Associate Professor Arman Khoshghalb

Associate Professor Arman Khoshghalb

Associate Professor

PhD (Geotechnical Engineering), UNSW 2012
MSc (Geotechnical Engineering), Sharif University of Technology 2005
BSc (Civil Engineering), Sharif University of Technology 2003

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr Arman Khoshghalb is a Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW Sydney. He joined the academic staff of the School in 2012.

(+61 2) 9385 5016
Civil Engineering Building (H20) Level 5, Room CE503 Kensington Campus

Nasser Khalili; Arman Khoshghalb; Bernhard Schrefler 2019-2021. ARC Discovery Project, "Non-isothermal dynamic strain localisation in unsaturated porous media", $298,257

Adrian Russell; Nasser Khalili; GaoFeng Zhao; Arman Khoshghalb; Scott Sloan; Georgios Kouretzis; Buddhima Indraratna; Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn; Mark Cassidy; Christophe Gaudin; David Williams; Alexander Scheuermann. ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities 2015. With the University of Newcastle; University of Wollongong; The University of Western Australia; The University of Queensland. “An earthquake shaking table to investigate soil-structure interactions.”, $320,000

Nasser Khalili; Arman Khoshghalb; John Rubsov 2014-2017. ARC Linkage Project Grant together with Roads and Maritime Services. "Experimental investigation and constitutive modelling of weak rocks subject to mechanical and moisture degradation", $314,280

"IACMAG Excellent Paper Award" from The International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, 2017.

"Research Excellence Award" from the The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW, 2012.

His main area of research is numerical modelling of multi-phase porous media. He has developed a Meshfree based computer program (in FORTRAN) for the coupled analysis of flow and deformation in unsaturated soils including large deformations and hydraulic hysteresis. The formulation and the program he has developed can be used for modelling existing Geotechnical structures like earth dams and natural/manmade slopes. His other research concerns dynamics and micro-mechanics of unsaturated soils, and characterisation of soil water retention curve (SWRC) in deformable soils.

His areas of interest include the following research topics:

  • Mechanics of porous media - unsaturated soils in particular
  • Application of numerical methods (meshfree methods in particular) to model geotechnical engineering problems
  • Investigation of the Soil Water Retention Curves (SWRC)
  • Inclusion of effects of large deformation in numerical modelling of geotechnical (coupled) problems
  • Large deformation modeling of slope failures
  • Soil behavior under dynamic loading

My Research Supervision

Mohammad Khoshini (jointly supervised with Prof Nasser Khalili)
Topic: Experimental investigation and constitutive modeling of weak rocks subject to mechanical and moisture degradation 

Ashkan Shafee 
Topic: Run-out analysis of slope failures


Past PhD students:

Dr Amin Pasha (jointly supervised with Prof Nasser Khalili)
Topic:Study of water retention curve in deformable porous media

Dr Meghdad Payan (jointly supervised with Prof Nasser Khalili and Dr Kostas Senetakis)
Topic: Study of small strain dynamic properties of sands and silty sands

Dr Omid Ghaffaripour 
Topic: Application of smoothed point interpolation methods to numerical modeling of saturated and unsaturated porous media

Dr Arash Tootoonchi
Topic: Numerical aspects of the application of smoothed point interpolation methods in computational geomechanics

Dr Golnaz Alipour Esgandani (jointly supervised with Prof Nasser Khalili)
Topic: Elasto-viscoplastic modeling of unsaturated soils under static and dynamic loading in 3D stress space

My Teaching

He teaches the following Geotechnical Engineering courses to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students:

  • Fundamentals of Geomechanics
  • Soil Mechanics