Dr Ava Yu
- PhD in Marketing (UNSW Sydney, AU)
- MA in Integrated Marketing Communication (City University of Hong Kong, HK SAR)
- BA in Public Affairs Management (Nanyang Normal University, CHN)
I am a Lecturer at the School of Marketing. My research interests are consumer behaviour, service marketing, social marketing, and sustainable marketing. I am now working on publications targeting the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Service Research.
In support of my research, I was awarded a Travel Grant to attend the 2019 Doctoral Colloquium in Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), where I received a Highly Commended Paper award. My w...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2022: EF Teaching Support Grant
- 2022: Business School Career Booster Funds
- 2022: Career Development Funding
- 2021: Business Experimental Research Laboratory (BizLab) Small Project Grant
- 2021: GRS Development and Research Training Grant
- 2019: ANZMAC Doctor Colloquium Travel Grant
- 2022: Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Theses (top 10%)
- 2021: Arc Postgraduate Council (PGC) Research Student Award
- 2021: Business School Award for Teaching Excellence
- 2021: Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship
- 2020: ANZMAC Doctor Colloquium Best Paper Award
- 2020: UNSW Dean’s Award for Service (Research)
- 2019: ANZMAC Doctor Colloquium Highly Commended Award
- 2018: UNSW Tuition Fee Scholarship
- 2013: International Communication Association (ICA) Best Paper Award
Conference proceedings
- Yu, H., Uncles, M., and Jiang, Z. (2021). “Co-creation in learning: Scale development and application,” ANZMAC 2021 Conference Proceedings, ANZMAC, Melbourne, Australia, 496-499.
- Yu, H., Uncles, M., and Jiang, Z. (2020). “Exploration of co-creation in the learning economy: Conceptualisation, interpretation, measurement, and consequences,” ANZMAC online Doctor Colloquium.
- Yu, H., and Zheng, X. (2013). 'Contributions to dependency on micro-blog concerning Media System Dependency Theory,' International Communication Association (ICA), Shanghai, China.
Conference Posters
Yu, H., Uncles, M., and Jiang, Z. (2019). “Scoping review of co-creation experience in learning services industries,” presented at ANZMAC 2019 main conferences, Wellington, New Zealand, 3 December 2019.
My Teaching
- COMM1150 Global Business Environments
- COMM1120 Collaboration and Innovation in Business
- MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals
- MARK5700 Elements of Marketing
- MARK2051 Consumer Behaviour
- MARK2085 Consumer-Centric Innovation