Scientia Professor Anushka Patel

Scientia Professor Anushka Patel

Conjoint Professor

PhD (Medicine) The University of Sydney, Australia, July 2005

FRACP (Cardiology) Royal Australasian College of Physicians, August 1998

SM (Epidemiology) Harvard University, Boston, USA, June 1998

MBBS The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, December 1989

Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Anushka Patel is Chief Executive Officer of The George Institute for Global Health and Scientia Professor at UNSW (University of New South Wales) Sydney. She is a cardiologist, with research interests in the prevention and management of common chronic conditions through large-scale clinical trials and implementation science. Anushka undertook her medical training at the University of Queensland, with subsequent postgraduate research degrees from Harvard University and University of Sydney. ...


NHMRC Global Alliance for Chronic Disease grant [APP1169763] – Scale-up of a primary care intervention for cardiovascular risk management in Malang, Indonesia (Patel A, Sujarwoto S, Praveen D, Maharani A, Tampubolon G, Abimbola S, Peiris D, Angell B, Abdurrahman M, Citra J). 2019-2023

Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change [36084171] – System -level interventions to improve the availability, accessibility and quality use of essential medicine for CVD prevention in Indonesia (Patel A, Praveen D, Sujarwoto S, Abdurrahman M, Tampubolon G, Oceandy D, Maharani A, Peiris D, Jan S, Palagyi A). 2018-2019

NHMRC Program Grant [APP1149987] – Clinical, public health and policy interventions to combat cardiovascular diseases (Neal B, Patel A, Anderson C, Woodward M,  Rodgers A, Perkovic V, Chalmers J, Chow C, Lindley R, Jan S). 2019-2023

NHMRC Global Alliance for Chronic Disease grant [APP1143911] - Systematic Medical Appraisal, Referral and Treatment for Common Mental Disorders in India - SMART Mental Health (Peiris D, Maulik P, Thornicroft G, Patel A, Sagar R, Praveen D, Raman U, Essue B, Billot L, Kant S). 2018-2021

NHMRC Principal Research Fellowship [APP1136898] (Patel A) 2018-2022

Give2Asia on the advice of the Pfizer Foundation. SMARThealth EXTEND (Patel A, Praveen D, MacMahon S) 2016-2018

Qualcomm Wireless Reach. China Center for mHealth Innovation (Patel A, MacMahon S, Zhang P) 2015-2018

NHMRC Global Alliance for Chronic Disease grant [APP1093171] - A lifestyle intervention program for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus among South Asian women with gestational diabetes mellitus (Patel A, Zoungas S, Teede H, De Silva A, Naheed A, Jan S, Lombard C). 2015-2020

NHMRC Global Alliance for Chronic Disease grant [APP1094712] - Systematic Medical Assessment, Referral and Treatment for Diabetes care in China using Lay Family Health Promoters - SMART Diabetes (Peiris D, Zhang P, Ji L, Patel A, Xu J, Liang Z, Liu Y, Tian M, Essue B). 2015-2018
NHMRC Project Grant [APP1084657] – An integrated general practice and pharmacy-based intervention to promote the prescription and use of appropriate preventive medications among individuals at high cardiovascular risk (Patel A, Peiris D, Saini B, Joshi R, Usherwood T, Armour C, Webster R, Lo S) 2015-2019

NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship [APP1079301] (Patel A) 2015-2019

RACGP / Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd Research Grants – HealthTracker: A cloud-based clinical decision support system for translating multiple chronic disease guidelines into practice (Peiris A, Patel A, Gallagher M, Zoungas S, Paton C, Hersch F) 2014

HCF Research Foundation Scholarships and Fellowship in Health Services Research (Patel A, Turnbull F). 2014-2017

NIH (NIMH) [1R01MH100332-01] – Integrating depression care for ACS patients in low resource hospitals in China (PIs: Wu Y, Yu X; Co-Is: Sikemma K, Blumenthal J, Patel A, Maulik P). 2014-2017

NHMRC Program Grant [APP1052555] – Discovery and translation of evidence for new strategies to combat cardiovascular diseases (MacMahon S, Chalmers J, Neal B, Woodward M, Anderson C, Patel A, Rodgers A, Perkovic V) 2014-2018

NHMRC Global Alliance Against Chronic Disease Grant [APP1040152] – Randomised controlled trial of early use of a simplified treatment regimen incorporating a half-dose, three-in-one blood pressure lowering pill vs. usual care for improving hypertension control in India (Patel A, Rodgers A, Prabhakaran D, Jan S, Webster R, Maulik P, Thom S) 2012-2017

NHMRC Global Alliance Against Chronic Disease Grant [APP1040147] – A smartphone-based clinical decision support system for primary health care workers to improve the detection and management of hypertension and associated cardiovascular risk in rural India (Peiris D, Patel A, MacMahon S, Prabhakaran D, Clifford G, Maulik P, Joshi R, Jan S, Heritier S) 2012-2015

NSW Health Living Well: the NSW Aboriginal Health Chronic Care Initiative: Electronic Decision Support Tool for improving chronic care for Aboriginal people in NSW (Peiris D, Patel A, Cass A, Feyer A) 2011-2013

NHMRC Partnership Grant [1027847] - Electronic decision support for osteoporosis care to assist clinicians and patients in primary care and hospitals (Eisman J, Center J, Nguyen T, Peiris D, Patel A, Watt W, Salkeld G, Goldstein S, Dartnell J, Selecki Y) 2012-2014

HCF Health and Medical Research Foundation Research Grant. An integrated electronic decision support system for cardiovascular disease management (Redfern J, Peiris D, Patel A, Turnbull F, Stowasser D) 2012-2014

NHMRC Project Grant [1010547] – Evaluation of a novel electronic decision support tool for cardiovascular risk management – the TORPEDO study (Patel A, Peiris D, Usherwood T, Harris M, Hayman N, Panaretto K, Redfern J, Zwar N, Colagiuri S) 2011-2012

Australia-India Council (Australian Government) Grant – Working towards a disability inclusive society in Andhra Pradesh, India (Lindley R, Anderson C, Maher C, Ivers R, Patel A, Murthy GV) 2010

Australian Diabetes Society – Servier Diabetes Strategy Grant – The management of blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes: predictors of therapeutic efficacy and evidence based guidelines (Zoungas S, Chalmers J, Patel A, Shaw J) 2010

International Diabetes Federation BRIDGES Grant – prevention of type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes in urban India – a feasibility study (Tandon N, Prabhakaran D, Patel A, Reddy P, Joshi R, Desai A) 2010-2011

NHMRC -EU (FP7) Health Collaborative Research Grant [571456] - The Use of a Multidrug Pill in Reducing Cardiovascular Events (UMPIRE) trial (Rodgers A, Patel A, Neal B) 2010-2012

NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship [632938] (Patel A) 2010-2014

University of Sydney International Program Development Fund Project Grant (Patel A, R Ivers, C Cowell) 2010

European Commission FP7 (7th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration) Collaborative Project [FP7 – 241849] – Use of a Multidrug Pill to Reduce Cardiovascular Events (UMPIRE) (Thom S, Stanton A, Grobbee D, Patel A, Reddy KS, Rodgers A, Cidambi R) 2010-2012 

NHMRC Development Grant [571381] – A new model of cardiovascular prevention in primary care (MacMahon S, Neal B, Patel A, Harris M) 2009-2010

NHMRC Program Grant [571281] – Generating the evidence for new strategies to combat cardiovascular diseases (MacMahon S, Chalmers J, Neal B, Woodward M, Anderson C, Patel A) 2009-2013

Cardiovascular Lipid Research Grant. A novel decision support tool to improve guidelines implementation for managing vascular risk in general practice (Webster R, Patel A) 2008

NHLBI / Ovations Chronic Disease Initiative – China Ovations Centre (Han Q, Ke Y, Wu Y, MacMahon S, Neal B, Leeder S, Lopez A, Elliott, P, Anderson C, Bauman A, Carroll T, Chapman S, Dibley MJ, Owen N,  Patel A, Salkeld G, Stevenson M, Taylor R , Shi J, Zhang R, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Feng X) 2008-2012

NHMRC General Practice Clinical Research Program Grant [510173] The feasibility and impact of cardiovascular absolute risk assessment in general practice (Harris M, Zwar N, Campbell T, Patel A, Vagholkar S, Wan Q, McKenzie S, Walker C) 2008-2010

NHMRC Project Grant [512463] Development and validation of an Australian Diabetes Health Policy Simulation Model (Clarke P, Gray A, Davis T, Patel A) 2008-2010

NHMRC Primary Health Care Project Grant [457508] – Randomised trial of a “polypill” to improve guidelines adherence for vascular disease prevention in primary health care (Patel A, Rodgers A, Usherwood T, Jan S, Tonkin A, Henry D) 2008-2010

Sanofi-Aventis China – Investigator-initiated grant: Clinical Pathways for Acute Coronary Syndromes in China Phase 2 [CPACS-2] (Patel A, Wu Y, Gao R) 2007-2010

NHMRC Health Services Research Program [402797]- Reduction in disparities in health outcomes in cardiovascular diseases and chronic kidney disease for Indigenous Australians (Cass A, Brown A, Patel A, Devitt J, Eades S, Hayman N, Isbel N, Jan S, Ring I, Stewart G, Tonkin A, Weeramanthri T) 2006-2010

National Heart Foundation of Australia Career [CR 05S 2276] Development Fellowship (Patel A) 2006-2010

Royal Australasian College of Physicians – Foundation for High Blood Pressure Research Fellowship (Patel A) – revised award for project costs 2006

Heart Research Council of New Zealand (CRodgers A; Patel A - CI and Lead International Investigator).  International Investment Opportunity Grant – The polypill for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a pilot study 2006-2007

Health Research Council of New Zealand: Does a polypill improve cardiovascular guideline implementation in primary care? (Rodgers A, Rafter N, Arroll B, Bramley D, Connor J, Cook R, Crengle S, Doughty R, Feigin V, Jackson R, Maling T, Milne R, Neal B, Patel A, Simmons D, Vander Hoorn S) 2006-2008

Sanofi-Aventis Australia – Unrestricted educational grant: electronic decision support for vascular risk management in primary health care (Patel A, Anderson C, Neal B) 2005

Royal Australasian College of Physicians Cottrell Fellowship (Patel A) 2005

Sanofi-Aventis China - Unrestricted educational grant: Clinical Pathways for Acute Coronary Syndromes in China [CPACS] (Patel A, Gao R) 2004-2005

Initiative for Cardiovascular Health in Developing Countries (IC Health) Protocol Development Grant.  Development and evaluation of a high-risk practice guide for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in China (Tang JL, Patel A, Zhan SY, Sun NL, Hu YH, Woo J, Kong LZ, Li LM) 2004

Guidant Corporation. Unrestricted educational grant: Clinical Pathways for Acute Coronary Syndromes in China [CPACS] (CIs: Patel A, Gao R) 2003

Cardiovascular Lipid Research Grant. Plasma lipids as predictors of recurrent ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke in patients with prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack (CIs: Patel A, Woodward M, Sullivan D) 2002 

John Yu Oration & Medal, 2019

Australian Academy of Science Gustav Nossal Medal in Global Health 2018

NHMRC Principal Research Fellowship 2018-2022

NHMRC Research Excellence Award (Elizabeth Blackburn Fellowship) 2015

NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship 2015-2019

NHMRC Achievement Award for the highest-ranked Program Grant 2013

Named as one of the 100 most influential people in Sydney (2011), Sydney Morning Herald, 8 Dec 2011

NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship 2010-2014

NHMRC Achievement Award for the highest-ranked Program Grant 2008

Peter Bancroft Prize, University of Sydney 2006

National Heart Foundation of Australia Career Development Fellowship 2006-2009

RACP Foundation for High Blood Pressure Research Fellowship 2006

RACP Cottrell Fellowship 2005

Patron’s Prize, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 1996

AMA Memorial Prize in Clinical Medicine, University of Queensland 1989

Principal Investigator (2010 to present): Program of research aimed at reducing the incidence of type 2 diabetes among women with gestational diabetes in South Asia. Large multi-country study ongoing.

Principal Investigator (2006 to present):  Program of research encompassing development, implementation and evaluation of primary care interventions for improving management of vascular risk and other chronic conditions (Australia, India, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka). Multiple completed and ongoing studies.

Principal Investigator (2004 to present):  Program of studies evaluating the role of fixed-dose combination therapy (“polypills”) for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Multiple completed and ongoing studies.

Principal Investigator (2003 to 2018): Clinical pathways in the management of acute coronary syndromes in China (CPACS) – 4 consecutive large cluster trials aimed at increasing evidence-based care of ACS and common co-morbidities. Completed and major findings published.

Study Director and Steering Committee member (2001 to 2015): ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease). Randomised trial of intensive blood pressure lowering and glucose control in 11,140 individuals with type 2 diabetes – blood pressure arm completed and reported in September 2007; glucose lowering arm completed and reported in June 2008.  Director of the International Coordinating Centre for ADVANCE-ON (long-term follow-up of surviving participants) commenced 2009 with follow-up until 2014. Completed and major findings published.

Investigator (Jan 2002 to 2010):  Asia-Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration (APCSC) – individual participant data overview of cohort studies in the Asia-Pacific region. Completed and major findings published.

Investigator and Coordinator (1999 to 2002): PCAT (Primary Coronary Angioplasty versus Thrombolysis) Collaboration.  Individual patient data overview of randomised trials comparing primary coronary angioplasty and thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction. Completed and major findings published.

Investigator (1999 to 2006): FIELD (Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes) Vascular Substudy.  Effect of comicronised fenofibrate on carotid intima-media thickness and vascular reactivity in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Completed and major findings published.

My Research Supervision

PhD students
2018 – ongoing    Ms Briar McKenzie (Scientia Scholarship – UNSW)
2017 – ongoing    Ms Robyn Walsh (University of Western Sydney)

MPhil students
2017 – ongoing    Ms Ainsley Goff (University of Sydney)

My Teaching


2008    NSW Health Office for Science & Medical Research Clinical Trials Course

Lectures, tutorials, clinical teaching

2011 – 2016     Online Moderator, MPH, University of Sydney

2003 – 2010     Lecturer, Master of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Sydney

2003 – 2010     Year 1 Case Coordinator, Graduate Medical Program, University of Sydney

2002 – 2014     Lecturer, Master of International Public Health, University of Sydney

2000 – 2010     Consultant Lecturer, RPAH FRACP First Part Preparation Course

2009                 Lecturer, PUBH5020, University of Sydney 

2008                 Examiner, Graduate Medical Program Year 3 Summative long Cases, University of Sydney

2003 – 2008     Cardiology registrar training seminars, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

1999 – 2008     Tutor in Evidence Based Medicine, Graduate Medical Program, University of Sydney

1999 – 2008     Clinical Tutor (Cardiology), Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

1999 – 2002     Lecture Program for FRACP Candidates, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital