and PhD from University of Sydney in 1987, he worked as a staff specialist haematologist at several hospitals in Australia including the Royal Melbourne, the Prince of Wales and St George Hospitals.

He is the Director of Haematology, St George Hospital, Sydney and a Conjoint Professor with the St George and Sutherland Clinical School. He has held several academic appointments previously at UNSW including Conjoint Associate Professor (1991-7) and Conjoint Professor of Haematology (1997-2001).

His h-index is 44. He has published >184 papers and book chapters (130 peer-reviewed, >40 since 2005) with over 80% first or senior authorship. His papers have received over 6419 citations, with one paper cited 659 times, 1 >400 times, 2 >200 times, 7 >150 times, 6 > 100 times and 24 > 50 times. His papers are published in general (e.g. Lancet, N Engl J Med, JBC and Mol Cell Biol) and in specialised, top international journals (e.g. Blood, JTH and Chest).

As a reflection of his international standing, he has received 93 personal invitations (40 since 2005) to present his research findings at major international meetings (including 9 plenary and 18 state-of-the-art (SOA) talks) such as the 18th Congress of ISTH Paris, 2001, 19th Congress of ISTH Birmingham 2003, 20th Congress of ISTH, Sydney 2005, 10th Congress of International Society of Haematology, Nagoya 2004 and 47th American Society of Haematology, Atlanta 2005. In addition he has given more than 55 invited lectures at national scientific meetings, universities and hospitals.

A career promoting networks and collaborations Prof Chong collaborates with a broad range of experts and specialists in his endeavours to improve care of patients with thrombotic and bleeding disorders through research. He has successfully collaborated with scientists, and clinicians (nurses, doctors, etc) from many specialties, and specialists in research methodology (e.g. qualitative and quantitative clinical research design), nationally (e.g. Profs A Gallus, Adelaide; J Fletcher, J Braithwaite & N Zwar, Sydney) and internationally (e.g. Profs G Turpie, Canada; F Anderson, USA; AJ Kakkar, UK).

A career that has attracted substantive peer-reviewed grant funding Prof Chong has had continuing national and international peer-reviewed and industry grant support (over $39.6M or $18.5M since 2005) from NHMRC, ARC, NHF, Singapore NMRC ($1.77M, 2001-5) and others. He has received uninterrupted funding from NHMRC (except 1 yr 1989) since his first Project Grant in 1986-88 including successive project grants and 4 consecutive rounds of NHMRC Program Grants as CI. Industry engagement

He has participated in industry sponsored clinical trials for over 15 years which continue to generate funds of $200-500K per annum. He has held various roles from site PI, to contributing in an advisory role, and being part of the steering committee on multicentre, multi-national research projects. Prof Chong has assisted the pharmaceutical industry as an external scientific consultant during the pre-clinical and clinical phase of their drug development programs (e.g. Sanofi-Aventis, Organon, CSL, etc) and has served as the chair/member on the Scientific Advisory Board of Amgen, GSK, Bayer, CSL and Boehringer-Ingelheim.

Teaching and mentoring Prof Chong has been involved in teaching medical and science students at undergraduate and postgraduate level since 1986. In the past 10 years, he has supervised 10 PhD, 1 MD, 1 MSc and 7 BSc Honours students. The students whom he has trained and mentored are now in leadership, research and clinical positions in Australia and overseas. He has attracted post-doc/research fellows from countries such as China, India, Egypt, Malaysia and Singapore to be trained in his laboratory.

02 9113 3851
Department of Haematology The St George Hospital, Gray Street KOGARAH NSW 2217 AUSTRALIA
  • Book Chapters | 2019
    Greinacher A; Warkentin TE; Chong BH, 2019, '41 Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia', in Platelets, Elsevier, pp. 741 - 767,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Greinacher A; Warkentin TE; Chong BH, 2019, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', in Platelets, pp. 741 - 767,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Chong BH; Chong JJH, 2017, 'Drug-induced thrombocytopenia: Pathogenesis, diagnosis and management', in Platelets in Thrombotic and Non-Thrombotic Disorders: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics: an Update, pp. 771 - 787,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Greinacher A; Warkentin TE; Chong BH, 2013, 'Chapter 42 Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia', in Platelets, Elsevier, pp. 851 - 882,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Greinacher A; Warkentin TE; Chong BH, 2012, 'Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia', in Platelets, Third Edition, pp. 851 - 882,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Chong BH; Magnani HN, 2007, 'Danapin for the treatment of Herarin induced thrombocytopenia', in Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia, Infarma healthcare, London, pp. 319 - 343
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Chong BH, 2007, 'Chapter 48 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', in Platelets, Elsevier, pp. 861 - 886,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Chong BH, 2007, 'Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia', in Platelets (2nd Ed), Elsevier, USW, pp. 861 - 886,
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Chong BH, 2006, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', in Platelets, Second Edition, pp. 861 - 886,
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Chong BH; Chesterman CN, 2002, 'Thrombocytopenias due to bone marrow disorders', in Gresele P; Page CP; Fuster V; Vermylen J (ed.), Platelets in Thrombotic and non-thrombotic disorders: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 528 - 541
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Chong BH, 2002, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', in Alan D; Michellson MD (ed.), Platelets, edn. 1st, Academic Press, New York, USA, pp. 571 - 591
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Chong BH; Magnani HN, 2001, 'Danaparoid for the treatment of heparin-induced throbocytopenia', in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, Marcel Dekker, NY, pp. 323 - 348
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Leung HHL; Ahmadi Z; Lee B; Casey J; Ratnasingam S; McKenzie SE; Perdomo J; Chong BH, 2024, 'Antithrombotic efficacy and bleeding risks of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia treatments', Blood Advances, 8, pp. 5744 - 5752,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Liu Y; Huang J; Li L; Duan Y; Chong BH; Li L; Yang M, 2024, 'Regulatory Effect of PDGF/PDGFR on Hematopoiesis', Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Leung HHL; Perdomo J; Ahmadi Z; Chong BH, 2023, 'Determination of Antibody Activity by Platelet Aggregation', Bio-protocol, 13, pp. e4804,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Sidhu VS; Kelly TL; Pratt N; Graves SE; Buchbinder R; Adie S; Cashman K; Ackerman IN; Bastiras D; Brighton R; Burns AWR; Chong BH; Clavisi O; Cripps M; Dekkers M; De Steiger R; Dixon M; Ellis A; Griffith EC; Hale D; Hansen A; Harris A; Hau R; Horsley M; James D; Khorshid O; Kuo L; Lewis PL; Lieu D; Lorimer M; Macdessi SJ; McCombe P; McDougall C; Mulford J; Naylor JM; Page RS; Radovanovic J; Solomon M; Sorial R; Summersell P; Tran P; Walter WL; Webb S; Wilson C; Wysocki D; Harris IA, 2023, 'Effect of Aspirin vs Enoxaparin on 90-Day Mortality in Patients Undergoing Hip or Knee Arthroplasty: A Secondary Analysis of the CRISTAL Cluster Randomized Trial', JAMA Network Open, 6, pp. E2317838,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Chilingaryan Z; Deshmukh T; Leung HHL; Perdomo J; Emerson P; Kurup R; Chong BH; Chong JJH, 2022, 'Erythrocyte interaction with neutrophil extracellular traps in coronary artery thrombosis following myocardial infarction', Pathology, 54, pp. 87 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Choi PYI; Hsu D; Tran HA; Tan CW; Enjeti A; Chen VMY; Chong BH; Curnow J; Pepperell D; Bird R, 2022, 'Immune thrombocytopenia following vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic', Haematologica, 107, pp. 1193 - 1196,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Leung HHL; Perdomo J; Ahmadi Z; Zheng SS; Rashid FN; Enjeti A; Ting SB; Chong JJH; Chong BH, 2022, 'NETosis and thrombosis in vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Popp SK; Vecchio F; Brown DJ; Fukuda R; Suzuki Y; Takeda Y; Wakamatsu R; Sarma MA; Garrett J; Giovenzana A; Bosi E; Lafferty ARA; Brown KJ; Gardiner EE; Coupland LA; Thomas HE; Chong BH; Parish CR; Battaglia M; Petrelli A; Simeonovic CJ, 2022, 'Circulating platelet-neutrophil aggregates characterize the development of type 1 diabetes in humans and NOD mice', JCI Insight, 7,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pouplard C; Rollin J; Vayne C; Charuel N; Ahmadi Z; Alberio L; Azjenberg N; Althaus K; Bakchoul T; Chong B; Curtis BR; Faille D; Gomez FJ; Gresele P; Morel-Kopp MC; Mullier F; Nazy I; Smith JW; Greinacher A; Gruel Y, 2022, 'Multicentre evaluation of 5B9, a monoclonal anti-PF4/heparin IgG mimicking human HIT antibodies, as an internal quality control in HIT functional assays: Communication from the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Platelet Immunology', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 20, pp. 252 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Sidhu VS; Kelly TL; Pratt N; Graves SE; Buchbinder R; Adie S; Cashman K; Ackerman I; Bastiras D; Brighton R; Burns AWR; Chong BH; Clavisi O; Cripps M; Dekkers M; De Steiger R; Dixon M; Ellis A; Griffith EC; Hale D; Hansen A; Harris A; Hau R; Horsley M; James D; Khorshid O; Kuo L; Lewis P; Lieu D; Lorimer M; Macdessi S; McCombe P; McDougall C; Mulford J; Naylor JM; Page RS; Radovanovic J; Solomon M; Sorial R; Summersell P; Tran P; Walter WL; Webb S; Wilson C; Wysocki D; Harris IA, 2022, 'Effect of Aspirin vs Enoxaparin on Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Undergoing Hip or Knee Arthroplasty: The CRISTAL Randomized Trial', JAMA, 328, pp. 719 - 727,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zheng SS; Ahmadi Z; Leung HHL; Wong R; Yan F; Perdomo JS; Chong BH, 2022, 'Antiplatelet antibody predicts platelet desialylation and apoptosis in immune thrombocytopenia', Haematologica, 107, pp. 2195 - 2205,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chen H; Zhou M; Shu H; Su W; Yang L; Li L; Chong BH; Yang M, 2021, 'Tanshinone Iia Inhibits Megakaryopoiesis in Immune Vasculitis', Blood, 138, pp. 4288 - 4288,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kong H; Jiang Q; Su W; Luo Y; Ge H; Li L; Chong BH; Yang M, 2021, 'Effect of Thrombospondin-1 on Apoptosis of Human Megakaryocytic Leukemia Cells', BLOOD, 138,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Krilis M; Qi M; Ioannou Y; Zhang JY; Ahmadi Z; Wong JWH; Vlachoyiannopoulos PG; Moutsopoulos HM; Koike T; Sturgess AD; Chong BH; Krilis SA; Giannakopoulos B, 2021, 'Clinical relevance of nitrated beta 2-glycoprotein I in antiphospholipid syndrome: Implications for thrombosis risk', Journal of Autoimmunity, 122,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Leung HHL; Perdomo J; Ahmadi Z; Yan F; McKenzie SE; Chong BH, 2021, 'Inhibition of NADPH oxidase blocks NETosis and reduces thrombosis in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Blood Advances, 5, pp. 5439 - 5451,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Merriman E; Chunilal S; Brighton T; Chen V; McRae S; Ockelford P; Curnow J; Tran H; Chong B; Smith M; Royle G; Crowther H; Slocombe A; Tran H, 2021, 'Two Weeks of Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Isolated Symptomatic Distal Vein Thrombosis (TWISTER study)', Thrombosis Research, 207, pp. 33 - 39,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yang M; Li L; Luo Y; Su W; Kong H; Chong BH; Ye J, 2021, 'PDGF-BB and Its Role in Megakaryopoiesis and Thrombocythemia', BLOOD, 138,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yang M; Su W; Yang L; Kong H; Wei H; Sun H; Chong BH; Li L, 2021, 'Anti-Apoptotic Effect of Angelica Polysaccharide (APS) on Cryopreservation of Platelets', Blood, 138, pp. 3250 - 3250,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zheng SS; Perdomo JS; Ahmadi Z; Chong BH, 2021, 'Indirect detection of anti-platelet antibodies in immune thrombocytopenia', Pathology, 53, pp. 759 - 762,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chong BH, 2020, 'Evolving concepts of pathogenesis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications', International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 42, pp. 25 - 32,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Li L; Wang J; Ye J; Yang L; Chong BH; Yang M, 2020, 'Thrombopoietin Protects Neural Cells and Endothelial Cells from Apoptosis Via PI3K/AKT Pathway', Blood, 136, pp. 8 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Li L; Yi C; Xia WJ; Huang B; Chen S; Zhong J; Fang X; Yang L; Xin H; Zheng SS; Chong BH; Fu Y; Chen C; Yang M, 2020, 'c-Mpl and TPO expression in the human central nervous system neurons inhibits neuronal apoptosis', Aging, 12, pp. 7397 - 7410,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Morgan RL; Ashoorion V; Cuker A; Begum H; Ross S; Martinez N; Chong BH; Linkins LA; Warkentin TE; Wiercioch W; Nieuwlaat R; Schünemann H; Santesso N, 2020, 'Management of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: systematic reviews and meta-analyses', Blood Advances, 4, pp. 5184 - 5193,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yang M; Deng H; Yang L; Li L; Ye J; Cheng Y; Tan Y; Chong BH; Li Q, 2020, 'Coagulation Dysfunction and Hematological Changes in 633 Patients with COVID-19', Blood, 136, pp. 22 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yang M; Li L; Zhou L; Zhang H; Yang L; Chong BH; Yang Y, 2020, 'Increased Circulating Proplatelets and Elevated Plasma TPO Levels: A Novel Pathological Mechanism of Cerebral Infarction', Blood, 136, pp. 9 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yang M; Liang E; Ye J; Chong BH; Li L, 2020, 'The Role of 5-HT on Proplatelet Formation and Thrombopoietin Production', Blood, 136, pp. 14 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zheng SS; Perdomo JS; Leung HHL; Yan F; Chong BH, 2020, 'Acquired Glanzmann thrombasthenia associated with platelet desialylation', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 18, pp. 714 - 721,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ahmadi Z; Perdomo J; Wong R; Chong BH, 2019, 'Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia: Mapping of the drug binding site to the membrane-proximal region of platelet GPIX', Platelets, 30, pp. 251 - 255,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Frey N; Jang JH; Szer J; Illés Á; Kim HJ; Ram R; Chong BH; Rowe JM; Borisenkova E; Liesveld J; Winer ES; Cherfi A; Aslanis V; Ghaznawi F; Strickland S, 2019, 'Eltrombopag treatment during induction chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukaemia: a randomised, double-blind, phase 2 study', The Lancet Haematology, 6, pp. e122 - e131,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Joseph J; Rabbolini D; Enjeti AK; Favaloro E; Kopp MC; McRae S; Pasalic L; Tan CW; Ward CM; Chong BH, 2019, 'Diagnosis and management of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: a consensus statement from the Thrombosis and Haemostasis Society of Australia and New Zealand HIT Writing Group', Medical Journal of Australia, 210, pp. 509 - 516,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kuter DJ; Newland A; Chong BH; Rodeghiero F; Romero MT; Pabinger I; Chen Y; Wang K; Mehta B; Eisen M, 2019, 'Romiplostim in adult patients with newly diagnosed or persistent immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) for up to 1 year and in those with chronic ITP for more than 1 year: a subgroup analysis of integrated data from completed romiplostim studies', British Journal of Haematology, 185, pp. 503 - 513,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Li L; Yang L; Xin H; Chong BH; Yang M, 2019, 'Thrombopoietin Has Protective Effect in Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia Rat Model', BLOOD, 134,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Perdomo J; Leung HHL; Ahmadi Z; Yan F; Chong JJH; Passam FH; Chong BH, 2019, 'Neutrophil activation and NETosis are the major drivers of thrombosis in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Nature Communications, 10, pp. 1322,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Provan D; Arnold DM; Bussel JB; Chong BH; Cooper N; Gernsheimer T; Ghanima W; Godeau B; González-López TJ; Grainger J; Hou M; Kruse C; McDonald V; Michel M; Newland AC; Pavord S; Rodeghiero F; Scully M; Tomiyama Y; Wong RS; Zaja F; Kuter DJ, 2019, 'Updated international consensus report on the investigation and management of primary immune thrombocytopenia', Blood Advances, 3, pp. 3780 - 3817,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sidhu VS; Graves SE; Buchbinder R; Naylor JM; Pratt NL; De Steiger RS; Chong BH; Ackerman IN; Adie S; Harris A; Hansen A; Cripps M; Lorimer M; Webb S; Clavisi O; Griffith EC; Anandan D; O'Donohue G; Kelly TL; Harris IA, 2019, 'CRISTAL: Protocol for a cluster randomised, crossover, non-inferiority trial of aspirin compared to low molecular weight heparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in hip or knee arthroplasty, a registry nested study', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e031657,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Xu W-H; Li L; Yang L; Xin H; Chong BH; Yang M, 2019, 'Astragalus Polysaccharide Promotes Hematopoiesis in an Irradiated Mouse Model and Reduces Apoptosis of Hematopoietic Cells', BLOOD, 134,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yang M; Chen S; Li L; Xin H; Chong BH; Yang L, 2019, 'Analysis of a New Haematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells with Megakaryocyte Differentiation Potential', BLOOD, 134,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zheng ZY; Yu XL; Dai TY; Yin LM; Zhao YN; Xu M; Zhuang HF; Chong BH; Gao RL, 2019, 'Panaxdiol Saponins Component Promotes Hematopoiesis and Modulates T Lymphocyte Dysregulation in Aplastic Anemia Model Mice', Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 25, pp. 902 - 910,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cai H; Cho EA; Li Y; Sockler J; Parish CR; Chong BH; Edwards J; Dodds TJ; Ferguson PM; Wilmott JS; Scolyer RA; Halliday GM; Khachigian LM, 2018, 'Melanoma protective antitumor immunity activated by catalytic DNA', Oncogene, 37, pp. 5115 - 5126,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cuker A; Arepally GM; Chong BH; Cines DB; Greinacher A; Gruel Y; Linkins LA; Rodner SB; Selleng S; Warkentin TE; Wex A; Mustafa RA; Morgan RL; Santesso N, 2018, 'American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Blood Advances, 2, pp. 3360 - 3392,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lee KH; Cavanaugh L; Leung H; Yan F; Ahmadi Z; Chong BH; Passam F, 2018, 'Quantification of NETs-associated markers by flow cytometry and serum assays in patients with thrombosis and sepsis', International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 40, pp. 392 - 399,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Spyropoulos AC; Ageno W; Albers GW; Elliott CG; Halperin JL; Hiatt WR; Maynard GA; Steg PG; Weitz JI; Suh E; Spiro TE; Barnathan ES; Raskob GE; Douketis J; Turpie AG; Schulman S; Kearon C; Linkins LA; Schellong S; Bauer K; Geerts W; Roberts R; Casais P; Gallus A; Karrasch J; Eichinger-Hasenauer S; Krivenchuk V; Hadzovic-Dzuvo A; Trbojevic S; Lopes R; Mincheva V; Carrier M; Dennis R; Tudoric N; Spinar J; Nielsen H; Marandi T; Shaburishvili T; Beyer-Westendorf J; Vardas P; Boda Z; Brenner B; Piovella F; Krievins D; Petrauskiene B; Dejanova-Ilijevska V; Virgen Carrillo LR; Middeldorp S; Castillo Leon RP; Torbicki A; Saraiva de Sousa M; Dorobantu M; Militaru C; Yavelov I; Vuckovic B; Reuter H; Basson M; Monreal M; Kucukoglu S; Parkhomenko A; Alikhan R; Rosenberg D; Yusen R; Khorana A; Tapson V; Pollack C; Hazelrigg M; Jure H; Alvarisqueta A; Cartasegna L; Hominal M; Cursack G; Alzogaray M; Maillo M; Parody M; Caccavo A; Dran RD; Muntaner JA; Casas M; Schmidberg J; Sarjanovich R; Gabito A; Garrido M; Amuchastegui M; Fernandez A; Loureyro J; Giumelli C; Heazlewood V; Colquhoun D; White H; Sabet A; Bowler S; Carroll P; Khalafallah A; Baker R; Hedger S; Simpson FG; Jackson D; Chong B; Siostrzonek P, 2018, 'Rivaroxaban for thromboprophylaxis after hospitalization for medical illness', New England Journal of Medicine, 379, pp. 1118 - 1127,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sun X; Zhao YN; Qian S; Gao RL; Yin LM; Wang LP; Chong BH; Zhang SZ, 2018, 'Ginseng-Derived Panaxadiol Saponins Promote Hematopoiesis Recovery in Cyclophosphamide-Induced Myelosuppressive Mice: Potential Novel Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Cytopenias', Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 24, pp. 200 - 206,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cines DB; Wasser J; Rodeghiero F; Chong BH; Steurer M; Provan D; Lyons R; Garcia-Chavez J; Carpenter N; Wang X; Eisen M, 2017, 'Safety and efficacy of romiplostim in splenectomized and nonsplenectomized patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia', Haematologica, 102, pp. 1342 - 1351,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Perdomo J; Yan F; Leung HHL; Chong BH, 2017, 'Megakaryocyte Differentiation and Platelet Formation from Human Cord Blood-derived CD34<sup>+</sup> Cells', Journal of Visualized Experiments,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Perdomo JS; Yan F; Leung HH; Chong BH, 2017, 'Megakaryocyte Differentiation and Platelet Formation from Human Cord Blood-derived CD34+ Cells', Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2017,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Janssens A; Rodeghiero F; Anderson D; Chong BH; Boda Z; Pabinger I; Červinek L; Terrell DR; Wang X; Franklin J, 2016, 'Changes in bone marrow morphology in adults receiving romiplostim for the treatment of thrombocytopenia associated with primary immune thrombocytopenia', Annals of Hematology, 95, pp. 1077 - 1087,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Li Xia Z; Mo Y; Jie Yu Y; Chong BH, 2016, 'PDGFR Inhibitor Imatinib May be a Potent Drug in Treating Essential Thrombocythemia', Blood, 128, pp. 5470 - 5470,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wei A; Shen B; Williams LA; Bhargav D; Yan F; Chong BH; Diwan AD, 2016, 'Expression and functional roles of estrogen receptor GPR30 in human intervertebral disc', Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 158, pp. 46 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yang M; Liang E; Mao L; Chong BH; Li C, 2016, 'Thrombospondin-1 Induces Apoptosis in Megakaryocytic Leukemia Via CD36 and Caspase-3 Signaling', Blood, 128, pp. 5209 - 5209,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yang M; Liang E; Mao L; Li C; Chong BH, 2016, 'Notoginsenoside R1 Has Thrombopoietic Effect in Irradiated Mice', Blood, 128, pp. 4932 - 4932,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yang M; Liu L; Liang E; Chong BH; Li C, 2016, 'Thrombopoietin Has Neural Protective Effect in a Neonatal Rat Model of Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Damage', Blood, 128, pp. 5059 - 5059,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yang M; Ye J; Liang E; Li C; Chong BH, 2016, 'The Ex-Vivo Expansion of Megakaryocytic Progenitors from Hematopoietic Stem Cells for Thrombocytopenia in NOD/SCID Mice', Blood, 128, pp. 3746 - 3746,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zheng SS; Chong JJH; Chong BH, 2016, 'Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of apixaban in the treatment of thrombosis', Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, 12, pp. 575 - 580,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bakchoul T; Fuhrmann J; Chong BH; Bougie D; Aster R, 2015, 'Recommendations for the use of the non-obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency mouse model in autoimmune and drug-induced thrombocytopenia: Communication from the SSC of the ISTH', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 13, pp. 872 - 875,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Choi PY; Roncolato F; Badoux X; Ramanathan S; Ho SJ; Chong BH, 2015, 'A novel triple therapy for ITP using high-dose dexamethasone, low-dose rituximab, and cyclosporine (TT4)', Blood, 126, pp. 500 - 503,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Fraser ST; Midwinter RG; Coupland LA; Kong S; Berger BS; Yeo JH; Andrade OC; Cromer D; Suarna C; Lam M; Maghzal GJ; Chong BH; Parish CR; Stocker R, 2015, 'Heme oxygenase-1 deficiency alters erythroblastic Island formation, steady-state erythropoiesis and red blood cell lifespan in mice', Haematologica, 100, pp. 601 - 610,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Iraqi M; Perdomo J; Yan F; Choi PYI; Chong BH, 2015, 'Immune thrombocytopenia: Antiplatelet autoantibodies inhibit proplatelet formation by megakaryocytes and impair platelet production in vitro', Haematologica, 100, pp. 623 - 632,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liang EY; Ye JY; Zhou LX; Li C; Chong BH; Yang M, 2015, 'Platelet-Derived Serotonin Stimulates TPO Production from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells but Not Hepatocytes', Blood, 126, pp. 4773 - 4773,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Lin X; Yin L; Gao R; Liu Q; Xu W; Jiang X; Chong BH, 2015, 'The effects of panaxadiol saponins on megakaryocytic maturation and immune function in a mouse model of immune thrombocytopenia', Experimental Hematology, 43, pp. 364 - 373,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Pang JH; Coupland LA; Freeman C; Chong BH; Parish CR, 2015, 'Activation of tumour cell ECM degradation by thrombin-activated platelet membranes: potentially a P-selectin and GPIIb/IIIa-dependent process', Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, 32, pp. 495 - 505,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yang M; Liang EY; Zhou LX; Chong BH; Li C, 2015, 'Lung Damage and Thrombocytopenia', Blood, 126, pp. 4638 - 4638,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zhou LX; Ye J; Liang EY; Li C; Chong BH; Yang M, 2015, 'PDGF/PDGFR May be Involved in the Physiopathologic Mechanism of Essential Thrombocythemia', Blood, 126, pp. 5208 - 5208,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Boonyawat K; Angchaisuksiri P; Aryurachai K; Chaiyaroj S; Ahmadi Z; Chong BHO, 2014, 'Low prevalence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia after cardiac surgery in Thai patients', Thrombosis research, 134, pp. 957 - 962,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Braidy N; Gai W-P; Xu YH; Sachdev P; Guillemin GJ; Jiang X-M; Ballard JWO; Horan MP; Fang ZM; Chong BH; Chan DKY, 2014, 'Alpha-Synuclein Transmission and Mitochondrial Toxicity in Primary Human Foetal Enteric Neurons In Vitro', Neurotoxicity Research, 25, pp. 170 - 182,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Carter DR; Buckle AD; Tanaka K; Perdomo J; Chong BH, 2014, 'Art27 interacts with GATA4, FOG2 and NKX2.5 and is a novel co-repressor of cardiac genes', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Janssens A; Rodeghiero F; Anderson D; Chong B; Boda Z; Pabinger I; Cervinek L; Wang X; Lopez A, 2014, 'Final Results from a Phase 4 Open-Label 3-Year Study Evaluating Changes in Bone Marrow (Bm) Morphology in Adult Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Patients (Pts) Receiving the Thrombopoietin Mimetic Romiplostim', BLOOD, 124,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Maghzal GJ; Winter S; Wurzer B; Chong BH; Holmdahl R; Stocker R, 2014, 'Tryptophan catabolism is unaffected in chronic granulomatous disease', Nature, 514, pp. E16 - E17,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Nandurkar H; Chong B; Salem H; Gallus A; Ferro V; Mckinnon R, 2014, 'Low-molecular-weight heparin biosimilars: Potential implications for clinical practice', Internal Medicine Journal, 44, pp. 497 - 500,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ye JY; Liang EY; Cheng YS; Chan GCF; Ding Y; Meng F; Ng MHL; Chong BH; Lian Q; Yang M, 2014, 'Serotonin enhances megakaryopoiesis and proplatelet formation via p-Erk1/2 and F-actin reorganization', Stem Cells, 32, pp. 2973 - 2982,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Braidy N; Gai WP; Xu YH; Sachdev P; Guillemin GJ; Jiang XM; Ballard JWO; Horan MP; Fang ZM; Chong BH; Chan DKY, 2013, 'Uptake and mitochondrial dysfunction of alpha-synuclein in human astrocytes, cortical neurons and fibroblasts', Translational Neurodegeneration, 2, pp. 20,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Choi PY; Chong BH, 2013, 'Successfully sparing splenectomy in immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP)', JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, 11, pp. 301 - 301,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Chong BH; Choi PY; Khachigian LM; Perdomo JS, 2013, 'Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia', Hematology - Oncology Clinics of North America, 27, pp. 521 - 540,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Chong BH; Chong JJH, 2013, 'HIT: Nucleic acid masquerading as heparin', Blood, 122, pp. 156 - 158,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Coupland LA; Chong BH; Parish CR, 2013, 'Beware of NK cells in pre-clinical metastasis models', Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, 30, pp. 945 - 947,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Gao R; Chong BH, 2013, 'Research and development of the effective components of panaxdiol saponin as new chinese patent medicine for treating hemocytopenia', Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 18, pp. 897 - 902,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Greinacher A; Warkentin TE; Chong BH, 2013, 'Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia', Platelets, pp. 851 - 882,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Janssens A; Rodeghiero F; Anderson D; Chong B; Boda Z; Pabinger I; Cervinek L; Wang X; Lopez A, 2013, 'Results From a Phase IV Open-Label Study Evaluating Changes In Bone Marrow Morphology In Adult Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Patients Receiving Romiplostim: Analysis Of The 1- and 2-Year Romiplostim Cohorts', Blood, 122, pp. 2312 - 2312,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Lee LH; Caguioa P; Chin NS; Chiou T-J; Lee JW; Miyakawa Y; Tambunan KL; Chong BH, 2013, 'Erratum to: Chronic adult primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in the Asia-Pacific region', International Journal of Hematology, pp. 1 - 1,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Lee LH; Caguioa P; Chin NS; Chiou TJ; Lee JW; Miyakawa Y; Tambunan KL; Chong BH, 2013, 'Erratum to: Chronic adult primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in the Asia-pacific region (International Journal of Hematology (2011) 94 (142-149) DOI 10.1007/s12185-011-0894-8)', International Journal of Hematology, 98, pp. 729,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Perdomo J; Jiang XM; Carter DR; Khachigian LM; Chong BH, 2013, 'Correction: SUMOylation regulates the transcriptional repression activity of FOG-2 and its association with GATA-4 (PLoS ONE)', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Perdomo JS; Yan F; Chong BH, 2013, 'A megakaryocyte with no platelets: Anti-platelet antibodies, apoptosis, and platelet production.', Platelets, 24, pp. 98 - 106,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Sanchez-Guerrero E; Chen E; Kockx M; An S-W; Chong BH; Khachigian LM, 2013, 'Correction: IL-1beta Signals through the EGF Receptor and Activates Egr-1 through MMP-ADAM', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Sanchez-Guerrero E; Jo SR; Chong BH; Khachigian LM, 2013, 'EGFR and the complexity of receptor crosstalk in the cardiovascular system', Current Molecular Medicine, 13, pp. 3 - 12,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Yang M; Chen JL; Ye JY; Li SY; Liang EY; Chong B, 2013, 'Angelica Polysaccharide and TPO Have a Protective Effect On Hcmv-Induced Apoptosis In Megakaryocytes', Blood, 122, pp. 3553 - 3553,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Yang M; Jiang Q; Xiao B; Liu C; Li SY; Huang LF; Chong B; Meng FY, 2013, 'Astragalus Polysaccharide has hematopoietic and thrombopoietic activities in an irradiation mouse model', Blood, 122, pp. 4216 - 4216,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Yang M; Wu FQ; Zhou M; Ye JY; Li XJ; Chong B; Liu C, 2013, 'Tanshinone IIA has anti-platelet effect and induces apoptosis in megakaryocytes via TNFR and Caspases', Blood, 122, pp. 3635 - 3635,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Yang M; Zhou M; Li SY; Chong B; Li XJ, 2013, 'IL-1β Plays An Important Role On Thrombocytosis In An Immune Vasculitis Model Via Promoting Megakaryopoiesis', Blood, 122, pp. 2325 - 2325,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ye JY; Li SY; Liang EY; Meng FY; Chong B; Yang M, 2013, 'Imatinib mesylate has an inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis in a mice model', Blood, 122, pp. 5568 - 5568,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ye JY; Meng FY; Jiang Q; Li SY; Liang EY; Chong B; Yang M, 2013, 'Serotonin and Its Metabolism Enhances Megakaryopoiesis and Proplatelet Formation', Blood, 122, pp. 4753 - 4753,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Young-Ill Choi P; Ng S-C; Lee C; Roncolato F; Badoux X; Hugman AJ; Ramanathan S; Ho S-J; Lee S-H; Chong B, 2013, 'Triple Therapy For Immune Thrombocytopenia: A Novel Combination Of Conventional Strategies To Safely Sustain Platelet Counts In ITP', Blood, 122, pp. 1084 - 1084,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Chong BH, 2012, 'Update of drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia', Pathology, 44, pp. S34 - S34,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Lassen MR; Fisher W; Mouret P; Agnelli G; George D; Kakkar A; Mismetti P; Turpie AGG; Leizorovicz A; Borris LC; Buyse M; Sturbois G; Fisher MR; White RH; Alvarisqueta. A; Horsley M; Jackson D; Salem H; Chong B; Richards B; Baltrukevich S; Pisesky W; Kim P; Martinez S; Aguilera B; Rocha C; Reyes A; Botero Lopez R; Trc T; Pink T; Ludvik J; Krbec M; Repko M; Mikkelsen S; Gebuhr P; Lassen M; Borgwardt A; Märtson A; Kelk M; Kööp A; Tyllianakis M; Kapetanos G; Christodoulou A; Kocius M; Smailys A; Sierra-Perez M; Gomez-Sanchez E; Vazquez-Montana M; Resendiz-Orozco S; Ramos-Morales T; Berumen-Nafarrate E; Synder M; Skowronski J; Kruczynski J; Blacha J; Kwiatkowski K; Tkaczyk S; Cirstoiu C; Popescu G; Purghel F; Botez P; Vermesan H; Poenaru D; Yakusevich V; Akhtyamov I; Zagorodniy N; Kornilov N; Linnik S; Ivanov P; Dryagin V; Safronov A; Magomedov K; Murylev V; Parfeev S; Ezhov I; Kuropatkin G; Abolin A; Van zyl L; Oelofse L; Swart HJ; Stathoulis B; Sulyma V; Kostrub O; Shyshka I; Chernyak V; Olinichenko G; Korzh M; Browne R; Murray RM; Ward J; Williams D; Strain R; Gimbel J; Tapadiya D; Hollmann M; Jove M; Berkowitz R; Kilgore J; Dabezies E; D'angelo G, 2012, 'Semuloparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism after major orthopedic surgery: Results from three randomized clinical trials, SAVE-HIP1, SAVE-HIP2 and SAVE-KNEE', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 10, pp. 822 - 832,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Perdomo J; Jiang X-M; Carter DR; Khachigian LM; Chong BH, 2012, 'SUMOylation Regulates the Transcriptional Repression Activity of FOG-2 and Its Association with GATA-4', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. e50637 - e50637,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Journal articles | 2011
    Buller HR; Destors J; Gallus A; Prins MH; Raskob ; Charbonnier B; Decousus H; Leizorovicz A; Laporte G; Brandjes DP; Middeldorp S; Pillion G; Ceresetto J; Hendler H; Xavier D; Santini F; Del carmen gallo M; Coughlin P; Chong BH; al E, 2011, 'Efficacy and safety of once weekly subcutaneous idrabiotaparinux in the treatment of patients with symptomatic deep venous thrombosis', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9, pp. 92 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Chapman NH; Lassere MN; Clarke M; Chong BH, 2011, 'Guidelines for venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention in hospitalised medical patients: a validation study pilot', JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, 9, pp. 654 - 654,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Chen J; Liu M; Parish CR; Chong BH; Khachigian LM, 2011, 'Nuclear import of early growth response-1 involves importin-7 and the novel nuclear localization signal serine-proline-serine', International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 43, pp. 905 - 912,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Choi P; Chong BH; Fu M; Gemmell R, 2011, 'The frequency of renal impairment in patients suspected of heparin induced thrombocytopenia syndrome (HIT)', JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, 9, pp. 333 - 333,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Choi P; Hock Chong B, 2011, 'Outcomes in primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): a retrospective audit on a single tertiary referral centre', Pathology, 43, pp. S56 - S56,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Choi P; Hock Chong B, 2011, 'Outcomes in primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): a retrospective audit on a single tertiary referral centre', Pathology, 43, pp. S61 - S62,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Choi PY-I; Straube B; Cook C; Van Der Weyden C; Ramanathan S; Taylor P; Roncolato F; Chong B, 2011, 'The Mortality of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci Bloodstream Infections (VRE BSI)', Blood, 118, pp. 4928 - 4928,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Choi PY; Chong BH, 2011, 'Outcomes in immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): a retrospective audit on a single tertiary referral centre', JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, 9, pp. 540 - 540,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Decousus H; Tapson V; Bergmann J; Chong BH; Froehlich J; Kakkar A; Merli G; Monreal M; Nakamura M; Pavanello R; Pini M; Piovella F; Spencer FA; Spyropoulos A; Turpie AG; Zotz R; FitzGerald G; Anderson F, 2011, 'Factors at admission associated with bleeding risk in medical patients: Findings from the improve investigators', Chest, 139, pp. 69 - 79,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Heng L; Caguioa P; Chin NS; Chiou TJ; Lee JW; Miyakawa Y; Tambunan KL; Chong BH, 2011, 'Chronic adult primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in the Asia-Pacific region', International Journal of Hematology, 94, pp. 142 - 149,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Hicks C; Isaacs A; Wong RY; Chong BH, 2011, 'CXCR4 expression on transplanted peripheral blood CD34+ cells: relationship to engraftment after autologous transplantation in a cohort of multiple myeloma patients', Annals of Hematology, 90, pp. 547 - 555,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Liang S; Khachigian LM; Ahmadi Z; Yang ; Liu S; Chong BH, 2011, 'In vitro and in vivo proliferation, differentiation and migration of cardiac endothelial progenitor cells (SCA1(+) /CD31(+) side-population cells).', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9, pp. 1628 - 1637,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Perdomo JS; Yan F; Ahmadi Z; Jiang X-M; Chong BH, 2011, 'Quinine-induced thrombocytopenia: drug-dependent antibodies inhibit megakaryocyte and proplatelet production', JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, 9, pp. 322 - 322,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Spyropoulos A; Anderson F; FitzGerald G; Decousus H; Pini M; Chong BH; et A, 2011, 'Predictive and Associative Models to Identify Hospitalized Medical Patients at Risk for VTE.', Chest, 140, pp. 706 - 714,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Xu Y; Yin C; He H; Shu L; Wu F; Meng F; Chong B; Yang M, 2011, 'Analysis of JAK2 V617F Mutation and Its Clinical Significance in Patients with Thrombocythemia and Other Myeloproliferative Neoplasms in Chinese', Blood, 118, pp. 4687 - 4687,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Young Ill Choi P; Gemmell R; Hock Chong B, 2011, 'The frequency of renal impairment in patients suspected of heparin induced thrombocytopenia syndrome (HIT)', Pathology, 43, pp. S61 - S61,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Boccia R; Kuter DJ; Rummel MJ; Macik BG; Pabinger I; Selleslag D; Rodeghiero F; Chong B; Wang X; Lizambri R, 2010, 'The Effects of Romiplostim or Standard of Care (SOC) on Splenectomy and Treatment Failure of Patients Who Had Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) for Less Than or Equal to One Year.', Blood, 116, pp. 3702 - 3702,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong BH; Bird R; Pidcock M; Lloyd J; Taylor L; Lloyd J; Baker RW; Stone C; Maher D, 2010, 'open-label, multicenter study evaluating the efficacy and safety of a new 10% liquid intravenous immunoglobulin (Intragam 10 NF) in patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)', Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology & Hematology, 2, pp. 7 - 12
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong BH; Gan E; Bird R; Pidcock M; Lloyd J; Tay L; Baker R; Stone C; Maher D, 2010, 'An open-label, multicenter study evaluating the efficacy and safety of a new 10% liquid intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)', Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology and Hematology, 2
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong BH, 2010, 'Extended-duration venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients with recently reduced mobility: a randomized trial', Annals of Internal Medicine, 153, pp. 8 - 18
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong BH, 2010, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia associated with fondaparinux', Clin Adv Hematol Oncol, 8, pp. 63 - 65
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong BH, 2010, 'IVIg immune inhibitory activity: APC is key.', Blood, 115, pp. 1663 - 1664,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong BH, 2010, 'International consensus report on the investigation and management of primary immune thrombocytopenia.', Blood, 115, pp. 168 - 186
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong BH, 2010, 'Oral rivaroxaban for symptomatic venous thromboembolism', New England Journal of Medicine, 363, pp. 2499 - 2510
    Journal articles | 2010
    Kidson-Gerber GL; Weaver J; Gemmell R; Prasan A; Chong BH, 2010, 'Serum Thromboxane B2 Compared to Five Other Platelet Function Tests for the Evaluation of Aspirin Effect in Stable Cardiovascular Disease', Heart Lung and Circulation, 19, pp. 234 - 242,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Kuter D; Rummel M; Boccia R; Macik B; Pabinger I; Selleslag D; Rodeghiero F; Chong BH; Wang X; Berger D, 2010, 'Romiplostim or standard of care in patients with immune thrombocytopenia', New England Journal of Medicine, 363, pp. 1889 - 1999
    Journal articles | 2010
    Lassen ; Gallus A; Raskob ; Pineo ; Chen ; Ramirez ; Chong BH, 2010, 'Apixaban versus enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis after hip replacement', New England Journal of Medicine, 363, pp. 2487 - 2498
    Journal articles | 2010
    Liang S; Tan TY; Gaudry L; Chong BH, 2010, 'Differentiation and migration of Sca1+/CD31− cardiac side population cells in a murine myocardial ischemic model', International Journal of Cardiology, 138, pp. 40 - 49,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Liang SX; Pinkevych M; Khachigian LM; Parish CR; Davenport MP; Chong BH, 2010, 'Drug-induced thrombocytopenia (DITP): development of a novel NOD/SCID mouse model to evaluate clearance of circulating platelets by drug-dependent antibodies and the efficacy of IVIG', Blood, 116, pp. 1958 - 1960
    Journal articles | 2010
    Liu C; Li J; Meng ; Liang SX; Deng R; Li C; Pong NH; Lau CP; Cheng SW; Ye ; Chen JL; Yang S; Yan H; Chen S; Chong BH; Yang M, 2010, 'Polysaccharides from the root of Angelica sinensis promotes hematopoiesis and thrombopoiesis through the PI3K/AKT pathway', BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 10:79, pp. 1 - 12,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Perdomo JS; Fock E; Kaur G; Yan F; Khachigian LM; Jans D; Chong BH, 2010, 'A monopartite sequence is essential for p45 NF-E2 nuclear translocation, transciptional activity and platelet production', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 8, pp. 2542 - 2553,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Wang B; Chen J; Santiago FS; Janes ME; Kavurma MM; Chong BH; Pimanda JE; Khachigian LM, 2010, 'Phosphorylation and acetylation of histone H3 and autoregulation by early growth response 1 mediate interleukin 1beta induction of early growth response 1 transcription.', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 30, pp. 536 - 545,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ye ; Chan G; Qiao ; Meng ; Luo ; Khachigian LM; Ma ; Deng R; Chen ; Chong BH; Yang , 2010, 'Platelet-derived growth factor enhances platelet recovery in a murine model of radiation-induced thrombocytopenia and reduces apoptosis in megakaryocytes via its receptors and the PI3-k/Akt pathway', Haematologica, 95, pp. 1745 - 1753
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chapman NH; Brighton TA; Harris MF; Caplan GA; Braithwaite J; Chong BH, 2009, 'Zylna zatorowoϾ zakrzepowa (Venous thromboembolism)', Lekarz Rodzinny, 142, pp. 596 - 601,,20621.html
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chong BH; Isaacs A, 2009, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: what clinicians need to know.', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 101, pp. 279 - 283,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chong BH, 2009, 'Primary immune thrombocytopenia: Understanding pathogenesis is the key to better treatments', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 7, pp. 319 - 321,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Kuter DJ; Rummel MJ; Boccia RV; Macik BG; Pabinger I; Selleslag DLD; Rodeghiero F; Chong BH; Müller-Beiβenhirtz H; Gehl L; Wang X; Berger D, 2009, 'Comparison of Splenectomy and Treatment Failure Incidence in Nonsplenectomized Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Receiving Romiplostim or Medical Standard of Care: 1-Year Treatment and 6-Month Safety Follow-up.', Blood, 114, pp. 679 - 679,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Rodeghiero F; Stasi R; Gernsheimer T; Michel M; Provan D; Arnold D; Bussel J; Cines D; Chong BH; Cooper N; Godeau B; Lechner K; Mazzucconi M; Mcmillan R; Sanz M; Imbach P; Blanchette V; Kuhne T; Ruggeri M; George J, 2009, 'Standardization of terminology, definitions and outcome criteria in immune thrombocytopenic purpura of adults and children: report from an international working group', Blood, 113, pp. 2386 - 2393,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Shantsila E; Lip G; Chong BH, 2009, 'Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia A Contemporary Clinical Approach to Diagnosis and Management', Chest, 135, pp. 1651 - 1664,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Shantsila E; Lip G; Chong BH, 2009, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. A contemporary clinical', Chest, 135, pp. 1651 - 1664,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Chong BH; Braithwaite J; Harris MF; Fletcher J, 2008, 'Venous thromboembolism - a major health and financial burden: how can we do better to prevent this disease?', Medical Journal of Australia, 189, pp. 134 - 135
    Journal articles | 2008
    Fock E; Yan F; Pan SW; Chong BH, 2008, 'NF-E2-mediated enhancement of megakaryocytic differentiation and platelet production in vitro and in vivo', Experimental Hematology, 36, pp. 78 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Kidson-Gerber GL; Gemmell R; Weaver J; Chong BH, 2008, 'A prospective study of aspirin and clopidogrel resistance in patients with cardiovascular disease: compression of serum thromboxane B2 measurements with the results of whole blood aggregometry, PFA 100, cone & plate analyser and verifyNow system', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY, 30, pp. 13 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Yang M; Ng MH; Li C; Chan PK; Liu C; Ye J; Chong BH, 2008, 'Thrombopoietin levels increased in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome', Thrombosis Research, 122, pp. 473 - 477
    Journal articles | 2007
    Chong BH; Lee SH, 2007, 'Management of thromboembolism in hematologic malignancies', Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 33, pp. 435 - 447
    Journal articles | 2007
    Fock E; Yan F; Chong BH, 2007, 'NF-E2 mediated enhancement of megakaryocytic differentation and platelet production in vitro and in vivo', Experimental Hematology, 35, pp. 35 - 36,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Gao R; Chen X; Lin X; Qian X; Xu WJ; Chong BH, 2007, 'Effects of notoginosides on proliferation and upregulation of GR nuclear transcription factor in hematopoietic cells', ACTA Pharmacologica Sinica, 28, pp. 703 - 711
    Journal articles | 2007
    Kwok JC; Perdomo JS; Chong BH, 2007, 'Identification of a monopartite sequence in PU.1 essential for nuclear import, DNA-binding and transcription of myeloid-specific genes', Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 101, pp. 1456 - 1474
    Journal articles | 2007
    Philips AS; Kwok JC; Chong BH, 2007, 'Analysis of the signals and mechanisms mediating nuclear trafficking of GATA-4: Loss of DNA binding is associated with localization in intranuclear speckles', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, pp. 24915 - 24927,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tapson V; Decousus H; Pini M; Chong BH; Et A, 2007, 'Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in acutely ill hospitalized medical patients: findings from the International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism', Chest, 132, pp. 936 - 945
    Journal articles | 2006
    Aster R; Curtis B; Bougie D; Dunkley S; Greinacher A; Warkentin T; Chong BH, 2006, 'Thrombocytopenia associated with the use of GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors: position paper of the ISTH working group on thrombocytopenia and GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 4, pp. 678 - 679
    Journal articles | 2006
    Fock E; Yan F; Chong BH, 2006, 'Proplatelet production from haematopoeitic stem cells enhanced by NF-E2 overexpression', Cytotherapy, 8,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Qi J; Wang JQ; Mandadi S; Tanaka K; Roufogalis BD; Madigan MC; Lai K; Yan F; Chong BH; Stevens RL; Krilis S, 2006, 'Human and mouse mast cells use the Tetraspanin CD9 as an alternate Interleukin 16 receptor', Blood, 107, pp. 135 - 142
    Journal articles | 2005
    Chan EM; Corner EM; Brown FC; Richkind KE; Holmes ML; Chong BH; Shiffman R; Zhang D; Slovak ML; Willman CL; Noguchi CT; Li Y; Heiber DJ; Kwan L; Chan R; Vance GH; Ramsay H; Hromas R, 2005, 'AML1-FOG2 fusion protein myelodyspasia', Blood, 105, pp. 4523 - 4526
    Journal articles | 2005
    Chong BH; Brighton TA; Baker RI; Thurlow P; Lee CH, 2005, 'Once-Daily Enoxaparin in The Outpatient Setting Versus Unfractioned Heparin in Hospital for the Treatment of Symptomatic Deep-Vein Thrombosis', Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 19, pp. 173 - 181
    Journal articles | 2005
    Chong BH; Ho S, 2005, 'Autoimmune thrombocytopenia', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 3, pp. 1763 - 1772
    Journal articles | 2005
    Chong BH; Hu W; Philips AS; Kwok JC; Eisbacher M, 2005, 'Identification of nuclear import and export signals within Fli: Roles of the nuclear Import signals in Fli-1-dependant activation of megakaryocyte-specific promoters.', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 25, pp. 3087 - 3108,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Decousus H; Zotz RB; Tapson VF; Chong BH; Froehlich JB; Pavanello R; Spyropoulos AC; Monreal M; FitzGerald G; Anderson FA, 2005, 'Factors at Admission That Are Predictive of Increased In-Hospital Bleeding in Acutely Ill Medical Patients: Findings from the International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE).', Blood, 106, pp. 264 - 264,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Monreal M; Zotz RB; Decousus H; Chong BH; Merli G; Pavanello R; Pini M; Turpie AGG; Huang W; Anderson FA, 2005, 'Influence of Perceived Risk Factors for Bleeding on Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Practices in Acutely Ill Medical Patients: Findings from IMPROVE.', Blood, 106, pp. 917 - 917,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Savi P; Chong BH; Greinacher A; Gruel Y; Kelton JF; Warkentin T; Eichler P; Meuleman D; petitou M; Herault J; Cariou R; Herbert J, 2005, 'Effect of fondaparinux on platelet activaton in the presence of heparin-dependent antibodies: a blinded comparative multicentre study with unfjractionated heparin', Blood, 105, pp. 139 - 144
    Journal articles | 2004
    Chan E; Comer E; Brown F; Richkind K; Holmes M; Chong B; Shiffman R; Zhang D-E; Li Y; Chan R; Heiber D; Vance G; Ramsey H; Hromas R, 2004, 'AML1-FOG2 Fusion Protein in Myelodysplasia.', Blood, 104, pp. 2900 - 2900,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Chong BH; Chong J, 2004, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 2, pp. 547 - 559,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Eisbacher M; Holmes ML; Newton A; Hogg PJ; Khachigian LM; Crossley M; Chong BH, 2004, 'Erratum: Protein-protein interaction between Fli-1 and GATA-1 mediates synergistic expression of megakaryocyte-specific genes through cooperative DNA binding (Molecular and Cellular Biology (2003) 23, 10 (3427-3441))', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24, pp. 5088,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Eisbacher M; Holmes ML; Newton A; Hogg PJ; Khachigian LM; Crossley M; Chong BH, 2004, 'Protein-protein interaction between Fli-1 and GATA-1 mediatessynergistic expression of megakaryocyte-specific genes throughcooperative DNA binding (vol 23, pg 3427, 2003)', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24, pp. 5088 - 5088,
    Journal articles | 2004
    FitzGerald G; Anderson FA; Investigators FTI; Tapson VF; Froehlich JB; Piovella F; Spyropoulos AC; Decousus H; Bergmann J-F; Chong BH; Kakkar AK; Merli GJ; Monreal M; Nakamura M; Pavanello R; Pini M; Turpie AG; Zotz RB, 2004, 'A Multinational Comparison of Prophylaxis Practices for Venous Thromboembolism During Medical Intensive Care: Findings from IMPROVE', CHEST Journal, 126, pp. 784s-1-784s-2,
    Journal articles | 2004
    FitzGerald G; Tapson VF; Spyropoulos AC; Froehlich JB; Decousus H; Bergmann J-F; Chong BH; Kakkar AK; Merli GJ; Monreal M; Nakamura M; Pavanello R; Pini M; Piovella F; Turpie AG; Zotz RB; Anderson FA; Investigators FTI, 2004, 'Does Obesity Influence Physician Practices in Provision of Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism? Lessons from IMPROVE', CHEST Journal, 126, pp. 783sc-1-783sc-2,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tapson VF; Decousus H; Bergmann J-FCO; Chong BH; Froehlich JB; Kakkar AK; Merli GJ; Monreal M; Nakamura M; Pavanello R; Pini M; Piovella F; Spyropoulos AC; Turpie AGG; Zotz RB; FitzGerald G; Anderson FA, 2004, 'The International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE): Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Practices in Acutely Ill Medical Patients.', Blood, 104, pp. 1762 - 1762,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Asvadi P; Ahmadi Z; Chong BH, 2003, 'Drug-induced thrombocytopenia: Localization of the binding site of GPlX-specific quinine-dependent antibodies', Blood, 102, pp. 1670 - 1676,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Chong BH, 2003, 'Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis: Clinical and Laboratory Practice', Pathology, 35, pp. 458 - 458,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Chong BH, 2003, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1, pp. 1471 - 1478,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Decousus H; Tapson V; Chong BH; Merli G; Kakkar A; FitzGerald G, 2003, 'Immobility and advanced age: Critical factors contributing to theoverall risk of venous thromboembolism in medical patients', Blood, 102, pp. 56A - 57A,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Eisbacher M; Holmes ML; Newton A; Hogg PJ; Crossley M; Chong BH; Khachigian LM, 2003, 'Protein-protein interaction between Fli-1 and GATA 1 mediates synergistic expression of megakaryocyte-specific genes through cooperative DNA binding', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 23, pp. 3427 - 3441,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Savi P; Chong BH; Greinacher A; Gruel Y; Kelton J; Petitou M; Herault J; Warkentin T; Meuleman D; Cariou R; Herbert J, 2003, 'Effect of fondaparinux on platelet activation in the presence ofheparin-dependent anti-platelet antibodies. A blinded comparativemulticenter study with unfractionated heparin', Blood, 102, pp. 319A - 319A,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Turner JI; Eisbacher M; Johnson LN; Chong BH, 2003, 'Analysis of gene regulation by Fli-1 during megakaryopoeisis', Blood, 102, pp. 158B - 158B,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Yang M; Ng MH; Yuen PM; Fok TF; Hogg PJ; Chong BH; Li K; Li C, 2003, 'Thrombospondin-1 inhibits invitro megakaryocytopoiesis via CD36', Thrombosis Research, 109, pp. 47 - 54
    Journal articles | 2002
    Cheung CC; Fisher G; Russell SJ; Davis A; Bruce H; Watt EJ; Chong BH; Challis D, 2002, 'Anti-Mta associated with three cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn', Immunohematology, 18, pp. 37 - 39
    Journal articles | 2002
    Holmes ML; Bartle N; Eisbacher M; Chong BH, 2002, 'Cloning and analysis of the thrombopoietin-induced MEgakaryocyte-specific Glycoprotein VI Promoter and Its Regulation by GATA-1, Fli-1, and Sp1', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277, pp. 48333 - 48341
    Journal articles | 2002
    Rosenthal MA; Rischin D; McArthur G; Ribbons K; Chong B; Fereed J; Toner G; Green MD; Basser RL, 2002, 'Treatment with the novel anti-angiogenic agent PI-88 is associated with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia', Annals of Oncology, 13, pp. 770 - 776,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Tait AS; Lopez JA; Dawes IW; Chong BH; Dong J, 2002, 'Site-directed mutagenesis of platelet glycoprotein Ib-alpha demonstrating residues involved in the sulfation of tyrosines 276, 278 and 279', Blood, 99, pp. 4422 - 4427
    Journal articles | 2001
    Chong BH; Gallus AS; Cade JF; Magnani H; Manoharan A; Oldmeadow M; Arthur C; Rickard K; Gallo J; Lloyd J; Seshadri P; Chesterman CN, 2001, 'Prospective randomised open-label comparison of danaparoid with dextran 70 in the treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia with thrombosis: A clinical outcome study', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 86, pp. 1170 - 1175,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Chong BH, 2001, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome: in vivo cross-reactivity with danaparoid and successful treatment with r-hirudin', British Journal of Haematology, 114, pp. 394 - 396
    Journal articles | 2001
    Chong BH, 2001, 'Management of deep vein thrombosis', Australian Family Physician, 30, pp. 235 - 240
    Journal articles | 2001
    Chong BH, 2001, 'Six weeks of oral anticoagulation is sufficient for isolated calf deep vein thrombosis', Evidence-based Healthcare, 5, pp. 136 - 137,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Eisbacher M; Khachigian LM; Khin TH; Holmes ML; Chong BH, 2001, 'Inducible expression of the megakarocyte-specific gene glycoprotein IX is mediated through an ets binding site and involves upstream activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase', Cell Growth and Differentiation, 12, pp. 435 - 445
    Journal articles | 2001
    Eisbacher M; Newton A; Holmes ML; Khachigian LM; Crossley M; Chong BH, 2001, 'The protein-protein interaction between FLI-1 and GATA-1 is crucial for expression of the megakaryocyte-specific gene Glycoprotein IX.', BLOOD, 98, pp. 286A - 286A,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Suter CM; Hogg PJ; Price JT; Chong BH; Ward RL, 2001, 'Identification and characterisation of a platelet GPIb/V/IX-like complex on human breast cancers: Implications for the metastatic process', Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 92, pp. 1082 - 1092
    Journal articles | 2001
    Tait AS; Chong BH; Jackson SP; Cranmer SL; Dawes IW, 2001, 'Phenotype changes resulting in high-affinity binding of von Willebrand factor to recombinant glycoprotein Ib-IX: analysis of the platelet-type von Willebrand disease mutations', Blood, pp. 1812 - 1818
    Journal articles | 2001
    Yang M; Li K; Lam AC; Yuen PM; Fok TF; Chesterman CN, 2001, 'Platelet-derived growth factor enhances granulopoiesis via bone marrow stromal cells', International Journal of Hematology, pp. 327 - 334
    Journal articles | 2000
    Buller HR; Cariou R; Gallus A; Gent M; Ginsberg J; Prins MH; Lensing A; Levi M; Nurmohammed N; Hirsh J; Roberts R; Ten Cate JW; Decousus H; Mismetti P; Buchmuller A; Charlet V; Viallon A; Van der Meer J; Meinardi JR; Meijer K; Piovella F; Barone M; Beltrametti C; Serafini S; Kraaijenhagen RA; Koopman MMW; Jagt HHT; Muller MBR; Van Marwij Kooy M; Nauta S; Gallus AS; Coghlan D; Rich C; Prandoni P; Scudeller A; Scarano L; Girolami A; Baker R; Tan E; Cooney J; Eikelboom J; Ninet J; Dolmazon C; Girard Madoux MH; Coppere B; Nenci GG; Agnelli G; Falcinelli F; Morini M; Raffaele HS; D'Angelo A; Crippa L; Vigano d'Angelo S; Chong B; Chestreman C; Malvin J; Eisbascher M; MacGillavry MR; Brandjes DPM; Beaumont JFM; Valdes Olmos RA; Turpie AGG; Johnson J; Nowacki B; Anderson D; Pleasance S; Mitchell M; Ockelford P; Bennett A; Jones R; Porteous F; Weitz J; Kearon C; Simonneau G; Parent F; Douketis J; Schnurr T; Hainaut P; Petit B; Jaumotte C; Huisman MV; Van Poelgeest MIE; Meinders AE; Van Oostayen JA; Beer J; Lugli A; Pederiva S; Ginsberg J; Brill-Edwards P; Stevens P; Bassand JP; Seronde MF; Kassis J; Fortin M; Faivre R; Petiteau PY; Verhaeghe R; Wells P; Lewandowski B, 2000, 'Treatment of proximal deep vein thrombosis with a novel synthetic compound (SR90107A/ORG31540) with pure anti-factor Xa activity: A phase II evaluation', Circulation, 102, pp. 2726 - 2731,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Burgess JC; Hotchkiss KA; Suter CM; Dudman NP; Szollosi J; Chesterman CN; Chong BH; Hogg PJ, 2000, 'Physical proximity and functional association of glycoprotein 1ba and protein-disulfide isomerase on the platelet plasma membrane', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, pp. 9758 - 9766
    Journal articles | 2000
    Burgess JC; Lopez JA; Gaidru LE; Chong BH, 2000, 'Rifampicin-dependent antibodies bind a similar or identical epitope to glycoprotein IX-specific quinine-dependent antibodies', Blood, 95, pp. 1988 - 1992
    Journal articles | 2000
    Chan DK; Hu G; Tao H; Owens D; Vun CM; Woo J; Chong BH, 2000, 'A comparison of polymorphism in the 3`-untranslated region of the prothrombin gene between Chinese and Caucasians', British Journal of Haematology, 111, pp. 1253 - 1255
    Journal articles | 2000
    Chong BH; Eisbacher M; Khin TH; Khachigian LM, 2000, 'Inducible expression of GPIX by PMA and TPO in megakaryocytic cells requires an intact Ets site and upstream activation of ERK.', BLOOD, 96, pp. 672A - 672A,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Chong BH; Keng TB, 2000, 'Advances in the diagnosis of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura', Seminars in Hematology, pp. 249 - 260
    Journal articles | 2000
    Chong BH; Tait SS; Cranmer SL; Dawes IW; Jackson SP, 2000, 'Phenotype changes resulting in high-affinity binding of vWF to recombinant GPIb: Analysis of platelet-type von Willebrand disease mutations.', BLOOD, 96, pp. 624A - +,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Gallus AS; Baker RI; Chong BH; Ockelford PA; Street A, 2000, 'Consensus guidelines for warfarin therapy: Recommendations from the Australasian Society of Thrombosis and Haemostatis', Medical Journal of Australia, 172, pp. 600 - 605
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lowe HC; Murray BJ; Chong BH; Chesterman CN; Khachigian LM, 2000, 'Intracoronary blood sampling using the multifunction probing catheter does not cause platelet activation', Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 12, pp. 144 - 146
    Journal articles | 2000
    Newman PJ; Chong BH, 2000, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: new evidence for the dynamic binding of purified anti-PF4-heparin antibodies to platelets and the resultant platelet activation', Blood, pp. 182 - 187
    Journal articles | 2000
    Newman PM; Chong BH, 2000, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: new evidence for the dynamic binding of purified anti-PF4–heparin antibodies to platelets and the resultant platelet activation', Blood, 96, pp. 182 - 187,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Perdomo J; Holmes ML; Chong BH; Crossley M, 2000, 'Eos and Pegasus, two members of the Ikaros family of proteins with distinct DNA binding activities', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, pp. 38347 - 38354
    Journal articles | 2000
    Sungaran R; Chisholm OT; Markovic B; Khachigian LM; Tanaka Y; Chong BH, 2000, 'The role of platelet ?-granular proteins in the regulation of thrombopoietin messenger RNA expression in human bone marrow stromal cells.', Blood, pp. 3094 - 3101
    Journal articles | 1999
    Burgess JK; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1999, 'Rifampicin-induced antibodies bind to a GP IX site either identical or close to that of the quinine-induced antibodies', THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, pp. 827 - 827,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Chong BH; Newman PJ, 1999, 'Further characterization of antibody and antigen in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', British Journal of Haematology, 107, pp. 303 - 309
    Journal articles | 1999
    Gao R; Wu C; Chong BH, 1999, 'The intracellular signaling pathway initiated by ginsenosides in hematopoietic cells', Zhonghua xue ye xue za zhi = Zhonghua xueyexue zazhi, 20, pp. 292 - 295
    Journal articles | 1999
    Holmes ML; Turner J; Fox A; Chisholm OT; Crossley M; Chong BH, 1999, 'hFOG-2, a novel zinc finger protein, binds the corepressor mCtBP2 and modulates GATAmediated activation', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, pp. 23491 - 23498
    Journal articles | 1999
    Tao H; Gaudry L; Rice AM; Chong BH, 1999, 'Cord blood is better than bone marrow for generating megakaryocytic progenitor cells', Experimental Hematology, 27, pp. 293 - 301,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Burgess JK; Lopez JA; Berndt MC; Dawes I; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1998, 'Quinine-Dependent Antibodies Bind a Restricted Set of Epitopes on the Glycoprotein Ib-IX Complex: Characterization of the Epitopes', Blood, 92, pp. 2366 - 2373,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Burgess JK; Lopez JA; Berndt MC; Dawes IW; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1998, 'Quinine-dependent antibodies bind a restricted set of epitopes on the glycoprotein Ib-IX complex: characterisation of the epitopes', Blood, 92, pp. 2366 - 2373
    Journal articles | 1998
    Chong BH; Eisbacher M, 1998, 'Pathophysiology and laboratory testing of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Seminars in Hematology, 35, pp. 3 - 8
    Journal articles | 1998
    Chong BH; Eisbacher M, 1998, 'Pathophysiology and laboratory testing of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.', Semin Hematol, 35, pp. 3 - 8,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Li K; Yang M; Chan PK; Yuen PMP; Chong BH, 1998, 'Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) inhibits human megakaryocyte growth in culture and the relation with CD36 expression.', EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY, 26, pp. 770 - 770,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Newman PM; Swanson RL; Chong BH, 1998, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: lgG binding to PF4-heparin complexes in the fluid phase and cross-reactivity with low molecular weight heparin and heparinoid.', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, pp. 292 - 297
    Journal articles | 1998
    Ortel TL; Chong BH, 1998, 'New treatment options for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Seminars in Hematology, 35, pp. 26 - 34
    Journal articles | 1998
    Ortel TL; Chong BH, 1998, 'New treatment options for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.', Semin Hematol, 35, pp. 26 - 34,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Warkentin T; Chong BH; Greinacher A, 1998, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Towards a consensus.', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, pp. 1 - 7
    Journal articles | 1997
    Chesterman CN, 1997, 'Low-molecular-weight heparin in the treatment of patients with venous thromboembolism', New England Journal of Medicine, pp. 657 - 662
    Journal articles | 1997
    Chong BH; Burgess JK; Berndt MC; Chesterman CN; Lopez JA, 1997, 'Characterisation of the antibody binding domains on GPIb-IX complex in quinine induced thrombocytopenia', THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, pp. P1113 - P1113,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Chong BH; Cane AM; Amato T; Fear W; Lynch G; Chang J; Naif H; Cunningham AL, 1997, 'HIV-1 related thrombocytopenia: HIV-1 infection and expression of CCR-2, CXCR-4 and CCR-5 in megakaryocytic cell lines.', BLOOD, 90, pp. 629 - 629,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Chong BH; Newman PM, 1997, 'The antigenic epitope in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia resides solely on platelet factor 4.', BLOOD, 90, pp. 2046 - 2046,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Chong BH, 1997, 'An approach to the investigation of thrombophilia', Malay JournalPathol, 19, pp. 11 - 15
    Journal articles | 1997
    Lee S-H; Looareesuwan S; Chan J; Wilairatana P; Vanijanonta S; Chong SM; Chong BH, 1997, 'Plasma macrophage colony-stimulating factor and P-selectin levels in malaria-associated thrombocytopenia', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 77, pp. 189 - 193,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Raife TJ; Olson JD; Lentz SR; Chong BH; Brighton T, 1997, 'Platelet antibody testing in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura [3]', Blood, 89, pp. 1112 - 1113,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Sungaran R; Markovic B; Chong BH, 1997, 'Localisation and regulation of thrombopoietin mRNA. Expression in human kidney, liver, bone marrow and spleen using in situ hybridization.', Blood, pp. 101 - 107
    Journal articles | 1997
    Yang M; Khachigian LM; Hicks C; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1997, 'Identification of PDGF receptors on human megakaryocytes and megakarocytic cell lines', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, pp. 892 - 896
    Journal articles | 1996
    Brighton TA; Evans S; Castaldi PA; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1996, 'Prospective evaluation of the clinical usefulness of an antigen- specific assay (MAIPA) in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and other immune thrombocytopenias', Blood, 88, pp. 194 - 201,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Brighton TA; Evans SK; Castaldi PA; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1996, 'Prospective evaluation of the clinical usefulness of an antigen- specific assay (MAIPA) in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and other immune thrombocytopenias', Blood, pp. 194 - 201
    Journal articles | 1996
    Brighton TA; Hogg PJ; Dai YY; Murray BJ; Chong BH; Chesterman CN, 1996, 'B2-Glycoprotein I in thrombosis: Evidence for a role as a natural anticoagulant', British Journal of Haematology, 93, pp. 185 - 195,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Chong BH; Sungaran R; Markovic B, 1996, 'Regulation or thrombopoietin mRNA expression in human kidney, liver, bone marrow and spleen.', BLOOD, 88, pp. 239 - 239,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Chong BH, 1996, 'Anticoagulation.', Australian family physician, 25, pp. 74 - 78
    Journal articles | 1996
    Chong BH, 1996, 'Prevention of postoperative venous thromboembolism.', Med J Aust, 164, pp. 646 - 647,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Graham SL; Goldberg I; Murray B; Beaumont P; Chong BH, 1996, 'Activated protein C resistance - Low incidence in glaucomatous optic disc haemorrhage and central retinal vein occlusion', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology, 24, pp. 199 - 205,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Graham SL; Goldberg I; Murray BJ; Chong BH, 1996, 'Activated protein C resistance is not associated with optic disc haemorrhages or glaucoma or central retinal vein occlusion', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology, pp. 199 - 205
    Journal articles | 1996
    Vun CH; Evans SK; Chong BH, 1996, 'Cross-reacivity study of low molecular weight heparins and heparinoid in heperin-induced thrombocytopenia', Thrombosis Research, pp. 525 - 532
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wu ZH; Markovic B; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1996, 'Characterisation of Fcy receptors on human megakaryocytes', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 75, pp. 661 - 667
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wu ZH; Markovic B; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1996, 'Characterisation of IgG Fc receptors on CD34 antigen-expressing cell lines (KG-1 and KG-1A)', Immunology and Cell Biology, 74, pp. 57 - 64,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Yang M; Srikiathachorn A; Anthony M; Chong BH, 1996, 'Serotonin stimulates megakaryocytopoiesis via 5HT2 receptor', Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis: an International Journal in Haemostasis and Thrombosis, pp. 127 - 133
    Journal articles | 1996
    Yang M; Srikiatkhachorn A; Anthony M; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1996, 'Serotonin uptake, storage and metabolism in megakaryoblasts', International Journal of Hematology, 63, pp. 137 - 142
    Journal articles | 1995
    Burgess JC; Lindeman R; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1995, 'Single amino acid mutation of Fcg receptor is associated with the development of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', British Journal of Haematology, pp. 761 - 766
    Journal articles | 1995
    Journal articles | 1995
    Chong BH; Brighton TC; Chesterman CN, 1995, 'Antiphospholipid antibodies and platelets', Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 21, pp. 76 - 84,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Chong BH, 1995, 'Annotation', British Journal of Haematology, 89, pp. 431 - 439,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Chong BH, 1995, 'Diagnosis, treatment and pathophysiology of autoimmune thrombocytopenias', Critical Reviews in Oncology and Hematology, 20, pp. 271 - 296,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Chong BH, 1995, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytpoenia (Clinical Annotation)', British Journal of Haematology, pp. 431 - 439
    Journal articles | 1995
    Journal articles | 1995
    Markovic B; Wu ZH; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1995, 'Quantitation of soluble and membrane bound FcgRIIA (CD32A) mRNA in platelets and megakaryoblastic cell line (MEG-01)', British Journal of Haematology, pp. 37 - 42
    Journal articles | 1995
    Markovic B; Wu ZH; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1995, 'Quantitation of soluble and membrane-bound fc-gamma-riia (cd32a) mrna in platelets and megakaryoblastic cell line (meg-o1)', British Journal of Haematology, 91, pp. 37 - 42,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Journal articles | 1995
    Journal articles | 1995
    Journal articles | 1995
    Yang M; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1995, 'Recombinant PDGF enhances megakaryocytopiesis in vitro', British Journal of Haematology, 91, pp. 285 - 289,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Chong BH; Murray B; Berndt MC; Dunlop LC; Brighton T; Chesterman CN, 1994, 'Plasma P-selectin is increased in thrombotic consumptive platelet disorders', Blood, 83, pp. 1535 - 1541,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Chong BH; Murray B; Berndt MC; Dunlop LC; Brighton T; Chesterman CN, 1994, 'Plasma P-selectin is increased in thrombotic consumptive platelet disorders', Blood, 83, pp. 1535 - 1541,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Chong BH, 1994, 'Clinical aspects of thrombocytopenias.', Australian family physician, 23, pp. 1463 - 1468
    Journal articles | 1994
    Markovic B; Wu ZH; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1994, 'Quantitation of FcγRII mRNA in platelets and megakaryoblastic cell lines by a new method of in situ hybridization', Journal of Immunological Methods, 172, pp. 105 - 114,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Journal articles | 1993
    Black IW; Chesterman CN; Hopkins AP; Lee LCL; Chong BH; Walsh WF, 1993, 'Hematologic correlates of left atrial spontaneous echo contrast and thromboembolism in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 21, pp. 451 - 457,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1993, 'Uses of heparin', British Medical Journal, 306, pp. 871 - 872,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Chong BH; Burgess J; Ismail F, 1993, 'The clinical usefulness of the platelet aggregation test for the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 69, pp. 344 - 350,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Chong BH; Pilgrim RL; Cooley MA; Chesterman CN, 1993, 'Increased expression of platelet IgG Fc receptors in immune heparin- induced thrombocytopenia', Blood, 81, pp. 988 - 993,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Chong BH; Pilgrim RL; Cooley MA; Chesterman CN, 1993, 'Increased expression of platelet IgG Fc receptors in immune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Blood, 81, pp. 988 - 993
    Journal articles | 1993
    Journal articles | 1993
    Shi W; Chong BH; Chesterman CN, 1993, 'β2-glycoprotein I is a requirement for anticardiolipin antibodies binding to activated platelets: Differences with lupus anticoagulants', Blood, 81, pp. 1255 - 1262
    Journal articles | 1993
    Shi W; Chong BH; Hogg PJ; Chesterman CN, 1993, 'Anticardiolipin antibodies block the inhibition by β2-Glycoprotein I of the factor Xa generating activity of platelets', Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 70, pp. 342 - 345,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Wu Z; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1993, 'Identification of IgG Fc receptor type II on human megakaryoblastic cell lines (MEG‐01 and UT‐7)', British Journal of Haematology, 84, pp. 204 - 211,
    Journal articles | 1992
    CHONG BH, 1992, 'Aspirin and dipyridamole in the prevention of coronary disease and coronary artery bypass graft occlusion', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 22, pp. 645 - 646,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Chong BH; Magnani HN, 1992, 'Orgaran in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 22, pp. 85 - 91,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Chong BH, 1992, 'Heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 22, pp. 145 - 152,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Journal articles | 1991
    Chong BH; Du X; Berndt MC; Horn S; Chesterman CN, 1991, 'Characterization of the binding domains on platelet glycoproteins Ib-IX and IIb/IIIa complexes for the quinine/quinidine-dependent antibodies', Blood, 77, pp. 2190 - 2199
    Journal articles | 1991
    Chong BH, 1991, 'Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia', Platelets, 2, pp. 173 - 181,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Chong BH, 1991, 'Haemofiltration/haemodialysis in patients with heparin-associated thrombocytopenia', Intensive Care Medicine, 17, pp. 437,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Chong BH; Kaplin IJ, 1990, 'Effect of quinidine on platelets', Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 20, pp. 106 - 111,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Shi W; Krilis SA; Chong BH; Gordon S; Chesterman CN, 1990, 'Prevalence of lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies in a healthy population', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 20, pp. 231 - 236,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Journal articles | 1989
    Chong BH; Berndt MC, 1989, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Blut, 58, pp. 53 - 57,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Chong BH; Castaldi PA; Berndt MC, 1989, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Effects of rabbit IgG, and its Fab and Fc fragments on antibody-heparin-platelet interaction', Thrombosis Research, 55, pp. 291 - 295,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Chong BH; Fawaz I; Chesterman CN; Berndt MC, 1989, 'Heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia: mechanism of interaction of the heparin‐dependent antibody with platelets', British Journal of Haematology, 73, pp. 235 - 240,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Chong BH; Ismail F; Cade J; Gallus AS; Gordon S; Chesterman CN, 1989, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Studies with a new low molecular weight heparinoid, Org 10172', Blood, 73, pp. 1592 - 1596,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Chong BH; Ismail F, 1989, 'The mechanism of heparin‐induced platelet aggregation', European Journal of Haematology, 43, pp. 245 - 251,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Chong BH, 1988, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', Blood Reviews, 2, pp. 108 - 114,
    Journal articles | 1987
    Journal articles | 1986
    Journal articles | 1986
    Chong BH; Cade J; Smith JA; Tatoulis J, 1986, 'An Unusual Case of Post‐Transfusion Purpura: Good Transient Response to High‐Dose Immunoglobulin', Vox Sanguinis, 51, pp. 182 - 184,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Chong BH; Castaldi PA, 1986, 'Heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia: further studies of the effects of heparin‐dependent antibodies on platelets', British Journal of Haematology, 64, pp. 347 - 354,
    Journal articles | 1986
    KIERS L; GRIGG LE; CADE JF; STREET PR; CHONG BH, 1986, 'USE OF ORG 10172 IN THE TREATMENT OF HEPARIN‐INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA AND THROMBOSIS', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 16, pp. 719 - 719,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Sturgess AD; Chong BH, 1986, 'Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura unresponsive to plasma infusion and plasma exchange, but responsive to splenectomy', European Journal of Haematology, 37, pp. 319 - 322,
    Journal articles | 1985
    Berndt MC; Chong BH; Bull HA; Zola H; Castaldi PA, 1985, 'Molecular characterization of quinine/quinidine drug-dependent antibody platelet interaction using monoclonal antibodies', Blood, 66, pp. 1292 - 1301,
    Journal articles | 1985
    Berndt MC; Chong BH; Bull HA; Zola H; Castaldi PA, 1985, 'Molecular characterization of quinine/quinidine drug-dependent antibody platelet interaction using monoclonal antibodies', Blood, 66, pp. 1292 - 1301,
    Journal articles | 1985
    Chong BH; Isbister JP; Arthur C; Castaldi PA, 1985, 'ACQUIRED STORAGE POOL IN HEPARIN‐INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA', Scandinavian Journal of Haematology, 35, pp. 117 - 117,
    Journal articles | 1984
    Journal articles | 1983
    Berndt MC; Gregory C; Chong BH; Zola H; Castaldi PA, 1983, 'Additional glycoprotein defects in Bernard-Soulier's syndrome: Confirmation of genetic basis by parental analysis', Blood, 62, pp. 800 - 807,
    Journal articles | 1983
    Journal articles | 1983
    Journal articles | 1983
    Journal articles | 1983
    Chong BH; Berndt MC; Koutts J; Castaldi PA, 1983, 'Quinidine-induced thrombocytopenia and leukopenia: Demonstration and characterization of distinct antiplatelet and antileukocyte antibodies', Blood, 62, pp. 1218 - 1223,
    Journal articles | 1983
    Chong BH; Berndt MC; Koutts J; Castaldi PA, 1983, 'Quinidine-induced thrombocytopenia and leukopenia: demonstration and characterization of distinct antiplatelet and antileukocyte antibodies', Blood, 62, pp. 1218 - 1223,
    Journal articles | 1983
    Chong BH; Grace CS; Rozenberg MC; Castaldi PA, 1983, 'Qualitative Platelet Defect in a Case of Heparin‐Induced Thrombocytopenia', Scandinavian Journal of Haematology, 30, pp. 427 - 429,
    Journal articles | 1982
    Chong BH; Bull H; Castaldi PA, 1982, 'Human platelet prostaglandin synthesis by immunological stimuli', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 9
    Journal articles | 1982
    Journal articles | 1981
    Chong BH; Grace CS; Rozenberg MC, 1981, 'Heparin‐induced Thrombocytopenia: Effect of Heparin Platelet Antibody on Platelets', British Journal of Haematology, 49, pp. 531 - 540,
    Journal articles | 1981
    Chong BH; Trew P; Meng L; Pitney WR, 1981, 'Anuric Renal Failure Due to Encasement of the Ureters by Lymphoma—Ureteric Obstruction Without Dilatation', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 11, pp. 542 - 544,
    Journal articles | 1981
    Robinson PJ; Lvoff R; Chong B; Barrett PA, 1981, 'Amrinone—A New lnotropic Agent in Chronic Resistant Congestive Cardiac Failure', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 11, pp. 666 - 668,
    Journal articles | 1980
    Lee CH; Hagen MA; Chong BH; Grace CS; Rozenberg MC, 1980, 'The Lewis System and Secretor Status in Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Complicating Infectious Mononucleosis', Transfusion, 20, pp. 585 - 588,
    Journal articles | 1977
    Vignaendra V; Chong BH; Loh TG; Ang AH, 1977, 'Occlusive cerebrovascular disease in young adults', European Neurology, 16, pp. 115 - 120,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Leung HHL; Ahmadi Z; Casey J; Ratnasingam S; McKenzie SE; Perdomo JS; Chong BH, 2024, Antithrombotic Efficacy and Bleeding Risks of Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Treatments,
    Preprints | 2021
    Chong B; Leung H; Perdomo J; Ahmadi Z; Rashid F; Enjeti A; Ting S; Chong J, 2021, NETosis and thrombosis in vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Jiao Y; Zeng X; Li Z; Chong BH; Zhang Y; Ye J, 2019, 'Role of Thrombopoietin in Stimulating Megakaryopoiesis of ITP Patients Via Rescuing Vascular Niche', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, FL, Orlando, presented at 61st Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), FL, Orlando, 07 December 2019 - 10 December 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Leung H; Perdomo J; Ahmadi Z; Yan F; Chong B, 2019, 'Dissecting the Mechanisms of Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis in HIT', in Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Wiley, presented at International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Perdomo J; Leung HHL; Ahmadi Z; Yan F; Passam F; Chong B, 2019, 'Thrombosis in Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia Is Mediated by Neutrophils', in Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Wiley, Melbourne, Australia, presented at XXVII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Melbourne, Australia, 06 July 2019 - 10 July 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Zheng S; Perdomo J; Chong B, 2019, 'Anti Platelet Antibodies Predict Platelet Desialylation and Apoptosis in ITP', in Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Wiley, Melbourne, Australia, presented at XXVII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Melbourne, Australia
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Choi P; Tanaka K; Perdomo J; Chong B, 2018, 'Nucleic Acids Interfere with PF4 Tetramer Formation and Stabilise PF4 Monomers to Bind Non-Pathogenic HIT Antibodies: Subtypes of Non-Pathogenic Antibodies Emerge', in Blood, American Society of Hematology, San Diego, CA, presented at 60th meeting of the American Society of Hematology, San Diego, CA, 01 December 2018 - 04 December 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Perdomo J, 2018, 'Neutrophil Activation and Netosis Are the Key Drivers of Thrombosis in Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia', in blood, American Society of Hematology, San Diego, CA, presented at 60th meeting of the American Society of Hematology, San Diego, CA, 01 December 2018 - 04 December 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Cines D; Wasser J; Rodeghiero F; Chong B; Steurer M; Provan D; Lyons R; Garcia Chavez J; Carpenter N; Wang X; Eisen M, 2016, 'ROMIPLOSTIM IN SPLENECTOMIZED (SPLNX) AND NONSPLENECTOMIZED (NONSPLNX) PATIENTS WITH IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA (ITP)', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. 194 - 194, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Frey N; Strickland S; Szer J; Illes A; Kim HJ; Ram R; Chong B; Rowe JM; Borisenkova E; Liesveld J; Winer E; Cherfi A; Kalambakas S; Jang JH, 2016, 'ORAL THROMBOPOIETIN RECEPTOR AGONIST ELTROMBOPAG TREATMENT DURING INDUCTION CHEMOTHERAPY FOR ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA (AML): RESULTS OF A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PHASE 2 STUDY', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. 40 - 41, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Chong B; Lee J-W; Jang JH; Chiou T-J; Lee LH; Ilhan O; Angchaisuksiri P; Marouf R; Goh A-S; Ng SC; Okamoto S; Galvez K; Nelson JJ; Davidson S; Odegbami R; Brears T, 2015, 'ITP PATIENTS IN THE ASIA PACIFIC: ARE THEY DIFFERENT?', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, AUSTRIA, Vienna, pp. 564 - 565, presented at 20th Congress of European-Hematology-Association, AUSTRIA, Vienna, 11 June 2015 - 14 June 2015,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Perdomo J; New JY; Ahmadi Z; Jiang X-M; Chong BH, 2015, 'A Humanized Anti FcγRIIa Scfv Inhibits Platelet Activation, Aggregation and Thrombus Formation in Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, FL, Orlando, Vol. 126, presented at 57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, FL, Orlando, 05 December 2015 - 08 December 2015
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Chong BH; Lee JW; Chiou TJ; Marouf R; Jang JH; Ng SC; Goh AS; Okamoto S; Angchaisuksiri P; Ilhan O; Lee LH; Bennett D; Davidson S; Odegbami R; Brears T, 2014, 'INTERNATIONAL ITP REGISTRY WITH FOCUS ON THE ASIA PACIFIC REGION: PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL DATA', presented at 19th Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, ITALY, Milan, 12 June 2014 - 15 June 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    New JY; Perdomo J; Jiang X-M; Chong B, 2012, 'Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis: Therapeutic Strategy Using a Single-Chain Variable Fragment (scFv) Antibody', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, Atlanta, GA, presented at 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), Atlanta, GA, 08 December 2012 - 11 December 2012,
    Conference Posters | 2012
    Perdomo JS, (ed.), 2012, 'Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis: Therapeutic Strategy Using a Single-Chain Variable Fragment (scFv) Antibody', USA, presented at 54th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, - ,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Yang M; Meng F; Ye JY; Xu Y; Xiao B; Chong B; Liu C, 2012, 'APS From the Root of Angelica Sinesis Promotes Megakaryocytopoiesis and Thrombopoiesis Through PI3k/Akt Pathway', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, GA, Atlanta, presented at 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), GA, Atlanta, 08 December 2012 - 11 December 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Yang M; Meng F; Ye JY; Xu Y; Xiao B; Chong B, 2012, 'Role of PDGF/PDGFR in Regulation of Thrombopoiesis: A Possible Explanation for Imatinib Mesylate-Induced Thrombocytopenia in the Treatment of CML', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, Atlanta, GA, presented at 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), Atlanta, GA, 08 December 2012 - 11 December 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Yang M; Meng F; Ye JY; Xu Y; Xiao B; Chong B, 2012, 'Role of PDGF/PDGFR in Regulation of Thrombopoiesis: A Possible Explanation for Imatinib Mesylate-Induced Thrombocytopenia in the Treatment of CML', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, GA, Atlanta, presented at 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), GA, Atlanta, 08 December 2012 - 11 December 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Yang M; Meng F; Ye JY; Xu Y; Xiao B; Chong B, 2012, 'The Molecular Mechanisms of Serotonin in the Regulation of Megakaryocytopoiesis and TPO Production', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, Atlanta, GA, presented at 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), Atlanta, GA, 08 December 2012 - 11 December 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Yang M; Meng F; Ye JY; Xu Y; Xiao B; Chong B, 2012, 'The Molecular Mechanisms of Serotonin in the Regulation of Megakaryocytopoiesis and TPO Production', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, GA, Atlanta, presented at 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), GA, Atlanta, 08 December 2012 - 11 December 2012,
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Perdomo JS; Yan F; Ahmadi Z; Jiang X; Chong B, 2011, 'Quinine-induced thrombocytopenia: drug-dependent antibodies inhibit megakaryocyte and proplatelet production', in Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Wiley, Kyoto, presented at XXIII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Kyoto, 23 July 2011 - 28 July 2011
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Perdomo JS, 2011, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis - a new emerging therapeutic strategy', in Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, England, Vol. 9, pp. 530 - 530, presented at XXIII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Kyoto, 23 July 2011 - 28 July 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Boccia R; Kuter DJ; Rummel MJ; Macik BG; Pabinger I; Selleslag D; Rodeghiero F; Chong B; Wang X; Lizambri R, 2010, 'The Effects of Romiplostim or Standard of Care (SOC) on Splenectomy and Treatment Failure of Patients Who Had Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) for Less Than or Equal to One Year', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, FL, Orlando, pp. 1519 - 1520, presented at 52nd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), FL, Orlando, 04 December 2010 - 07 December 2010,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Perdomo J; Yan F; Ahmadi Z; Jiang X-M; Chong B, 2010, 'Proplatelet Production Is Impaired by Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia Antibodies', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, FL, Orlando, pp. 173 - 173, presented at 52nd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), FL, Orlando, 04 December 2010 - 07 December 2010,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Kuter DJ; Rummel MJ; Boccia RV; Macik BG; Pabinger I; Selleslag DLD; Rodeghiero F; Chong BH; Mueller-Beissenhirtz H; Gehl L; Wang X; Berger D, 2009, 'Comparison of Splenectomy and Treatment Failure Incidence in Nonsplenectomized Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Receiving Romiplostim or Medical Standard of Care: 1-Year Treatment and 6-Month Safety Follow-up', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, LA, New Orleans, pp. 284 - 284, presented at 51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, LA, New Orleans, 05 December 2009 - 08 December 2009,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Chong BH, 2008, 'Diagnosis of drug-induced thrombocytopenia', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. 10 - 11, presented at INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Kidson-Gerber GL; Gemmell R; Weaver J; Prasan A; Chong BH, 2008, 'A prospective study of aspirin and clopidogrel resistance in patients with cardiovascular disease:', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. 13 - 14, presented at INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Fock E; Yan F; Chong BH, 2007, 'Nf-E2 mediated enhancement of megakaryocytic differentation and platelet production in vitro and in vivo', in EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, GERMANY, Hamburg, pp. 101 - 101, presented at 36th Annual Meeting of the International-Society-for-Experimental-Hematology, GERMANY, Hamburg, 28 September 2007 - 30 September 2007,
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Decousus H; Zotz R; Tapson V; Chong BH; Froehlich J; Pavanello R; Spyropoulos A; Monreal M; FitzGerald G; Anderson F, 2005, 'Factors at Admission That Are Predictive of Increased In-Hospital Bleeding in Acutely Ill Medical Patients: Findings from the International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE).', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 81A - 81A, presented at American Society of Hematology 47th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 10 December 2005 - 13 December 2005,
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Monreal M; Zotz R; Decousus H; Chong BH; Merli G; Pavanello R; Pini M; Turpie AG; Huang W; Anderson F, 2005, 'Influence of Perceived Risk Factors for Bleeding on Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Practices in Acutely Ill Medical Patients: Findings from IMPROVE', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 269A - 269A, presented at American Society of Hematology 47th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 10 December 2005 - 13 December 2005,
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Chan E; Comer E; Brown F; Richkind KE; Holmes ML; Chong BH; Shiffman R; Zhang D; Li Y; Chan RC; Heiber DJ; Vance GH; Ramsey H; Hromas R, 2004, 'AML1-FOG2 Fusion Protein in Myelodysplasia', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 793A - 793A, presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, San Diego, California, 04 December 2004 - 07 December 2004,
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Chong BH; Kakkar A; Tapson V; FitzGerald G; Anderson F, 2004, 'Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Practices in Acutely Ill Medical Patients with Either Previous Cancer or Currently Active Cancer: Findings from IMPROVE', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 490A - 490A, presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, San Diego, California, 04 December 2004 - 07 December 2004,
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Decousus H; Zotz R; Tapson V; Chong BH; Monreal M; FitzGerald G; Anderson F, 2004, 'Incidence and Risk Factors for In-Hospital Bleeding in Acutely Ill Medical Patients: Findings from IMPROVE', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 489A - 489A, presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, San Diego, California, 04 December 2004 - 07 December 2004,
    Other | 2004
    Eisbacher M; Holmes ML; Newton A; Hogg PJ; Khachigian LM; Crossley M; Chong BH, 2004, Protein-protein interaction between Fli-1 and GATA-1 mediatessynergistic expression of megakaryocyte-specific genes throughcooperative DNA binding (vol 23, pg 3427, 2003), American Society for Microbiology,
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Tapson V; Decousus H; Bergmann J; Chong BH; Froehlich J; Kakkar A; Merli G; Monreal M; Nakamura M; Pavanello R; Pini M; Piovella F; Spyropoulos A; Turpie AG; Zotz R; FitzGerald G; Anderson F, 2004, 'The International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE): Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Practices in Acutely Ill Medical Patients.', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 488A - 488A, presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, San Diego, California, 04 December 2004 - 07 December 2004,
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Chong BH; Khin TH; Ahmadi Z; Asvadi P, 2003, 'Qualitative Bernard Soulier syndrome: Characterization of a normally expressed but functionally abnormal GP1b alpha', in Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, England, pp. 172 - 172, presented at XIXth Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haematosis, Birmingham, England, 12 July 2003 - 18 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Chong BH, 2003, 'Heparin induced thrombocytopenia', in Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, England, presented at XIXth Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haematosis, Birmingham, England, 12 July 2003 - 18 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Eisbacher M; Holmes ML; Hogg PJ; Newton A; Khachigian LM; Crossley M; Chong BH, 2003, 'Protein-protein interaction between Fli-1 and GATA-1 mediates synergistic expression of megakaryocyte-specific genes through cooperative DNA-binding', in Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, England, pp. 357 - 357, presented at XIXth Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haematosis, Birmingham, England, 12 July 2003 - 18 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Chong BH; Asvadi P; Ahmadi Z, 2002, 'Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia: characterisation of the quinine-dependent platelet antibodies', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 16 - 16, presented at 44th Annual Meetin of the American Society of Hematology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 06 December 2002 - 10 December 2002,
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Chong BH; Asvadi P; Ahmadi Z, 2002, 'Structural and functional characterisation of GPIb Alpha Mutations Associated with Bernard Soulier Syndrome', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 688 - 688, presented at 44th Annual Meetin of the American Society of Hematology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 06 December 2002 - 10 December 2002,
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Chong BH, 2002, 'A randomised, prospective, multicentive study comparing the efficacy, safety and cost of once daily Enoxaparin Given at Home with Unfractionated Heparin Given in Hospital in teh Treatment of Deep-Vein Thrombosis', in Broze G (ed.), Blood, American Society of Hematology, USA, pp. 703 - 704, presented at 44th Annual Meetin of the American Society of Hematology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 06 December 2002 - 10 December 2002,
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Turner J; Holmes M; Czolij R; Gaensler K; Yang HD; Fujiwara Y; Chong B; Koh P; Perkins A; Orkin S; Crossley M, 2002, 'Basic Kruppel-like factor recruits multiple co-repressors to silence gene expression.', in BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, ENGLAND, OXFORD, pp. 135 - 136, presented at 13th Conference on Hemoglobin Switching, ENGLAND, OXFORD, 26 September 2002 - 30 September 2002,
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Chisholm O; Fahmy R; Tao H; Holmes M; Chong B, 1999, 'Transcription factor and cell surface protein expression during megakaryocyte differentiation.', in EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, pp. 102 - 102,
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Sungaran R; Markovic B; Chong BH, 1999, 'The regulation of thrombopoietin mRNA expression - an in vitro and in vivo study', in Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand - Annual Scientific Meeting, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, Hobart, pp. 39A - 39A, presented at Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand - Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart,
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Sungaran R; Markovic B; Chong BH, 1999, 'The regulation of thrombopoietin mRNA expression - an in vitro and in vivo study.', in American Society of Hematology - 41st Annual Meeting, American Society of Hematology - 41st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, presented at American Society of Hematology - 41st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Yang M; Hogg PJ; Chisholm OT; Li K; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1999, 'TSP1 inhibits PEG-rHuMGDF-induced mega karyocytopoiesis via TSP/TSP receptor interaction.', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, pp. 41A - 41A,
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Yang M; Li K; Lam AC; Chui CMY; Yuen PMP; Chisholm OT; Chesterman CN; Chong BH, 1999, 'PDGF indirectly enhanced granulopoiesis.', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, pp. 46B - 46B,
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Chong BH; Eisbacher M, 1997, 'Pathophysiology and laboratory testing of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia', in SEMINARS IN HEMATOLOGY, W B SAUNDERS CO, D.C., WASHINGTON, pp. 3 - 8, presented at Symposium on Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia - State-of-the-Art, D.C., WASHINGTON, 21 June 1997,
    Conference Papers | 1987
    Chong BH; Ismail F; Cade J; Gallus AS; Gordon S; Chesterman CN, 1987, 'HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA: IN VITRO STUDIES WITH LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT HEPARINOID, ORG 10172', in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Schattauer GmbH, presented at XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 06 July 1987 - 10 July 1987,
    Preprints |
    Zhan X-Y; Chen H; Ng MHL; Li L; Chen C; Chong BH; He Y; Yang M, Platelet Dropping, Bleeding and the Requirement of New Round Treatment After Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccination in the ITP-Associated Patients in China: A Population-Based Retrospective Study, ,